Amaranthaceae GH: 00036938 Achyranthes velutina viridescens Suessenguth French Polynesia: Tepoto, Tuamoto Archipelago H. St. John 14333 1934-5-16
A: 00037048 Charpentiera australis Sohmer French Polynesia: Tubuai (Austral Islands): west side of Taita... H. St. John 16544 1934-8-23
Apocynaceae A: 02181989 Alyxia stellata (J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Roemer & Schultes French Polynesia: Societe, Iles de la: Raiatea. Temihani Plate... H. St. John 17299 1934-10-5
A: 02181982 Alyxia stellata (J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Roemer & Schultes French Polynesia: Societe, Iles de la: Mt. Purauti, E. ridge H. St. John 17402 1934-10-11
A: 02114766 Cerbera manghas Linnaeus French Polynesia: Societe, Iles de la: MEETIA; Fatia-po to Far... H. St. John 14225 1934-5-12
Araliaceae A: 00071817 Meryta brachypoda Harms French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai, S. slope of Panee, ... H. St. John 16533 1934-8-23
A: 00071816 Meryta brachypoda brevior H. St. John & Philipson French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai, S. slope of Panee, ... H. St. John 16533 1934-8-23
Aspidiaceae GH: 00112556 Polystichum australium Copeland French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Raivavae, Mount Taraia, sou... H. St. John 16009 1934-8-6
Aspleniaceae GH: 00020551 Asplenium indusiatum Copeland French Polynesia: Mt. Mokoto, Mangareva Island H. St. John 14854 1934-6-2
Athyriaceae GH: 00020646 Athyrium sancti-johannis Copeland French Polynesia: Taitaa, Tubuai, Austral Islands H. St. John 16440 1934-8-20
GH: 00020647 Athyrium subquadripinnatum Copeland French Polynesia: Moerai, Rurutu, Austral Islands H. St. John 16640 1934-8-25
GH: 00020648 Athyrium subquadripinnatum Copeland French Polynesia: Moerai, Rurutu, Austral Islands H. St. John 16640 1934-8-25
GH: 00020649 Athyrium subquadripinnatum Copeland French Polynesia: Moerai, Rurutu, Austral Islands H. St. John 16640 1934-8-25
GH: 00020650 Athyrium subquadripinnatum Copeland French Polynesia: Moerai, Rurutu, Austral Islands H. St. John 16640 1934-8-25
Bartramiaceae FH: 00290646 Philonotis hastata (Duby) Wijk & Margadant French Polynesia: Mangareva: Mangareva Islands, Aukena Island,... H. St. John 14667 1934-5-29
FH: 00290646 Philonotis st.-johnii E. B. Bartram French Polynesia: Mangareva: Mangareva Islands, Aukena Island,... H. St. John 14667 1934-5-29
Brassicaceae GH: 02361856 Lepidium bidentatum Montin : Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Island. The Rope H. St. John 15001 1934-6-14
GH: 02361849 Lepidium bidentatum Montin French Polynesia: Tuamotu Archipelago. Hao. Tekotika H. St. John 14373 1934-5-19
GH: 02361853 Lepidium bidentatum Montin French Polynesia: Tubuai. Rautaro Islet H. St. John 16389 1934-8-19
GH: 02361854 Lepidium bidentatum Montin French Polynesia: Rimatara. Maraitere H. St. John 16916 1934-9-5
GH: 02361857 Lepidium bidentatum Montin French Polynesia: Rurutu. Vitaria H. St. John 16724 1934-8-29
GH: 02361859 Lepidium bidentatum Montin French Polynesia: Tuamotu Archipelago. South Marutea. NW islet H. St. John 14444 1934-5-22
GH: 02361860 Lepidium bidentatum Montin French Polynesia: Tuamotu Archipelago. Anaa. Tukuhora H. St. John 14266 1934-5-13
Byttneriaceae A: 00062793 Byttneria oligacantha Merrill French Polynesia: Mangareva Island, northwest side of Mount Du... H. St. John 14450 1934-5-23
Combretaceae A: 00068749 Terminalia haroldii Exell French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai Island, along road s... H. St. John 16206 1934-8-15
A: 00068750 Terminalia koariki Exell French Polynesia: Mangareva Islands, Akamaru Island, north sid... H. St. John 14716 1934-5-29
Euphorbiaceae A: 00048329 Macaranga venosa J. W. Moore French Polynesia: Raiatea; Society Islands: South ridge of Paa... H. St. John 17318 1934-10-8
Fabaceae A: 00063722 Sophora mangarevaensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Mangareva Island, Mount Mokoto, south side, ... H. St. John 14846 1934-6-2
GH: 00063723 Sophora mangarevaensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Mangareva Island, Mount Mokoto, south side, ... H. St. John 14846 1934-6-2
Gesneriaceae A: 00092048 Cyrtandra marthae H. St. John French Polynesia: Tubuai Islands, Raivavae Island, woods on so... H. St. John 16166 1934-8-11
Hernandiaceae A: 00042214 Hernandia moerenhoutiana elliptica H. St. John French Polynesia: Raivavae: Pass west of Mount Hiro, alt. 320 ... H. St. John 16158 1934-8-11
Hypnaceae FH: 00213409 Isopterygium perpallidum E. B. Bartram French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai, Taitaa, west side H. St. John 16542 1934-8-23
FH: 00213410 Isopterygium perpallidum E. B. Bartram French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai, Taitaa, west side, H. St. John 16542 1934-8-23
Nyctaginaceae A: 00961338 Calpidia sp. : Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Island: Parlver Valley Ridge H. St. John 14975 1934-6-13
A: 00961338 Ceodes umbellifera J. R. Forster & G. Forster : Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Island: Parlver Valley Ridge H. St. John 14975 1934-6-13
A: 00961338 Pisonia austro-orientalis J. Florence : Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Island: Parlver Valley Ridge H. St. John 14975 1934-6-13
Orchidaceae AMES: 02384332 Bulbophyllum longiflorum Ridley French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Raivavae, E. slope of Mt. M... H. St. John 16038 1934-8-8
AMES: 02384349 Bulbophyllum longiflorum Ridley French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Raivavae, E. slope of Mt. M... H. St. John 16038 1934-8-8
AMES: 02384345 Bulbophyllum longiflorum Ridley French Polynesia: Societe, Iles de la: Society Islands, Tahaa,... H. St. John 17372 1934-10-10
AMES: 02384427 Bulbophyllum longiflorum Ridley French Polynesia: Rurutu, Gulch N. W. slope of Taatioi H. St. John 16769 1934-9-2
AMES: 02384393 Bulbophyllum tahitense Nadeaud French Polynesia: Societe, Iles de la: Tahaa, Mt. Purauti, E. ... H. St. John 17368 1934-10-10
AMES: 02388478 Calanthe sp. French Polynesia: Austral Islands; Tubuai; S. slope of Panee H. St. John 16527 1934-8-23
AMES: 02388442 Calanthe triplicata (Willen) Ames French Polynesia: Raivavae; S. side of Pass W. of Mt. Hiro H. St. John 16187 1934-8-13
AMES: 02337072 Dendrobium biflorum Swartz : Polynesia: [illegible]; [Fareura] H. St. John 14192 1934-5-12
AMES: 02094531 Liparis revoluta Hooker & Arnott French Polynesia: Tubuai. S. slope of Panee H. St. John 16529 1934-8-23
AMES: 02094529 Liparis revoluta Hooker & Arnott French Polynesia: Tubuai; S. slope of Panee H. St. John 16529 1934-8-23
AMES: 02175499 Malaxis sp. French Polynesia: Austral Islands; Raivavae; S. side of Pass W... H. St. John 16187 1934-8-13
AMES: 02175498 Malaxis sp. French Polynesia: Austral Islands; Raivave; S. side of Pass W.... H. St. John 16187 1934-8-13
AMES: 02096857 Oberonia equitans (G. Forster) Mutel French Polynesia: Tubuai; Taitaa, N. E. slope H. St. John 16349 1934-8-16
AMES: 02096858 Oberonia equitans (G. Forster) Mutel French Polynesia: Rurutu; Arei H. St. John 16741 1934-8-30
AMES: 02096863 Oberonia equitans (G. Forster) Mutel French Polynesia: Tahaa, Mt. Purauti east side H. St. John 17370 1934-10-10
AMES: 02096863 Oberonia glandulosa Lindley French Polynesia: Tahaa, Mt. Purauti east side H. St. John 17370 1934-10-10
AMES: 02096858 Oberonia glandulosa Lindley French Polynesia: Rurutu; Arei H. St. John 16741 1934-8-30
AMES: 02096857 Oberonia glandulosa Lindley French Polynesia: Tubuai; Taitaa, N. E. slope H. St. John 16349 1934-8-16
AMES: 02158666 Vanilla tahitensis J. W. Moore French Polynesia: Raiatea. N. side of Faaroa Bay H. St. John 17310 1934-10-8
AMES: 02158665 Vanilla tahitensis J. W. Moore French Polynesia: Raiatea. Ereeo Valley H. St. John 17326 1934-10-9
AMES: 02158664 Vanilla tahitensis J. W. Moore French Polynesia: Mangareva Island; Mt. Duff, northwest side H. St. John 14459 1934-5-23
AMES: 02158663 Vanilla tahitensis J. W. Moore French Polynesia: Mangareva Island; Mt. Duff, northwest side H. St. John 14459 1934-5-23
Orthotrichaceae FH: 00213690 Macromitrium suberosulum E. B. Bartram French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai, south slope of Pane... H. St. John 16530a 1934-8-23
Pandanaceae A: 00020204 Pandanus acer H. St. John French Polynesia: Rapa Island H. St. John 15781 1934-7-31
A: 00020214 Pandanus bassus H. St. John French Polynesia: Rurutu, Austral Islands H. St. John 16700 1934-8-28
A: 00020223 Pandanus drakei H. St. John French Polynesia: South ridge of Paaoio Valley, Raiatea, Socie... H. St. John 17316 1934-10-8
A: 00020229 Pandanus gambierensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Mangareva Island: Mt. Duff H. St. John 14469 1934-5-23
A: 00020234 Pandanus infundibuliformis H. St. John French Polynesia: Agakauitai Island, Mangareva Islands H. St. John 14926 1934-6-8
A: 00020236 Pandanus mariaensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Maria Island, Austral Islands H. St. John 16974 1934-9-6
A: 00020238 Pandanus meetiaensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Meetia: Fatia-po to Fareura H. St. John 14247 1934-5-12
A: 00020239 Pandanus metius H. St. John French Polynesia: Tahaa, Society Islands: Mt. Purauti H. St. John 17351 1934-10-10
A: 00020242 Pandanus motuensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Tubuai, Austral Islands: Rautaro Islet H. St. John 16430 1934-8-19
A: 00020243 Pandanus notialis H. St. John French Polynesia: Rurutu, Austral Islands: first gulch south o... H. St. John 16754 1934-8-31
A: 00020250 Pandanus planus H. St. John French Polynesia: Tubuai, Austral Islands: Rautaro Islet H. St. John 16393 1934-8-19
A: 00020251 Pandanus prolixus H. St. John French Polynesia: Hao, Tuamotu Archipelago: Boring Bay H. St. John 14355 1934-5-18
A: 00020187 Pandanus prolixus H. St. John French Polynesia: Tuamotu Archipelago: Hao H. St. John 14355 1934-5-18
A: 00020254 Pandanus radiatus H. St. John French Polynesia: Tubuai, Austral Islands: Rautaro Islet H. St. John 16392 1934-8-19
A: 00020255 Pandanus rimataraensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Rimatara, Austral Islands: Anapoto H. St. John 16935 1934-9-5
A: 00020261 Pandanus rurutuensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Rurutu, Austral Islands H. St. John 16699 1934-8-28
A: 00020270 Pandanus tahaaensis H. St. John French Polynesia: Mt. Purauti, Tahaa, Society Islands H. St. John 17412 1934-10-11
A: 00020251 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson French Polynesia: Hao, Tuamotu Archipelago: Boring Bay H. St. John 14355 1934-5-18
A: 00020214 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson French Polynesia: Rurutu, Austral Islands H. St. John 16700 1934-8-28
A: 00020254 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson French Polynesia: Tubuai, Austral Islands: Rautaro Islet H. St. John 16392 1934-8-19
A: 00020242 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson French Polynesia: Tubuai, Austral Islands: Rautaro Islet H. St. John 16430 1934-8-19
A: 00020229 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson French Polynesia: Mangareva Island: Mt. Duff H. St. John 14469 1934-5-23
A: 00020223 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson French Polynesia: South ridge of Paaoio Valley, Raiatea, Socie... H. St. John 17316 1934-10-8
A: 00020250 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson French Polynesia: Tubuai, Austral Islands: Rautaro Islet H. St. John 16393 1934-8-19
Phyllanthaceae A: 00055079 Glochidion manono Baillon French Polynesia: Society Islands, Raiatea, south ridge of Ere... H. St. John 17328 1934-10-9
A: 00055079 Glochidion myrtifolium J. W. Moore French Polynesia: Society Islands, Raiatea, south ridge of Ere... H. St. John 17328 1934-10-9
A: 00055080 Glochidion taitense Baillon French Polynesia: Society Islands, Raiatea, Temihani Plateau H. St. John 17279 1934-10-5
A: 00055080 Glochidion temehaniense J. W. Moore French Polynesia: Society Islands, Raiatea, Temihani Plateau H. St. John 17279 1934-10-5
Piperaceae A: 01983757 Macropiper latifolium (Linnaeus f.) Miquel French Polynesia: Tubuai. Taitaa H. St. John 16351 1934-8-16
A: 01983758 Macropiper latifolium (Linnaeus f.) Miquel French Polynesia: Rurutu, Tea H. St. John 16715 1934-8-29
A: 01983759 Macropiper latifolium (Linnaeus f.) Miquel French Polynesia: Tahaa, Mt. Purauti H. St. John 17336 1934-10-10
Rhamnaceae A: 00051345 Gouania mangarevica Fosberg French Polynesia: South side of Mount Mokoto, Mangareva Island... H. St. John 14844 1934-6-2
A: 00051346 Gouania mangarevica Fosberg French Polynesia: South side of Mount Mokoto, Mangareva Island... H. St. John 14844 1934-6-2
Rubiaceae A: 00092477 Canthium barbatum gambierense Fosberg French Polynesia: Mangareva Island, south side of Mount Mokoto... H. St. John 14871 1934-6-4
A: 00092474 Canthium barbatum tubuai Fosberg French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai, northeast slope of ... H. St. John 16362 1934-8-16
A: 00092544 Coprosma cookei Fosberg French Polynesia: Rapa, Mount Pukutaketake, 340 m. H. St. John 15712 1934-7-24
A: 00092552 Coprosma rapensis mangarevica Fosberg French Polynesia: Mangareva Island, south side of Mount Mokoto... H. St. John 14875 1934-6-4
A: 00092557 Coprosma velutina Fosberg French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Raivavae, east slope of Mou... H. St. John 16035 1934-8-8
A: 00096603 Ixora brevipedunculata Fosberg French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai Island, south slope ... H. St. John 16528 1934-8-23
A: 00096619 Ixora johnii Fosberg French Polynesia: Society Islands, Huahine Island, Huahine Nui... H. St. John 17156 1934-10-1
A: 00096615 Ixora raivavensis Fosberg French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Raivavae Island, Mount Muan... H. St. John 16042 1934-8-8
A: 00096618 Ixora setchellii Fosberg French Polynesia: Society Islands, Raiatea Island, Temihuani P... H. St. John 17244 1934-10-5
A: 00102759 Ixora st.-johnii Fosberg French Polynesia: Society Islands, Huahine Nui, Mount Matoeree... H. St. John 17156 1934-10-1
A: 00095660 Psychotria tubuaiensis Fosberg French Polynesia: Austral Islands, Tubuai, Taitaa, northeast s... H. St. John 16447 1934-8-20
Rutaceae A: 00044067 Euodia angustior H. St. John French Polynesia: Austral Islands: Raivavae H. St. John 16165 1934-8-11
Sapindaceae A: 01771331 Sapindus saponaria Linnaeus French Polynesia: Societe, Iles de la: Tahaa. Mt. Purauti, E. ... H. St. John 17383 1934-10-11
A: 01771332 Sapindus saponaria Linnaeus French Polynesia: Gambier, Îles: Mt. Duff, S. side H. St. John 14729 1934-5-30
Solanaceae A: 00813974 Lycium sandwicense A. Gray French Polynesia: Gambier, Îles: Taravai Island; Northeast en... H. St. John 14813 1934-6-1