Acanthaceae GH: 00078523 Stenandrium pilosulum (S. F. Blake) Daniel Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Madera, ca. 2250 m Edw. Palmer 317 1908-6-3
Adiantaceae GH: 02231552 Astrolepis cochisensis (Goodding) D. M. Benham & M. D. Windham Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 357 1908-6-5
Asteraceae GH: 00442017 Brickellia spinulosa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 13 1908-4-8
GH: 00441054 Brickellia squamulosa A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 60 1908-4-8
GH: 00442030 Chrysactinia mexicana A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 130 1908-4-28
GH: 00368123 Leptopharynx trisecta Rydberg Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 85 1908-4-8
GH: 00368123 Perityle parryi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 85 1908-4-8
GH: 00441054 Steviopsis squamulosa (A. Gray) B. L. Turner Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 60 1908-4-8
Bartramiaceae FH: 00304284 Philonotis fontana (Hedwig) Bridel Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Madera Edw. Palmer 442 1908-5-27
FH: 00220039 Philonotis luteola Cardot Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Madera, 2250 m. Edw. Palmer 442 1908-6-3
Boraginaceae GH: 00435011 Cryptantha pusilla (Torrey & A. Gray) Greene Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 65 1908-4-8
Cactaceae GH: 00063121 Coryphantha chihuahuensis (Britton & Rose) Berger Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua [City], about 1300 m. Edw. Palmer 72 1908-4-8
GH: 01874971 Echinocactus horizonthalonius Lemaire Mexico: Chihuahua Near Fresno Edw. Palmer 151 1908-5-1
GH: 00244485 Echinocereus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Aldama Edw. Palmer 258 1908-5-15
GH: 00244487 Echinocereus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Vicintiy of Santa Rosalia Edw. Palmer 355 1908-6-13
GH: 00244489 Echinocereus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Madera Edw. Palmer 326 1908-5-27
GH: 00244493 Echinocereus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Santa Rosalia Edw. Palmer 387 1908-6-13
GH: 00244391 Echinocereus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 3 1908-4-8
GH: 00063121 Escobaria chihuahuensis Britton & Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua [City], about 1300 m. Edw. Palmer 72 1908-4-8
GH: 01678240 Ferocactus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 150 1908-5-1
GH: 00063181 Opuntia chihuahuensis Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua, about 1300 m. Edw. Palmer 69 1908-4-8
GH: 00063180 Opuntia chihuahuensis Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua, about 1300 m. Edw. Palmer 69 1908-4-8
GH: 01677151 Opuntia schottii Engelmann Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Santa Rosalia Edw. Palmer 386 1908-6-13
GH: 01677179 Opuntia sp. Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 124 1908-4-8
GH: 01677193 Opuntia sp. Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 122 1908-4-8
GH: 01677201 Opuntia sp. Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 123 1908-4-8
GH: 01678136 Thelocactus bicolor (Galeotti ex Pfeiffer) Britton & Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 71 1908-4-8
Crassulaceae GH: 01991040 Lenophyllum pusillum Rose Mexico: Durango [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 06.296 1908-1
Ditrichaceae FH: 00515393 Ceratodon stenocarpus Bruch & Schimper Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 443 1908
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00441023 Jatropha arizonica I. M. Johnston Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 167 1908-5-1
GH: 00441020 Jatropha dioica Sessé Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 125 1908-4-8
GH: 00441023 Jatropha macrorhiza Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 167 1908-5-1
GH: 00441020 Jatropha spathulata (Ortega) Müller Argoviensis Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] Edw. Palmer 125 1908-4-8
Fabaceae GH: 00064294 Pediomelum trinervatum Rydberg Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 356 1908-6-5
GH: 00064294 Psoralea esculenta Pursh Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 356 1908-6-5
GH: 00064294 Psoralea trinervata (Rydberg) Standley Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 356 1908-6-5
Hydrophyllaceae GH: 00435148 Nama hispida A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 378 1908-6-5
Hypnaceae FH: 00220159 Platygyrium fuscoluteum Cardot Mexico: Chihuahua Near Madera Edw. Palmer 1908-5-27
FH: 00849470 Platygyrium fuscoluteum Cardot Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 445 1908-5-27
Juncaceae GH: 00029693 Juncus albicans Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua, ca. 1300 m. Edw. Palmer 161 1908-5-1
GH: 00029696 Juncus nodosus meridionalis F. J. Hermann Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua, 1300 m. Edw. Palmer 360 1908-6-5
Linaceae GH: 01248408 Linum puberulum (Engelmann) A. Heller Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 177 1908-5-1
Mimosaceae GH: 00058245 Acacia constricta Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Santa Rosalia Edw. Palmer 385 1908-6-13
GH: 00368188 Acacia greggii A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 354 1908-6-5
GH: 00368189 Acacia greggii A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 56 1908-4-8
GH: 00368190 Acacia greggii A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 67 1908-4-8
GH: 00058245 Acacia neovernicosa Isely Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Santa Rosalia Edw. Palmer 385 1908-6-13
GH: 00058245 Acacia vernicosa Standley Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Santa Rosalia Edw. Palmer 385 1908-6-13
GH: 00368189 Acacia wrightii Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 56 1908-4-8
GH: 00368190 Acacia wrightii Bentham Mexico: Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 67 1908-4-8
GH: 00058245 Vachellia vernicosa (Britton & Rose) Seigler & Ebinger Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Santa Rosalia Edw. Palmer 385 1908-6-13
Nyctaginaceae GH: 00062485 Boerhavia ixodes Standley Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua, 1300 m. Edw. Palmer 193 1908-5-1
Orobanchaceae GH: 00003245 Castilleja nervata Eastwood Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Madera, 2250 m. Edw. Palmer 274 1908-6
GH: 00078523 Gerardia pilosula S. F. Blake Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Madera, ca. 2250 m Edw. Palmer 317 1908-6-3
Papaveraceae GH: 00435175 Argemone mexicana ochroleuca (Sweet) Lindley Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 153 1908-5-1
GH: 00435181 Argemone mexicana ochroleuca (Sweet) Lindley Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 152 1908-5-1
GH: 00435175 Argemone sp. Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 153 1908-5-1
GH: 00435181 Argemone sp. Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 152 1908-5-1
Parmeliaceae FH: 00474685 Pseudevernia consocians (Vainio) Hale & W. L. Culberson Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 441 1908
Plantaginaceae GH: 00442057 Plantago galeottiana Decaisne Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 275 1908-5-27
GH: 00442054 Plantago major Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 237 1908-5-15
GH: 00442054 Plantago sp. Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 237 1908-5-15
GH: 00442064 Plantago sp. Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 96 1908-4-8
GH: 00442064 Plantago virginica progressa Pilger Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 96 1908-4-8
Saururaceae GH: 00442319 Anemopsis californica Hooker & Arnott Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 23 1908-4-8
Solanaceae GH: 00442104 Datura inoxia Miller Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 93 1908-4-8
GH: 00861798 Datura quercifolia Kunth Mexico: Chihuahua Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 198 1908-5-1
GH: 00442104 Datura sp. Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 93 1908-4-8
GH: 00815362 Nicotiana obtusifolia Mertens & Galeotti Mexico: Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 166 1908-5-1
Vitaceae GH: 00814360 Vitis sp. Mexico: Vicinity of Chihuahua Edw. Palmer 147 1908-5-1
Zygophyllaceae GH: 00442094 Larrea divaricata Cavanilles Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] Edw. Palmer 159 1908-5-1