Aizoaceae NEBC: 02618377 Sesuvium maritimum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Rhode Island Little Compton: Quicksand Pond along breechw... D. McGrady 325 2020-9-13
Alliaceae NEBC: 02618641 Allium tricoccum Aiton USA: Rhode Island Foster: Rams Tail Rd, 670 ft east-southeast ... D. McGrady 242 2020-4-1
NEBC: 02618642 Allium tricoccum Aiton USA: Rhode Island Coventry: Big River Management Area, 1270 ft... D. McGrady 246 2020-4-20
Asteraceae NEBC: 02618594 Coreopsis rosea Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Johnston: 671 Greenville Ave, former sand qu... D. McGrady 189 2020-7-31
NEBC: 02618635 Erigeron pulchellus Michaux USA: Rhode Island Exeter: Arcadia Management Area, north side ... D. McGrady 207 2020-5-18
NEBC: 02618595 Helianthus divaricatus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Foster: Pine Tree Lane, 250 ft northwest of ... D. McGrady 185 2020-7-29
NEBC: 02618596 Helianthus strumosus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Foster: Pine Tree Lane, 150 ft northwest of ... D. McGrady 184 2020-7-29
NEBC: 02618371 Oclemena nemoralis (Aiton) Greene USA: Rhode Island Richmond: Grass Pond, northeast corner D. McGrady 338 2020-9-24
NEBC: 02618372 Pityopsis falcata (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Coventry: Industrial Drive, 400 ft north of ... D. McGrady 333 2020-9-21
NEBC: 02618644 Tussilago farfara Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island West Greenwich: Arcadia Management Area, par... D. McGrady 238 2020-4-23
Caprifoliaceae NEBC: 02618611 Diervilla lonicera Miller USA: Rhode Island Woonsocket: Blackstone River power lines, 52... D. McGrady 285 2020-7-4
Caryophyllaceae NEBC: 02618592 Minuartia glabra (Michaux) Mattfeld USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Burlingame Management ARea, 110... D. McGrady 198 2020-5-30
NEBC: 02618646 Minuartia glabra (Michaux) Mattfeld USA: Rhode Island Westerly: Woody Hill Management Area, 2800 f... D. McGrady 223 2020-6-4
Cistaceae NEBC: 02618643 Crocanthemum propinquum (E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell USA: Rhode Island Charlestown: Lewis Path, 1900 ft west of Sou... D. McGrady 258 2020-6-16
Cyperaceae NEBC: 02618597 Carex collinsii Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Coventry: Mishnock Swamp, 400 ft west of Mis... D. McGrady 266 2020-7-23
NEBC: 02618379 Carex platyphylla J. Carey USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Long Brook Conservation Area, 12... D. McGrady 313 2020-7-10
NEBC: 02618376 Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island South Kingston: Wordens Pond, west edge sout... D. McGrady 324 2020-9-12
NEBC: 02618618 Schoenoplectus torreyi (Olney) Palla USA: Massachusetts Douglas: Douglas State Forest, vernal pool w... D. McGrady 269 2020-8-23
NEBC: 02618619 Schoenoplectus torreyi (Olney) Palla USA: Rhode Island Richmond: Meadowbrook Pond, 2500 ft upstream... D. McGrady 261 2020-8-22
NEBC: 02618441 Scleria reticularis Michaux USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: Strange Pond, 1100 ft west ... D. McGrady 304 2020-9-8
Juncaceae NEBC: 02618617 Juncus anthelatus (Wiegand) R. E. Brooks USA: Rhode Island Richmond: Carolina Management Area, 615 ft s... D. McGrady 293 2020-8-25
Lamiaceae NEBC: 02618590 Physostegia virginiana (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: Rhode Island Foster: Ponaganset Rod, 0.65 mi S of Central... D. McGrady 18 2020-7-26
NEBC: 02618610 Stachys hispida Pursh USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Pawtuxet River north bank, 300 ft e... D. McGrady 287 2020-6-21
NEBC: 02618616 Stachys hyssopifolia Michaux USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: Small unnamed pond 200 ft n... D. McGrady 295 2020-8-28
NEBC: 02618613 Teucrium canadense occidentale (A. Gray) E.M. McClint. & Epling USA: Rhode Island Warwick: Major Potter Rd powerlines, north o... D. McGrady 268 2020-7-24
Linaceae NEBC: 02618378 Linum virginianum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Highland Corporate Park, powerli... D. McGrady 310 2020-7-4
Lythraceae NEBC: 02618620 Rotala ramosior (Linnaeus) Koehne USA: Rhode Island Richmond: Meadowbrook Pond, 2500 ft upstream... D. McGrady 290 2020-8-22
Papaveraceae NEBC: 02618636 Capnoides sempervirens (Linnaeus) Borkhausen USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill Reservoir, ridge 10... D. McGrady 204 2020-5-16
Poaceae NEBC: 02618523 Aristida longespica geniculata (Rafinesque) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Coventry: Industrial Drive, 400 ft north of ... D. McGrady 332 2020-9-21
NEBC: 02618522 Aristida longespica geniculata (Rafinesque) Fernald USA: Rhode Island West Greenwich: Raccoon Brook gravel pit, 11... D. McGrady 342 2020-9-28
NEBC: 02618521 Aristida longespica geniculata (Rafinesque) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Jamestown: Beavertail State Park, park entra... D. McGrady 347 2020-10-4
NEBC: 02618615 Coleataenia longifolia (Torrey) Soreng USA: Connecticut Voluntown: Pachaug Hell Hollow Rd, Pachaug S... D. McGrady 299 2020-9-4
NEBC: 02618375 Hystrix patula Moench USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Copper Mine Hill, 350 ft northea... D. McGrady 317 2020-7-11
NEBC: 02618648 Oryzopsis asperifolia Michaux USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Long Brook Conservation Area, 14... D. McGrady 245 2020-5-2
NEBC: 02618374 Panicum longifolium Torrey USA: Rhode Island West Greenwich: Sweet Pond D. McGrady 346 2020-10-4
NEBC: 02618440 Panicum verrucosum Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island South Kingstown: Bull Head Pond, 330 ft nort... D. McGrady 302 2020-9-8
NEBC: 02618593 Piptochaetium avenaceum (Linnaeus) Parodi USA: Rhode Island Exeter: Arcadia Management Area, Brook Trail... D. McGrady 197 2020-5-30
NEBC: 02618588 Setaria parviflora (Poiret) Kerguélen USA: Rhode Island Narragansett: Bonnet Shore Rd D. McGrady 350 2020-10-18
NEBC: 02618587 Spartina cynosuroides (Linnaeus) Roth USA: Rhode Island East Providence: Bold Point, Bold Point Park... D. McGrady 361 2020-10-24
Ranunculaceae NEBC: 02618645 Ficaria verna Hudson USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Conklin Limestone Quarry, 1000 ft s... D. McGrady 239 2020-4-26
NEBC: 02618631 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Blackstone River, Albion Woodlan... D. McGrady 233 2020-5-13
NEBC: 02618591 Ranunculus micranthus Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Diamond Hill Reservoir, rock rid... D. McGrady 203 2020-5-16
NEBC: 02618630 Ranunculus micranthus Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Blackstone River, Albion Woodlan... D. McGrady 234 2020-5-13
Rhamnaceae NEBC: 02618380 Ceanothus americanus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Highland Corporate Park, powerli... D. McGrady 308 2020-7-4
NEBC: 02618612 Ceanothus americanus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Woonsocket: Blackstone River power lines, 52... D. McGrady 283 2020-7-4
Rosaceae NEBC: 02618647 Amelanchier nantucketensis E. P. Bicknell USA: Rhode Island Westerly: Woody Hill Management Area, 1060 f... D. McGrady 226 2020-5-9
Saxifragaceae NEBC: 02618638 Micranthes virginiensis (Michaux) Small USA: Rhode Island Westerly: Riverwood Preserve, 1680 ft north ... D. McGrady 228 2020-5-10
NEBC: 02618639 Micranthes virginiensis (Michaux) Small USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Blackstone River, Albion Woodlan... D. McGrady 236 2020-5-13
NEBC: 02618640 Micranthes virginiensis (Michaux) Small USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Conklin Limestone Quarry, 550 ft no... D. McGrady 240 2020-4-26
Schizaeaceae NEBC: 02618373 Lygodium palmatum (Bernhardi) Swartz USA: Rhode Island West Greenwich: Big River Management Area, e... D. McGrady 343 2020-10-4
Thelypteridaceae NEBC: 02618634 Phegopteris connectilis (Michaux) Watt USA: Rhode Island West Greenwich: Arcadia Management Area, eas... D. McGrady 209 2020-5-18
Violaceae NEBC: 02618632 Viola pubescens Aiton USA: Rhode Island Cumberland: Blackstone River, Albion Woodlan... D. McGrady 230 2020-5-13