Aceraceae NEBC: 00677208 Acer rubrum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Aizoaceae GH: 01860188 Sesuvium verrucosum Rafinesque USA: Nevada N. W. Nevada: Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 2139 1867-7
Amaranthaceae GH: 00741388 Amaranthus cannabinus (Linnaeus) J. D. Sauer USA: Massachusetts Seekonk: Seekonk W. W. Bailey 1871
Amblystegiaceae NEBC: 00794591 Drepanocladus fluitans (Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett: [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1908
Apiaceae GH: 00578755 Aegopodium podagraria Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1875
NEBC: 00578756 Aegopodium podagraria Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1876
NEBC: 00578757 Aegopodium podagraria Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878
NEBC: 00523840 Carum carvi Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland W. W. Bailey 1878
NEBC: 00523841 Carum carvi Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland W. W. Bailey 1878
NEBC: 01051190 Cryptotaenia canadensis (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln W. W. Bailey 1902-8-18
NEBC: 00448042 Daucus carota Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 01025311 Ptilimnium capillaceum (Michaux) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Newport: Newport W. W. Bailey 1876
NEBC: 01025312 Ptilimnium capillaceum (Michaux) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Newport: Newport W. W. Bailey 1878
Aquifoliaceae NEBC: 00750149 Ilex glabra (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island South Kingston W. W. Bailey 1878-7-1
NEBC: 00750153 Ilex glabra (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island South Kingston W. W. Bailey 1878-7-1
NEBC: 00713294 Ilex opaca Aiton USA: Rhode Island Little Compton: Little Compton W. W. Bailey 1893
Araceae NEBC: 01010719 Acorus calamus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln W. W. Bailey 1879-5-24
GH: 01654436 Arisaema triphyllum pusillum (Peck) Huttleston USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1882
Araliaceae GH: 00282969 Aralia racemosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: W. W. Bailey 1879-8
Asclepiadaceae NEBC: 00634813 Asclepias tuberosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878
Aspidiaceae NEBC: 00695513 Polystichum acrostichoides (Michaux) Schott USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
Aspleniaceae NEBC: 00701086 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00631579 Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
Asteraceae NEBC: 00753329 Ageratina altissima (Linnaeus) R. M. King & H. Robinson USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1895
NEBC: 01007164 Anaphalis margaritacea (Linnaeus) Bentham & Hooker f. USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 01007932 Antennaria neglecta Greene USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
GH: 00988611 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Nevada Truckee Vall. W. W. Bailey 640 1867-8
NEBC: 00705330 Chrysopsis falcata (Pursh) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Pawtucket: Pawtucket W. W. Bailey 29 1878-8-28
GH: 00518490 Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus puberulus (D. C. Eaton) H. M. Hall & Clements USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 569 1867-7
GH: 02203623 Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 523 1867-9
NEBC: 00755643 Eupatorium hyssopifolium Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln W. W. Bailey 1878
NEBC: 00535506 Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pavon USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1894
NEBC: 00675246 Helianthus debilis cucumerifolius (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1902-9-6
NEBC: 01008097 Helianthus decapetalus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
GH: 00587573 Hieracium aurantiacum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island W. W. Bailey 1874
NEBC: 00587574 Hieracium aurantiacum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1880-6-18
NEBC: 00587728 Hieracium pilosella Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1913-6-12
NEBC: 00626426 Inula helenium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Douglas: E. Douglas W. W. Bailey 1885-8
NEBC: 00626164 Lactuca serriola Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts East Gloucester W. W. Bailey 1900-8-20
GH: 01834842 Lactuca serriola Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts East Gloucester: near Trolley line to Neck W. W. Bailey 1900-8-20
NEBC: 00718076 Leucanthemum vulgare Lamarck USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1895
NEBC: 00684878 Liatris scariosa novae-angliae Lunell USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln W. W. Bailey 1879-9-24
GH: 00518490 Linosyris viscidiflora puberula D. C. Eaton USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 569 1867-7
GH: 00735194 Senecio viscosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1884
NEBC: 01054873 Solidago juncea Aiton USA: Rhode Island Foster: Foster W. W. Bailey 1878-8-17
NEBC: 01064453 Solidago puberula Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878-9-17
NEBC: 01064640 Solidago sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1879
NEBC: 01064969 Solidago uliginosa Nuttall USA: Rhode Island North Scituate W. W. Bailey 1878-9-11
GH: 00719625 Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln W. W. Bailey 1878-9-21
GH: 01047685 Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Rhode Island W. W. Bailey 2066 1878
NEBC: 00655023 Tanacetum parthenium (Linnaeus) Schultz Bipontinus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1888
NEBC: 00637830 Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wiggers USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00576108 Tussilago farfara Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Sugar Hill: Sugar Hill W. W. Bailey 1889-8-17
Athyriaceae NEBC: 00733700 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00733701 Athyrium filix-femina angustum (Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00746591 Cystopteris tenuis (Michaux) Desvaux USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00746657 Cystopteris tenuis (Michaux) Desvaux USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1896
GH: 00551616 Deparia acrostichoides (Swartz) M. Kato USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00551622 Deparia acrostichoides (Swartz) M. Kato USA: Massachusetts Mt. Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00551627 Deparia acrostichoides (Swartz) M. Kato USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
GH: 00551628 Deparia acrostichoides (Swartz) M. Kato USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00551878 Matteuccia struthiopteris (Linnaeus) Todaro USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00695855 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00695871 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Little Compton: Little Compton W. W. Bailey 1893
Bartramiaceae NEBC: 00456223 Philonotis fontana (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Rhode Island [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1897-5
Betulaceae NEBC: 00627509 Betula populifolia Marshall USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Boraginaceae GH: 00299972 Coldenia nuttallii Bentham USA: Nevada Truckee Desert W. W. Bailey 863 1867-7
GH: 00092811 Echinospermum redowskii occidentale S. Watson USA: Nevada W. W. Bailey 861 1867-7
GH: 00299972 Tiquilia nuttallii (Bentham) A. T. Richardson USA: Nevada Truckee Desert W. W. Bailey 863 1867-7
Brassicaceae GH: 00992567 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: New York [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1882-7-1
NEBC: 00448849 Barbarea vulgaris W. T. Aiton USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett: Mt. Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
GH: 00932801 Boechera holboelii pinetorum (Tidestrom) Dorn USA: Utah Wahsatch Mts [?] W. W. Bailey 76 1867-5
NEBC: 01023440 Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878-8-7
NEBC: 01023453 Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hooker USA: Rhode Island Block Island W. W. Bailey 1892-8-1
NEBC: 00660386 Draba reptans (Lamarck) Fernald USA: Rhode Island East Greenwich: East Greenwich W. W. Bailey 1878-4-18
NEBC: 01023490 Lepidium coronopus (Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: Rhode Island Little Compton: Little Compton W. W. Bailey 1895
NEBC: 00602078 Lepidium ruderale Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878-6-6
NEBC: 00602363 Thlaspi arvense Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick W. W. Bailey 1884
Campanulaceae NEBC: 00691054 Jasione montana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts South Carver W. W. Bailey 1904-10-4
Caprifoliaceae NEBC: 00687342 Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00687816 Viburnum lantanoides Michaux USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1895-5-11
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00700091 Minuartia groenlandica (Retzius) Ostenfeld USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1882
GH: 00722524 Paronychia canadensis (Linnaeus) Alph. Wood USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland W. W. Bailey 1884-9-20
NEBC: 00693070 Silene antirrhina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence W. W. Bailey 1876
NEBC: 00693072 Silene antirrhina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Greenwich: East Greenwich W. W. Bailey 1878-5-29
NEBC: 00575552 Silene caroliniana pensylvanica (Michaux) Fernald USA: Rhode Island W. W. Bailey 1886
NEBC: 00602881 Silene latifolia alba (Miller) Greuter & Burdet USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey
NEBC: 00693478 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey
NEBC: 00693485 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Rhode Island Newport: Newport W. W. Bailey 1878-6-29
GH: 00693501 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Massachusetts Salem: Salem W. W. Bailey 1876
GH: 00693502 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Rhode Island Seekonk W. W. Bailey 1876
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00269183 Atriplex torreyi (S. Watson) S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 984 1867-7
GH: 01782308 Chenopodium berlandieri Moquin-Tandon USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 969 1867-8
GH: 00299142 Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 973 1867-7
GH: 01782751 Chenopodium pratericola Rydberg USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 972 1867-7
NEBC: 00732221 Chenopodium simplex (Torrey) Rafinesque USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln W. W. Bailey 1879
GH: 00269183 Obione torreyi S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 984 1867-7
GH: 00267390 Suaeda diffusa S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 996 1867-8
NEBC: 00732576 Suaeda linearis (Elliott) Moquin-Tandon USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1879
GH: 00267390 Suaeda maritima (Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 996 1867-8
GH: 00267390 Suaeda nigra (Rafinesque) J. F. Macbride USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 996 1867-8
GH: 00267390 Suaeda torreyana S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Valley W. W. Bailey 996 1867-8
Cistaceae NEBC: 00757109 Hudsonia ericoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Exeter: Exeter W. W. Bailey 1876
NEBC: 00757110 Hudsonia ericoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Exeter: Exeter W. W. Bailey
Cornaceae NEBC: 00760752 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1882
Cyperaceae NEBC: 00222561 Carex communis communis USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00242018 Carex echinata echinata USA: Rhode Island Providence: Cat Swamp W. W. Bailey 1878-5-28
NEBC: 00717229 Carex rostrata Stokes USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1880-7-30
NEBC: 00807485 Scirpus robustus Pursh USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence W. W. Bailey 1878-8-26
NEBC: 00854237 Scirpus tabernaemontani C. C. Gmelin USA: Rhode Island Exeter: Exeter W. W. Bailey 1876
Dennstaedtiaceae NEBC: 00663120 Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michaux) T. Moore USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00663126 Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michaux) T. Moore USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00631277 Pteridium aquilinum latiusculum (Desvaux) Hultén USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
Dicranaceae NEBC: 00791321 Dicranum scoparium Hedwig USA: Rhode Island [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1895
Droseraceae NEBC: 00741929 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: Rhode Island North Scituate W. W. Bailey 1878-8-3
Dryopteridaceae NEBC: 00551305 Dryopteris goldiana (Hooker) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00551293 Dryopteris goldiana (Hooker) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett: W. W. Bailey 1896-9
NEBC: 00636111 Dryopteris intermedia (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00657753 Dryopteris marginalis (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
Elatinaceae GH: 00750718 Elatine minima (Nuttall) Fischer ex C. A. Meyer USA: Rhode Island Block Island W. W. Bailey 1892
Ericaceae GH: 00717389 Pyrola minor Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1883
NEBC: 00461977 Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett: Mt. Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Euphorbiaceae NEBC: 00699181 Chamaesyce polygonifolia (Linnaeus) Small USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick W. W. Bailey 1885-8-27
Fabaceae GH: 01963011 Acmispon americanus (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Nevada Trucker Valley W. W. Bailey 249 1867-7
GH: 00053612 Dalea polydenia Torrey ex S. Watson USA: Nevada NW Nevada W. W. Bailey 251 1867
GH: 00065576 Lupinus meionanthus heteranthus S. Watson USA: Nevada W. Humboldt Mountains W. W. Bailey 230 1867-9
NEBC: 00534403 Medicago lupulina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield W. W. Bailey 1844
GH: 00053612 Psorothamnus polydenius (Torrey ex S. Watson) Barneby USA: Nevada NW Nevada W. W. Bailey 251 1867
NEBC: 00720033 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Rhode Island Scituate: Scituate W. W. Bailey 1878
GH: 00586330 Trifolium aureum Pollich USA: Rhode Island Scituate: Scituate W. W. Bailey 1300 1878
Fagaceae NEBC: 00695139 Quercus coccinea Münchhausen USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland W. W. Bailey 1880-9-25
Gentianaceae NEBC: 00775586 Sabatia kennedyana Fernald USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1883-8-27
NEBC: 00717295 Sabatia stellaris Pursh USA: Rhode Island Narragansett: Narragansett W. W. Bailey 1885-8-11
Juncaceae NEBC: 01026559 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: Rhode Island North Scituate W. W. Bailey 1878-7-22
NEBC: 01026563 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: Rhode Island Exeter: Exeter W. W. Bailey 1876
GH: 02099759 Juncus balticus vallicola Rydberg USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1195 1867-7
GH: 02401961 Juncus longistylis Torrey USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1201 1867-7
GH: 02398239 Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1206 1867
GH: 02398237 Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1206 1867-8
GH: 02396184 Juncus xiphioides E. Meyer USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1204 1867-8
NEBC: 00865436 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Lamiaceae GH: 01555063 Agastache scrophulariifolia (Willdenow) Kuntze USA: New York Ithaca: Ithaca W. W. Bailey 1881-8-10
NEBC: 00685099 Galeopsis bifida Boenninghausen USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1882-7-31
NEBC: 00591181 Physostegia virginiana (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: Rhode Island Little Compton: Little Compton W. W. Bailey 1893
Liliaceae NEBC: 00880642 Erythronium americanum Ker Gawler USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00869341 Trillium erectum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1898-5-11
NEBC: 00869741 Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1893
Lycopodiaceae NEBC: 00740107 Dendrolycopodium hickeyi (W. H. Wagner, Beitel & R. C. Moran) A. Haines USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00214347 Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Mount Wachusett, ca. 1000 feet W. W. Bailey 1896-9
NEBC: 00214347 Lycopodium complanatum flabelliforme Fernald USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Mount Wachusett, ca. 1000 feet W. W. Bailey 1896-9
Lythraceae NEBC: 01069503 Decodon verticillatus (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Narragansett: Narragansett W. W. Bailey 1885-8-11
Melampsoraceae FH: 00877819 Coleosporium senecionis (Schumacher) Fries USA: Rhode Island Providence: near Providence W. W. Bailey 1883-10
FH: 00877820 Coleosporium senecionis (Schumacher) Fries USA: Rhode Island Warwick: [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1883-8
FH: 00877821 Coleosporium senecionis (Schumacher) Fries USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1883-10
Melastomataceae NEBC: 01072262 Rhexia virginica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island North Scituate W. W. Bailey 1878
Mniaceae NEBC: 00848052 Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedwig) T. J. Koponen USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1897-5
Myricaceae NEBC: 00563429 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Onagraceae NEBC: 00745953 Ludwigia palustris (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island North Scituate W. W. Bailey 1878-8-9
Ophioglossaceae NEBC: 00639305 Botrychium multifidum (S. G. Gmelin) Ruprecht USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00690422 Botrychium virginianum (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
Orchidaceae AMES: 00463661 Arethusa bulbosa Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Cumberland W. W. Bailey 1878
AMES: 02043608 Calopogon tuberosus (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Scituate: N. Scit [North Scituate] W. W. Bailey 1878-7-4
NEBC: 01052315 Malaxis unifolia Michaux USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1882
NEBC: 00462510 Platanthera grandiflora (Bigelow) Lindley USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Warwick W. W. Bailey 1883
NEBC: 01056274 Platanthera orbiculata (Pursh) Lindley USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1882
AMES: 02051960 Pogonia ophioglossoides (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: Rhode Island [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1878-6
AMES: 02032456 Spiranthes magnicamporum Sheviak USA: Rhode Island [no additional data] W. W. Bailey
Orobanchaceae NEBC: 00733403 Castilleja coccinea (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Rhode Island Johnston: Johnston W. W. Bailey 25 1878-5-17
Osmundaceae NEBC: 00639782 Osmunda claytoniana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00639788 Osmunda claytoniana Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00720673 Osmunda regalis spectabilis (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00752935 Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
Papaveraceae NEBC: 00614002 Sanguinaria canadensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Phrymaceae GH: 01843430 Phryma leptostachya Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania Philadelphia: Banks of Schuylkill W. W. Bailey
Plantaginaceae NEBC: 00775026 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1894-8-16
NEBC: 00775027 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1894-8-16
NEBC: 00502430 Gratiola aurea Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island North Scituate W. W. Bailey 1878
GH: 01999694 Gratiola neglecta Torrey USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 800 1867-7
GH: 00650402 Penstemon digitalis Nuttall ex Sims USA: Rhode Island Jamestown: Jamestown W. W. Bailey 1889
NEBC: 00745592 Plantago virginica Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1879
Poaceae NEBC: 01175713 Agrostis scabra Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1882
GH: 00622741 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878-6-4
NEBC: 00622743 Anthoxanthum odoratum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1877
NEBC: 00609760 Bromus commutatus Schrader USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1877
NEBC: 00878258 Cinna arundinacea Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1876-8-29
NEBC: 00609340 Dactylis glomerata Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1875
NEBC: 00764867 Dichanthelium clandestinum (Linnaeus) Gould USA: Rhode Island W. W. Bailey 1876
NEBC: 00689126 Digitaria filiformis (Linnaeus) Koeler USA: Rhode Island W. W. Bailey 1877
NEBC: 00864365 Distichlis spicata (Linnaeus) Greene USA: Rhode Island Seekonk W. W. Bailey 1879
NEBC: 00864538 Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steudel USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1877
NEBC: 00613820 Holcus lanatus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Lancaster: Lancaster W. W. Bailey 1898-6-28
NEBC: 00613825 Holcus lanatus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts W. W. Bailey 1872
NEBC: 00613839 Holcus lanatus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Middletown: Middletown W. W. Bailey
NEBC: 00595139 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Swansea: Swansea W. W. Bailey 1910
NEBC: 00595140 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Swansea: Swansea W. W. Bailey 1910
NEBC: 01174154 Muhlenbergia uniflora (Muhlenberg) Fernald USA: Rhode Island W. W. Bailey 1877
NEBC: 00853307 Panicum rigidulum Bosc ex Nees USA: Rhode Island Exeter: Exeter W. W. Bailey 1876
NEBC: 00853630 Paspalum setaceum muehlenbergii (Nash) D. Banks USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1876
NEBC: 00606047 Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel USA: Rhode Island Block Island W. W. Bailey 1892
NEBC: 00595852 Schedonorus pratensis (Hudson) P. Beauvois USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1877
NEBC: 01182127 Sphenopholis intermedia Rydberg USA: Rhode Island W. W. Bailey 1877
Polemoniaceae GH: 00303672 Eriastrum wilcoxii (A. Nelson) H. Mason USA: Nevada N. W.; Truckee Desert W. W. Bailey 914 1867-7
GH: 00303672 Gilia floccosa A. Gray USA: Nevada N. W.; Truckee Desert W. W. Bailey 914 1867-7
GH: 00303672 Gilia virgata floccosa (A. Gray) Milliken USA: Nevada N. W.; Truckee Desert W. W. Bailey 914 1867-7
GH: 00303672 Navarretia virgata floccosa (A. Gray) Brand USA: Nevada N. W.; Truckee Desert W. W. Bailey 914 1867-7
Polygalaceae NEBC: 00558266 Polygala paucifolia Willdenow USA: Rhode Island Woonsocket: Woonsocket W. W. Bailey 1883
Polygonaceae NEBC: 00664928 Antenoron virginianum (Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield W. W. Bailey 1884-8-24
GH: 00036251 Eriogonum baileyi S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Mountains W. W. Bailey 1867-9
GH: 00036248 Eriogonum baileyi S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Desert, N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 1031 1867-7
GH: 02361796 Polygonum aviculare Linnaeus USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1057 1867-7
NEBC: 00759125 Polygonum convolvulus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island W. W. Bailey 1892-8-22
GH: 00645983 Polygonum prolificum (Small) B. L. Robinson USA: Rhode Island East Providence: East Providence W. W. Bailey 1879
NEBC: 00664928 Polygonum virginianum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Smithfield: Smithfield W. W. Bailey 1884-8-24
GH: 02005525 Rumex maritimus fueginus (Philippi) Dusén USA: Nevada [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1053 1867-8
Polypodiaceae NEBC: 00658229 Polypodium virginianum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
Polytrichaceae FH: 00918961 Polytrichum juniperinum strictum (Menzies ex Bridel) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Mt. Lafayette: [data not captured] W. W. Bailey 1882-8-10
Potamogetonaceae GH: 00022651 Coleogeton striatus (Ruiz & Pavon) Les & R. R. Haynes USA: Nevada Humboldt Lake W. W. Bailey 1142 1867-8
GH: 00022651 Potamogeton pectinatus latifolius J. W. Robbins USA: Nevada Humboldt Lake W. W. Bailey 1142 1867-8
GH: 00022651 Stuckenia striata (Ruiz & Pavon) Holub USA: Nevada Humboldt Lake W. W. Bailey 1142 1867-8
Pteridaceae NEBC: 00681382 Adiantum pedatum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
Pucciniaceae FH: 00950889 Aecidium epilobii de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Warwick: [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1883-8
FH: 00950889 Puccinia extensicola oenotherae (Montagne) Arthur USA: Rhode Island Warwick: [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1883-8
FH: 01131815 Puccinia obtegens (Link) Tulasne USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1889-5
FH: 01131815 Puccinia suaveolens (Persoon) Rostrup USA: Rhode Island Providence: [no additional data] W. W. Bailey 1889-5
Ranunculaceae NEBC: 00485449 Aquilegia canadensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00719111 Ranunculus recurvatus Poiret USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia W. W. Bailey 1882
NEBC: 00580600 Ranunculus repens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878-5-28
Rosaceae NEBC: 00483984 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Mt. Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00756133 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897
GH: 00443834 Ivesia baileyi S. Watson USA: Nevada N. W. Nevada [protologue: "West Humboldt Mou... W. W. Bailey 346 1867-9
NEBC: 00524614 Potentilla recta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1885
NEBC: 00742731 Prunus nigra Aiton USA: Massachusetts Mt. Wachusetts W. W. Bailey 1897
NEBC: 00743113 Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus f. USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
GH: 00244259 Rosa californica ultramontana S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Valley N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 349 1867-7
GH: 00244259 Rosa fendleri Crépin USA: Nevada Truckee Valley N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 349 1867-7
GH: 00244259 Rosa ultramontana (S. Watson) A. Heller USA: Nevada Truckee Valley N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 349 1867-7
GH: 00244259 Rosa woodsii ultramontana (S. Watson) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde USA: Nevada Truckee Valley N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 349 1867-7
NEBC: 00723676 Rubus hispidus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1878
GH: 01701553 Rubus odoratus Linnaeus USA: New York West Point W. W. Bailey
GH: 00283261 Spiraea caespitosa Nuttall USA: Nevada W. Humboldt Mts., 8500 ft W. W. Bailey 306 1867-9
Rubiaceae NEBC: 00485251 Houstonia caerulea Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts W. W. Bailey 1887-5-11
Salicaceae NEBC: 00653459 Salix discolor Muhlenberg USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00441633 Salix eriocephala Michaux USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1893-5-11
Saxifragaceae NEBC: 01008744 Mitella diphylla Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1893-5-11
NEBC: 00665314 Ribes glandulosum Grauer USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00575106 Saxifraga virginiensis Michaux USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Selaginellaceae NEBC: 00738069 Selaginella rupestris (Linnaeus) Spring USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey 1895
Smilacaceae NEBC: 01049151 Smilax glauca Walter USA: Rhode Island East Greenwich: East Greenwich W. W. Bailey 1878
Solanaceae GH: 00630071 Physalis heterophylla Nees USA: Rhode Island Providence: Providence W. W. Bailey
Thelypteridaceae NEBC: 00631683 Phegopteris connectilis (Michaux) Watt USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1896
GH: 00631899 Phegopteris hexagonoptera (Michaux) Fée USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00631900 Phegopteris hexagonoptera (Michaux) Fée USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00652194 Thelypteris noveboracensis (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
NEBC: 00708521 Thelypteris palustris pubescens (G. Lawson) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Conway: Conway W. W. Bailey 1896
Ulmaceae NEBC: 00721814 Celtis occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island East Greenwich: East Greenwich W. W. Bailey 1884-5-24
Urticaceae GH: 00263751 Urtica dioica holosericea (Nuttall) Thorne USA: Nevada Truckee Valley, N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 1083 1867-7
GH: 00263751 Urtica dioica occidentalis S. Watson USA: Nevada Truckee Valley, N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 1083 1867-7
GH: 00263751 Urtica serra Blume USA: Nevada Truckee Valley, N. W. Nevada W. W. Bailey 1083 1867-7
Violaceae NEBC: 00721245 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00721246 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: Massachusetts Mount Wachusett W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
NEBC: 00649333 Viola sororia Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1897-5-11
Woodsiaceae NEBC: 00676318 Woodsia ilvensis (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Massachusetts Princeton: Princeton W. W. Bailey 1895
Xyridaceae NEBC: 00700486 Xyris smalliana Nash USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: South Kingstown W. W. Bailey 1879-8-21