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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[205] and year collected:[1947]
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GH: 01781738
Chenopodiastrum simplex
(Torrey) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch USA: New York [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7126 1947-8-7
GH: 01654211
Arisaema triphyllum
(Linnaeus) Schott USA: Maryland along Mill Creek west of Rawlings Station R. T. Clausen 7009 1947-5-3
GH: 00727379
Polystichum ée
(Spenner) Fée USA: Vermont Montgomery: Montgomery R. T. Clausen 1947-8-20
GH: 00727383
Polystichum ée
(Spenner) Fée USA: Vermont Eden: Eden R. T. Clausen 7149 1947-8-18
GH: 02172381
Centaurea jacea
Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7087 1947-7-13
GH: 01063499
Solidago puberula
Nuttall USA: Vermont Westfield: Westfield R. T. Clausen 7153 1947-8-20
GH: 02059423
Mertensia virginica
(Linnaeus) Persoon ex Link USA: West Virginia along south side of North Fork of South Bran... R. T. Clausen 7020 1947-5-4
GH: 00992286
Alyssum alyssoides
Linnaeus USA: New York Ontario: [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7045 1947-6-1
GH: 00971815
Draba ramosissima
Desvaux USA: West Virginia along South Branch of Potomac River south of... R. T. Clausen 7024 1947-5-4
GH: 01676383
Cercis canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Maryland Potomac River Basin along Mill Creek, just w... R. T. Clausen 7014 1947-5-3
GH: 01744955
Lychnis flos-cuculi
Linnaeus USA: New York northeast of Verona R. T. Clausen 7060 1947-6-8
GH: 01751887
Silene caroliniana pensylvanica
(Michaux) Fernald USA: West Virginia along south side of North Fork of South Bran... R. T. Clausen 7017 1947-5-4
GH: 01990131
Rhodiola integrifolia leedyi
(Rosendahl ex J. W. Moore) H. Ohba USA: New York Along western shore of Seneca Lake just nort... R. T. Clausen 7110 1947-7-27
GH: 01990132
Rhodiola integrifolia leedyi
(Rosendahl ex J. W. Moore) H. Ohba USA: New York Along western shore of Seneca Lake just nort... R. T. Clausen 7110 1947-7-27
GH: 01990021
Rhodiola rosea
Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania Along west side of Delaware River 1.5 km. so... R. T. Clausen 7031 1947-5-24
GH: 01991348
Sedum diffusum
S. Watson USA: New York Ithaca: Greenhouse R. T. Clausen 44-114 1947-6-21
GH: 01991372
Sedum glaucophyllum
R. T. Clausen USA: Maryland north side of Mill Creek west of Rawlings St... R. T. Clausen 7012 1947-5-3
GH: 01991667
Sedum nevii
A. Gray USA: New York Ithaca: Greenhouse R. T. Clausen 6979 1947-6-4
GH: 01991669
Sedum nevii
A. Gray USA: New York Ithaca: Greenhouse R. T. Clausen 6979 1947-5-22
GH: 01991769
Sedum palmeri
S. Watson USA: New York Ithaca: Greenhouse R. T. Clausen 47-80 1947-3-22
GH: 00675082
Sedum rosea
(Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Vermont Rochester: Rochester R. T. Clausen 7059 1947-6-7
GH: 00675083
Sedum rosea
(Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Vermont Rochester: Rochester R. T. Clausen 7059 1947-6-7
GH: 01990021
Sedum rosea
(Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Pennsylvania Along west side of Delaware River 1.5 km. so... R. T. Clausen 7031 1947-5-24
GH: 01990131
Sedum rosea leedyi
Rosend. & J. W. Moore USA: New York Along western shore of Seneca Lake just nort... R. T. Clausen 7110 1947-7-27
GH: 01990132
Sedum rosea leedyi
Rosend. & J. W. Moore USA: New York Along western shore of Seneca Lake just nort... R. T. Clausen 7110 1947-7-27
GH: 01990290
Sedum telephioides
Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: Garden. R. T. Clausen C 7018 1947-9-26
GH: 01990300
Sedum telephioides
Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: Garden. R. T. Clausen C 6787 1947-7-26
GH: 01990344
Sedum ternatum
Michaux USA: Maryland Along Mill Creek west of Rawlings Station. P... R. T. Clausen 7010 1947-4-1
GH: 01990356
Sedum ternatum
Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: Greenhouse. R. T. Clausen C7010 1947-5-19
GH: 01990382
Sedum ternatum
Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: Greenhouse. R. T. Clausen 6967 1947-4-27
GH: 01990386
Sedum ternatum
Michaux USA: New York Ithaca: Greenhouse. R. T. Clausen 6988 1947-5-19
GH: 01576928
Shepherdia canadensis
Nuttall USA: New York Ontario: Western crest of northern summit of... R. T. Clausen 7026 1947-5-11
GH: 00747445
Apios americana
Medikus USA: Vermont East Berkshire R. T. Clausen 7159 1947-8-22
GH: 01961733
Desmodium obtusum
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle USA: New Jersey 4.5 km. west-southwest of Bennett's Mills R. T. Clausen 7173 1947-9-15
GH: 02177811
Lupinus perennis
Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7039 1947-6-1
GH: 02136212
Strophostyles helvola
(Linnaeus) Elliott USA: New Jersey [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7178 1947-9-18
GH: 02136457
Strophostyles umbellata
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Britton USA: New Jersey [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7181 1947-9-18
GH: 02342427
Trifolium campestre
Schreber USA: New York [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7102 1947-7-20
GH: 02347465
Vicia tetrasperma
(Linnaeus) Schreber USA: New York [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7075 1947-6-15
GH: 02347601
Vicia villosa varia
(Host) Corbière USA: New York [data not captured] R. T. Clausen 7085 1947-6-29
GH: 02069154
Bartonia paniculata
(Michaux) Muhlenberg USA: New Jersey 4.5 km. west-southwest of Bennett's Mills R. T. Clausen 7171 1947-9-15
GH: 02069349
Bartonia virginica
(Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: New Jersey southwest of Itonia R. T. Clausen 7166 1947-9-13
GH: 02167990
Gentianopsis crinita
(Froelich) Ma USA: New Jersey Wes Caldwell R. T. Clausen 7163 1947-9-13
GH: 02167989
Gentianopsis crinita
(Froelich) Ma USA: New Jersey about 1.5 km. southeast of Watchung R. T. Clausen 7164 1947-9-13
GH: 00574768
Menyanthes trifoliata minor
Rafinesque USA: Vermont Berkshire: Berkshire R. T. Clausen 7145 1947-8-17
GH: 00810065
Streptopus amplexifolius
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Vermont Eden: Eden R. T. Clausen 7148 1947-8-18
GH: 02164837
Dendrolycopodium obscurum
(Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: New Jersey 4.5 km. west-southwest of Bennett's Mills R. T. Clausen 7172 1947-9-13
GH: 02077158
Huperzia lucidula
(Michaux) Trevisan USA: New York slope of High Peak, southeast of Haines Fall... R. T. Clausen 7048 1947-6-4
GH: 00632240
Spinulum annotinum
(Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: Vermont Berkshire: Berkshire R. T. Clausen 7143 1947-8-17
GH: 01080038
Najas flexilis
(Willdenow) Rostkoius & W. L. E. Schmidt USA: Vermont Highgate: Highgate R. T. Clausen 7161 1947-8-23
GH: 01041707
Epilobium palustre
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Berkshire: Berkshire R. T. Clausen 7141 1947-8-17
GH: 01055029
Platanthera blephariglottis
(Willdenow) Lindley USA: Vermont Berkshire: Berkshire R. T. Clausen 7138 1947-8-17
GH: 01113259
Pinus virginiana
Miller USA: Virginia Rappahannock River Basin; 2 km. south of Bri... R. T. Clausen 6935 1947-4-5
GH: 00860361
Deschampsia flexuosa
(Linnaeus) Trinius USA: Vermont Eden: Eden R. T. Clausen 7146 1947-8-18
GH: 01149267
Glyceria melicaria
(Michx.) F.T. Hubbard USA: Vermont Avery Gore R. T. Clausen 7150 1947-8-18
GH: 01686817
Phlox subulata
Linnaeus USA: Maryland Potomac River Basin; north side of Mill Cree... R. T. Clausen 7013 1947-5-3
GH: 01859472
Claytonia virginica
Linnaeus USA: Maryland Potomac River Basin; Bank along Mill Creek j... R. T. Clausen 7015 1947-5-3
GH: 01709177
Aquilegia canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Maryland Potomac River Basin; along Mill Creek west o... R. T. Clausen 7007 1947-5-3
GH: 01665086
Ranunculus hispidus caricetorum
(Greene) T. Duncan USA: New York northwest of Groton, Groton Township R. T. Clausen 7080 1947-6-22
GH: 00441260
Potentilla tridentata
Aiton USA: Vermont Westfield: Westfield R. T. Clausen 7152 1947-8-20
GH: 01724735
Prunus susquehanae
Willdenow USA: New York shore of Delaware River, 1 mile above Sparro... R. T. Clausen 7030 1947-5-24
GH: 01244435
Salix fragilis
Linnaeus USA: New York West side of Canandaigua Outlet, 1 km. north... R. T. Clausen 7043 1947-6-1
GH: 01886701
Ribes lacustre
Poiret USA: New York near top falls of Wildcat Ravine, north slop... R. T. Clausen 7052 1947-6-5
GH: 01887837
Ribes rotundifolium
Michaux USA: Pennsylvania east side of Delaware River south of Millrif... R. T. Clausen 7032 1947-5-24
GH: 00750974
Saxifraga paniculata neogaea
(Butters) D. Löve USA: New Hampshire Westfield R. T. Clausen 7151 1947-8-20
GH: 00676227
Woodsia ilvensis
(Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Vermont Eden: Eden R. T. Clausen 7147 1947-8-18