Title | Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica. [Shokubutsu bunrui chiri.] |
Abbreviation | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1932+ |
URL | https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/bunruichiri/7/2/_contents/-char/en |
BPH | 48.05 |
ISSN | 2189-7050 (online) |
ISSN | 0001-6799 (print) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 34 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Impatiens smitinandii T. Shimizu [Isotype] 1969, 24: 39Impatiens chiangdaoensis T. Shimizu [Isotype] 1969, 24: 35
Impatiens jurpioides T. Shimizu [Isotype] 1969, 24: 39
Impatiens nalampoonii T. Shimizu [Isotype] 1969, 24: 39
Fimbristylis hatsusimae Ohwi [Isotype] 1939, 8: 68
Carex plstyrhina Ohwi [Isotype] 1967, 22: 139
Fissidens dalamair H. Akiyama [Isotype] 1993, 44:
Tripterospermum distylum J. Murata & Yahara [Isotype] 1985, 36(4-6): 162
Strobilanthes peninsularis Terao [Isotype] 1983, 34(4–6): 123
Camchaya pentagona H. Koyama [Isotype] 1984, 35: 53
Senecio topkegolensis Kitamura [Isotype] 1981, 32: 140
Cacalia lidjiangensis var. acerina H. Koyama [Holotype] 1978, 29: 172
Deparia cataracticola M. Kato [Isotype] 2001, 52: 3
Cornopteris tashiroi Tagawa [Isotype] 1932, 1: 159
Cheirostylis kanashiroi Ohwi [Type] 1938, 7: 134
Pandanus rotensis Hosokawa [Type] 1943, 13: 166
Echinochloa crus-galli var. austro-japonensis Ohwi [Isotype] 1942, 11: 38
Agrostis arisan-montana Ohwi [Isotype] 1933, 2: 161
Polytrichadelphus archboldii var. kinabaluensis H. Akiyama, T. Yamaguchi & M. Mohamed [Isotype] 1998, 49: 136
Cotoneaster multiflorus var. borealichinensis Hurusawa [Isotype] 1943, 13: 230
Cotoneaster acutifolius f. glabriusculus Hurusawa [Isotype] 1943, 13: 235
Sorbus Ă—viminalis Koidzumi [Isotype] 1941, 10: 57
Hedyotis pahompokae Fukuoka [Isotype] 1969, 24: 29
Sabia olacifolia Stapf ex Koidzumi [Holotype] 1936, 5: 78
Saxifraga acerifolia Wakabayashi & Satomi [Isotype] 1973, 25: 167
Chrysosplenium pseudopilosum M. Wakabayashi & H. Takahashi [Isotype] 1999, 50(1): 2
Symplocos hottae Nagamasu [Isotype] 1986, 37: 149
Smilacina hondoensis Ohwi [Isotype] 1934, 3: 126
Tricyrtis chinensis Hir. Takah. bis [Isotype] 2001, 52(1): 35
Tricyrtis chinensis Hir. Takah. bis [Isotype] 2001, 52(1): 35
Magnolia sieboldii subsp. japonica K. Ueda [Isotype] 1980, 31: 121
Magnolia sieboldii subsp. japonica K. Ueda [Isotype] 1980, 31: 121
Setaria pallidefusca var. hirtipes Ohwi [Isotype] 1968, 23: 109
Polypleurum erectum M. Kato [Isotype] 2006, 57(1): 48