Acanthaceae GH: 00093672 Aphelandra alexandri Leonard Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, region of Mount Chapon, 130 ... A. E. Lawrance 601 1932-11-26
A: 00549687 Aphelandra alexandri Leonard Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo: 130 miles north of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 601 1932-11-26
A: 00093674 Aphelandra boyacensis Leonard Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, 130 miles north of Bogota, d... A. E. Lawrance 565 1932-11-7
GH: 00105826 Aphelandra chaponensis Leonard Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 18 1932-5-8
GH: 00093716 Aphelandra parviflora Leonard Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, low thick forest, 35... A. E. Lawrance 201 1932-6-10
A: 00093823 Cyphacanthus atopus Leonard Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, 130 miles north of Bogota, h... A. E. Lawrance 502 1932-10-1
A: 00094068 Justicia chaponensis Leonard Colombia: Boyacá East Chapon region, 100 miles northwest of B... A. E. Lawrance 60 1932-5-27
GH: 00094161 Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard Colombia: Boyacá El Humbo region, 130 miles northwest of Bogo... A. E. Lawrance 441 1932-9-19
GH: 00094160 Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard Colombia: Boyacá El Humbo region, 130 miles northwest of Bogo... A. E. Lawrance 441 1932-9-19
GH: 00971855 Ruellia sp. Colombia: Boyacá Region of El Umbo, 130 m. NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 491 1932-9-30
GH: 00094224 Ruellia viridiflora Leonard Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, El Umbo region, high... A. E. Lawrance 491 1932-9-30
GH: 00971855 Ruellia viridiflora Leonard Colombia: Boyacá Region of El Umbo, 130 m. NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 491 1932-9-30
Annonaceae A: 00039392 Guatteria chasmantha R. E. Fries Colombia: Boyacá Region Alto Chapon. 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 422 1932-8-9
GH: 00404994 Guatteria chasmantha R. E. Fries Colombia: Boyacá Alto Chapon region, extreme western part of ... A. E. Lawrance 422 1932-8-9
GH: 00039425 Guatteria crassipes R. E. Fries Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 307 1932-7-11
A: 00039408 Guatteria lawrancei R. E. Fries Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 215 1932-6-14
GH: 00039417 Guatteria novogranatensis R. E. Fries Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region. Region of Mount Chapon, extr... A. E. Lawrance 552 1932-10-27
GH: 00039425 Guatteria petiolata R. E. Fries Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 307 1932-7-11
A: 00039408 Guatteria pogonopus Martius Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 215 1932-6-14
A: 00039392 Guatteria sp. Colombia: Boyacá Region Alto Chapon. 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 422 1932-8-9
A: 00039408 Guatteria ucayalina Huber Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 215 1932-6-14
Apocynaceae A: 00078636 Allomarkgrafia plumeriiflora Woodson Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo, 130 miles north of Bogota, 3200 fee... A. E. Lawrance 534 1932-10-13
GH: 02182124 Allomarkgrafia plumeriiflora Woodson Colombia: Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 534 1932-10-13
GH: 02115828 Forsteronia graciloides Woodson Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, Region of Mt. Chapon, extrem... A. E. Lawrance 453 1932-9-22
A: 02115924 Forsteronia sp. Colombia: Boyacá Region El Humbo; Locality 130 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 453 1932-9-22
A: 02379397 Mandevilla callista Woodson Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 182 1932-6-8
A: 02379396 Mandevilla callista Woodson Colombia: Boyacá L. Chapon; 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 182 1932-6-8
A: 02379530 Mandevilla mollissima (Kunth) K. Schumann Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 214 1932-6-14
A: 02379642 Mandevilla speciosa (Kunth) Morales Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 143 1932-6-3
GH: 02379700 Mandevilla subsagittata (Ruiz & Pavon) Woodson Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 361 1932-7-27
A: 02379695 Mandevilla subsagittata (Ruiz & Pavon) Woodson Colombia: Boyacá Region Chapon; 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 51 1932-5-13
A: 02379693 Mandevilla subsagittata (Ruiz & Pavon) Woodson Colombia: Boyacá La Chapon; 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 361 1932-7-27
A: 02379776 Mandevilla veraguasensis (Seemann) Hemsley Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 106 1932-5-23
A: 02383055 Prestonia sp. Colombia: Boyacá Agua Perro; 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 424 1932-8-9
A: 02383051 Prestonia sp. Colombia: Boyacá Alto Chapon; 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 241 1932-6-17
GH: 02375649 Tabernaemontana columbiensis (L. Allorge) Leeuwenberg Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region. Region of Mt. Chapon, extrem... A. E. Lawrance 446 1932-9-19
GH: 02375790 Tabernaemontana heterophylla Vahl Colombia: Boyacá Chapon. 100 M-N.W. of Bogata A. E. Lawrance 306 1932-7-11
A: 02375906 Tabernaemontana sananho Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Boyacá El Humbo. 130 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 446 1932-9-19
GH: 02375649 Tabernaemontana undulata Vahl Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region. Region of Mt. Chapon, extrem... A. E. Lawrance 446 1932-9-19
Aquifoliaceae GH: 00049415 Ilex utilis Moldenke Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 559 1932-11-4
Araceae GH: 01655851 Dieffenbachia sp. Colombia: State of Boyaca; Region of C. Chapon, 100 m ... A. E. Lawrance 379 1932-8-2
GH: 01630865 Spathiphyllum fulvovirens Schott Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo. 130 M-N of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 696 1932-3-22
GH: 01874511 Xanthosoma sp. Colombia: Boyacá Region of "El Humbo" 130 m. n of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 539 1932-10-15
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00076504 Fischeria viridis Moldenke Colombia: Boyacá Upper Mount Chapon region, 6500 feet A. E. Lawrance 396 1932-8-8
GH: 00076504 Matelea viridis (Moldenke) Spellman Colombia: Boyacá Upper Mount Chapon region, 6500 feet A. E. Lawrance 396 1932-8-8
Asteraceae GH: 00007562 Eupatorium Linnaeus Colombia: Boyacá W. Chapón, 100 mi. north of Bogotá, 3300 f... A. E. Lawrance 279 1932-7-2
GH: 00007562 Eupatorium boyacense B. L. Robinson Colombia: Boyacá W. Chapón, 100 mi. north of Bogotá, 3300 f... A. E. Lawrance 279 1932-7-2
GH: 00007563 Eupatorium boyacense B. L. Robinson Colombia: Boyacá W. Chapón, 100 mi. north of Bogotá, 3300 f... A. E. Lawrance 279 1932-7-2
GH: 00010364 Mikania lawrancei B. L. Robinson Colombia: Boyacá Alto Chapon; 100 miles northwest of Bogota; ... A. E. Lawrance 413 1932-8-9
GH: 00010365 Mikania lawrancei B. L. Robinson Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 413 1932-8-9
Begoniaceae GH: 00068228 Begonia extensa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, overhanging streams ... A. E. Lawrance 187 1932-6-8
A: 00068229 Begonia extensa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, overhanging streams ... A. E. Lawrance 187 1932-6-8
Bombacaceae A: 00071905 Matisia longiflora Gleason Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo, 130 miles north of Bogota, edge of ... A. E. Lawrance 538 1932-10-15
Bromeliaceae GH: 02016532 Aechmea veitchii Baker Colombia: Boyacá Region of E. Chapon, 100 m. NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 369 1932-7-31
Brunelliaceae GH: 00043284 Brunellia comocladifolia boyacensis Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 347 1932-7-21
Campanulaceae A: 00969164 Burmeistera boyacensis F. González & J. Garzón-Venegas Colombia: Boyacá Region Alto Chapon. 100 m NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 411 1932-8-9
A: 00969164 Burmeistera sp. Colombia: Boyacá Region Alto Chapon. 100 m NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 411 1932-8-9
Caryocaraceae GH: 00062676 Anthodiscus montanus Gleason Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, region of Mount Chapon, nort... A. E. Lawrance 474 1932-9-25
Clusiaceae A: 00067431 Clusia orhtoneura Standley Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon A. E. Lawrance 131 1932-6-2
Dichapetalaceae A: 00045294 Symphyllanthus plicatus Gleason Colombia: Boyacá 100 miles northwest of Bogota, Alto Chapon r... A. E. Lawrance 414 1932-8-9
Dioscoreaceae GH: 00030380 Dioscorea chaponensis R. Knuth Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 329 1932-7-16
GH: 00030405 Dioscorea lawrancei R. Knuth Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 472A 1932-7-16
Ericaceae GH: 00015253 Psammisia salmonea Sleumer Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, northwest of Bogota. E... A. E. Lawrance 464 1932-9-24
A: 00015254 Psammisia salmonea Sleumer Colombia: Boyacá 130 miles northwest of Bogota, El Humbo Regi... A. E. Lawrance 464 1932-9-24
Euphorbiaceae A: 00105457 Croton ater Croizat Colombia: Boyacá Region El Umbo, 130 miles north of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 593 1932-11-19
GH: 00047264 Croton ater Croizat Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region; Region of Mount Chapon, ext... A. E. Lawrance 593 1932-11-19
A: 00303799 Croton ater Croizat Colombia: State [Dept.] of Boyaca, 130 miles N. of Bog... A. E. Lawrance 593 1932-11-19
A: 00303799 Croton draconoides Müller Argoviensis Colombia: State [Dept.] of Boyaca, 130 miles N. of Bog... A. E. Lawrance 593 1932-11-19
GH: 00047324 Croton killipianus Croizat Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 588 1932-11-18
A: 00047325 Croton killipianus Croizat Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 588 1932-11-18
A: 00303799 Croton sampatik Müller Argoviensis Colombia: State [Dept.] of Boyaca, 130 miles N. of Bog... A. E. Lawrance 593 1932-11-19
GH: 00047264 Croton sp. Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region; Region of Mount Chapon, ext... A. E. Lawrance 593 1932-11-19
A: 00303799 Croton sp. Colombia: State [Dept.] of Boyaca, 130 miles N. of Bog... A. E. Lawrance 593 1932-11-19
A: 00048691 Plukenetia chaponensis Croizat Colombia: Boyacá Region of Chapon, extreme western part of De... A. E. Lawrance 276 1932-6-29
A: 00048691 Plukenetia lehmanniana (Pax & K. Hoffmann) Huft & L. J. Gillespie Colombia: Boyacá Region of Chapon, extreme western part of De... A. E. Lawrance 276 1932-6-29
Fabaceae A: 00277304 Dioclea pulchra Moldenke Colombia: El Umbo; Boyaca; 130 miles north of Bogotá A. E. Lawrance 528 1932-10-12
A: 00277290 Dioclea pulchra Moldenke Colombia: El Umbo; Boyaca; 130 miles north of Bogotá A. E. Lawrance 528 1932-10-12
A: 00063638 Swartzia amplifolia colombiana R. S. Cowan Colombia: Boyacá 130 miles northwest of Bogota, high thick fo... A. E. Lawrance 495 1932-10-1
GH: 00063639 Swartzia amplifolia colombiana R. S. Cowan Colombia: Boyacá 130 miles northwest of Bogota, high thick fo... A. E. Lawrance 495 1932-10-1
Flacourtiaceae GH: 00066683 Dendrostigma hystricina Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 M - NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 406 1932-8-9
GH: 00589329 Dendrostigma hystricina Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 M - NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 406 1932-8-9
GH: 00589330 Dendrostigma hystricina Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 M - NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 406 1932-8-9
GH: 00066683 Mayna hystricina (Gleason) Sleumer Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 M - NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 406 1932-8-9
GH: 00589329 Mayna hystricina (Gleason) Sleumer Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 M - NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 406 1932-8-9
GH: 00589330 Mayna hystricina (Gleason) Sleumer Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 M - NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 406 1932-8-9
Gesneriaceae A: 00054769 Besleria cognata C. V. Morton Colombia: Boyacá Extreme western part of Department Boyaca, r... A. E. Lawrance 150 1932-6-3
GH: 00054776 Besleria illustris C. V. Morton Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 miles NW of Bogo... A. E. Lawrance 246 1932-6-18
A: 00054777 Besleria illustris C. V. Morton Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 100 miles NW of Bogo... A. E. Lawrance 246 1932-6-18
A: 00054801 Besleria tuberculata C. V. Morton Colombia: Boyacá Extreme western part of Boyacá, region of M... A. E. Lawrance 102 1932-5-23
GH: 00054800 Besleria tuberculata C. V. Morton Colombia: Boyacá Extreme western part of Boyacá, region of M... A. E. Lawrance 102 1932-5-23
Icacinaceae A: 00050228 Discophora montana R. A. Howard Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, 130 miles north of Bogota, a... A. E. Lawrance 522 1932-10-9
Lacistemataceae A: 00030809 Lozania Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 524 1932-10-9
GH: 00030808 Lozania bipinnata L. B. Smith Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 524 1932-10-9
A: 00030809 Lozania bipinnata L. B. Smith Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 524 1932-10-9
GH: 00030808 Lozania mutisiana Schultes Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 524 1932-10-9
A: 00030809 Lozania mutisiana Schultes Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 524 1932-10-9
Lecythidaceae A: 00075281 Eschweilera sessilis A. C. Smith Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, 7000 feet A. E. Lawrance 239 1932-6-17
Loranthaceae A: 00035801 Psittacanthus dilatatus A. C. Smith Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 108 1932-5-24
Malpighiaceae A: 00059495 Stigmaphyllon herbaceum Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo: I30 M-N of Bogota, 3000 ft A. E. Lawrance 566 1932-11-7
GH: 00045157 Stigmaphyllon herbaceum Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 566 1932-11-7
A: 00045175 Tetrapterys splendens Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá La Chapon region, 100 miles northwest of Bog... A. E. Lawrance 381 1932-8-2
GH: 00045176 Tetrapterys splendens Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá La Chapon region, 100 miles northwest of Bog... A. E. Lawrance 381 1932-8-2
Melastomataceae A: 00072901 Miconia megalantha Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Lower Chapon region, 100 miles northwest of ... A. E. Lawrance 431 1932-8-11
GH: 00072902 Miconia megalantha Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Lower Chapon region, 100 miles northwest of ... A. E. Lawrance 431 1932-8-11
A: 00072881 Miconia plena Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon A. E. Lawrance 152 1932-6-3
GH: 00589333 Miconia tubulosa Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 484 1932-9-29
GH: 00589334 Miconia tubulosa Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 484 1932-9-29
Meliaceae GH: 01147821 Ruagea glabra Triana & Planchon Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 299 1932-7-9
Menispermaceae GH: 00038927 Odontocarya tripetala Diels Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 302 1932-7-10
Mimosaceae A: 00066003 Inga lawranceana Britton & Killip Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 260 1932-6-28
A: 00066003 Inga umbellifera (Vahl) Steudel Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 260 1932-6-28
GH: 00064765 Mimosa lawrenceana Britton & Killip Colombia: Boyacá 130 miles north of Bogota, steep forested ri... A. E. Lawrance 600 1932-11-26
A: 00064764 Mimosa lawrenceana Britton & Killip Colombia: Boyacá 130 miles north of Bogota, steep forested ri... A. E. Lawrance 600 1932-11-26
GH: 00057354 Senegalia podadenia Britton & Killip Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 346 1932-7-21
Moraceae A: 00034506 Ficus chaponensis Dugand Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 273 1932-6-28
A: 00034520 Ficus hartwegii Miquel Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 175 1932-6-8
A: 00034520 Ficus lawrancei Standley Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 175 1932-6-8
A: 00312447 Ficus maxima Miller Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 190 1932-6-8
Myrsinaceae GH: 00025613 Parathesis adenanthera (Miquel) Hooker f. ex Mez Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 372 1932-7-31
A: 00025614 Parathesis adenanthera (Miquel) Hooker f. ex Mez Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 372 1932-7-31
GH: 00025613 Parathesis rubella Moldenke Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 372 1932-7-31
A: 00025614 Parathesis rubella Moldenke Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 372 1932-7-31
Ochnaceae A: 00139576 Godoya magnifica Gleason Colombia: State of Boyaca. Region: El Umbo, 130 m nort... A. E. Lawrance 599 1932-11-25
A: 00139577 Godoya magnifica Gleason Colombia: State of Boyaca. Region: El Umbo, 130 m nort... A. E. Lawrance 599 1932-11-25
A: 00139583 Godoya magnifica Gleason Colombia: State of Boyaca. Region: El Umbo, 130 m nort... A. E. Lawrance 599 1932-11-25
A: 00139576 Rhytidanthera magnifica (Gleason) Dwyer Colombia: State of Boyaca. Region: El Umbo, 130 m nort... A. E. Lawrance 599 1932-11-25
A: 00139583 Rhytidanthera magnifica (Gleason) Dwyer Colombia: State of Boyaca. Region: El Umbo, 130 m nort... A. E. Lawrance 599 1932-11-25
A: 00139577 Rhytidanthera splendida (Planchon) Tieghem Colombia: State of Boyaca. Region: El Umbo, 130 m nort... A. E. Lawrance 599 1932-11-25
A: 00139583 Rhytidanthera splendida (Planchon) Tieghem Colombia: State of Boyaca. Region: El Umbo, 130 m nort... A. E. Lawrance 599 1932-11-25
Orchidaceae GH: 02110390 Epidendrum brachycladium Lindley Colombia: Boyacá Lower Chapon region; Region of Mt. Chapon, e... A. E. Lawrance 384 1932-8-4
AMES: 00287297 Epistephium Colombia: Boyacá 100 M-NW of Bogota, upper Chapon A. E. Lawrance 360 1932-8-2
AMES: 02341348 Eulophia alta Fawcett & Rendle Colombia: Boyacá Boyaca, El Humbo, 130 N-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 451 1932-9-20
AMES: 02254359 Galeandra beyrichii H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Boyacá El Humbo, 130 M-N of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 568 1932-11-7
AMES: 01946017 Habenaria monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Boyaca. 100 M-NW of Bogota. A. E. Lawrance 206 1932-6-11
AMES: 01946077 Habenaria monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 206 1932-6-11
AMES: 02127860 Polystachya caracasana H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: 130 M-N of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 542 1932-10-16
AMES: 02127916 Polystachya foliosa (Lindley) Reichenbach f. Colombia: Boyacá Region: El Umbo; 130-M-N of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 598 1932-11-19
AMES: 01985085 Psygmorchis glossomystax (H. G. Reichenbach) Dodson & Dressler Colombia: Boyacá El Humbo; 130 M-N of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 543 1932-10-16
AMES: 02161625 Sobralia violacea Linden ex Lindley Colombia: Boyacá Region: L. Chapon. 100 M-NW of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 291 1932-7-5
Piperaceae A: 01933189 Piper eriopodon (Miquel) C. de Candolle Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, estreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 52 1932-5-25
A: 01933829 Piper munchanum C. de Candolle Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 268 1932-6-29
GH: 01933826 Piper munchanum C. de Candolle Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region. Region of Mt. Chapon, extrem... A. E. Lawrance 454 1932-9-22
Polygalaceae A: 00027024 Securidaca cristata A. C. Smith Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 174 1932-6-7
Rubiaceae GH: 00092564 Coussarea chariantha Standley Colombia: Boyacá Mount Chapon, north west of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 575 1932-11-11
A: 00404647 Coussarea chariantha Standley Colombia: Boyacá 130 M-N of Bobgota A. E. Lawrance 575 1932-11-11
GH: 00375777 Coussarea macrocalyx Standley Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 445 1932-9-19
GH: 00375778 Coussarea macrocalyx Standley Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 445 1932-9-19
GH: 00097138 Hamelia boyacana Standley Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, 130 miles north of Bogota, h... A. E. Lawrance 503 1932-10-5
A: 00097137 Hamelia boyacana Standley Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, 130 miles north of Bogota, h... A. E. Lawrance 503 1932-10-5
GH: 00097138 Hamelia calycosa J. D. Smith Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, 130 miles north of Bogota, h... A. E. Lawrance 503 1932-10-5
A: 00097137 Hamelia calycosa J. D. Smith Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo region, 130 miles north of Bogota, h... A. E. Lawrance 503 1932-10-5
A: 00232884 Palicourea boyacana Standley Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 154 1932-6-3
A: 00232890 Psychotria chaponiana Standley Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 11 1932-5-7
A: 00404647 Raritebe palicoureoides Wernham Colombia: Boyacá 130 M-N of Bobgota A. E. Lawrance 575 1932-11-11
A: 00312834 Sabicea sp. Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme western part o... A. E. Lawrance 282 1932-7-2
Rutaceae A: 00230694 Hortia brasiliana Vandelli ex de Candolle Colombia: Boyacá Upper Chapón. 100 M Northwest of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 392 1932-8-5
A: 00230694 Hortia colombiana Gleason Colombia: Boyacá Upper Chapón. 100 M Northwest of Bogota A. E. Lawrance 392 1932-8-5
Sapindaceae A: 00098208 Paullinia colombiana Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo, 130 miles north of Bogota, forest f... A. E. Lawrance 516 1932-10-7
GH: 00102743 Paullinia colombiana Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, El Umbo region, fore... A. E. Lawrance 516 1932-10-7
A: 00098208 Paullinia rugosa fimbriata (Radlkofer) H. T. Beck Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo, 130 miles north of Bogota, forest f... A. E. Lawrance 516 1932-10-7
GH: 00102743 Paullinia rugosa fimbriata (Radlkofer) H. T. Beck Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, El Umbo region, fore... A. E. Lawrance 516 1932-10-7
A: 00098214 Paullinia spicithyrsa Cuatrecasas Colombia: Boyacá El Umbo, 130 miles northwest of Bogota, fore... A. E. Lawrance 481 1932-9-27
Solanaceae A: 00801215 Brugmansia aurea Lagerheim Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapon, extreme wester part of... A. E. Lawrance 120 1932-5-25
A: 00077054 Juanulloa bicolor Gleason Colombia: Boyacá El Humbo region, 130 miles northwest of Bogo... A. E. Lawrance 435 1932-8-28
GH: 00077055 Juanulloa bicolor Gleason Colombia: Boyacá El Humbo region, 130 miles northwest of Bogo... A. E. Lawrance 435 1932-8-28
Tiliaceae A: 00283150 Triumfetta boyacana Moldenke Colombia: Boyacá Chapon, 100 m., NW of Bogota, 4000 ft A. E. Lawrance 7 1932-5-7
Vitaceae A: 00051720 Vitis novogranatensis Moldenke Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, northwest of Bogota,... A. E. Lawrance 162 1932-6-6
Vochysiaceae A: 00045239 Vochysia gigantea Stafleu Colombia: Boyacá Region of Mount Chapon, extreme western part... A. E. Lawrance 275 1932-6-29