Title | Pittonia; a Series of Papers Relating to Botany and Botanists. Berkeley, CA |
Abbreviation | Pittonia |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-5, 1887-1905 |
URL | http://fig.lib.harvard.edu/fig/?bib=003825878 |
BPH | 711.14 |
TL2 | 2.138 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 424 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Plagiobothrys canescens var. apertus Greene [Holotype] 1887, 1: 21Plagiobothrys parvulus Greene [Type] 1898, 3: 261
Lappula heterosperma Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 94
Lithospermum albicans Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 91
Lithospermum oblongum Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 92
Allocarya austiniae Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 18
Allocarya diffusa Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 14
Allocarya scopulorum Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 16
Allocarya hickmanii Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 13
Allocarya leptoclada Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 109
Allocarya scripta Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 142
Allocarya cusickii Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 17
Allocarya tenera Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3: 109
Allocarya penicillata Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 18
Allocarya stricta Greene [Isotype] 1892, 2: 231
Allocarya cognata Greene [Type] 1901, 4: 235
Allocarya nitens Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3: 108
Allocarya hirta Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 161
Allocarya hirta Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 161
Allocarya hispidula Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 17
Allocarya orthocarpa Greene [Type] 1901, 4: 235
Mertensia bakeri Greene [Isolectotype] 1899, 4: 90
Mertensia linearis Greene [Lectotype] 1897, 3: 197
Mertensia polyphylla Greene [Isolectotype] 1899, 4: 87
Mertensia fusiformis Greene [Isolectotype] 1899, 4: 89
Mertensia longiflora Greene [NotType] 1897, 3: 261
Cryptantha bartolomaei Greene [Isotype] 1892, 2: 232
Cryptantha fallax Greene [Type] 1902, 5: 54
Cryptantha patula Greene [Isotype] 1889, 1: 265
Cryptantha patula Greene [Type] 1889, 1: 265
Cryptantha glomeriflora Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 116
Cryptantha nemaclada Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 118
Cryptantha echinosepala J. F. Macbride [Holotype] 1918, n. ser. 56: 57
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene [Type] 1892, 2: 232
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene [Type] 1892, 2: 232
Cryptantha rattanii Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 160
Cryptantha horridula Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 55
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 117
Cryptantha simulans Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 54
Cryptantha hispidissima Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 118
Cryptantha hispidissima Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 118
Oreocarya confertiflora Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3: 112
Oreocarya abortiva Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 114
Oreocarya bakeri Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 92
Oreocarya nubigena Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 112
Oreocarya cinerea Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 113
Thelypodium crispum Greene ex Payson [Isotype] 1899, 4: 20
Thelypodium crenatum Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 20
Thelypodium anisopetalum Greene [Isotype] , 3: 247
Thelypodium anisopetalum Greene [Isotype] , 3: 247
Thelypodium anisopetalum Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 247
Thelypodium anisopetalum Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 247
Cheiranthus aridus Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 198
Arabis tenuis Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 189
Arabis formosa Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 198
Arabis gracilenta Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 194
Arabis connexa Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 197
Sophia procera Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 199
Cardamine fulcrata Greene [Isotype] , 3: 155
Streptanthus argutus Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 227
Lesquerella foliacea Greene [Isotype] 1903, 5: 134
Lesquerella parvula Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 308
Alyssum americanum Greene [Isotype] 1892, 2: 224
Draba helleriana Greene [Isotype] 1889, 4: 17
Draba luteola Greene [Isotype] , 4: 19
Draba luteola Greene [Isotype] , 4: 19
Draba spectabilis Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 19
Cassia confinis Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 225
Chamaecrista puberula Greene [Isotype] 1903, 5: 134
Lepigonum tenue Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 63
Tissa luteola Greene [Isotype] 1903, 5: 114
Atriplex cordulata Jepson [Isotype] 1892, 2: 304
Sedum forreri Greene [Type] , 1: 162, 225
Euphorbia pseudoserpyllifolia Millspaugh [Isosyntype] 1890, 2: 87
Hedysarum marginatum Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 138
Lupinus aduncus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 132
Lupinus bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 132
Lupinus ingratus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 133
Lupinus volcanicus Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 308
Lupinus ammophilus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 136
Lupinus neomexicanus Greene [Isosyntype] 1900 , 4: 133
Lupinus neomexicanus Greene [Type] 1900 , 4: 133
Lotus biolettii Greene [Isotype] 1892, 2: 222
Dalea cyanea Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 153
Astragalus daleae Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 153
Trifolium attenuatum Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 137
Trifolium fendleri Greene [Syntype] 1897, 3: 221
Trifolium anemophilum Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 137
Trifolium anodon Greene [Syntype] 1903, 5: 107
Trifolium anodon Greene [Syntype] 1903, 5: 107
Trifolium anodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1903, 5: 107
Trifolium anodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1903, 5: 107
Trifolium decodon Greene [Syntype] 1903, 5: 108
Trifolium decodon Greene [Syntype] 1903, 5: 108
Trifolium decodon Greene [Syntype] 1903, 5: 108
Trifolium decodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1903, 5: 108
Trifolium decodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1903, 5: 108
Trifolium decodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1903, 5: 108
Trifolium rydbergii Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 222
Trifolium monoense Greene [Isotype] 1894, 2: 181
Trifolium nemorale Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 136
Gentiana superba Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 155
Gentiana interrupta Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 182
Gentiana bracteosa Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 180
Frasera macrophylla Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 186
Acer torreyi Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 2
Amaranthus viscidulus Greene [Isotype] 1848, 3(19): 344
Amblystegium alsioides Kindberg [Isotype] 1892, 2: 243
Apocynum suksdorfii Greene [Type] 1902, 5: 65
Podostemma australe Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 238
Podostemma helleri Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 236
Machaeranthera pruinosa Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 157
Machaeranthera pruinosa Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 157
Machaeranthera montana Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 60
Machaeranthera varians Greene [Syntype] 1899, 4: 98
Machaeranthera varians Greene [Syntype] 1899, 4: 98
Machaeranthera subalpina Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 23
Machaeranthera parthenium Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 99
Euthamia gymnospermoides Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 75
Euthamia gymnospermoides Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 75
Euthamia pulverulenta Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 75
Euthamia pulverulenta Greene [Type] 1902, 5: 75
Euthamia pulverulenta Greene [PhotoOfType] 1902, 5: 75
Brickellia rhomboidea Greene [Isosyntype] 1890, 2: 103
Brickellia rhomboidea Greene [Isosyntype] 1890, 2: 103
Brickellia rhomboidea Greene [Isolectotype] 1890, 2: 103
Aster ensatus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 223
Aster ensatus Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 223
Aster proximus Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 220
Aster proximus Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 220
Aster laetivirens Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 219
Aster laetivirens Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 219
Aster laetivirens Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 219
Aster fulcratus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 217
Aster fulcratus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 217
Stevia deltoidea Greene [Holotype] 1896, 3: 31
Hymenopappus integer Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 249
Coreopsis angustata Greene [Syntype] , 4: 239
Calais plurisecta Greene [Holotype] 1887, 1: 34
Antennaria oxyphylla Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 284
Antennaria neglecta Greene [Type] 1897, 3: 173
Antennaria aprica Greene [Syntype] 1898, 3: 282
Antennaria neodioca Greene [Syntype] 1897, 3: 184
Antennaria suffrutescens Greene [Type] 1898, 3: 277
Antennaria farwellii Greene [Syntype] 1898, 3: 347
Antennaria farwellii Greene [Syntype] 1898, 3: 347
Antennaria farwellii Greene [Syntype] 1898, 3: 347
Antennaria marginata Greene [Isosyntype] 1898, 3: 290
Antennaria marginata Greene [Isosyntype] 1898, 3: 290
Antennaria marginata Greene [Isosyntype] 1898, 3: 290
Antennaria marginata Greene [Isosyntype] 1898, 3: 290
Antennaria arnoglossa Greene [Type] 1898, 3: 318
Antennaria calophylla Greene [Syntype] 1898, 3: 347
Parthenium stramonium Greene [Syntype] 1901, 4: 240
Parthenium stramonium Greene [Syntype] 1901, 4: 240
Senecio milleflorus Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 116
Senecio lactucinus Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 121
Senecio mutabilis Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 113
Senecio mutabilis Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 113
Senecio mutabilis Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 113
Senecio mutabilis Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 113
Senecio condensatus Greene [Holotype] 1898, 3: 298
Senecio candidissimus Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 110
Senecio ovinus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 110
Senecio aphanactis Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 220
Senecio wardii Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 116
Senecio dimorphophyllus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 109
Senecio scorzonella Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3: 90
Senecio scalaris Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 108
Senecio carthamoides Greene [Syntype] 1900, 4: 122
Senecio chloranthus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 118
Senecio bernardinus Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 298
Senecio astephanus Greene [Type] 1888, 1: 174
Tetraneuris trinervata Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 267
Tetraneuris arizonica Greene [Type] 1898, 3: 266
Tetraneuris ivesiana Greene [Syntype] 1898, 3: 269
Tetraneuris oblongifolia Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 269
Tetraneuris oblongifolia Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 269
Pyrrocoma ciliolata Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 184
Taraxacum ammophilum Greene [Type] 1901, 4: 233
Chrysopsis pedunculata Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 154
Chrysopsis bakeri Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 153
Chrysopsis camporum Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3: 88
Chrysopsis hirsuta Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 296
Chrysopsis hirsutissima Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 153
Chrysopsis fastigiata Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 296
Solidago laeta Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 138
Solidago venulosa Greene [Isotype] 1903, 5: 138
Rudbeckia floridana T. V. Moore [Isotype] 1900, 4: 176
Achaetogeron forreri Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 155
Hazardia serrata Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 30
Hazardia serrata Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 30
Gaillardia fastigiata Greene [Syntype] 1902, 5: 57
Gaillardia fastigiata Greene [Syntype] 1902, 5: 57
Gaillardia lutea Greene [Type] 1902, 5: 53
Arnica bernardina Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 170
Arnica scaberrima Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 165
Arnica teucriifolia Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 164
Arnica teucriifolia Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 164
Arnica diversifolia Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 171
Arnica tomentella Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 166
Arnica betonicaefolia Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 163
Arnica rivularis Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 163
Arnica sonnei Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3: 104
Thelesperma formosum Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 56
Agoseris monticola Greene [Syntype] 1899, 4: 37
Conoclinium nepetifolium Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 274
Conoclinium flaccidum Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 274
Gutierrezia longifolia Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 54
Gutierrezia juncea Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 56
Eupatorium lecheaefolium Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 177
Eupatorium aboriginum Greene [Type] 1901, 4: 277
Cacalia palmeri Greene [Type] 1888, 1: 219
Erigeron commixtus Greene [Syntype] 1902, 5: 58
Erigeron commixtus Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 58
Erigeron commixtus Greene [Syntype] 1902, 5: 58
Erigeron cervinus Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 163
Erigeron coronarius Greene [Type] 1891, 2: 167
Erigeron coronarius Greene [Type] 1891, 2: 167
Erigeron tracyi Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 59
Erigeron microlonchus Greene [Syntype] 1898, 3: 293
Leucelene alsinoides Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 99
Chaenactis pedicularia Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 98
Biolettia riparia Greene [Neotype] 1891, 2: 46
Xanthium affine Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 60
Xanthium varians Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 59
Coleosanthus verbenaceus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 125
Coleosanthus verbenaceus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 125
Coleosanthus polyanthemus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 126
Coleosanthus polyanthemus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 126
Coleosanthus humilis Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 124
Microseris leucocarpha Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 7
Microseris proxima Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 8
Grindelia hendersonii Greene [Isotype] 1889, 2: 18
Grindelia hendersonii Greene [Holotype] 1889, 2: 18
Grindelia subincisa Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 154
Grindelia oxylepis Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 42
Grindelia oxylepis Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 42
Townsendia bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 157
Bidens amplissima Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 268
Picradenia lemmonii Greene [Type] 1898, 3: 272
Picradenia biennis Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 272
Abronia angustifolia Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 344
Zauschneria cana Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 28
Eschscholzia picta Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 255
Eschscholzia picta Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 255
Eschscholzia glauca Greene [Isosyntype] 1887, 1: 45
Eschscholzia glauca Greene [Isosyntype] 1887, 1: 45
Eschscholzia dumetorum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 283
Eschscholzia leucosticta Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 229
Eschscholzia physodes Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 259
Eschscholzia trichophylla Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 268
Eschscholzia granulata Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 235
Eschscholzia micrantha Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 277
Eschscholzia formosa Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 288
Eschscholzia marcida Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 233
Eschscholzia straminea Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 257
Eschscholzia bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 284
Eschscholzia lobbii Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 290
Eschscholzia tenuissima Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 285
Eschscholzia quadrangularis Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 264
Eschscholzia apiculata Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 235
Eschscholzia maritima Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 60
Eschscholzia modesta Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 169
Eschscholzia sanctarum Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 243
Eschscholzia vaccarum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 282
Eschscholzia helleriana Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 229
Eschscholzia covillei Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 275
Platystemon tortuosus Greene [Type] 1905, 5: 170
Platystemon arvorum Greene [Type] 1905, 5: 174
Platystemon glyptolobus Greene [Type] 1905, 5: 182
Platystemon arizonicum Greene [Isosyntype] 1903, 5: 190
Platystemon arizonicum Greene [Isosyntype] 1903, 5: 190
Papaver macounii Greene [Type] 1897, 3: 247
Argemone squarrosa Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 68
Argemone gracilenta Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 346
Argemone bipinnatifida Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 346
Dendromecon rhamnoides Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 305
Dendromecon saligna Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 301
Dendromecon elliptica Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 300
Dendromecon elliptica Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 300
Dendromecon densifolia Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 304
Dendromecon densifolia Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 304
Dendromecon densifolia Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 304
Dendromecon pallida Greene [Isotype] 1905, 5: 301
Dendromecon leiophylla Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 302
Dendromecon leiophylla Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 302
Polemonium luteum Greene [Type] , 4: 100
Polemonium elegans Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 305
Phlox alyssifolia Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 27
Phlox alyssifolia Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 27
Navarretia mellita Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 134
Navarretia mitracarpa Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 135
Rumex hesperius Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 234
Eriogonum deductum Greene [Type] 1902, 5: 71
Eriogonum densum Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3: 17
Eriogonum piperi Greene [Type] 1898, 3: 263
Eriogonum piperi Greene [Type] 1898, 3: 263
Eriogonum grande Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 38
Eriogonum grande Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 38
Eriogonum arcuatum Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 319
Eriogonum rydbergii Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 68
Claytonia nubigena Greene [Type] 1892, 2: 294
Androsace pinetorum Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 149
Dodecatheon clevelandii Greene [Type] 1888, 1: 213
Ranunculus earlei Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 15
Ranunculus politus Greene [Isotype] 1903, 5: 196
Ranunculus cardiophyllus var. pinetorum Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 144
Ranunculus unguiculatus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 142
Delphinium glareosum Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 257
Delphinium glareosum Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 257
Aquilegia elegantula Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 14
Cyrtorhyncha neglecta Greene [Isosyntype] 1900, 4: 146
Caltha chionophila Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 80
Ceanothus connivens Greene [Type] 1889, 2: 16
Rhamnus smithii Greene [Type] 1896, 3: 17
Potentilla puberula Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 102
Geum scopulorum Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 148
Rosa macounii Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 10
Rosa suffulta Greene [Type] , 4: 12
Rosa manca Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 11
Amelanchier prunifolia Greene [Type] 1899, 4: 21
Amelanchier bakeri Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 128
Amelanchier bakeri Greene [Isosyntype] 1900, 4: 128
Amelanchier rubescens Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 128
Amelanchier rubescens Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 128
Amelanchier rubescens Greene [Isosyntype] 1900, 4: 128
Amelanchier rubescens Greene [Isosyntype] 1900, 4: 128
Amelanchier crenata Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 127
Amelanchier polycarpa Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 127
Amelanchier polycarpa Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 127
Amelanchier venulosa Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 21
Osmaronia bracteosa Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 310
Osmaronia bracteosa Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 310
Osmaronia bracteosa Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 310
Osmaronia padiformis Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 311
Osmaronia laurina Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 311
Osmaronia cerasiformis var. lancifolia Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 309
Osmaronia cerasiformis var. nigra Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 309
Sorbus scopulina Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 130
Sorbus scopulina Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 130
Sorbus dumosa Greene [Isosyntype] 1900, 4: 129
Sorbus californica Greene [Isolectotype] 1900, 4: 131
Galium miguelense Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 34
Galium miguelense Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 34
Russelia retrorsa Greene [Type] 1888, 1: 176
Diplacus parviflorus Greene [Isolectotype] 1887, 1: 36
Gerardia galvesiana Greene [Isotype] 1903, 5: 138
Eunanus cusickii Greene [Isolectotype] 1887, 1: 36
Eunanus cusickii Greene [Syntype] 1887, 1: 36
Mimulus inamoenus Greene [Isotype] , 5: 137
Penstemon arenarius Greene [Isotype] 1889, 1: 282
Castilleja confusa Greene [Syntype] 1899, 4: 1
Castilleja confusa Greene [Syntype] 1899, 4: 1
Castilleja hololeuca Greene [Isosyntype] 1887, 1: 38
Castilleja hololeuca Greene [Isosyntype] 1887, 1: 38
Lycium hassei Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 222
Physalis polyphylla Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4: 150
Vaccinium caesium Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 249
Valeriana rhomboidea Greene [Holotype] 1888, 1: 154
Verbena pulchella Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 136
Verbena subuligera Greene [Type] 1888, 1: 156
Verbena confinis Greene [Type] 1900, 4: 152
Verbena leucanthemifolia Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 135
Verbena pubera Greene [Type] 1903, 5: 136
Verbena inconspicua Greene [Isotype] 1903, 5: 137
Verbena inconspicua Greene [Syntype] 1903, 5: 137
Viola neomexicana Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 28
Viola latiuscula Greene [Type] 1902, 3: 93
Viola ophiophila Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 88
Viola bellidifolia Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 292
Viola brainerdii Greene [Isosyntype] 1902, 5: 89
Viola brainerdii Greene [Isosyntype] 1902, 5: 89
Viola demissa Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 10
Romanzoffia glauca Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 38
Romanzoffia californica Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 39
Romanzoffia suksdorfii Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 38
Romanzoffia leibergii Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 38
Romanzoffia macounii Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5: 38
Phacelia decumbens Greene [Type] 1902, 5: 17
Sisyrinchium montanum Greene [Syntype] 1899, 4: 33
Sisyrinchium montanum Greene [Syntype] 1899, 4: 33
Sisyrinchium xerophyllum Greene [Isotype] 1899, 4: 32
Hedeoma blepharodontum Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 339
Hedeoma blepharodontum Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 339
Hedeoma jucundum Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 156
Hedeoma diffusum Greene [Holotype] 1898, 3: 338
Hedeoma diffusum Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3: 338
Monardella neglecta Greene [Isolectotype] 1902, 5: 82
Monardella glauca Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 321
Salvia forreri Greene [Isotype] 1888, 1: 156
Salvia aliena Greene [Holotype] 1888, 1: 157
Stachys venulosa Greene [Type] 1888, 1: 157
Zigadenus gracilentus Greene [Isotype] 1901, 4: 241
Calochortus venustulus Greene [Isotype] , 1: 158
Sidalcea asplenifolia Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 158
Sidalcea asplenifolia Greene [Isotype] 1897, 3: 158
Cerastium scopulorum Greene [Syntype] 1901, 4: 298
Cryptantha rostellata Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 116
Cryptantha foliosa Greene [Type] 1887, 1: 113
Amelanchier subintegra Greene [Isosyntype] 1903, 5: 109
Amelanchier subintegra Greene [Isosyntype] 1903, 5: 109
Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Parry [Lectotype] 1887, 1: 34
Mertensia papillosa Greene [Type] 1898, 3(18A): 261
Mertensia papillosa Greene [Type] 1898, 3(18A): 261
Mertensia papillosa Greene [Type] 1898, 3(18A): 261
Potentilla daucifolia Greene [Isolectotype] 1888, 1: 160
Potentilla howellii Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1: 104
Potentilla howellii Greene [Isolectotype] 1887, 1: 104
Potentilla clevelandii Greene [Syntype] 1887, 1: 102
Chrysothamnus bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4(22C): 152
Chrysothamnus confinis Greene [Isotype] 1902, 5(26C): 62
Chrysothamnus humilis Greene [Isotype] 1896, 3(13): 24
Erigeron membranaceus Greene [Isotype] 1898, 3(18C): 294
Eucephalus formosus Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4(22C): 156
Microsteris glabella Greene [Isotype] , 3(18D): 301. 1898
Collomia diversifolia Greene [Isotype] 1887, 1(8): 128
Polemonium occidentale Greene [Lectotype] 1890, 2(8B): 75
Verbena plicata Greene [Isosyntype] 1903, 5(27): 135
Cryptantha polycarpa Greene [Type] 1887, 1(7): 114
Swertia occidentalis Greene [Isotype] 1900, 4(23): 184
Arabis eremophila Greene [Isosyntype] 1900, 4(23): 194
Trifolium quercetorum Greene [Syntype] 1888, 1(4): 172
Trifolium ortegae Greene [Syntype] 1897, 3(16): 186