FH: 00388443 Amandinea milliaria (Tuckerman) P. F. May & Sheard USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00388444 Amandinea milliaria (Tuckerman) P. F. May & Sheard USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00794845 Arthonia diffusa Nylander USA: New York [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794851 Arthonia dispersa (Schrader) Nylander USA: Massachusetts Quincy: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794852 Arthonia dispersa (Schrader) Nylander USA: Massachusetts Quincy: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00418586 Arthonia quintaria Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794904 Arthonia subminutula Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794912 Arthonia xylographica Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00979157 Biatorella difformis (Fries) Vainio USA: New Hampshire Randolph: H. Willey 1015 1885
FH: 00419805 Bilimbia sabuletorum (Schreber) Arnold USA: New Hampshire Warren: [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00513754 Buellia alboatra (Hoffmann) Th. Fries USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00513767 Buellia coracina Körber USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513776 Buellia elizae (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513777 Buellia geographica Tuckerman Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00197503 Buellia glaucomaria (Nylander) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00197503 Buellia glaucomarioides Willey ex Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00197504 Buellia glaucomarioides Willey ex Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00794631 Buellia lepidastra (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794627 Buellia myriocarpa (de Candolle) De Notaris USA: Massachusetts Cuttyhunk Island: [no additional data] H. Willey 1882
FH: 00794676 Buellia stellulata (Taylor) Mudd USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] H. Willey 1873
FH: 00794678 Buellia turgescens (Nylander) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794671 Buellia vernicoma (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00304046 Buellia verruculosa (Smith) Mudd USA: H. Willey 881 1882
FH: 00394696 Dimelaena oreina (Acharius) Norman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00795016 Endocarpon moulinsii Montagne Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00079815 Fuscidea recensa arcuatula (Arnold) Fryday USA: Massachusetts H. Willey 1870
FH: 00513643 Heterothecium grossum (Persoon ex Nylander) Tuckerman Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00512584 Leptogium bolacinum (Acharius) Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512620 Leptogium lacerum lophaeum (Acharius) Körber USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512613 Leptogium muscicola (Swartz) Fries USA: New Hampshire West Thornton: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512614 Leptogium sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512641 Leptogium tenuissimum (Hoffmann) Körber USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512472 Pannaria plumbea (Lightfoot) Bory Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00467402 Pannaria rubiginosa (Thunberg ex Acharius) Delise Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00512475 Pannaria triptophylla (Acharius) A. Massalongo USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512483 Pannaria triptophylla (Acharius) A. Massalongo USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00469293 Peltigera aphthosa (Linnaeus) Willdenow Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00512392 Peltigera canina spuria (Acharius) Schaerer USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512409 Peltigera rufescens (Weiss) Humboldt USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512417 Peltigera venosa (Linnaeus) Hoffmann USA: Vermont Bellows Falls: [no additional data] H. Willey
NEBC: 00446161 Phaeophyscia hispidula (Acharius) Esslinger USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512171 Physcia adglutinata (Flörke) Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512201 Physcia obscura sorediifera Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 1883
FH: 00472892 Physcia phaea (Tuckerman) J. W. Thompson USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512227 Physcia speciosa stellulata Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00472947 Physcia stellaris (Linnaeus) Nylander USA: New Hampshire North Conway: [no additional data] H. Willey 1887
FH: 00512231 Physcia stellaris hispida Schreber USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00259049 Pilophorus cereolus fibula Tuckerman : North America (CA, US, MX): New Hampshire, W... H. Willey
FH: 00259049 Pilophorus fibula (Tuckerman) Th. Fries : North America (CA, US, MX): New Hampshire, W... H. Willey
FH: 00213403 Placodium ferrugineum discolor Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 1877
FH: 00512714 Placodium rupestre (Scopoli) Branth & Rostrup USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00302785 Polyblastiopsis lactea (A. Massalongo) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 196 1867
FH: 00302788 Polyblastiopsis lactea (A. Massalongo) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 162 1866
FH: 00474140 Polychidium muscicola (Swartz) Gray USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00475266 Psorotichia schaereri (A. Massalongo) Arnold USA: Illinois [no additional data] H. Willey 1877
FH: 00475836 Pyrenula glabrata (Acharius) A. Massalongo USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00302785 Pyrenula lactea (A. Massalongo) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 196 1867
FH: 00302788 Pyrenula lactea (A. Massalongo) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 162 1866
FH: 00795154 Pyrenula leucoplaca (Wallroth) Körber USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00795146 Pyrenula rhyponta (Acharius) Trevisan USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 1881
FH: 00475701 Pyrenula sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 1880
FH: 00822417 Pyrenula staurospora Tuckerman ex Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no locality given. data from p... H. Willey 385 1867
FH: 00795193 Pyrenula thelena (Acharius) Trevisan USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00991327 Rhizocarpon badioatrum (Flörke ex Sprengel) Th. Fries USA: New Hampshire Mt. Hayes H. Willey 592W 1874
FH: 00477634 Rhizocarpon geographicum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00477804 Rhizocarpon oederi (Weber) Körber USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00477828 Rhizocarpon petraeum (Wulfen) A. Massalongo Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00477510 Rhizocarpon sp. USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00478205 Rinodina ascociscana (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire Randolph: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00304046 Rinodina chrysomelaena Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 451 1868
FH: 00304046 Rinodina chrysomelaena Tuckerman USA: H. Willey 881 1882
FH: 00512982 Rinodina sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 1878
FH: 00304046 Rinodina sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 451 1868
FH: 00479206 Staurothele circinata Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1880
FH: 00479207 Staurothele circinata Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00795049 Staurothele circinata Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00479238 Staurothele diffractella (Nylander) Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1870
FH: 00479206 Staurothele fissa (Taylor) Zwackh USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1880
FH: 00479207 Staurothele fissa (Taylor) Zwackh USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00479248 Staurothele fissa (Taylor) Zwackh USA: New Hampshire Franconia: [no additional data] H. Willey 1875
FH: 00479251 Staurothele fissa (Taylor) Zwackh USA: Maine [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00479248 Staurothele lithina Zahlbruckner USA: New Hampshire Franconia: [no additional data] H. Willey 1875
FH: 00479251 Staurothele lithina Zahlbruckner USA: Maine [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00491225 Thelidium pyrenophorum (Acharius) Körber USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00491226 Thelidium pyrenophorum (Acharius) Körber USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00491327 Thelotrema lepadinum (Acharius) Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00493196 Umbilicaria vellea (Linnaeus) Hoffmann USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00494132 Verrucaria ceuthocarpa Wahlenberg Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00494133 Verrucaria ceuthocarpa Wahlenberg Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00795098 Verrucaria ceuthocarpa Wahlenberg Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00494148 Verrucaria floerkeana Dalla Torre & Sarnthein USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1870
FH: 00494196 Verrucaria margacea (Wahlenberg) Wahlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00795096 Verrucaria margacea (Wahlenberg) Wahlenberg USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00494211 Verrucaria maura Wahlenberg Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00494218 Verrucaria maura Wahlenberg USA: Maine [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00494250 Verrucaria mucosa Wahlenberg USA: Maine [data not captured] H. Willey 1871
FH: 00494251 Verrucaria mucosa Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Nantasket: [no additional data] H. Willey 1871
FH: 00795107 Verrucaria pyrenophora Acharius USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00494426 Verrucaria rupestris Schrader USA: Vermont [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00795112 Verrucaria rupestris Schrader USA: Vermont [data not captured] H. Willey
Acarosporaceae FH: 00259124 Acarospora veronensis A. Massalongo Canada: Grand Manan H. Willey 1879
Aspidiaceae NEBC: 00627784 Polystichum ée (Spenner) Fée USA: New Hampshire Gorham: Gorham H. Willey
Caliciaceae FH: 00794952 Calicium albidum Schumacher USA: New Hampshire Jefferson: [no additional data] H. Willey 1883
FH: 00794982 Calicium stemoneum (Acharius) Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Cladoniaceae FH: 00513158 Cladonia alcicornis (Lightfoot) Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513224 Cladonia cristatella Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513244 Cladonia fimbriata (Linnaeus) Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513246 Cladonia fimbriata adspersa F. Wilson USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513314 Cladonia mitrula Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513221 Cladonia sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Coccocarpiaceae FH: 00479147 Spilonema paradoxum Bornet USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] H. Willey
Collemataceae FH: 00407998 Collema (Weber) F. H. Wiggers USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1872
FH: 00512523 Collema cladodes Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00512524 Collema cladodes Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00512530 Collema furvum (Acharius) de Candolle USA: Vermont Bellows Falls: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00302690 Collema kauaiense H. Magnusson USA: New Hampshire [?] Franconia H. Willey 674 1875
FH: 00302700 Collema leptaleum Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00302690 Collema microptychium Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire [?] Franconia H. Willey 674 1875
FH: 00407998 Collema sp. USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1872
FH: 00393353 Collema tenax (Swartz) Acharius USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
Coniocybaceae FH: 00794982 Chaenotheca stemonea (Acharius) Müller Arg. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00413500 Chaenotheca trichialis (Acharius) Hellbom USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [data not captured] H. Willey 1866
FH: 00413503 Chaenotheca trichialis (Acharius) Hellbom USA: New Hampshire Jefferson: [data not captured] H. Willey 1883
FH: 00794998 Coniocybe pallida (Persoon) Fries USA: Illinois [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00478713 Sclerophora nivea (J. F. Gmelin) Tibell USA: New Hampshire Jefferson: [no additional data] H. Willey
Dermateaceae FH: 00795220 Abrothallus smithii Tulasne USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
NEBC: 00446908 Melaspilea demissa (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 1884
FH: 00377319 Melaspilea demissa (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts Weymouth H. Willey 72, 74 1870
FH: 00377320 Melaspilea demissa (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts Weymouth H. Willey 1874
FH: 00377318 Melaspilea demissa (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey 1884
FH: 00377321 Melaspilea demissa (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey 488 1870
FH: 00377322 Melaspilea demissa (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey 1870
FH: 00377323 Melaspilea demissa (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts new Bedford H. Willey 1870
FH: 00979157 Sarea difformis (Fries) Fries USA: New Hampshire Randolph: H. Willey 1015 1885
FH: 00979165 Sarea difformis (Fries) Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N.B. H. Willey 1883
FH: 00965342 Sarea difformis (Fries) Fries USA: New Hampshire Randolph: near Ravine House H. Willey 1015
FH: 00965344 Sarea difformis (Fries) Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 950 1882
FH: 00965345 Sarea difformis (Fries) Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00060438 Xylographa disseminata Willey & Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00060439 Xylographa disseminata Willey & Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
NEBC: 00446694 Xylographa disseminata Willey & Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794722 Xylographa disseminata Willey & Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Dryopteridaceae NEBC: 00704616 Dryopteris fragrans remotiuscula (Komarov) Komarov USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin H. Willey 1867-7
Fuscideaceae FH: 00467314 Orphniospora moriopsis (A. Massalongo) D. Hawksworth USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey 1874
FH: 00478530 Ropalospora lugubris (Sommerfeld) Poelt USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey 1888
Gyalectaceae FH: 00513048 Gyalecta corticola (Lönnroth) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513054 Gyalecta cupularis (Hedwig) Schaerer USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00437919 Gyalecta jenensis (Batsch) Zahlbruckner USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00437918 Gyalecta pallida (Persoon: Fries) Boistel USA: New Hampshire Franconia: [no additional data] H. Willey 1875
Helotiaceae FH: 00965345 Claussenomyces olivaceus (Fuckel) Sherwood USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Hymeneliaceae FH: 00450444 Hymenelia epulotica (Acharius) F. Lutzoni USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00438344 Ionaspis lacustris (Withering) F. Lutzoni USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] H. Willey
Icmadophilaceae FH: 00491052 Thamnolia vermicularis (Swartz) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
Lecanoraceae FH: 00259124 Lecanora cervina squamulosa Th. Fries Canada: Grand Manan H. Willey 1879
FH: 00451117 Lecanora cupressi Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512790 Lecanora elatina Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00476705 Lecanora fuscescens (Sommerfelt) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Randolph: [data not captured] H. Willey 1885
FH: 00512814 Lecanora hagenii (Acharius) Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00451337 Lecanora intricata (Acharius) Acharius USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [no additional data] H. Willey 1880
FH: 00476806 Lecanora intricata (Acharius) Acharius USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield: [no additional data] H. Willey 1880
FH: 00939830 Lecanora miculata Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00451519 Lecanora oreinoides (Körber) Hertel & Rambold USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00451520 Lecanora oreinoides (Körber) Hertel & Rambold USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00512879 Lecanora sambuci (Persoon) Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512881 Lecanora sordida (Persoon) Th. Fries Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00512767 Lecanora sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512773 Lecanora sp. USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00512926 Lecanora sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00939830 Lecanora subpallens Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512917 Lecanora varia lutescens Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00452302 Lecanora willeyi Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Amherst: [no additional data] H. Willey 1872
FH: 00377469 Lecanora willeyi Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Amherst: W side of road to Mill Hollow H. Willey 1872-7-12
FH: 00302680 Myrionora albidula (Willey) R. C. Harris USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N. B. H. Willey 1884
FH: 00302682 Myrionora albidula (Willey) R. C. Harris USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N. B. H. Willey 1884-8
FH: 00476100 Pyrrhospora elabens (Fries) Hafellner: Fries Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00476100 Ramboldia elabens (Fries) Kantvilas & Elix Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
Lecideaceae FH: 00419805 Bacidia sabuletorum (Schreber) Lettau USA: New Hampshire Warren: [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00991327 Lecidea badioatra (Flörke ex Sprengel) Mudd USA: New Hampshire Mt. Hayes H. Willey 592W 1874
FH: 00452664 Lecidea carnulenta (Tuckerman) Fink USA: New Hampshire West Thornton: [no additional data] H. Willey 1881
FH: 00197674 Lecidea chlorosticta Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00513689 Lecidea contigua (Hoffmann) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Barnstable: [no additional data] H. Willey 1879-7-5
FH: 00513714 Lecidea cyrtidia Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Quincy: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00979165 Lecidea difformis (Fries) Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N.B. H. Willey 1883
FH: 00965344 Lecidea difformis (Fries) Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 950 1882
FH: 00513711 Lecidea enteroleuca Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00407687 Lecidea monticola Acharius USA: New York Newton Falls: H. Willey 1872
FH: 00991234 Lecidea monticola Acharius USA: New York Tannersville: H. Willey 1884
FH: 00513729 Lecidea pycnocarpa (Körber) Ohlert Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00513731 Lecidea spilota Fries Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
Lichinaceae FH: 00512486 Ephebe solida Bornet USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512490 Lichina confinis willeyi Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Dartmouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00453033 Lichina willeyi (Tuckerman) Henssen USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00377528 Lichina willeyi (Tuckerman) Henssen USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey s.n. 1868-5-26
FH: 00512490 Lichina willeyi (Tuckerman) Henssen USA: Massachusetts Dartmouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00471954 Phylliscum demangeonii (J. B. Mougeot & J. P. F. C. Montagne) Nylander USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00197915 Pterygiopsis coracodiza (Nylander) Henssen Canada: Grand Manan H. Willey 13 1879
FH: 00197926 Pyrenopsis compacta Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey 1862
FH: 00512492 Pyrenopsis corallina Willey USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512497 Pyrenopsis phaeococca (Tuckerman) Tuckerman Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00475674 Pyrenopsis phaeococca (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00512493 Pyrenopsis phaeococca (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512500 Pyrenopsis phaeococca (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512501 Pyrenopsis phaeococca (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00197913 Pyrenopsis phaeococca (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts H. Willey
FH: 00197918 Pyrenopsis polycocca (Nylander) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey
FH: 00197915 Pyrenopsis sp. Canada: Grand Manan H. Willey 13 1879
Lobariaceae FH: 00512331 Sticta crocata (Linnaeus) Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Microcaliciaceae FH: 00471710 Phaeocalicium curtisii (Tuckerman) Tibell USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
Mycocaliciaceae FH: 00479300 Stenocybe major Nylander ex Körber USA: New Hampshire Randolph: [no additional data] H. Willey 1885
FH: 00479301 Stenocybe major Nylander ex Körber USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey 1885
Nectrioidaceae FH: 00965345 Zythia resinae (Ehrenberg) P. Karsten USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Opegraphaceae FH: 00794701 Opegrapha atra Persoon USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00455888 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00455889 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] H. Willey 1884
FH: 00455890 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00455891 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] H. Willey 1884
FH: 00377318 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey 1884
FH: 00377319 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Weymouth H. Willey 72, 74 1870
FH: 00377320 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Weymouth H. Willey 1874
FH: 00377321 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey 488 1870
FH: 00377322 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey 1870
FH: 00377323 Opegrapha demissa Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts new Bedford H. Willey 1870
FH: 00794713 Opegrapha sp. USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00467077 Opegrapha subvulgata Nylander USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00467088 Opegrapha varia Persoon USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00794712 Opegrapha varia Persoon USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
NEBC: 00446153 Opegrapha viridis Persoon USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00794716 Opegrapha vulgata (Acharius) Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Ophioglossaceae NEBC: 00679231 Ophioglossum pusillum Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: New Bedford H. Willey
Ophioparmaceae FH: 00450476 Hypocenomyce anthracophila (Nylander) P. James & Gotth. Schneider USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00450494 Hypocenomyce scalaris (Acharius ex Liljeblad) M. Choisy USA: Maine [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00467251 Ophioparma ventosa (Linnaeus) Norman USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
Pannariaceae FH: 00437142 Fuscopannaria leucophaea (Vahl) P. M. Jørgensen Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
Parmeliaceae FH: 00511868 Cetraria aleurites (Acharius) Th. Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00511919 Cetraria islandica (Linnaeus) Acharius USA: Maine [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00469056 Parmelia albescens (Hoffmann) Wallroth USA: New Hampshire Durand Ridge ["on Mt. Adams", via comment on... H. Willey 1885
FH: 00469056 Parmelia ambigua (Wulfen) Acharius USA: New Hampshire Durand Ridge ["on Mt. Adams", via comment on... H. Willey 1885
FH: 00512067 Parmelia borreri (Smith) Turner USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512073 Parmelia caperata (Linnaeus) Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00512103 Parmelia olivacea prolixa (Acharius) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00469056 Parmeliopsis ambigua (Wulfen) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Durand Ridge ["on Mt. Adams", via comment on... H. Willey 1885
FH: 00469056 Parmeliopsis capitata R. C. Harris ex J. W. Hinds & P. L. Hinds USA: New Hampshire Durand Ridge ["on Mt. Adams", via comment on... H. Willey 1885
FH: 00469056 Parmeliopsis hyperopta (Acharius) Vainio USA: New Hampshire Durand Ridge ["on Mt. Adams", via comment on... H. Willey 1885
FH: 00496820 Protoparmelia atriseda (Fries) R. Santesson & V. Wirth USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [no additional data] H. Willey 1878
FH: 00474618 Pseudevernia cladonia (Tuckerman) Hale & W. L. Culberson USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00493760 Usnea longissima Acharius Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00511998 Usnea longissima Acharius Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00511978 Usnea sp. Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
Pertusariaceae FH: 00512999 Pertusaria dactylina (Acharius) Nylander USA: Maine [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00471094 Pertusaria globularis (Acharius) Tuckerman USA: Vermont [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00471104 Pertusaria glomerata (Acharius) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00513007 Pertusaria glomerata (Acharius) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00513009 Pertusaria leioplaca de Candolle USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513030 Pertusaria multipuncta (Turner) Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00471676 Pertusaria wulfenii de Candolle USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1884
FH: 00471677 Pertusaria wulfenii de Candolle USA: New Hampshire Colebrook: [no additional data] H. Willey 1883
FH: 00795089 Sagedia oxyspora (Nylander) Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire White Mountains (do not use): [no additional... H. Willey
Placynthiaceae FH: 00475624 Pterygium petersii Nylander USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00475625 Pterygium petersii Nylander USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
Poaceae GH: 00579988 Bromus tectorum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: New Bedford H. Willey 1875
Porpidiaceae FH: 00407687 Clauzadea monticola (Acharius) Hafellner & Bellemere USA: New York Newton Falls: H. Willey 1872
FH: 00991234 Clauzadea monticola (Acharius) Hafellner & Bellemere USA: New York Tannersville: H. Willey 1884
Psoraceae FH: 00475531 Protoblastenia rupestris (Scopoli) J. Steiner USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] H. Willey
Pyrenopsidaceae FH: 00473610 Placynthium flabellosum (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00473611 Placynthium flabellosum (Tuckerman) Zahlbruckner USA: New Hampshire Warren: [no additional data] H. Willey 1881
FH: 00473662 Placynthium nigrum (Hudson) Gray USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00197920 Synalissa phaeococca Tuckerman : H. Willey 1867
FH: 00197915 Synalissa phaeococca Tuckerman Canada: Grand Manan H. Willey 13 1879
FH: 00197913 Synalissa phaeococca Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts H. Willey
FH: 00197918 Synalissa phaeococca Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey
Pyrenulaceae FH: 00822417 Anthracothecium staurosporum (Tuckerman ex Willey) Zahlbruckner USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no locality given. data from p... H. Willey 385 1867
FH: 00822417 Sulcopyrenula staurospora (Tuckerman ex Willey) H. Harada USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no locality given. data from p... H. Willey 385 1867
Ramalinaceae FH: 00302680 Biatora albidula Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N. B. H. Willey 1884
FH: 00302682 Biatora albidula Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: N. B. H. Willey 1884-8
FH: 00513407 Biatora atropurpurea (Schaerer) Hepp Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00513409 Biatora atropurpurea (Schaerer) Hepp USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00197663 Biatora beckhausii (Körber) Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire Jefferson: H. Willey 1883
FH: 00513428 Biatora chlorosticta (Tuckerman) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513438 Biatora cyrtella (Acharius) W. Mann USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513445 Biatora declinis Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00965342 Biatora difformis (Fries) Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire Randolph: near Ravine House H. Willey 1015
FH: 00965344 Biatora difformis (Fries) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 950 1882
FH: 00965347 Biatora difformis (Fries) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 950 1882
FH: 00965348 Biatora difformis (Fries) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00197656 Biatora endocyanea Tuckerman ex Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00197662 Biatora endocyanea Tuckerman ex Willey USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00259604 Biatora glauconigrans Tuckerman : H. Willey 1878-10
FH: 00259603 Biatora glauconigrans Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford H. Willey
FH: 00513484 Biatora hypnophila (Turner ex Acharius) Lönnroth USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00197662 Biatora incompta Hepp USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey
FH: 00513501 Biatora lucida (Acharius) Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513517 Biatora micrococca Körber USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513514 Biatora milliaria (Fries) Tuckerman Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00513519 Biatora milliaria (Fries) Tuckerman Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00513529 Biatora ostreata (Hoffmann) Fries USA: Maine Mt. Desert Island: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513556 Biatora papillariae Willey USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513544 Biatora prasina (Fries) Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00965345 Biatora resinae (Fries) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00079815 Biatora rivulosa (Acharius) Fries USA: Massachusetts H. Willey 1870
FH: 00513555 Biatora rivulosa (Acharius) Fries USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513512 Biatora sp. Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00197671 Biatora sp. USA: New Hampshire White Mountains H. Willey
FH: 00513572 Biatora sp. USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 1884
FH: 00513599 Biatora tornoensis (Nylander) Th. Fries USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513604 Biatora trachona (Acharius) Körber USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513520 Biatora tricolor Montagne USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513619 Biatora umbrina (Acharius) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513630 Biatora vernalis (Linnaeus) Fries Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00437266 Frutidella caesioatra (Schaerer) Kalb USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00438864 Japewia tornoënsis (Nylander) Toensberg USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey 1878
Roccellaceae FH: 00478688 Schismatomma glaucescens (Nylander ex Willey) R. C. Harris USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
NEBC: 00446153 Zwackhia viridis (Acharius) I. S. Poetsch & Schiedermayr USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Sphaeriaceae FH: 00965345 Sphaeria resinae Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Sphaerophoraceae FH: 00794923 Sphaerophorus globiferus (Linnaeus) de Candolle Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
Sphinctrinaceae FH: 00479129 Sphinctrina gelasinata (Withering) Zahlbruckner USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00479122 Sphinctrina leucopoda Nylander USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
Stereocaulaceae FH: 00259047 Stereocaulon cereolus Acharius : North America (CA, US, MX): a: New Hampshire... H. Willey
FH: 00479459 Stereocaulon condensatum Hoffmann USA: Massachusetts Mattapoisett: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00513124 Stereocaulon condensatum Hoffmann USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey 1884-5
FH: 00479542 Stereocaulon dactylophyllum Flörke USA: New Hampshire Gorham: [data not captured] H. Willey 1885
FH: 00259047 Stereocaulon denudatum Flörke : North America (CA, US, MX): a: New Hampshire... H. Willey
FH: 00259047 Stereocaulon pileatum Acharius : North America (CA, US, MX): a: New Hampshire... H. Willey
FH: 00513143 Stereocaulon pileatum Acharius Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00513144 Stereocaulon pileatum Acharius Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
FH: 00479943 Stereocaulon pileatum Acharius USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00480118 Stereocaulon saxatile H. Magnusson USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] H. Willey
Stictidaceae FH: 00393444 Conotrema urceolatum (Acharius) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00940409 Conotrema urceolatum (Acharius) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Weymouth: Weymouth H. Willey 1872
FH: 00794687 Platygrapha periclea (Acharius) Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00393444 Stictis urceolata (Acharius) Gilenstam USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [data not captured] H. Willey
Thamnidiaceae FH: 00453033 Thamnidium willeyi Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Thelenellaceae FH: 00302785 Julella lactea (A. Massalongo) M. E. Barr USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 196 1867
FH: 00302788 Julella lactea (A. Massalongo) M. E. Barr USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: H. Willey 162 1866
Thelocarpaceae FH: 00491237 Thelocarpon intermediellum Nylander USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
Thelypteridaceae NEBC: 00631888 Phegopteris hexagonoptera (Michaux) Fée USA: Massachusetts Mattapoisett: Mattapoisett H. Willey
Trapeliaceae FH: 00473522 Placopsis gelida (Linnaeus) Lindsay USA: New Hampshire Mt. Washington: [no additional data] H. Willey 1874
Usneaceae FH: 00511809 Ramalina calicaris canaliculata Fries USA: Massachusetts New Bedford: [no additional data] H. Willey
FH: 00476890 Ramalina geniculata J. D. Hooker & Taylor Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey
FH: 00511847 Ramalina pusilla Le Prevost Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] H. Willey 1879
Verrucariaceae FH: 00479238 Willeya diffractella (Nylander) Müller Arg. USA: New York [data not captured] H. Willey 1870
Woodsiaceae NEBC: 00676153 Woodsia ilvensis (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: New Hampshire Berlin: Berlin Falls H. Willey