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NEBC: 00520126
Aulacomnium heterostichum
(Hedwig) Bruch & Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 58 1897-2
FH: 00520526
Aulacomnium palustre
(Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 12 1897-8-1
FH: 00520527
Aulacomnium palustre
(Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 5 1897-8-1
FH: 00520532
Aulacomnium palustre
(Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 10 1897-7
NEBC: 00520546
Aulacomnium palustre
(Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 10 1897-7
NEBC: 00520549
Aulacomnium palustre
(Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Rhode Island [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 1 1897-7
NEBC: 00516944
Bartramia pomiformis
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 7 1897-7
NEBC: 00790477
Brachythecium rutabulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 35 1897-2
NEBC: 00790605
Brachythecium serrulatum
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 61 1897-2
NEBC: 00900453
Rhodobryum spathulatum
(Hornschuch) Pócs USA: Rhode Island North Smithfield: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 2401 1901-5-30
NEBC: 00538802
Climacium americanum
Bridel USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 9 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00538806
Climacium americanum
Bridel USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 1894-10
NEBC: 00539028
Climacium dendroides
(Hedwig) F. Weber & D. Mohr USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 15 1897-2
NEBC: 00539029
Climacium dendroides
(Hedwig) F. Weber & D. Mohr USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 19 1897-2
NEBC: 00539212
Climacium kindbergii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 52 1892-2
FH: 00539213
Climacium kindbergii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 36 1897-2
NEBC: 00791576
Dicranum scoparium
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 1897
FH: 00791583
Dicranum scoparium
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 56 1897-2
NEBC: 00791589
Dicranum scoparium
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 6 1894-10
NEBC: 00792321
Dicranum undulatum
Schrader ex Bridel USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 27 1894-10
NEBC: 00850287
Pleurozium schreberi
(Willdenow ex Bridel) Mitten USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 10 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00787348
Brachelyma robustum
(Cardot) E. Britton USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 3 1897-7
FH: 00545115
Fontinalis dalecarlica
Bruch & Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 5 1897-7
FH: 00545117
Fontinalis dalecarlica
Bruch & Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 2 1897-7
NEBC: 01132804
Tetraphis pellucida
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 10208 1894-10
NEBC: 00836427
Hedwigia ciliata
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 34 1897
FH: 00836429
Hedwigia ciliata
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 31 1897
FH: 00839662
Hylocomium splendens
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 57 1897-2
NEBC: 00839663
Hylocomium splendens
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 7 1897-8-1
FH: 00800142
Callicladium haldaneanum
(Greville) H. A. Crum USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 42 1897-2
NEBC: 00838178
Homomallium adnatum
(Hedwig) Brotherus USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 13 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00841035
Hypnum curvifolium
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 1897-7
NEBC: 00840304
Hypnum sp.
USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 5 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00920183
Ptilium crista-castrensis
(Hedwig) De Notaris USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 6 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00844499
Leucobryum glaucum
(Hedwig) Angstrom USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 14 1897-8-1
FH: 00844501
Leucobryum glaucum
(Hedwig) Angstrom USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 20 1897-2
FH: 00844505
Leucobryum glaucum
(Hedwig) Angstrom USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 8 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00661506
Huperzia lucidula
(Michaux) Trevisan USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester G. W. Burlingame 7 1894
NEBC: 00845883
Mnium hornum
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 4 1897-8-1
FH: 00847737
Plagiomnium affine
(Blandow ex Funck) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 22 1894-10
FH: 00847738
Plagiomnium affine
(Blandow ex Funck) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 55 1897-2
FH: 00847739
Plagiomnium affine
(Blandow ex Funck) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 12 1897-7
FH: 00847741
Plagiomnium affine
(Blandow ex Funck) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 28 1894-10
FH: 00847742
Plagiomnium affine
(Blandow ex Funck) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 23 1894-10
NEBC: 00847748
Plagiomnium affine
(Blandow ex Funck) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 12 1897-7
NEBC: 00847750
Plagiomnium affine
(Blandow ex Funck) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 12 1897-7
FH: 00900139
Rhizomnium punctatum
(Hedwig) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 10195 1894-10
FH: 00900142
Rhizomnium punctatum
(Hedwig) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 11 1897-7
NEBC: 00900149
Rhizomnium punctatum
(Hedwig) T. J. Koponen USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 11 1897-7
NEBC: 01136480
Ulota coarctata
(P. Beauvois) Hammar USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 16 1894-10
NEBC: 00508492
Plagiochila asplenioides
(Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 12 1894-10
NEBC: 00849062
Plagiothecium denticulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 47 1897-2
NEBC: 00849065
Plagiothecium denticulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 13 1897-7
FH: 00522754
Atrichum undulatum
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 15 1894-10
NEBC: 00522762
Atrichum undulatum
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 3 1897-8-1
FH: 00917650
Polytrichastrum ohioense
(Renauld & Cardot) G. L. Smith USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 32 1897-2
FH: 00917998
Polytrichum commune
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 56 1894
FH: 00918035
Polytrichum commune
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 9 1897-7
FH: 00918041
Polytrichum commune
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 56 1894-10
FH: 00918525
Polytrichum juniperinum
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Rockland: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 1896-5
FH: 00918527
Polytrichum juniperinum
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 11 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00919008
Polytrichum juniperinum strictum
(Menzies ex Bridel) Nylander USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 4 1897-7
FH: 00919009
Polytrichum juniperinum strictum
(Menzies ex Bridel) Nylander USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 4 1897-7
FH: 00919010
Polytrichum juniperinum strictum
(Menzies ex Bridel) Nylander USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 4 1897-7
FH: 00919227
Polytrichum piliferum
Hedwig USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 2 1897-8-1
FH: 00506169
Madotheca platyphylla
(Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 18 1897-2
FH: 00506170
Madotheca platyphylla
(Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 51 1897-2
NEBC: 00508955
Porella platyphylla
(Linnaeus) Pfeiffer USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 50 1894-10
NEBC: 00508959
Porella platyphylla
(Linnaeus) Pfeiffer USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 1 1894-10
NEBC: 00509301
Ptilidium ciliare
(Linnaeus) Hampe USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 62 1897-2
NEBC: 00511041
Scapania nemorosa
Dumortier USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 20 1894-10
NEBC: 00632665
Selaginella apoda
(Linnaeus) C. Morren USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester, Chepachet G. W. Burlingame 10 1894
NEBC: 00738071
Selaginella rupestris
(Linnaeus) Spring USA: Rhode Island Glocester: Glocester G. W. Burlingame 15 1897
NEBC: 00922896
Sphagnum imbricatum glaucum
(J. Röll) Wijk & Margadant USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 2 1894-10
NEBC: 00922950
Sphagnum imbricatum affine
(Renauld & Cardot) Warnstorf USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 1897-8-1
NEBC: 00922952
Sphagnum imbricatum affine
(Renauld & Cardot) Warnstorf USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 1897-2
NEBC: 00923621
Sphagnum nemoreum
Scopoli USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 6 1897-7
NEBC: 01133423
Thelia asprella
(Schimper) Sullivant USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 37a 1897-2
FH: 01133653
Thelia hirtella
(Hedwig) Sullivant & Lesquereux USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 41 1897-2
NEBC: 01133656
Thelia hirtella
(Hedwig) Sullivant & Lesquereux USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 48 1897-2
FH: 01133669
Thelia hirtella
(Hedwig) Sullivant & Lesquereux USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 45 1897-2
FH: 01133670
Thelia hirtella
(Hedwig) Sullivant & Lesquereux USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 49 1897-2
FH: 01133671
Thelia hirtella
(Hedwig) Sullivant & Lesquereux USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 50 1897-2
NEBC: 00537418
Anomodon rostratus
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Glocester: [data not captured] G. W. Burlingame 60 1897
NEBC: 00836780
Helodium blandowii
(F. Weber & D. Mohr) Warnstorf USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 1897-7
NEBC: 01133938
Thuidium delicatulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 43 1897-2
FH: 01133942
Thuidium delicatulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 46 1897-2
FH: 01133943
Thuidium delicatulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 44 1897-2
NEBC: 01133944
Thuidium delicatulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 25 1897-2
FH: 01133947
Thuidium delicatulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Rhode Island Chepachet: [no additional data] G. W. Burlingame 30 1897-2
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