Acanthaceae GH: 02527269 Justicia matammensis (Schweinfurth) Oliver Uganda: Vicinity of Eajuia, on the trail from Entebb... E. A. Mearns 2687 1910-1-4
GH: 02527403 Lepidagathis scariosa Nees Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 2955 1910-2-4
GH: 02527519 Nelsonia brunelloides (Lamarck) Kuntze Uganda: Alogn the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimuble and... E. A. Mearns 3016 1910-2
GH: 02527519 Nelsonia canescens (Lamarck) Sprengel Uganda: Alogn the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimuble and... E. A. Mearns 3016 1910-2
Betulaceae A: 02196736 Betula alleghaniensis Britton USA: New York Vicinity of Highland Falls, in the Hudson Hi... E. A. Mearns 89 1910-9-10
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 02504938 Chamaecrista nigricans (Vahl) Greene Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 3035 1910-2-4
Cyperaceae GH: 00260671 Scirpus articulatus Linnaeus Sudan: "Rhino Camp", Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave. [... E. A. Mearns 2890 1910-1-10
GH: 00260671 Scirpus fistulosus Forsskal Sudan: "Rhino Camp", Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave. [... E. A. Mearns 2890 1910-1-10
Ericaceae A: 01592517 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: New York Vicinity of Highland Falls, in the Hudson Hi... E. A. Mearns 30 1910-7-11
A: 01593005 Gaylussacia frondosa (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: New York near Sutherland Pond E. A. Mearns 116 1910-9-1
Fabaceae GH: 02321882 Alysicarpus ovalifolius (Schumacher) J. LĂ©onard Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 2974 1910-2-4
Poaceae GH: 02542421 Andropogon eucomus Nees Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimbule and... E. A. Mearns 3049 1910-2-4
GH: 02541191 Brachiaria comata Stapf : Africa: Along the Bahr el Jabel, between Nim... E. A. Mearns 3052 1910-2-4
GH: 02541228 Brachiaria kotschyana Stapf : Africa: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nim... E. A. Mearns 3044 1910-2-4
GH: 02542565 Cymbopogon nardus (Linnaeus) Rendle Uganda: Vicinity of Hoima, on the trail from Entebbe... E. A. Mearns 2672 1910-1-2
GH: 02542585 Cymbopogon schoenanthus Sprengel : Africa: "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado En... E. A. Mearns 2914 1910-1-10
GH: 02447112 Diplachne sp. Congo: "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, C... E. A. Mearns 2847 1910-1-10
GH: 02447111 Diplachne sp. Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 3022 1910-2-4
GH: 02541673 Echinochloa jubata Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, C... E. A. Mearns 2908 1910-1-10
GH: 02447112 Eragrostis japonica (Thunberg) Trinius Congo: "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, C... E. A. Mearns 2847 1910-1-10
GH: 02447111 Eragrostis japonica (Thunberg) Trinius Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 3022 1910-2-4
GH: 01583908 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 2994 1910-2-4
GH: 02447252 Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter Uganda: Vicinity of Eajuia, on the trail from Entebb... E. A. Mearns 2706 1910-1-4
GH: 02447285 Eragrostis tremula Hochstetter ex Steudel Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 3030 1910-2-4
GH: 02542674 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes Uganda: Vicinity of Gondokoro E. A. Mearns 3070 1910-2-17
GH: 02542842 Hyparrhenia dissoluta (Nees ex Steudel) C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, C... E. A. Mearns 2798 1910-1-10
GH: 02542815 Hyparrhenia schimperi (Hochstetter ex A. Richard) Andersson ex Stapf Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 3039 1910-2-4
GH: 02434149 Oxytenanthera abyssinica (A. Richard) Munro Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 3025 1910-2-4
GH: 02445700 Perotis indica (Linnaeus) Kuntze Uganda: Vicinity of Butiaba, Albert Nyanza E. A. Mearns 2752 1910-1-5
GH: 02444302 Sacciolepis interrupta (Willdenow) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: "Rhink Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, C... E. A. Mearns 2797 1910-1-10
Rosaceae A: 01701540 Rubus odoratus Linnaeus USA: New York Vicinity of Highland Falls, in the Hudson Hi... E. A. Mearns 37 1910-7
Rubiaceae GH: 02437602 Cordylostigma virgatum (Willdenow) Groeninckx & Dussein Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 2966 1910-2-4
GH: 02435018 Pseudomussaenda flava Verdcourt Uganda: Along the Bahr el Jebel, between Nimule and ... E. A. Mearns 3019 1910-2-4
Verbenaceae A: 02516470 Clerodendrum cuneatum Turczaninow : Africa (Region): Along the Bahr el Jebel, fr... E. A. Mearns 2942 1910-1-10