Title | Revue Bryologique. Caen |
Abbreviation | Rev. Bryol. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-58, 1874-1931; Vols. 55-58, 1928-1931, also designated as n.s. vols 1-4 |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b12043576 |
BPH | BPH/S p. 810 |
Remarks | Superseded by: Revue Bryologique et Lichenologique URI links to resource for Vols. 1-18 (1874-1891) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 317 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Anacolia subsesiilis var. nigroviridis Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 4Breutelia deflexifolia Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 4
Breutelia deflexifolia Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 4
Philonotis soulii Thériot & P. de la Varde [Type] 1920, 47: 52
Philonotis luteola Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 37
Brachythecium hylocomoides Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 69
Brachythecium hylocomoides Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 69
Brachythecium tenuinerve Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 65
Brachythecium tenuinerve Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 65
Brachythecium tenuinerve Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 65
Brachythecium tenuinerve Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 65
Brachythecium hastifolium Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 69
Brachythecium hastifolium Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 69
Brachythecium lanceolifolium Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 66
Brachythecium lanceolifolium Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 66
Brachythecium lanceolifolium var. gracile Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 66
Brachythecium lanceolifolium var. gracile Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 66
Brachythecium lanceolifolium var. gracile Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 66
Brachythecium lanceolifolium var. gracile Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 66
Brachythecium lanceolifolium var. gracile Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 66
Brachythecium flexinerve Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 67
Brachythecium flexinerve Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 67
Brachythecium flexinerve Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 67
Brachythecium plumosum var. sublaevipes Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Brachythecium plumosum var. sublaevipes Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Brachythecium alboflavens Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 69
Brachythecium laxireticulatum Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 67
Brachythecium sericeolum Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 66
Eurhynchium stokesii var. congoanum Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 42
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 70
Rhynchostegiella linderi Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 42
Rhynchostegiella pendula Thériot [Isotype] 1930, 3: 41
Rhynchostegiella pendula Thériot [Isotype] 1930, 3: 41
Rhynchostegiella pendula Thériot [Isotype] 1930, 3: 41
Mniobryum subcarneum Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 35
Haplodontium mexicanum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 110
Anomobryopsis tereticaulis Cardot [Syntype] 1911, 38: 8
Synthetodontium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 111
Synthetodontium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 111
Synthetodontium pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 111
Brachymenium squarrosulum Cardot [Syntype] 1911, 38: 7
Brachymenium chrolocarpum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36
Brachymenium muenchii Brotherus ex Cardot [Syntype] 1911, 38: 5
Brachymenium imbricatum var. validinervium Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 111
Bryum incrassatolimbatum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 114
Bryum tricolor Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 34
Bryum longicolle Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 114
Bryum laxulum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 113
Bryum microbalanum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 112
Bryum manitobae Kindberg [Type] 1910, 37: 15
Bryum rhomboidale Thériot [Type] 1930, 3 (n. ser.): 37
Bryum rhomboidale Thériot [Type] 1930, 3 (n. ser.): 37
Bryum cyclophylloides Kindberg [Type] 1905, 32: 37
Bryum insolitum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 112
Bryum labradorense H. Philibert [Isotype] 1887, 14: 55
Bryum argenteum var. brachycarpum Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 112
Bryum argenteum var. brachycarpum Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 112
Mielichhoferia praticola Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 3
Mielichhoferia praticola Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 3
Mielichhoferia linderi Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 34
Mielichhoferia serrata Cardot & Herzog [Type] 1911, 38: 3
Mielichhoferia landii Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 4
Mielichhoferia omissa Cardot [Type] 1913, 40: 38
Anomobryum mucronulatum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 112
Anomobryum sulcatum Thériot & P. de la Varde [Type] 1920, 47: 50
Anomobryum plicatum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 112
Webera integra Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 4
Forsstroemia mexicana Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 6
Forsstroemia mexicana Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 6
Dicranum howellii Renauld & Cardot [Syntype] 1888, 15: 70
Dicranum sumichrastii var. viride Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Dicranella pseudolongirostris Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 68
Dicranella pseudolongirostris Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 68
Dicranella sphaerocarpa Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Dicranella sphaerocarpa Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Dicranella duchassaingii Schimper [Type] 1876, 3: 58
Dicranella howei Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1893, 20: 30
Holomitrium serratum var. brachycarpum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Trematodon lozanoi Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 68
Trematodon lozanoi Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 68
Pleuridium alternifolium var. howei Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1893, 20:30
Pleuridium mexicanum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 118
Ceratodon purpureus var. congolensis Thériot [Type] 1930, n. s. 3: 30
Pringleella pleuridioides Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 68
Pringleella pleuridioides Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 68
Encalypta lacera Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1892, 19: 91
Entodon muenchii Brotherus [Type] 1910, 37: 11
Entodon erythropus var. muenchii Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 11
Entodon erythropus var. curvatulus Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 11
Entodon erythropus var. mexicanus Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 11
Rozea petrophila R. S. Williams [Type] 1928, 1: 39
Rozea petrophila R. S. Williams [Type] 1928, 1: 39
Erythrodontium imbricatifolium R. S. Williams ex Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 12
Erythrodontium imbricatifolium R. S. Williams ex Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 12
Erythrodontium densum var. brevifolium Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 12
Erythrodontium densum var. brevifolium Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 12
Pterigynandrum filiforme var. dismieri Thériot [Type] 1928, 1: 8
Erpodium opuntiae Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 6
Erpodium opuntiae Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 6
Erpodium opuntiae Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 6
Erpodium opuntiae Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 6
Erpodium pobeguinii Paris & Brotherus [Isotype] 1903, 30: 68
Fabronia patentifolia Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 49
Fabronia patentifolia Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 49
Fabronia patentifolia Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 49
Fabronia patentifolia Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 49
Fabronia octoblepharis var. americana Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 50
Fissidens pyrenocystis Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 121
Fissidens incrassato-limbatus Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 119
Fissidens linderi P. de la Varde [Type] 1930, 3: 44
Fissidens pringlei Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Fissidens pringlei Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Fissidens pringlei Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Fissidens pringlei Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 69
Fissidens hemicraspedophyllus Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 120
Fissidens heribaudii Brotherus & Paris [Type] 1913, 40: 33
Fissidens humicola Thériot [Type] 1921, 48: 13
Fissidens crenatoserrulatus Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 70
Fissidens holstii var. perintegrifolius P. de la Varde [Type] 1931, 4: 62
Fontinalis chrysophylla Cardot [Type] 1891, 18: 82
Fontinalis missourica Cardot [Type] 1896, 23: 69
Fontinalis langloisii Cardot [Type] 1891, 18: 84
Fontinalis renauldii Cardot [Type] 1891, 18: 82, 85
Fontinalis antipyretica var. ambigua Cardot [Type] 1891, 18: 82
Fontinalis antipyretica var. oreganensis Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1888, 15: 71
Funaria epipedostegia Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 109
Funaria epipedostegia Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 109
Funaria epipedostegia Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 109
Funaria epipedostegia Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 109
Funaria sonorae Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 110
Funaria perlaxa Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 34
Grimmia pulla Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 106
Grimmia pulla Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 106
Grimmia tolucensis Cardot [Isotype] 1911, 38: 1
Grimmia tolucensis Cardot [Isotype] 1911, 38: 1
Grimmia grandis Kindberg [Isotype] 1905, 32: 36
Grimmia papillinervis Kindberg [Isotype] 1907, 34: 89
Grimmia praetermissa Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 105
Grimmia praetermissa Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 105
Grimmia procera Kindberg [Isotype] 1896, 23: 18
Grimmia involucrata Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 105
Grimmia hendersonii Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1892, 19: 86
Grimmia arizonae Renauld & Cardot [Isolectotype] 1892, 19: 85, footnote
Grimmia arizonae Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1892, 19: 85, footnote
Drepanocladus exannulatus var. mexicanus Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 54
Drepanocladus exannulatus var. mexicanus Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 54
Amblystegium mexicanum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 53
Amblystegium mexicanum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 53
Hygroamblystegium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram [Type] 1942, 13: 133
Hygroamblystegium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram [Type] 1942, 13: 133
Hygroamblystegium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram [Lectotype] 1942, 13: 133
Hygroamblystegium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram [Isolectotype] 1942, 13: 133
Aneura leratii Stephani [Type] 1908, 35: 34
Anthoceros pringlei Stephani [Type] 1909, 36: 138
Anthoceros husnoti Stephani [Type] 1888, 15: 49
Papillaria renauldii Bescherelle [Isotype] 1888, 15: 88
Aerobryopsis mexicana Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 8
Pinnatella elegantissima var. neo-caledonica Thériot [Isolectotype] 1921, 48: 28
Homalia exigua var. semimarginata Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 47
Porotrichum pringlei Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 8
Macromitrium undosum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 108
Macromitrium pringlei Cardot [Isosyntype] 1909, 36: 108
Zygodon intermedius var. strictifolius Thériot [Syntype] 1930, 3: 38
Zygodon oligodontus Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 107
Zygodon oligodontus Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 107
Orthotrichum lozanoi Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 107
Orthotrichum lozanoi Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 107
Stereophyllum orcuttii Cardot [Isotype] 1913, 40: 39
Stereophyllum turgidulum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 13
Stereophyllum turgidulum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 13
Stereophyllum turgidulum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 13
Entodontopsis rhabdodonta Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 12
Entodontopsis rhabdodonta Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 12
Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1930, 2: 165
Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1930, 2: 165
Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1930, 2: 165
Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1930, 2: 165
Catagonium myurum Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1930, 2: 165
Plagiothecium undulatum subsp. subneckeroideum Kindberg [Type] 1909, 36: 42
Pogonatum chiapense Brotherus [Syntype] 1910, 37: 5
Pogonatum chiapense Brotherus [Syntype] 1910, 37: 5
Pogonatum lozanoi Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 6
Pogonatum sinuatodentatum Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 5
Atrichum conterminum Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 5
Husnotiella revoluta Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 71
Husnotiella revoluta Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 71
Husnotiella revoluta Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 71
Husnotiella revoluta Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 71
Husnotiella palmeri Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 121
Tortula confusa Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 87
Tortula connectens Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 87
Tortula connectens Cardot [Isosyntype] 1909, 36: 87
Tortula grandiretis Brotherus [Isosyntype] 1929, 2: 3
Tortula grandiretis Brotherus [Isosyntype] 1929, 2: 3
Tortula parva Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 86
Tortula trachyphylla Brotherus [Isosyntype] 1929, 2: 3
Tortula heteroloma Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 127
Trichostomum brotheri Paris & Renauld [Isotype] 1902, 29: 79
Trichostomum purpusii Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 73
Anoectangium gradatum Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 107
Anoectangium liebmannii var. viride Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 107
Anoectangium liebmannii var. viride Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 107
Hyophila lingulata Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 121
Hyophila elata Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 75
Hyophila stomatodonta Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 76
Aloinella catenula Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 77
Pottia heimii var. thaxteri Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1930, 2: 165
Pottia heimii var. thaxteri Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1930, 2: 165
Dactylhymenium pringlei Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 72
Hymenostomum mexicanum Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 70
Gymnostomum uvidum Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 70
Gymnostomum uvidum Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 70
Gymnostomum uvidum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1909, 36: 70
Barbula lozanoi Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula lozanoi Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula lozanoi Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula altiseta Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula altiseta Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula hypselostegia Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 84
Barbula hypselostegia Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 84
Barbula pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula subteretiuscula Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 85
Barbula spiralis var. emarginata Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 84
Didymodon incrassatolimbatus Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 81
Didymodon incrassatolimbatus Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 81
Didymodon stenopyxis Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 84
Didymodon torquescens Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 83
Didymodon torquescens Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 83
Didymodon diaphanobasis Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 125
Didymodon integrifolius var. paucidentatus Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 43
Prionodon otiophyllus Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 7
Prionodon otiophyllus Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 7
Prionodon solorzanoi Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 7
Prionodon solorzanoi Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 7
Prionodon solorzanoi Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 7
Pterobryon densum var. peracuminatum Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 7
Euptychium spiculosum var. appressifolium Thériot [Type] 1921, 48: 27
Racopilum francii Thériot [Type] 1921, 48: 55
Racopilum latistipulatum Cardot [Type] 1911, 38:41
Rhaphidostichum subluxurians Dixon & Thériot [Syntype] 1930, 3: 48
Taxithelium tenerescens Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1901, 28: 111
Taxithelium hirtellum Paris & Renauld [Isotype] 1902, 29: 80
Taxithelium guineense Brotherus & Paris [Type] 1904, 31: 49
Taxithelium sublaevifolium Brotherus & Paris [Type] 1900, 27: 79
Rhaphidostegium chrysocladum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 57
Rhaphidostegium lozanoi Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 57
Rhaphidostegium lozanoi Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 57
Rhaphidostegium lozanoi Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 57
Rhaphidostegium ludovicianum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1893, 20: 21
Sphagnum acutifolium var. flavicomans Cardot [Type] 1884, 11: 55
Sphagnum acutifolium var. flavicomans Cardot [Type] 1884, 11: 55
Splachnobryum acutifolium Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 46
Splachnobryum crenulatulum Cardot [Syntype] 1909, 36: 86
Splachnobryum ligulifolium Cardot [Type] 1909, 36: 86
Thuidium robustum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 52
Thuidium robustum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 52
Thuidium robustum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 52
Braunia plicata var. canescens Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 38
Braunia plicata var. canescens Cardot [Type] 1911, 38: 38
Lepidopilum pringlei Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 51
Distichophyllum cirratum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 23: 104
Distichophyllum cirratum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 23: 104
Distichophyllum carinatum Dixon & G. Nicholson [Type] 1909, 36: 24
Daltonia minuta Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 39
Hookeriopsis heteroica Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 51
Hookeriopsis heteroica Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 51
Cyclodictyon humectatum Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 50
Cyclodictyon humectatum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 50
Cyclodictyon humectatum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 50
Hypnum deplanatulum Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 56
Hypnum cupressiforme var. integrifolium Thériot [Syntype] 1930, 3: 43
Hypnum cupressiforme var. integrifolium Thériot [Syntype] 1930, 3: 43
Hypnum cupressiforme var. integrifolium Thériot [Syntype] 1930, 3: 43
Platygyrium fuscoluteum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 49
Isopterygium cylindricarpum Cardot [Isosyntype] 1910, 37: 56
Isopterygium subpinnatum Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 49
Ectropothecium nagaense Brotherus [Type] 1928, 1: 38
Mittenothamnium subthelistegium Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 55
Mittenothamnium subthelistegium Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 55
Mittenothamnium imbricatulum Cardot [Isotype] 1910, 37: 55
Platygyriella helicodontioides Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37:9
Platygyriella helicodontioides Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37:9
Homomallium mexicanum Cardot [Syntype] 1910, 37: 53
Cyathophorum limbatulum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 23: 108
Cyathophorum limbatulum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 23: 108
Pseudoleskea filamentosa var. tenuiretis Culmann [Isotype] 1910, 37: 94
Hylocomiopsis cylindracarpa Thériot [Type] 1930, 3: 40
Regmatodon pringlei Cardot [Type] 1910, 37:58
Regmatodon pringlei Cardot [Type] 1910, 37:58
Lindbergia mexicana var. acuminata Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 51
Leucobryum glaucovirens Cardot [Isotype] 1909, 36: 69
Leucodon curvirostris var. antitrichoides Cardot [Type] 1910, 37: 6
Papillaria leuconeura var. celebesiae Cardot [Type] 1901, 28: 115
Tortula pringlei Cardot [Isosyntype] 1909, 36: 87
Tortula pringlei Cardot [Isosyntype] 1909, 36: 87
Pterigynandrum filiforme var. mexicanum Thériot [Syntype] 1928, 1: 9
Leioscyphus pringlei Stephani [Type] 1909, 36: 139
Radula calcarata Stephani [Type] 1909, 36: 140
Radula calcarata Stephani [Isolectotype] 1909, 36: 140
Symphyogyna mexicana Stephani [Type] 1909, 36: 140
Metzgeria breviseta Stephani [Type] 1909, 36: 140
Erythrodontium pringlei Cardot [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 11
Leucoloma serrulatum var. viride Bescherelle [Syntype] 1910, 37: 119
Leucoloma serrulatum var. viride Bescherelle [Isolectotype] 1910, 37: 119
Orthodicranum allorgei J. J. Amann & Loeske [Isolectotype] 1929, 2: 93
Grimmia limprichtii Kern [Lectotype] 1897, 24: 56
Grimmia limprichtii Kern [Type] 1897, 24: 56