Title | Taxon; Official News Bulletin of the International Society for Plant Taxonomy. Utrecht |
Abbreviation | Taxon |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1951+ |
URL | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ejournals:sfx954925448760 |
BPH | 867.21 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 18 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Pennellia mcvaughii Rollins [Holotype] 1979, 28: 24Pennellia mcvaughii Rollins [Isotype] 1979, 28: 24
Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea Maguire & P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 1977, 26;354
Cyrtandra peninsula Elmer ex J. E. C. Olivar & H. J. Atkins [Isotype] 2022, 71(5): 1100
Cyrtandra peninsula Elmer ex J. E. C. Olivar & H. J. Atkins [Isotype] 2022, 71(5): 1100
Aster ensifer Bosserdet [Isotype] 1970, 19: 250
Aster ensifer Bosserdet [Isotype] 1970, 19: 250
Paeonia saueri D. Y. Hong, Xiao Q. Wang & D. M. Zhang [Isotype] 2004, 53(1): 88
Kandelia obovata Sheue, H. Y. Liu & J. W. H. Yong [Isotype] 2003, 52: 291
Hedyotis trimenii Deb & R. M. Dutta [Isotype] 1985, 34: 297
Planchonella rufocostata Swenson & Munzinger [Isotype] 2007, 56(2): 348-351, f. 12A-G
Planchonella povilana Swenson & Munzinger [Isotype] 15 Jun 2007, 56(2): 346 (-348; fig. 10, map)
Planchonella glauca Swenson & Munzinger [Isotype] 15 Jun 2007, 56(2): 340 (-341; fig. 5, map)
Drimys vickeriana A. C. Smith [Type] 1969, 18: 287
Salweenia bouffordiana H. Sun, Zhi M. Li & J. P. Yue [Type] 2011, 60(5): 1370 (-1372; figs. 4-5).
Zhengyia shennongensis T. Deng, D. G. Zhang & H. Sun [Isotype] 2013, 62(1): 94
Clowesia arevaloi Tamayo-Cen, Carnevali & G.A. Romero [TypeMaterial] 2022, 71(4): 769
Clowesia arevaloi Tamayo-Cen, Carnevali & G.A. Romero [Isotype] 2022, 71(4): 769
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 82 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Vaccinium arboreum Marshall [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 1989, 38: 131Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 35: 612
Gentiana infelix C. B. Clarke [Isolectotype] 2001, 50: 163
Tsoongia axillariflora Merrill [Lectotype] 2009, 58: 508
Cissus microcarpa Vahl [Epitype (Epitype designation)] 1997, 43(3):
Crataegus segnis Beadle [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] Nov 1979, 28(5/6): 570
Lepidophyllum acaule Bentham & Hooker f. ex B. D. Jackson [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1990, 39(1): 125
Phoradendron robustissimum Eichler [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 1994, 43: 191
Sargentia greggii S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1989, 38: 116
Hedyotis obliquinervis Merrill [Lectotype] 2015, 64(2): 315
Crataegus segnis Beadle [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] Nov 1979, 28(5/6): 570
Halesia tetraptera J. Ellis [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1976, 25: 134
Croton arboreus Millspaugh [Isolectotype] 2010, 59(6): 1898
Piptolepis ericoides Schultz Bipontinus [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1994, 43: 94
Lupinus bridgesii A. Gray ex S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype)] 1990, 39(2): 339
Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 35: 612
Schaueria linearifolia Torrey [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1981, 30: 48-51
Schaueria linearifolia Torrey [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1981, 30: 48-51
Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 35: 612
Pavonia achanioides Grisebach [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1991, 40: 598
Nephropetalum pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 35: 163
Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 35: 612
Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 35: 612
Cenchrus carolinianus Walter [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1990, 39: 354
Acanthorrhiza kalbreyeri Dammer ex Burret [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1989, 38: 98
Plumeria obtusa var. parviflora Grisebach [Isolectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Solidago humilis var. gillmanii A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1987, 36: 155
Cissus sicyoides f. foliolata Chodat & Hassler [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1905, 44: 201
Solidago virgaurea var. randii Porter [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1987, 36: 156
Solidago humilis var. nana A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1987, 36: 155
Actaea spicata var. rubra Aiton [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1997, 46: 556
Lupinus menziesii var. aurea Kellogg [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 1990, 39: 338
Ipomoea trifida var. torreyana A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1988, 37: 185
Bourreria setoso-hispida O. E. Schulz [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 56(1) 242
Bourreria badia O. E. Schulz [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 56(1): 239
Bourreria badia O. E. Schulz [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 56(1): 239
Lepidophyllum acaule Bentham & Hooker f. ex B. D. Jackson [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1990, 39(1): 125
Lepidophyllum acaule Bentham & Hooker f. ex B. D. Jackson [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1990, 39(1): 125
Scandix procumbens Linnaeus [Isoepitype (Isoepitype designation)] 2006, 55: 214
Lupinus palustris Kellogg [Lectotype (Lectotype)] 1990, 39: 338
Prunus recurviflora Koehne [Isoneotype] 2004, 53: 176
Prunus serotina Ehrhart [Neotype] 2009, 58: 312
Cyanea angustifolia var. tomentella Hillebrand [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 555
Cyanea atra Hillebrand [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 556
Cyanea comata Hillebrand [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 556
Cyanea grimesiana var. mauiensis Rock [Isotype] 1994, 43: 558
Cyanea holophylla Hillebrand [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 559
Cyanea knudsenii Rock [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 559
Cyanea macrostegia Hillebrand [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 262
Cyanea procera Hillebrand [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 562
Cyanea scabra Hillebrand [Lectotype] 1994, 43: 563
Scopolia composita Linnaeus f. [Isoneotype] 2006, 55(2): 487-488
Scopolia composita Linnaeus f. [Isoneotype] 2006, 55(2): 487-488
Chrysocoma nauseosa Pallas ex Pursh [Isoneotype] 2008, 57: 305
Eremostachys affinis Schrenk [Isolectotype] 2012, 61(1): 175
Metastelma lineare Bello [Neotype] 2015, 64(2): 339
Cereus quadricostatus Bello [Isoneotype] 2015, 64(2): 336
Opuntia repens Karwinsky ex Salm-Dyck [Isoneotype] 2015, 64(2): 336
Stahlia maritima Bello [Isoneotype] 2015, 64(2): 332
Platanthera papuana Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1120, 63(5)
Mastostigma varians Stocks [Isolectotype] 2016, 65: 481
Selaginella leprieurii Hieronymus [Isolectotype] 2016, 65: 1404
Aristolochia bilabiata Linnaeus [Isoepitype] 1999, 48(4): 680
Aristolochia oblongata Jacquin [Epitype] 1999, 48(4): 683
Aristolochia bilobata Linnaeus [Epitype] 1999, 48(4): 683
Aristolochia trifida Lamarck [Isoepitype] 1999, 48(4): 686
Aristolochia punctata Lamarck [Isoepitype] 1999, 48(4): 684
Salicornia subterminalis Parish [Isolectotype] 2017, 66(1): 87
Chelone hirsuta Linnaeus [Neotype] 1995, 44: 637-638
Plumeria barahonensis Urban [Isolectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Plumeria barahonensis Urban [Isolectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Plumeria confusa Britton [Lectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Plumeria jaegeri Müller Arg. [Isolectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Plumeria obtusa var. laevis Grisebach [Isolectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Plumeria obtusa var. laevis Grisebach [Isolectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Plumeria obtusa var. parviflora Grisebach [Isolectotype] 2021, 70(5): 1101-1116
Hypericum altissimum R. Keller [Isolectotype] 10 July 2020, 69 (3): 593-604
Hypericum stylosum Rusby [Isolectotype] 10 July 2020, 69 (3): 593-604
Adelmeria albida Elmer [Isolectotype] 2019, 68 (3): 515
Adelmeria alpinum Elmer [Isolectotype] 2019, 68(3): 508
Zingiber gigantifolia Elmer [Isolectotype] 2019, 68(3): 511
Podanthe squamata Taylor [Isolectotype] 1990, 39(2): 292