Amblystegiaceae FH: 00981754 Hygroamblystegium fluviatile (Hedwig) Loeske USA: New Hampshire Enfield, Crystal Lake, below dam E. P. Hutchinson 292 1952-6-23
Cephaloziaceae FH: 00981992 Cephalozia connivens (Dickson) Lindberg USA: New Hampshire Path to North Lot, Brighthollow, Grafton E. P. Hutchinson 298 1952-10-9
Climaciaceae FH: 00996463 Climacium dendroides fluitans Huebener USA: Maine in pond at Limerick, growing in water, subme... E. P. Hutchinson 295 1952-10-23
Dicranaceae FH: 00996315 Dicranella rufescens (Withering) Schimper USA: New Hampshire West Lebanon, near conn. river E. P. Hutchinson 285 1952-4-27
Entodontaceae FH: 00981298 Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedwig) Müller Halle USA: New Hampshire Enfield, Crystal Lake Dam, on stone foundati... E. P. Hutchinson 297 1952-6-23
Fissidentaceae FH: 00981294 Fissidens adianthoides Hedwig USA: New Hampshire Canaan, edge of Richard's Brook, on stones E. P. Hutchinson 299 1952-11-5
Leskeaceae FH: 01091034 Leskea polycarpa Hedwig USA: Maine Bridgeton E. P. Hutchinson 1952-9-10
Pottiaceae FH: 00996301 Barbula unguiculata Hedwig USA: Vermont Bank of Pompanoosic River, beside road E. P. Hutchinson 1952-10-12