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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[29912] and year collected:[1914]
= with images
FH: 00394587
Dibaeis baeomyces
(Linnaeus f.) Rambold & Hertel USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-12-15
FH: 00437414
Graphina scolecitis
(Tuckerman) Fink USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5
FH: 00437835
Graphis scripta serpentina
(Acharius) G. Meyer USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00438700
Lecania cyrtella
(Acharius) Th. Fries USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 3 1914-5
FH: 00442347
Leptogium cyanescens
(Persoon) Körber USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-8-20
FH: 00442350
Leptogium cyanescens
(Persoon) Körber USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5-25
FH: 00469242
Parmotrema hypoleucinum
(J. Steiner) Hale USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00467821
Parmotrema hypoleucinum
(J. Steiner) Hale USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-3
FH: 00467913
Parmotrema perforatum
(Acharius) A. Massalongo USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5-15
FH: 00467985
Parmotrema perlatum
(Hudson) M. Choisy USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00467986
Parmotrema submarginale
(Michaux) P. DePriest & B. W. Hale USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-3
FH: 00470066
Peltigera polydactyla
(Necker) Hoffmann USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-8-1
FH: 00470321
Peltigera rufescens
(Weiss) Humboldt USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00470333
Peltigera rufescens
(Weiss) Humboldt USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-8-20
FH: 00471851
Phaeographis dendritica sinensigrapha
(Fée) Zahlbruckner USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00471857
Phaeographis inusta
(Acharius) Müller Arg. USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-8-2
FH: 00471865
Phaeographis sp.
USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00472779
Phaeophyscia pusilloides
(Zahlbruckner) Esslinger USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5-3
FH: 00472780
Phaeophyscia pusilloides
(Zahlbruckner) Esslinger USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-8-2
FH: 00472181
Physcia adscendens
(Fries) H. Olivier USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5-23
FH: 00472672
Physcia millegrana
Degelius USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-5
FH: 00472779
Physcia orbicularis
(Baumgarten) Poetsch USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5-3
FH: 00472780
Physcia orbicularis
(Baumgarten) Poetsch USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-8-2
FH: 00473012
Physcia stellaris
(Linnaeus) Nylander USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00468220
Punctelia rudecta
(Acharius) Krog USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00478372
Rinodina pachysperma
H. Magnusson USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5
FH: 00480840
Teloschistes chrysophthalmus
(Linnaeus) Th. Fries USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5-20
FH: 00407601
Xanthoria parietina
(Linnaeus) Th. Fries USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-5-14
FH: 00407602
Xanthoria parietina
(Linnaeus) Th. Fries USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-6-10
FH: 00496380
Cephalozia francisci
(Hooker) Dumortier USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 56 1914-11-24
FH: 00496381
Cephalozia francisci
(Hooker) Dumortier USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-10-25
FH: 00371275
Cladonia foliacea epiphylla
(Schaerer) Vainio USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00371275
Cladonia furcata
(Hudson) Schrader USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00371282
Cladonia furcata
(Hudson) Schrader USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-10-4
FH: 00428464
Cladonia grayi
G. Merrill ex Sandstede USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 216 1914-5-23
FH: 00428904
Cladonia macilenta
Hoffmann USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-5-10
FH: 00428905
Cladonia macilenta
Hoffmann USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-5-23
FH: 00370071
Cladonia mateocyatha
Robbins USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 34 1914
FH: 00370416
Cladonia multiformis
G. Merrill USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 28 1914
FH: 00370934
Cladonia peziziformis
(Withering) J. R. Laundon USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-7-4
FH: 00426143
Cladonia ramulosa
(Withering) J. R. Laundon USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00426891
Cladonia scabriuscula
(Delise) Nylander USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 2 1914
FH: 00391115
Cladonia subcariosa
Nylander USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00391145
Cladonia subcariosa
Nylander USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 01140260
Cladonia turgida
Ehrhart ex Hoffmann USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-10-20
FH: 00475403
Pycnothelia papillaria
(Ehrhart) Dufour USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 13 1914-5
FH: 00372669
Lecanora allophana
(Acharius) Nylander USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-3
FH: 00372915
Lecanora caesiorubella prolifera
(Fink) R. C. Harris USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00451733
Lecanora pulicaris
(Persoon) Acharius USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-4
FH: 00451962
Lecanora subfusca
(Linnaeus) Acharius USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-4-15
FH: 00451964
Lecanora subfusca
(Linnaeus) Acharius USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-9-27
FH: 00451866
Lecanora subpallens
Zahlbruckner USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-5-20
FH: 00451867
Lecanora subpallens
Zahlbruckner USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-8-2
FH: 00476194
Pyrrhospora varians
(Acharius) R. C. Harris USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 9 1914-5
FH: 00476194
Lecidea varians
Acharius USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 9 1914-5
FH: 00455650
Ochrolechia parella
(Linnaeus) A. Massalongo USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-9-27
FH: 00467040
Opegrapha pulicaris
(Hoffmann) Schrader USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 01135554
Pallavicinia lyellii
(Hooker) Gray USA: New York [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-11-24
FH: 00439922
Flavoparmelia caperata
(Linnaeus) Hale USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 26 1914
FH: 00467986
Parmelia cetrarioides
Delise USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-3
FH: 00467821
Parmelia perforata
(Wulfen) Acharius USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-3
FH: 00468398
Parmelia saxatilis
(Linnaeus) Acharius USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00467913
Parmelia sp.
USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-5-15
FH: 00468398
Parmelia squarrosa
Hale USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00467985
Parmeliopsis hyperopta
(Acharius) Vainio USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914
FH: 00079368
Usnea articulata
(Linnaeus) L. Hoffmann USA: New York Long Island: R. A. Latham 23 1914
FH: 00079368
Usnea cavernosa
Tuckerman USA: New York Long Island: R. A. Latham 23 1914
FH: 00538214
Usnea subfusca
Stirton USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 28 1914
FH: 00079368
Usnea trichodea
Acharius USA: New York Long Island: R. A. Latham 23 1914
FH: 00494031
Usnea trichodea
Acharius USA: New York Orient: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 91 1914-5
FH: 00471329
Pertusaria multipuncta
(Turner) Nylander USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-8-2
FH: 00471669
Pertusaria velata
(Turner) Nylander USA: New York Long Island: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-5
FH: 00474322
Porpidia albocaerulescens
(Wulfen) Hertel & Knoph USA: New York Orient: [data not captured] R. A. Latham 1914-5
FH: 00079837
Biatora rivulosa
(Acharius) Fries USA: New York Orient: R. A. Latham 193 1914-12-15
FH: 00079837
Trapelia coarctata
(Turner ex Smith) M. Choisy USA: New York Orient: R. A. Latham 193 1914-12-15
FH: 00477370
Ramalina stenospora
Müller Argoviensis USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 1914-3
FH: 00477448
Ramalina willeyi
R. Howe USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 17 1914-3
FH: 00477450
Ramalina willeyi
R. Howe USA: New York Long Island: [no additional data] R. A. Latham 20 1914