Capparaceae A: 00042238 Capparis flexuosa cordifolia Kitanov Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Grenadines Tobago Cays, Petit Batteau, dry woods on roc... Albert C. Smith 10150 1956-3-17
Euphorbiaceae A: 00267086 Pedilanthus tithymaloides (Linnaeus) Poiteau Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua Slopes and summit of Boggy Peak, Shekerley M... Albert C. Smith 10394 1956-4-2
Orchidaceae A: 00600792 Epidendrum anceps Jacquin Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua Slopes and summit of Boggy Peak, Shekerley M... Albert C. Smith 10403 1956-4-2
AMES: 00600500 Epidendrum angustilobum Fawcett & Rendle Grenada: Vicinity of Grand Etang Albert C. Smith 10129 1956-3-14
AMES: 00253330 Epidendrum ciliare Linnaeus Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua Slopes and summit of Boggy Peak, Shkerley Mo... Albert C. Smith 10390 1956-4-2
AMES: 00253676 Epidendrum mutelianum Cogniaux : Caribbean: Nevis: Nevis Peak, southern slope Albert C. Smith 10523 1956-4-11
AMES: 00253684 Epidendrum mutelianum Cogniaux : Caribbean: Nevis Peak, summit and adjacent r... Albert C. Smith 10527 1956-4-11
AMES: 00253310 Epidendrum nocturnum Jacquin Grenada: Vicinity of Grand Etang Albert C. Smith 10129 1956-3-14
AMES: 00253788 Epidendrum ramosum Jacquin Grenada: vicinity of Grand Etang Albert C. Smith 10135 1956-3-14
A: 00262148 Erythrodes plantaginea (Linnaeus) Fawcett & Rendle Dominica: Vicinity of Fresh Water Lake, near Laudat Albert C. Smith 10259 1956-3-26
A: 00264100 Jacquiniella globosa (Jacquin) Schlechter Dominica: Vicinity of Fresh Water Lake, near Laudat Albert C. Smith 10302 1956-3-26
A: 00264077 Jacquiniella globosa (Jacquin) Schlechter Grenada: Vicinity of Grand Etang Albert C. Smith 10127 1956-3-14
A: 00271035 Maxillaria coccinea (Jacquin) L. O. Williams ex Hodge Dominica: Vicinity of Fresh Water Lake, near Laudat Albert C. Smith 10305 1956-3-26
A: 00262148 Microchilus plantagineus (Linnaeus) D. Dietrich Dominica: Vicinity of Fresh Water Lake, near Laudat Albert C. Smith 10259 1956-3-26
A: 00271949 Octomeria graminifolia (Linnaeus) R. Brown Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Crest of Northen Range betwwen Arima-Blanchi... Albert C. Smith 10028 1956-3-8
A: 00271949 Octomeria tridentata Lindley Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad Crest of Northen Range betwwen Arima-Blanchi... Albert C. Smith 10028 1956-3-8
A: 00271581 Oncidium intermedium Knowles & Westcott Antigua and Barbuda: Barbuda Southwestern part of island, south of the la... Albert C. Smith 10470 1956-4-6
A: 00271035 Ornithidium coccineum (Jacquin) Salisbury Dominica: Vicinity of Fresh Water Lake, near Laudat Albert C. Smith 10305 1956-3-26
AMES: 00262975 Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacquin) R. Brown : Caribbean: Nevis Peak, southern slope Albert C. Smith 10550 1956-4-11
A: 00262290 Stelis ophioglossoides (Jacquin) Swartz : Caribbean: Nevis: Nevis Paek, southern slope Albert C. Smith 10512 1956-4-11
A: 00262290 Stelis scabrida Lindley : Caribbean: Nevis: Nevis Paek, southern slope Albert C. Smith 10512 1956-4-11
AMES: 00287472 Tolumnia prionochila (Kraenzlin) Braem : Virgin Gorda Summit and eastern slope of Virgin Peak Albert C. Smith 10588 1956-4-15
A: 00271581 Tolumnia urophylla (W. Loddiges ex Lindley) Braem Antigua and Barbuda: Barbuda Southwestern part of island, south of the la... Albert C. Smith 10470 1956-4-6
A: 00600261 Vanilla mexicana Miller : Near Duclos, Petit Bourg Albert C. Smith 10350 1956-3-30