Apocynaceae A: 02178572 Aspidosperma parvifolium A. de Candolle Peru: San Martín Alto Rio Huallaga; Rio Mayo; Tarapoto L. Williams 6231 1929-12-14
A: 02178569 Aspidosperma parvifolium A. de Candolle Peru: San Martín Alto Rio Huallaga L. Williams 1929-12
A: 02178421 Aspidosperma sp. Mexico: Veracruz Fortuño, Coatzacoalcos River L. Williams 8725 1937-3
Araceae GH: 01635678 Anthurium kunthii Poeppig Peru: Loreto Lower Rio Huallaga L. Williams 4191 1929-10
GH: 01635683 Anthurium kunthii Poeppig Peru: Loreto La Victoria on the Amazon River L. Williams 2868 1929-8
GH: 01655369 Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat Peru: Loreto Caballo-Cocha on the Amazon River L. Williams 2020 1929-8
ECON: 01655366 Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat Venezuela: Aragua Guamitas, P. N. L. Williams 11128 1939-6-15
Betulaceae GH: 02195293 Betula glandulosa Michaux USA: Colorado 20 miles south of Waldon L. Williams 2430 1925-7-20
Bombacaceae A: 00303989 Quararibea magnifica Pittier Venezuela: P.N. Aragua L. Williams 11105 1939-6-13
Brassicaceae GH: 01538351 Erysimum capitatum argillosum (Greene) R. J. Davis USA: Wyoming Vicinity of Teton Pass, The Pass L. Williams 780 1932-7-1
Bromeliaceae A: 02016097 Aechmea magdalenae Baker Mexico: Veracruz Fortuño, coatzacoalcos River, Veracruz L. Williams 8535 1937-3
GH: 02015229 Pitcairnia subpetiolata Baker Peru: San Martín [no additional data] L. Williams 6377 1929-12
GH: 02015860 Streptocalyx angustifolius Mez Peru: Loreto La Victoria on the Amazon River L. Williams 2917 1929-8
GH: 02548151 Tillandsia cordobensis Hieronymus Peru: San Martín San Roque L. Williams 7199 1930-1
GH: 02548150 Tillandsia cordobensis Hieronymus Peru: San Martín San Roque L. Williams 7610 1930-1
Cactaceae GH: 01875718 Opuntia humifusa (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: West Virginia near Milton L. Williams 366 1935-10-9
Capparaceae GH: 01872185 Peritoma lutea (Hooker) Rafinesque USA: Utah west of Vernal L. Williams 610 1932-6-12
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02039265 Linnaea borealis longiflora (Torrey) Piper & Beattie USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park; Leigh Lake L. Williams 988 1932-8-1
GH: 02038671 Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel USA: Wyoming Jackson Hole L. Williams 288 1931-6-15
GH: 02036191 Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hooker USA: Colorado near Rockport L. Williams 2461 1935-8-7
GH: 02035033 Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray USA: Wyoming Grand Canyon of Snake River L. Williams 812 1932-7-8
GH: 02035130 Symphoricarpos vaccinioides Rydberg USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge; Sheep Creek Canyo... L. Williams 548 1932-6-6
Celastraceae GH: 01787446 Paxistima myrsinites (Pursh) Rafinesque USA: Utah Uintah Mountains; Green Lakes L. Williams 594 1932-6-10
Commelinaceae GH: 02098148 Tradescantia virginiana Linnaeus USA: West Virginia [data not captured] L. Williams 317 1935-5-12
Cyperaceae GH: 02367754 Carex nardina Fries USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge L. Williams 569 1932-6-3
GH: 02368351 Carex nigricans C. A. Meyer USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park; south base of the... L. Williams 1021 1932-8-10
GH: 02369174 Carex praegracilis W. Boott USA: Colorado near Weldona L. Williams 2305 1935-6-29
Ephedraceae GH: 00933530 Ephedra nevadensis S. Watson USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge L. Williams 463 1932-5-31
Geraniaceae GH: 01866139 Geranium richardsonii Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: Wyoming Shore Bailey Lake, Grand Canyon of Snake Riv... L. Williams 824 1932-7-9
Juncaceae GH: 02099289 Juncus balticus Willdenow USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge L. Williams 531 1932-6-5
GH: 02400684 Juncus mertensianus Bongard USA: Wyoming Continental Divide, Two-gwo-tee Pass L. Williams 958 1932-7-28
GH: 02398310 Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson USA: Utah Sheep Creek Canyon L. Williams 530 1932-6-5
GH: 02117806 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: West Virginia [data not captured] L. Williams 388 1936-3-29
GH: 02366356 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux USA: Colorado belwo Glen Cove, Pike's Peak L. Williams 2483 1935-8-11
Linaceae GH: 02053319 Linum lewisii Pursh USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge L. Williams 526 1932-6-5
GH: 02053667 Linum rigidum Pursh USA: Colorado three miles north of Wray L. Williams 2300 1935-6-29
Malvaceae GH: 02199171 Sidalcea oregana (Nuttall) A. Gray USA: Wyoming Vicinity of Hoback Canyon L. Williams 836 1932-7-10
GH: 02199647 Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge L. Williams 522 1932-6-5
GH: 02198112 Sphaeralcea parvifolia A. Nelson USA: Utah Desert west of Vernal L. Williams 616 1932-6-12
Neckeraceae FH: 00847621 Pinnatella minuta (Mitten) Brotherus Mexico: Veracruz [data not captured] L. Williams 8567a 1937-3
Onagraceae GH: 01625967 Camissonia scapoidea (Torrey & A. Gray) P. H. Raven USA: Wyoming Gumbo hills, north of Linwood, Utah L. Williams 429 1932-5-28
GH: 01645236 Oenothera brachycarpa A. Gray USA: Utah Sheep Creek Canyon; vicinity of Flaming Gorg... L. Williams 504 1932-6-3
GH: 01643278 Oenothera pallida trichocalyx (Nuttall) Munz & W.M. Klein USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge, Sheep Creek L. Williams 534 1932-6-5
Orchidaceae AMES: 02029493 Calypso bulbosa (Linnaeus) Oakes USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park, Hidden Falls L. Williams 671 1932-6-21
AMES: 02125157 Cattleya violacea (Kunth) Rolfe Venezuela: Bolívar El Charro Pescado, Medio Cauva L. Williams 11311 1939-2-25
AMES: 02125155 Cattleya violacea (Kunth) Rolfe Venezuela: Bolívar Salto de Para, Medio Caura L. Williams 11487 1939
AMES: 01938423 Corallorhiza maculata occidentalis (Lindley) W. J. Schrenk USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park L. Williams 850 1932-7-14
GH: 01938626 Corallorhiza odontorhiza (Willdenow) Poiret USA: West Virginia Union Church near Milton L. Williams 351 1935-10-6
AMES: 02159465 Elleanthus discolor (Reichenbach f. & Warszewic) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: San Martín San Roque L. Williams 1930-1
AMES: 02110672 Epidendrum decipiens Lindley Venezuela: Bolívar En las lojas del Salto de Para, Medio Caura L. Williams 11522 1939
AMES: 02110733 Epidendrum dipus Lindley Brazil: São Paulo Fazenda da Bonita, Serra da Bacaina L. Williams Huttleston 1908 1962-1-17
AMES: 02109443 Epidendrum imatophyllum Lindley Peru: Loreto Maquisapa on the Upper Río Nanay L. Williams 1213 1929-7
AMES: 02109662 Epidendrum macrocarpum Richard Peru: Loreto Manfinfa on the Upper Río Nanay L. Williams 1155 1929-6
AMES: 02109800 Epidendrum musciferum Lindley Venezuela: Bolívar Salta de Para, Medio Causa L. Williams 11430 1939
AMES: 02028093 Goodyera oblongifolia Rafinesque USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park, Bradley Lk. L. Williams 996 1932-8-3
AMES: 01946065 Habenaria monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Venezuela: Aragua: Rancho Grande L. Williams 10507
AMES: 01946236 Habenaria rodeiensis Barbosa Rodrigues Peru: Near Iquitos, Dept. Loreto. L. Williams 1516 1929-7
AMES: 02154127 Nidema ottonis (H. G. Reichenbach) Britton & Millspaugh Venezuela: Bolívar El Caní, Medio Caura, Edo Bolívar L. Williams 11305 1939-2-23
AMES: 02173763 Octomeria ementosa Barbosa Rodrigues Brazil: Fazenda do Bonita, Serra da Bocaina L. Williams 18574 1958-4
AMES: 02173764 Octomeria ementosa Barbosa Rodrigues Brazil: Fazenda do Bonita, Serra da Bocaina L. Williams 18574 1958-4
AMES: 02173764 Octomeria spathulata H. G. Reichenbach Brazil: Fazenda do Bonita, Serra da Bocaina L. Williams 18574 1958-4
AMES: 02045630 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Wyoming Snake River bottom L. Williams 756 1932-6-28
AMES: 02083421 Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindley Peru: San Martín San Roque L. Williams 1930-1
AMES: 02083866 Pleurothallis pubescens Lindley Peru: San Martín San Roque L. Williams 7259 1930-1-10
AMES: 02083895 Pleurothallis radialis Porto & Brade USA: U. S. D. A. Plant Introduction Garden L. Williams 18616 1958-4
AMES: 02084448 Pleurothallis xanthochlora H. G. Reichenbach Peru: San Martín San Roque L. Williams 2066 1930-1
AMES: 02127926 Polystachya foliosa (Lindley) Reichenbach f. Venezuela: Bolívar El Charro Pescado, Medio Caura L. Williams 11311 1939-2-25
AMES: 01943706 Ponthieva orchioides Schlechter Venezuela: [no additional data] L. Williams 10476 1938-10-25
AMES: 02124609 Prosthechea roraimensis V. P. Castro & M. A. Campacci Venezuela: Bolívar Guayapo, Lower Caara L. Williams 11981 1938
AMES: 02124609 Prosthechea vespa (Vellozo) W. E. Higgins Venezuela: Bolívar Guayapo, Lower Caara L. Williams 11981 1938
AMES: 02155086 Scaphyglottis boliviensis (Rolfe) B. R. Adams Peru: Loreto La Victoria on the Amazon River L. Williams 1929-8
AMES: 02161524 Sobralia rosea Poeppig & Endlicher Peru: Amazonas Central Cordilleras of the Andes L. Williams 7603 1930-1
AMES: 02161732 Sobralia sp. Peru: San Martín San Roque L. Williams 7761 1930-1
AMES: 02161667 Sobralia violacea Linden ex Lindley Peru: Amazonas Central Cordilleras of the Andes. Chachapoya... L. Williams 7602 1930-1-21
AMES: 02158521 Vanilla odorata C. Presl Peru: Loreto Leticia on the Amazon River L. Williams 3161 1929-9
Orobanchaceae GH: 01876178 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Utah Flaming Gorge L. Williams 486 1932-6-2
GH: 01876251 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Wyoming six miles west of Douglas L. Williams 2311 1935-7-2
GH: 01876245 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Wyoming above Green River L. Williams 400 1932-5
GH: 01878044 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: Colorado Ute Pass L. Williams 2487 1935-8-12
GH: 01878350 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park; Ampitheater L. L. Williams 906 1932-7-20
GH: 01878351 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: Wyoming Vicinity of Hoback Canyon; Granite Creek Can... L. Williams 831 1932-7-10
GH: 01878354 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: Wyoming Continental Divide, Two-gwo-tee Pass; Black ... L. Williams 960 1932-7-29
GH: 01878489 Castilleja pallescens (A. Gray) Greenman USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park L. Williams 803 1932-7-4
GH: 01878984 Castilleja rhexifolia Rydberg USA: Wyoming Vicinity of Teton Pass; Canyon Creek L. Williams 799 1932-7-3
GH: 01878985 Castilleja rhexifolia Rydberg USA: Wyoming Grand Canyon of Snake River L. Williams 827 1932-7-10
GH: 01878982 Castilleja rhexifolia Rydberg USA: Wyoming Grand Canyon of Snake River L. Williams 827a 1932-7-10
GH: 01878981 Castilleja rhexifolia Rydberg USA: Wyoming Grand Canyon of Snake River L. Williams 827b 1932-7-10
GH: 01879411 Castilleja sulphurea Rydberg USA: Wyoming Continental Divide, Two-gwo-tee Pass L. Williams 933 1932-7-26
GH: 01880140 Cordylanthus ramosus Nuttall ex Bentham USA: Wyoming Lower Double Diamond Ranch L. Williams 903 1932-7-19
GH: 02082356 Orobanche fasciculata Nuttall USA: Utah Mountain Home L. Williams 623 1932-6-13
GH: 02081373 Orthocarpus luteus Nuttall USA: Wyoming Dead Man's Bar L. Williams 919 1932-7-21
Parnassiaceae GH: 01855464 Parnassia fimbriata K. D. Koenig USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park; west shore Taggar... L. Williams 888 1932-7-17
GH: 01787243 Parnassia palustris parviflora (de Candolle) B. Boivin USA: Wyoming Snake River bottom L. Williams 979 1932-7-31
Pilotrichaceae FH: 00847617 Pilotrichum evanescens (Müller Halle) Crosby Mexico: Veracruz [data not captured] L. Williams 8567b 1937-3
Piperaceae GH: 01983193 Lepianthes peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Peru: Loreto Alto Rio Itaya L. Williams 3205 1929-9
GH: 01983195 Lepianthes peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Peru: Loreto Iquitos: [no additional data] L. Williams 8189 1930-3
GH: 01983196 Lepianthes peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Peru: Loreto Caballo-Cocha on the Amazon River L. Williams 2103 1929-8
A: 01964804 Piper bartlingianum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Venezuela: Amazonas El Ratón L. Williams 13181 1940-5-31
A: 01933077 Piper demeraranum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Venezuela: Amazonas Tamatama, Upper Orinoco L. Williams 15093 1942
A: 01933071 Piper demeraranum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Venezuela: Bolívar Anicillo; La Prisión, Medio Caura L. Williams 11628 1939-3-29
A: 01933819 Piper mollicomum Kunth Venezuela: Bolívar Mata Negra, El Tigre, cerca del Río Cuchive... L. Williams 13396 1940-6-19
A: 01933989 Piper pseudoglabrescens Trelease & Yuncker Venezuela: Bolívar La Prisión, Medio Caura L. Williams 11701 1939-4-4
A: 01934487 Piper sp. Venezuela: Carabobo La Entrada y Las Trincheras L. Williams 388 1938-12-23
A: 01934583 Piper sp. Venezuela: Bolívar Temblador, Medio Caura L. Williams 11554 1939-3-20
Primulaceae GH: 01942715 Androsace septentrionalis puberulenta (Rydberg) Knuth USA: Wyoming Vicinity of Teton Pass L. Williams 796 1932-7-3
GH: 01942693 Androsace septentrionalis puberulenta (Rydberg) Knuth USA: Utah Uintah Mountains L. Williams 555 1932-6-7
GH: 01922750 Dodecatheon pulchellum (Rafinesque) Merrill USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park L. Williams 916 1932-7-20
GH: 01922795 Dodecatheon pulchellum (Rafinesque) Merrill USA: Wyoming near Mckinnon L. Williams 424 1932-5-28
GH: 01922796 Dodecatheon pulchellum (Rafinesque) Merrill USA: Wyoming north of Linwood Utah L. Williams 409 1932-5-27
GH: 01922762 Dodecatheon pulchellum (Rafinesque) Merrill USA: Utah Uintah Mountains, Summit Springs Ranger Sta. L. Williams 572 1932-6-9
GH: 01920094 Glaux maritima Linnaeus USA: Utah Vicinity of Flaming Gorge, Sheep Creek L. Williams 528 1932-6-5
GH: 01926343 Primula parryi A. Gray USA: Wyoming near Teton Glacier; North side of Grand Teto... L. Williams 897 1932-7-19
Rhamnaceae GH: 01790378 Ceanothus velutinus Douglas USA: Wyoming Grand Teton National Park; Bradley Lake L. Williams 904 1932-7-20
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01841977 Erythranthe guttata (de Candolle) G. L. Nesom USA: Wyoming along Snake River L. Williams 749 1932-6-28
GH: 02041784 Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh USA: Wyoming Grand Canyon Snake River L. Williams 823 1932-7-9
Verbenaceae A: 02269883 Duranta repens Linnaeus Venezuela: San Jacinto L. Williams 10323 1938-9-22