Annonaceae GH: 02420970 Anaxagorea javanica Blume Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66898 1989-6-29
Arecaceae A: 02426902 Daemonorops geniculata (Griffith) Martius Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66821 1989-6-28
A: 02426901 Daemonorops geniculata (Griffith) Martius Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66821 1989-6-28
A: 02427570 Licuala longipes Griffith Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66818 1989-6-28
A: 02427569 Licuala longipes Griffith Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66818 1989-6-28
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02232298 Phanera sp. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66966 1989-7-1
Convolvulaceae A: 02422818 Erycibe sp. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertan, 200 km SE of Kua... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66835 1989-6-28
Dipterocarpaceae GH: 02566205 Dipterocarpus kunstleri King Malaysia: Negri Sembilan; Pasoh Forest Reserve, near S... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66947 1989-6-30
GH: 02620516 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66949 1989-6-30
Euphorbiaceae GH: 02563122 Balakata baccata (Roxburgh) Esser Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66990 1989-7-2
GH: 02416343 Ptychopyxis costata Miquel Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66873 1989-6-29
Fabaceae GH: 02233067 Callerya atropurpurea (Wallich) Schot Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66991 1989-7-2
Fagaceae A: 02554280 Castanopsis megacarpa Gamble Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Negeri Sembilan; Pasoh Forest Reserve, near ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66906 1989-6-29
A: 01154363 Lithocarpus curtisii (King ex Hooker f.) A. Camus Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66951 1989-6-30
Gesneriaceae A: 00872053 Didymocarpus sp. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66937 1989-6-30
Malvaceae GH: 02267084 Durio singaporensis Ridley Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66985 1989-7-1
Marantaceae A: 02245509 Stachyphrynium latifolium (Blume) K.Schum. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66938 1989-6-30
Mimosaceae A: 02234578 Parkia speciosa Hasskarl Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66870 1989-6-29
Myristicaceae A: 01166957 Horsfieldia superba (Hooker f. & Thomson) Warburg Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66904 1989-6-29
Olacaceae GH: 01154435 Ochanostachys amentacea Masters Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66868 1989-6-29
Pandanaceae A: 02457076 Benstonea ornata (Solms) Callmander & Buerki Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66815 1989-6-28
Phyllanthaceae A: 02475420 Antidesma orthogyne (Hooker f.) Airy Shaw Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66914 1989-6-30
A: 02487800 Aporosa microstachya (Tulasne) Müller Arg. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan PAsoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66930 1989-6-30
GH: 02487861 Aporosa nigropunctata Pax & K. Hoffmann Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66943 1989-6-30
GH: 01154702 Cleistanthus sp. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66992 1989-7-2
Piperaceae A: 01154358 Piper sp. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66922 1989-6-30
Poaceae A: 02243600 Leptaspis urceolata (Roxburgh) R. Brown Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Ku... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66871 1989-6-29
Verbenaceae A: 00246626 Sphenodesme triflora riparia Munir Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Sim... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66952 1989-7-1
GH: 02526639 Vitex vestita Wallich ex Schauer Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Negri Sembilan; Pasoh Forest Reserve, near S... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66971 1989-7-1
Vitaceae A: 02329795 Cayratia mollissima Gagnepain Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Simpang Pertang, ... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66973 1989-7-1
A: 02327296 [None] Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Sim... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66977 1989-7-1
A: [None] Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Pasoh Forest Reserve, near Sim... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66977 1989-7-1
Zingiberaceae A: 01154305 Alpinia sp. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan near Simpang Pertang, 200 km SE of Kuala Lum... A. H. Gentry & J. V. LaFrankie 66933 1989-6-30