Title | Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Washington, DC |
Abbreviation | Smithsonian Misc. Collect. |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1-153, 1862-1969 |
BPH | BPH/S p. 856 |
Remarks | Superseded by: Smithsonian Contributions to Botany and Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 138 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Anacolia intertexta var. aristifolia Thériot [Syntype] 1926, 78(2): 18Anacolia intertexta var. aristifolia Thériot [Syntype] 1926, 78(2): 18
Breutelia stricticaulis Dixon [Type] 1918, 69: 21
Philonotis speirophylla Dixon [Type] 1918, 69(2): 19
Begonia mameiana C. de Candolle [Type] 1919, 49(12): 4
Kokia lanceolata Lewton [Holotype] 1912, 60(5): 4
Brachythecium integrifolium Thériot [Type] 1931, 85: 37
Brachythecium integrifolium Thériot [Isolectotype] 1931, 85: 37
Brachythecium duemmeri Dixon [Syntype] 1920, 72: 16
Brachythecium salebrosum var. polyoicum Thériot [Isolectotype] 1931, 85(4): 36
Brachythecium salebrosum var. polyoicum Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 36
Rhynchostegium saint-pierrei Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 39
Rhynchostegium saint-pierrei Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 39
Rhynchostegiella arsenei Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 40
Rhynchostegiella keniae Dixon [Type] 1918, 69(2): 26
Nidularium apiculatum L. B. Smith [Type] 1955, 126(1): 32
Nidularium apiculatum var. serrulatum L. B. Smith [Type] 1955, 126(1): 32
Nidularium itatiaiae L. B. Smith [Type] 1955, 126(1): 32
Cryptanthus marginatus L. B. Smith [Type] 1955, 126: 24
Cryptanthus pseudoscaposus L. B. Smith [Type] 1955, 126: 25
Neoregelia oligantha L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 30
Neoregelia macrosepala L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 29
Neoregelia macrosepala L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 29
Neoregelia leprosa L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 29
Neoregelia fluminensis L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 27
Neoregelia pauciflora L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 31
Neoregelia bahiana var. viridis L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1955, 126(1): 27
Neoregelia bahiana var. viridis L. B. Smith [Type] 1955, 126(1): 27
Billbergia minarum L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 22
Billbergia iridifolia var. concolor L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 21
Billbergia amoena var. viridis L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 20
Billbergia amoena var. viridis L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 20
Billbergia tweedieana var. minor L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 22
Billbergia tweedieana var. latisepala L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 22
Aechmea maculata L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 15
Aechmea nervata L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 17
Aechmea mutica L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 16
Aechmea triangularis L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 19
Aechmea triangularis L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 19
Aechmea castanea L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 13
Aechmea castanea L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 13
Aechmea podantha L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 18
Aechmea leucolepis L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1955, 126(1): 14
Aechmea ramosa var. festiva L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 18
Aechmea ramosa var. festiva L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 18
Aechmea ramosa var. festiva L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 18
Aechmea ornata var. hoehneana L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126: 17
Dyckia heloisae L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1955, 126(1): 26
Orthophytum disjunctum L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1955, 126(1): 33
Epipterygium mexicanum var. angustirete Thériot [Isotype] 1931, 85(4): 28
Bryum planomarginatum Dixon [Type] 1918, 69: 18
Mielichhoferia saint-pierrei Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 27
Webera pseudobarbula Thériot [Isotype] 1933, 85(4): 28
Webera pseudobarbula Thériot [Type] 1933, 85(4): 28
Campylopus mexicanus Thériot [Isotype] 1926, 78: 7
Campylopus saint-pierrei Thériot [Isotype] 1931, 85: 3
Campylopus arsenei Thériot [Type] 1926, 78: 5
Oreas mexicana Thériot [Type] 1928, 81(1): 2
Dryopteris pseudosancta C. Christensen [Isotype] 1909, 52: 378
Dryopteris lanipes f. minor C. Christensen [Isotype] 1909, 52: 394
Entodon erythropus var. intermedius Thériot [Type] 1926, 78(2): 26
Entodon erythropus var. intermedius Thériot [Type] 1926, 78(2): 26
Entodon abbreviatus var. turgescens Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 42
Cassiope mertensiana subsp. ciliolata Piper [Isotype] 1907, 50: 196
Fissidens longidecurrens Thériot [Type] 1926, 78(2): 10
Amblystegium varium var. arsenei Thériot [Isosyntype] 1931, 85 (4): 32
Amblystegium varium var. arsenei Thériot [Isosyntype] 1931, 85 (4): 32
Amblystegium varium var. arsenei Thériot [Isolectotype] 1931, 85 (4): 32
Amblystegium varium var. arsenei Thériot [Isosyntype] 1931, 85 (4): 32
Hygroamblystegium procerum Dixon [Isotype] 1918, 69(2): 23
Hygroamblystegium procerum Dixon [Isotype] 1918, 69(2): 23
Rooseveltia frankliniana O. F. Cook [Type] 1939, 98(7): 21
Psomiocarpa maxoni Christ [Isotype] 1911, 56(23): 2
Aulacocarpus completens Pittier [Isotype] 1914, 63: 2
Trichilia chiriquina C. de Candolle [Type] 1917, 68(6): 6
Trichilia albiflora C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1917, 68(6): 7
Guarea culebrana C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1917, 68(6): 5
Guarea ternifoliola C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1917, 68(6): 2
Pilotrichella pilifolia Dixon [Isotype] 1918, 69 (8): 3. 2
Neckera complanata var. maxima Dixon [Type] 1918, 69(2): 23
Larix alaskensis W. Wight [Type] 1908, 50: 174
Morkillia acuminata Rose & Painter [Isotype] 1907, 50: 33
Piper pallidibracteum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 8
Piper minutispicum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 1
Piper davidianum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 9
Piper pubistipulum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 5
Piper maxonii C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 16
Piper palmasanum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 3
Piper latibracteum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 5
Piper colonense C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 11
Piper hispidum var. gamboanum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71(6): 12
Piper sperdinum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 71, no. 6: 1
Polypodium podocarpum Maxon [Isotype] 1911, 56(24): 2
Polytrichum keniae Dixon [Type] 1918, 69(2): 21
Hymenostylium crassinervium Brotherus & Dixon [Isotype] 1918, 69(2): 12
Tortula parva var. latifolia Thériot [Isosyntype] 1931, 85(4): 22
Leptodontiopsis elata Dixon [Type] 1918, 69(2): 13
Pleurochaete mexicana Brotherus [Type] 1926, 78(2): 14
Leptodontium angustinerve Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 10
Leptodontium arsenei Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 10
Leptodontium arsenei Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 10
Gyroweisia papillosa Thériot [Isosyntype] 1931, 85(1): 6
Gyroweisia papillosa Thériot [Isosyntype] 1931, 85(1): 6
Hymenostomum semidiaphanum Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 5
Barbula abbonii Thériot [Type] 1931, 85: 20
Barbula rubricaulis Thériot [Type] 1931, 85: 19
Barbula bescherellei var. crassinervia Thériot [Isosyntype] 1931, 85: 17
Barbula ehrenbergii var. mexicana Thériot [Type] 1931, 85: 19
Didymodon patentfolius Thériot [Type] 1931, 85(4): 15
Prionodon arsenei Thériot [Type] 1926, 78(2): 25
Cheilanthes ornatissima Maxon [Type] 1915, 65(8): 3
Populus macdougalii Rose [Isotype] 1913, 61(12): 1
Paullinia funicularis Radlkofer [Type] 1914, 61(24): 3
Selaginella leucobryoides Maxon [Isotype] 1920, 725: 8
Selaginella ×neomexicana Maxon [Holotype] 1920, 725: 2
Sphagnum keniae Dixon [Type] 1918, 69(2): 7
Tayloria tortelloides Thériot [Isotype] 1931, 85(4): 25. 15
Braunia secunda var. brachytheca Dixon [Syntype] 1922, 72(3): 10
Isopterygium sericifolium Dixon [Isotype] 1918, 69(2): 25
Isopterygium planissimum var. laxirete Thériot [Isotype] 1931, 85(4): 43
Isopterygium planissimum var. laxirete Thériot [Isotype] 1931, 85(4): 43
Lindbergia ovata Thériot [Type] 1928, 81(1): 23
Lindbergia ovata Thériot [Type] 1928, 81(1): 23
Lycopodium foliaceum Maxon [Isotype] 1912, 56(29): 1
Monnina arborescens Ferreyra [Isotype] 1953, 121(3): 25
Monnina pennellii Ferreyra [Isotype] 1953, 121(3): 47
Monnina santamartensis Ferreyra [Isotype] 1953, 121(3): 33
Monnina santamartensis Ferreyra [Isotype] 1953, 121(3): 33
Monnina schultesii Ferreyra [Isotype] 1953, 121(3): 29
Lindsaea cubensis Underwood & Maxon [Isotype] 1907, 53: 336
Lindsaea cubensis Underwood & Maxon [Isotype] 1907, 53: 336
Selaginella arizonica Maxon [Isotype] 1920, 72(5): 5
Coscinodon arsenei Thériot [Isotype] 1928, 81(1): 4 f. 2
Pilotrichum mexicanum Thériot [Syntype] 1928, 81(1): 19. f. 6
Pilotrichum mexicanum Thériot [Syntype] 1928, 81(1): 19. f. 6
Pilotrichum mexicanum Thériot [Syntype] 1928, 81(1): 19. f. 6
Aechmea chlorophylla L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126(1): 14
Nidularium purpureum var. albiflorum L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1955, 126: 169