Dicranaceae FH: 00981305 Dicranum fulvum Hooker USA: New Hampshire Grafton, on rock in cool shaded moist woods,... E. P. Hutchinson
FH: 00981305 Paraleucobryum fulvum (Hooker) Loeske USA: New Hampshire Grafton, on rock in cool shaded moist woods,... E. P. Hutchinson
Lepidoziaceae FH: 00996293 Bazzania denudata (Torrey ex Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees) Trevisan USA: Vermont Quechee Gorge of the Ottauquechee River, Har... E. P. Hutchinson
Plagiotheciaceae FH: 00996651 Plagiothecium denticulatum tenellum Schimper USA: New Hampshire Dry rock, dry woods, between two high swamps... E. P. Hutchinson
FH: 00996651 Plagiothecium laetum tenellum (Schimper) Mönkemeyer USA: New Hampshire Dry rock, dry woods, between two high swamps... E. P. Hutchinson
Ptilidiaceae FH: 00996561 Ptilidium pulcherrimum (F. Weber) Hampe USA: New Hampshire Bark of birch, old cellar-hole, Hall Farm, B... E. P. Hutchinson
Thuidiaceae FH: 00996808 Anomodon attenuatus (Hedwig) Huebener USA: Vermont Quechee Gorge of the Ottauquechee River, Har... E. P. Hutchinson