Title | Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Paris |
Abbreviation | Bull. Soc. Bot. France |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1-125, 1854-1978 |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b11937476 |
BPH | 275.24 |
Remarks | Superseded by: Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Lettres Botaniques AND Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Acualités Botaniques |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 847 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Berberis elegans H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1904, 51: 289Berberis elegans H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1904, 51: 289
Berberis elegans H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1904, 51: 289
Berberis yunnanensis Franchet [Lectotype] 1886, 33: 388
Berberis acuminata Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 387
Berberis wallichiana f. arguta Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 388
Berberis wallichiana f. arguta Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 388
Mahonia setosa Gagnepain [Holotype] 1908, 55: 86
Mahonia bodinieri Gagnepain [Holotype] 1908, 55: 55
Carpinus pinfaensis H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] , 52: 142
Carpinus poilanei A. Camus [Isotype] 1929, 76: 968
Carpinus poilanei A. Camus [Type] 1929, 76: 968
Carpinus rupestris A. Camus [Type] 1930, 76: 966
Ostryopsis davidiana Decaisne [Isotype] 1873, 20: 155
Cordia boliviana Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 62
Lithospermum arizonicum Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 62
Lithospermum persicum Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 62
Heliotropium minarum Glaziou [Isolectotype] 1910, 57: 479
Sericostoma strigosa Deflers [Isotype] 1896, 43: 120
Cryptantha wyomingensis Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 62
Onosmodium alabamense Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 63
Cardamine multijuga Franchet [Isotype] 1886, 33: 399
Aethionema pyrenaicum Boutigny [Isotype] 1857, 4: 777
Draba yunnanensis Franchet [Isotype] 1886, 33: 402
Canarium vittatistipulatum Guillaumin [Isotype] 1909, 55: 612
Canarium subulatum Guillaumin [Syntype] 1909, 55: 613
Canarium subulatum Guillaumin [Syntype] 1909, 55: 613
Canarium rotundifolium Guillaumin [Isotype] 1909, 55: 614
Elattosis apetala Gagnepain [Type] 1939, 86: 301
Monopetalanthus le-testui Pellegrin [Isotype] 1942, 89: 120
Monopetalanthus heitzii Pellegrin [Isotype] 1938, 84: 642
Cynometra mundungu Pellegrin [Isotype] 1947, 93: 223
Cynometra neo-caledonica Guillaumin [Isotype] 1936, 83: 307
Augouardia letestui Pellegrin [Isotype] 1924, 71: 310
Syrrhopodon glaucinus Bescherelle [Isotype] 1901, 48: 14
Downingia brachypetala Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 55
Capparis bariensis Pierre [Isotype] 1908, 55: 209
Capparis nhatrangensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1939, 85: 598
Capparis beneolens Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1939, 85: 597
Lonicera guilloni H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1907, 51: 115
Viburnum bolivianum Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 33
Euonymus crosnieri H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1904, 51: 146
Euonymus linearifolia Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 454
Euonymus eberhardtii Tardieu [Type] 1948, 95: 180
Euonymus yunnanensis Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 454
Euonymus amygdalifolia Franchet [Holotype] , 33: 453
Licania rhamnoides Guillaumin [Isolectotype] 1920, 47: 346
Rheedia excelsa R. Viguier & Humbert [Isotype] 1914, 61: 130
Convolvulus supinus Cosson & Kralik [Isolectotype] 1857, 4: 400
Cornus amblardi H. Léveillé [Type] 1904, 51: 145
Weinmannia serrata Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1862, 9: 73
Geissois montana Vieillard ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1862, 9: 71
Berneuxia thibetica Decaisne [Holotype] 1873, 20: 159
Diospyros balansae Guillaumin [Isolectotype] 1922, 69: 67
Cyathopsis floribunda Brongniart & Gris [Isolectotype] 1864, 11: 66
Ceratiola falcatula Gandoger [Isotype] 1919, 66: 232
Pieris henryi Léveillé [Holotype] 1906, 53: 204
Pieris lucida H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1906, 53: 207
Pieris buxifolia H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1906, 53: 203
Rhododendron rubiginosum Franchet [Isotype] 1887, 34: 282
Rhododendron atrovirens Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 235
Rhododendron folkienense Franchet [Type] 1899, 46: 210
Rhododendron polycladum Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 234
Rhododendron neriiflorum Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 230
Rhododendron bullatum Franchet [Isotype] 1887, 34: 281
Rhododendron latoucheae Franchet [Type] 1900, 46: 210
Rhododendron bureavii Franchet [Isotype] 1887, 34: 281
Leucopogon longistylus Brongniart & Gris [Isolectotype] 1864, 11: 67
Leucopogon albicans Brongniart & Gris [Isolectotype] 1864, 11: 67
Leucopogon albicans Brongniart & Gris [Isolectotype] 1864, 11: 67
Leucopogon salicifolius Brongniart & Gris [Isolectotype] 1864, 11: 68
Drypetes thorelii Gagnepain [Syntype] 1924, 71: 262
Drypetes subsessilis Gagnepain [Type] 1924, 71: 261
Drypetes aubrevillei Léandri [Syntype] 1934, 81: 458
Drypetes aubrevillei Léandri [Syntype] 1934, 81: 458
Drypetes harmandii Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 259
Cleistanthus annamensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 461
Cleistanthus annamensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 461
Croton latsoniensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 557
Croton longipes Gagnepain [Type] 1925, 72: 462
Croton longipes Gagnepain [Syntype] 1925, 72: 462
Croton longipes Gagnepain [Syntype] 1925, 72: 462
Croton pierrei Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 558
Croton pierrei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 558
Croton pierrei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 558
Croton pierrei Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 558
Croton pierrei Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 558
Croton touranensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 561
Croton touranensis Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 561
Croton touranensis Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 561
Croton mekongensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 558
Croton salicifolius Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 464
Croton salicifolius Gagnepain [Type] 1925, 72: 464
Croton poilanei Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 559
Croton poilanei Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 559
Croton poilanei Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 559
Croton poilanei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 559
Croton tonkinensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 560
Croton tonkinensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 560
Croton tonkinensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 68: 560
Croton budopensis Gagnepain [Type] 1922, 68: 549
Croton delpyi Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 552
Croton alpinus A. Chevalier ex Gagnepain [Type] 1922, 68: 548
Croton dodecamerus Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 462
Croton thorelii Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 560
Croton krabas Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 555
Croton krabas Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 555
Croton dongnaiensis Pierre [Type] 1922, 68: 553
Croton dongnaiensis Pierre [Type] 1922, 68: 553
Croton dongnaiensis Pierre [Type] 1922, 68: 553
Croton dongnaiensis Pierre [Type] 1922, 68: 553
Croton cubiensis Gagnepain [Type] 1922, 68: 551
Croton bonianus Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 549
Croton bonianus Gagnepain [Syntype] 1922, 68: 549
Croton chevalieri Gagnepain [Isotype] 1922, 68: 550
Croton macrobothrys var. microbotrys Glaziou [Isotype] 1913, 59(Mém. 3g): 615
Croton nettoanus Glaziou [Isotype] 1913 [1912 publ. 1913], 59 (Mém. 3g): 615
Croton nanus Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 464
Tragia delpyana Gagnepain [Syntype] 1925, 71: 1027
Tragia delpyana Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 1027
Deutzianthus tonkinensis Gagnepain [Type] 1924, 71: 139
Epiprinus balansae Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 1023
Epiprinus poilanei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 1025
Thyrsanthera suborbicularis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 878
Thyrsanthera suborbicularis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 878
Cleidion bracteosum Gagnepain [Syntype] 1924, 71: 569
Cleidion bracteosum Gagnepain [Syntype] 1924, 71: 569
Baliospermum balansae Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 460
Thelypetalum pierrei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 876
Macaranga balansae Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1922, 69: 701
Macaranga kampotensis Gagnepain [Type] 1922, 69: 702
Macaranga poilanei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 69: 703
Paracleisthus eberhardtii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 70: 499
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Pantadenia adenanthera Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 873
Mallotus poilanei Gagnepain [Type] 1925, 72: 466
Mallotus poilanei Gagnepain [Type] 1925, 72: 466
Dimorphocalyx poilanei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 622
Dimorphocalyx beccarii Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1924, 71: 621
Antidesma eberhardtii Gagnepain [Syntype] 1923, 70: 120
Antidesma poilanei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 70: 122
Erismanthus indochinensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 622
Erismanthus indochinensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 622
Baccaurea harmandii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 70: 235
Baccaurea annamensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 70: 235
Trigonostemon harmandii Gagnepain [Type] 1923, 69: 750
Trigonostemon thorelii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 69: 755
Trigonostemon pierrei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 69: 752
Trigonostemon poilanei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 69: 753
Trigonostemon phyllocalyx Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 469
Trigonostemon bonianus Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1923, 69: 747
Trigonostemon bonianus Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1923, 69: 747
Blachia cotoneaster Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 619
Hymenocardia laotica Gagnepain [Isotype] 1923, 70: 436
Phyllanthus rubicundus Beille [Type] 1925, 72: 162
Dalechampia falcata Gagnepain [Type] 1925, 71: 1022
Nephrostylus poilanei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 467
Alchornea annamica Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 137
Alchornea coudercii Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 138
Alchornea coudercii Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 138
Bridelia harmandii Gagnepain [Type] 1923, 70: 433
Oligoceras eberhardtii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 872
Cenesmon poilanei Gagnepain [Type] 1924, 71: 869
Cenesmon peltatum Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 868
Cenesmon peltatum Gagnepain [Syntype] 1924, 71: 868
Cenesmon lineare Gagnepain [Holotype] 1924, 71: 867
Cenesmon laoticum Gagnepain [Type] 1924, 71: 867
Cenesmon laoticum Gagnepain [Syntype] 1924, 71: 867
Cenesmon tonkinense Gagnepain [Lectotype] 1925, 71: 869
Pera corcovadensis Glaziou [Type] 1913, 59(Mem. 3): 626
Coccoceras anisopodum Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1925, 71: 1021
Coccoceras anisopodum Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1925, 71: 1021
Poilaniella fragilis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 72: 467
Euphorbia coudercii Gagnepain [Type] 1921, 68: 299
Euphorbia coudercii f. glaberrima Gagnepain [Type] 1921, 68: 299
Euphorbia capillaris Gagnepain [Syntype] 1921, 68: 298
Euphorbia harmandii Gagnepain [Syntype] 1921, 68: 299
Euphorbia fodhliana Deflers [Isotype] 1896, 43: 230
Euphorbia arenarioides Gagnepain [Isotype] 1921, 68: 297
Acalypha heterostachya Gagnepain [NotType] 1924, 70: 874
Acalypha siamensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 70: 874
Acalypha harmandiana Gagnepain [Isotype] 1924, 70: 873
Pueraria koten H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1908, 55: 426
Pueraria bodinieri H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 55: 425
Pueraria caerulea H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1908, 55: 427
Pueraria argyi H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 55: 426
Pueraria seguini H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 55: 426
Lupinus agninus Gandoger [Isotype] 1913, 60: 461
Lupinus strigulosus Gandoger [Isotype] 1913, 60: 461
Ononis grandiflora Munby [Isotype] 1864, 11: 45
Ononis incisa Cosson & Durieu [Isotype] 1919, 63: 191
Oxytropis bushii Gandoger [Isotype] 1901, 48: 17
Mucuna bodinieri H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1908, 55: 408
Mucuna martini Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, lv: 409
Astragalus missouriensis f. longipes Gandoger [Isotype] 1902, 48: XV
Machaerium bolivianum Gandoger [Isotype] 1913, 60: 460
Castanopsis piriformis Hickel & A. Camus [Type] 1922, 68: 395
Castanopsis piriformis Hickel & A. Camus [Type] 1922, 68: 395
Castanopsis boisii Hickel & A. Camus [Isotype] 1921, 68: 396
Lithocarpus cryptocarpa A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 816
Lithocarpus cryptocarpa A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 816
Lithocarpus cryptocarpa A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 816
Lithocarpus cuneiformis A. Camus [Isotype] 1947, 94: 271
Lithocarpus guineri A. Camus [Isotype] 1936, 83: 419
Lithocarpus guineri A. Camus [Isotype] 1936, 83: 419
Lithocarpus guineri A. Camus [Type] 1936, 83: 419
Lithocarpus eriolepis A. Camus [Isotype] 1937, 84: 176
Lithocarpus oleifolius A. Camus [Isotype] 1947, 94: 271
Lithocarpus pycnostachys A. Camus [Isotype] 1936, 83: 345
Lithocarpus microsperma A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1935, 81: 818
Lithocarpus microsperma A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1935, 81: 818
Lithocarpus microsperma A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1935, 81: 818
Lithocarpus platyphyllus A. Camus [Isotype] 1935, 91: 817
Lithocarpus hui A. Camus [Isotype] 1938, 85: 654
Castanea bodinieri H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1905, 1905: 142
Castanea fauriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] , 52: 142
Quercus cavaleriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1905, 52: 142
Quercus cavaleriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1905, 52: 142
Quercus kouangsiensis A. Camus [Isotype] 1937, 84: 176
Quercus doichangensis A. Camus [Holotype] 1933, 80: 355
Quercus augustinii var. rockii A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1933, 80: 354
Quercus augustinii subvar. angustifolia A. Camus [Type] 1933, 80: 354
Quercus augustinii var. rockiana A. Camus [Type] 1933, 80: 354
Quercus handeliana A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1933, 80: 355
Fissidens philonotulus Bescherelle [Isotype] 1901, 43: 13
Xylosma macrocarpa Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1908, 55: 527
Xylosma macrocarpa Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1908, 55: 527
Hydnocarpus anthelminthica Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1908, 55: 523
Hydnocarpus anthelminthica Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1908, 55: 523
Hydnocarpus saigonensis Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isotype] 1908, 55: 523
Taraktogenos serrata Pierre [Isotype] 1908, 4: 525
Taraktogenos serrata Pierre [Isotype] 1908, 4: 525
Scolopia buxifolia Gagnepain [Type] 1908, 55: 524
Gentiana duclouxii Franchet [Isotype] 1899, 46: 305
Gentiana fastigiata Franchet [Isotype] 1884, 31: 373
Gentiana delavayi Franchet [Isotype] 1884, 31: 377
Gentiana myrioclada Franchet [Isotype] , 43: 487
Gentiana tongolensis Franchet [Isosyntype] 1896, 43: 490
Gentiana ternifolia Franchet [Type] 1884, 31: 377
Gentiana ternifolia Franchet [Type] 1884, 31: 377
Gentiana samolifolia Franchet [Type] , 43: 485
Gentiana alsinoides Franchet [Isotype] 1884, 31: 374
Sabatia tracyi Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 61
Sabatia tracyi Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 61
Exacum cambodianum Dop [Syntype] 1912, lix: 145
Veratrilla baillonii Franchet [Isosyntype] 1899, 46: 311
Swertia gentianoides Franchet [Isosyntype] , 46: 314
Swertia membranifolia Franchet [Isotype] , 46: 319
Swertia gracilis Franchet [Isosyntype] 1899, 46: 321
Swertia gracilis Franchet [Isosyntype] 1899, 46: 321
Crawfurdia delavayi Franchet [Isotype] , 46: 306
Strobilanthes petelotii Benoist [Isotype] 1934 [1933 publ. 1934], 80: 731
Strobilanthes pierrei Benoist [Isotype] 1934 [1933 publ. 1934], 80: 730
Strobilanthes obesus Benoist [Isotype] 1934, 81: 601
Strobilanthes microcephala Benoist [Isotype] 1934 [1933 publ. 1934], 80: 730
Cryptophragmium thorelii Benoist [Isotype] 1934, 81(7-8): 604
Justicia monetaria Benoist [Isolectotype] 1934, lxxxi. 605.
Acer hayatae H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1906, 53: 590
Acer hayatae H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1906, 53: 590
Acer hayatae var. glabra H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1906, 53: 5990
Acer pellucidobracteatum H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1906, 53: 592
Acer paxii Franchet [Isosyntype] 1886, 33: 464
Acer lasiocarpum H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Syntype] 1906, 80: 591
Actinidia fortunati Finet & Gagnepain [Holotype] 1906, 53: 574
Aleuritopteris schaffneri E. Fournier [Type] 1880, 27: 328
Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 286
Euxolus crispus Lespinasse & Théveneau [Type] 1859, 6: 656
Aerva cochinchinensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1935, 82: 476
Uvaria pierrei Finet & Gagnepain [Isotype] 1906, 53, Mem. 4: 72
Uvaria dac Pierre ex Finet & Gagnepain [Syntype] 1906, 53: 65
Dasymaschalon macrocalyx Finet & Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53: Mem 4, 144
Goniothalamus donnaiensis Finet & Gagnepain [Isotype] 1906, 53, Mem. 4: 121
Goniothalamus tamirensis Finet & Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53, Mem. 4: 119
Goniothalamus saigonensis Finet & Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53, Mem. 4: 117
Goniothalamus repevensis Finet & Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1906, 53, Mem. 4: 120
Goniothalamus repevensis Finet & Gagnepain [Lectotype] 1906, 53, Mem. 4: 120
Unona dinhensis Pierre ex Finet & Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53: Mem. 4, 79
Ellipeia cherrevensis Pierre ex Finet & Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53 Mem. IV: 76
Pleurospermum wilsoni H. Boissieu [Isolectotype] 1906, 53: 433
Rauvolfia indosinensis Pichon [Isosyntype] 1947, 94: 37
Rauvolfia indosinensis Pichon [Isosyntype] 1947, 94: 37
Rauvolfia linearisepala Guillaumin [Type] 1941, 88: 361
Alstonia balansae Guillaumin [Isotype] 1941, 88: 372
Ilex corallina Franchet [Isotype] 1886, 33: 452
Dendropanax boliviana Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 95: 33
Picris rielii Sennen [Type] 1927, 73: 656
Helminthia balansae Cosson & Durieu [Type] 1856, 3: 744
Eremanthus labordeii Glaziou [Isolectotype] 1909, 3: 380
Euthamia californica Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 41
Aster cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1906, 53: 549
Aster humistratus Gandoger [Syntype] 1918, 65: 39
Aster humistratus Gandoger [Syntype] 1918, 65: 39
Myriactis delavayi Gagnepain [Type] 1912, 68: 122
Franseria californica Gandoger [Type] 1918, 65: 54
Senecio fargesii Franchet [Isotype] 1892, 39: 300
Senecio yunnanensis Franchet [Isosyntype] 1892, 39: 303
Senecio platyglossus Franchet [Isotype] 1892, 39: 293
Senecio kahuzicus Humbert [Type] 1935, 81: 842
Senecio dictyonurus Franchet [Isosyntype] 1892, 39: 294
Senecio melanocephalus Franchet [Isotype] 1892, 39: 294
Senecio helianthus Franchet [Isotype] 1892, 39: 286
Senecio lankongensis Franchet [Isosyntype] 1892, 39: 301
Senecio yesoensis var. crenifera Franchet [Isotype] 1892, 39: 307
Senecio phoenicochaeta Franchet [Isosyntype] 1892, 39: 295
Cladanthus pedunculatus Cosson & Durieu [Type] 1857, 4: 14
Hieracium cusickii Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 48
Hieracium helleri Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 51
Helichrysum syncephaloides Humbert [Type] 1931, 77: 688
Helichrysum nervicinctum Humbert [Type] 1939, 85: 655
Helichrysum nervicinctum Humbert [Type] 1939, 85: 655
Helichrysum barorum Humbert [Syntype] 1931, 77: 683
Helichrysum dichotomum Humbert [Syntype] 1931, 77: 684
Helichrysum dichotomum Humbert [Syntype] 1931, 77: 684
Wunderlichia tomentosa Glaziou [Isosyntype] 1910, 57: 421
Wunderlichia tomentosa Glaziou [Isosyntype] 1910, 57: 421
Mandonia boliviensis Weddell [Isotype] 1864, 11: 51
Mandonia boliviensis Weddell [Isotype] 1864, 11: 51
Brachyscome neocaledonica Guillemette [Isosyntype] 1937, 84: 61
Brachyscome neocaledonica Guillemette [Syntype] 1937, 84: 61
Arnica eriopoda Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 38
Rhetinolepis lonadioides Cosson [TypeMaterial] 1856, 3: 707
Sigesbeckia melanolepis Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 12: 81
Eriocarpum glaucum Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 41
Eriocarpum floridanum Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 41
Eriocarpum tracyi Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 41
Pyrethrum gayanum Cosson & Durieu [TypeMaterial] 1857, 4: 15
Pyrethrum maresii Cosson [Isotype] 1857, 4: 16
Pyrethrum macrocephalum Cosson & Durieu [Type] 1875, 22: 48
Gynoxys mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 12: 80
Lychnophora ericoides var. leucopholis Glaziou [Isotype] 1910, 57: 378
Warionia sahara Bentham & Cosson [Type] 1872, 19: 166
Tourneuxia variifolia Cosson [Type] 1859, 6: 396
Tourneuxia variifolia Cosson [Type] 1859, 6: 396
Eupatorium steviaefolium var. itatiaiae Glaziou [Type] 1909, 55, mem. 3d: 386
Eupatorium organense var. maximum Baker [Syntype] 1909, 56, Mem. 3d: 391
Eupatorium organense var. junius Baker [Syntype] 1909, 56, Mem. 3d: 391
Vernonia lecomtei Humbert [Syntype] 1940, 87: 344
Vernonia isalensis Humbert [Syntype] 1940, 87: 348
Vernonia isalensis Humbert [Syntype] 1940, 87: 348
Stephanomeria oregonensis Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 53
Perralderia coronopifolia Cosson [Type] 1859, 6: 395
Perralderia coronopifolia Cosson [Type] 1859, 6: 395
Rhanterium adpressum Cosson & Durieu [Syntype] 1855, 2: 252
Rhanterium adpressum Cosson & Durieu [Syntype] 1855, 2: 252
Melastoma orientale Guillaumin [Isotype] 1913, 60: 366, 402
Cedrela toona var. pubescens Franchet [Holotype] 1885, 33: 452
Pilotrichella cordata Brotherus [Type] 1924, 71: 1057
Pithecellobium corymbosum Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1952, 99: 49
Albizia glandulosa Guillaumin [Isotype] 1936, 83: 313
Hennecartia omphalandra J. Poisson [Type] 1885, 32: 40
Artocarpus asperulus Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 73: 86
Artocarpus asperulus Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 73: 86
Artocarpus asperulus Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 73: 86
Artocarpus sampor Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 73: 90
Artocarpus sampor Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 73: 90
Artocarpus melinoxylus Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 73: 87
Artocarpus melinoxylus Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1926, 73: 87
Cudrania cambodiana Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 72: 808
Cudrania cambodiana Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 72: 808
Cudrania thorellii Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 72: 810
Cudrania poilanei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1926, 72: 808
Eremophila chlorella Gandoger [Syntype] 1918, 65: 64
Piliocalyx robustus Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1865, 12: 185
Piliocalyx eugenioides Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1939, 85: 651
Piliocalyx eugenioides Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1939, 85: 651
Piliocalyx eugenioides Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1939, 85: 651
Piliocalyx eugenioides Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1939, 85: 651
Piliocalyx wagapensis Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1866, 13: 471
Piliocalyx wagapensis Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1866, 13: 471
Piliocalyx bullatus Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1866, 13: 470
Piliocalyx bullatus Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1866, 13: 470
Jambosa pseudomalaccensis Vieillard ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 182
Jambosa pseudomalaccensis Vieillard ex Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1865, 12: 182
Cloëzia canescens Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia canescens Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia canescens Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia canescens Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia canescens Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia canescens var. glabrescens Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia floribunda Brongniart & Gris [Isolectotype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia floribunda Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia deplanchei Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 577
Cloëzia ligustrina var. angustifolia Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1863, 10: 577
Fremya pubescens Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 373
Fremya speciosa Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1863, 10: 299
Fremya speciosa Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1863, 10: 299
Fremya vieillardii Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 378
Fremya aurantiaca Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 373
Fremya aurantiaca Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 373
Fremya elegans Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 374
Fremya elegans Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 374
Fremya rubra Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 372
Fremya rubra Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 372
Caryophyllus elegans Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 184
Tristaniopsis glauca Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1866, 13: 471
Tristaniopsis glauca Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1866, 13: 471
Tristaniopsis callobuxus Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 372
Tristaniopsis callobuxus Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1863, 10: 372
Pleurocalyptus deplanchei Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1867, 14: 264
Tristania polyandra Guillaumin [Isotype] 1934, 81: 5
Spermolepis gummifera Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1863, 10: 578
Spermolepis gummifera Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1863, 10: 578
Myrtus conspicua Vieillard ex Guillaumin [Isotype] 1939 [1938 publ. 1939], 85:631
Eugenia littoralis Pancher ex Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1865, 12: 178
Eugenia cataractarum Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1939, 85: 636
Eugenia cataractarum Guillaumin [Isolectotype] 1939, 85: 636
Eugenia magnifica Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1865, 12: 178
Eugenia horizontalis Brongniart & Gris [Syntype] 1865, 12: 179
Eugenia gatopensis Guillaumin [Isotype] 1939, 85: 638
Eugenia aphthosa Vieillard ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1868 [1866 publ. 1868], 13:469
Eugenia aphthosa Vieillard ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1868 [1866 publ. 1868], 13:469
Syzygium lateriflorum Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 183
Syzygium lateriflorum Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 183
Syzygium multipetalum Pancher ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 182
Syzygium multipetalum Pancher ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 182
Syzygium patens Pancher ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 184
Syzygium patens Pancher ex Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 184
Syzygium auriculatum Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1865, 12: 184
Syzygium tenuiflorum Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 183
Syzygium tenuiflorum Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 183
Syzygium wagapense Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1866, 13: 468
Syzygium wagapense Brongniart & Gris [Isosyntype] 1866, 13: 468
Syzygium wagapense Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1866, 13: 468
Syzygium wagapense Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1866, 13: 468
Syzygium micans Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1866, 13: 468
Xanthomyrtus hienghenensis Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 16
Xanthomyrtus hienghenensis var. latifolia Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 17
Xanthomyrtus hienghenensis var. latifolia Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 17
Xanthomyrtus hienghenensis var. latifolia Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 17
Xanthostemon grisei Guillaumin [Isotype] 1934, 81: 13
Linociera sangda Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 9: 787
Linociera sangda Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 9: 787
Linociera sangda Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 9: 787
Linociera mandioccana Eichler [Isotype] 1910, 57, mem. 3e: 448
Linociera pierrei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 786
Linociera pierrei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 786
Linociera pierrei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 786
Linociera pierrei Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 786
Linociera microstigma Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 786
Linociera microstigma Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 786
Linociera microstigma Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 786
Linociera verticillata Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 788
Linociera verticillata Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 788
Linociera thorelii Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 788
Linociera thorelii Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 788
Linociera thorelii Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 788
Linociera thorelii Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1933, 79: 788
Jasminum harmandianum Gagnepain [Syntype] 1933, 80: 74
Jasminum harmandianum Gagnepain [Syntype] 1933, 80: 74
Jussiaea lamprotes Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 27
Oenothera niveifolia Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 27
Vanda viminea Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1930, 78: 336
Vanda viminea Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1930, 78: 336
Vanda viminea Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1930, 78: 336
Vanda viminea Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1930, 78: 336
Vanda laotica Guillaumin [Isotype] 1930, 77: 335
Uncifera albiflora Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1930, 77: 333
Uncifera albiflora Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1930, 77: 333
Microstylis lepidota Finet [DrawingOfType] 1907, 54: 531
Neuwiedia balansae Baillon ex Gagnepain [Type] 1933, 80: 350
Neuwiedia annamensis Gagnepain [Type] 1933, 80: 350
Calanthe petelotiana Gagnepain [Type] 1932, 79: 163
Calanthe petelotiana Gagnepain [TypeMaterial] 1932, 79: 163
Oreorchis fargesii Finet [Type] , 43: 697
Oreorchis fargesii Finet [Type] , 43: 697
Schaenomorphus capitatus Thorel ex Gagnepain [Type] 1933, 80: 351
Schaenomorphus capitatus Thorel ex Gagnepain [TypeMaterial] 1933, 80: 351
Pleione fargesii Gagnepain [Type] 1931, 78: 26
Pleione fargesii Gagnepain [Type] 1931, 78: 26
Pleione fargesii Gagnepain [Type] 1931, 78: 26
Pleione fargesii Gagnepain [Type] 1931, 78: 26
Pleione communis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1931, 78: 25
Eulophia lokobensis H. Perrier [DrawingOfType] 1935, 82: 153
Eulophia pauciflora Guillaumin [Type] 1930, 77: 338
Eulophia lanceata H. Perrier [DrawingOfType] 1935, 82: 156
Sarcanthus krempfii Guillaumin [DrawingOfType] 1930, 77: 329
Epipactis pringlei Gandoger [Isotype] 1920, 66: 293
Liparis balansae Gagnepain [NotType] 1932, 79: 165
Liparis fargesii Finet [Isotype] 1908, 55: 340
Liparis chapaensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1932, 79: 166
Liparis petelotii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1932, 79: 166
Liparis poilanei Gagnepain [Type] 1929, 76: 514
Sarcochilus chapaensis Guillaumin [DrawingOfType] 1930, 77: 328
Habenaria keiskeoides Gagnepain [Isotype] 1931, 78: 71
Cirrhopetalum chondriophorum Gagnepain [Isotype] 1931, 78: 4
Cirrhopetalum chondriophorum Gagnepain [Isotype] 1931, 78: 4
Pedicularis tantalorhyncha Franchet ex Bonati [Isotype] 1909, 56: 466
Pedicularis imperialis Franchet [Isotype] , 47: 34
Pedicularis imperialis Franchet [Isotype] , 47: 34
Pedicularis imperialis Franchet [Isotype] , 47: 34
Galearia dongnaiensis Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isotype] 1925, 71: 1025
Corydalis yunnanensis Franchet [Isosyntype] 1886, 33: 394
Parmelia dubia var. caesiocinerea B. de Lesdain [NotType] 1923, 70: 843
Parmelia dubia var. caesiocinerea B. de Lesdain [Holotype] 1923, 70: 843
Parmelia dubia var. caesiocinerea B. de Lesdain [NotType] 1923, 70: 843
Abies chensiensis Tieghem [Type] 1892, 38: 413
Globba graminifolia L. F. Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1901, 48: 72
Globba graminifolia L. F. Gagnepain [Syntype] 1901, 48: 72
Globba rosea Gagnepain [Isotype] 1901, 48: 211
Globba rosea Gagnepain [Isotype] 1901, 48: 211
Alpinia macrpcarpa Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53: 136
Zingiber pellitum Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53: 150
Amomum ovoideum L. Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53: 140
Amomum ovoideum L. Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1906, 53: 140
Amomum repoeense L. Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isotype] 1906, 53: 144
Peperomia fumeana var. stehlei Trelease ex Stehlé [Holotype] 1937, 84: 408
Pittosporum yunnanensis Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 415
Pittosporum paumense Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1941, 87: 336
Platanus kerrii Gagnepain [Type] 1939, 86: 301
Milium poaeforme Boissier [Type] 1858, 5: 170
Schizostachyum tessellatum A. Camus [Type] 1935, 81: 758
Schizostachyum tessellatum A. Camus [Type] 1935, 81: 758
Schizostachyum tessellatum A. Camus [Type] 1935, 81: 758
Schizostachyum stenocladum A. Camus [Type] 1935, 81: 759
Schizostachyum stenocladum A. Camus [Type] 1935, 81: 759
Bromus cappadocicus Boissier & Balansa [Type] 1857, 4: 306
Agropyron tauri Balansa [Type] 1857, 4: 307
Agropyron divaricatum Boissier & Balansa [Type] 1857, 4: 307
Phragmites berlandieri E. Fournier [Isolectotype] 1877, 24: 178
Phragmites berlandieri E. Fournier [Isosyntype] 1877, 24: 178
Arundinaria humberti A. Camus [Type] 1927, 73: 624
Aira edouardi Reuter ex Duval-Jouve [Type] 1865, 12: 88
Catabrosa balansae Boissier [Type] 1874, 21: 15
Deyeuxia mandoniana Weddell [Isotype] 1875, 22: 179, 180
Deyeuxia glacialis Weddell [Isotype] 1875, 22: 178, 179
Deyeuxia nivalis Weddell [Isotype] 1875, 22: 176
Deyeuxia phalaroides Weddell [Isotype] 1875, 22: 177
Deyeuxia filifolia Weddell [Isotype] 1875, 22: 178
Deyeuxia filifolia Weddell [Syntype] 1875, 22: 178
Deyeuxia elegans Weddell [Isotype] 1875, 22: 177
Deyeuxia cryptolopha Weddell [Type] 1875, 22: 176, 179
Deyeuxia sulcata Weddell [Type] 1875, 22: 178, 180
Ammochloa subacaulis Balansa ex Cosson & Durieu [Type] 1854, 1: 317
Tristachya humbertii A. Camus [Type] 1926, 73: 401
Elymus cappadocicus Balansa [Type] 1857, 4: 308
Avena macrostachya Balansa ex Cosson & Durieu [Type] 1854, 1: 318
Avena ventricosa Balansa ex Cosson [Type] 1854, 1: 14
Pentaschistis humbertii A. Camus [Isotype] 1928, 74: 690
Polemonium paddoense Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 58
Polemonium oreades Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 58
Polyosma aulocarpa Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1951, 98: 121
Polyosma aulocarpa Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1951, 98: 121
Primula chapaensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1929, 5: 139
Garnieria spathulifolia Brongniart [Isotype] 1871, 18: 189
Kermadecia rotundifolia Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 228
Kermadecia rotundifolia Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 228
Kermadecia sinuata Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1863, 10: 228
Stenocarpus tremuloides Brongniart & Gris [Isotype] 1865, 12: 44
Stenocarpus elegans Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1865, 12: 44
Stenocarpus elegans Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1865, 12: 44
Stenocarpus intermedius Brongniart [Type] 1865, 12: 42
Grevillea macrostachya Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1865, 12: 38
Grevillea macrostachya Brongniart & Gris [Type] 1865, 12: 38
Pterobryella speciosissima (Sullivant) Müller Halle [Holotype] 1878, 25: 65
Anemone glaucifolia Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 363
Clematis finetiana H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1904, 51: 219
Clematis finetiana H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1904, 51: 219
Clematis gagnepaniana H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1904, 51: 219
Reseda villosa Cosson [Isotype] 1859, 6: 392
Reseda villosa Cosson [Isotype] 1859, 6: 392
Randonia africana Cosson [Type] 1859, 6: 392
Berchemia yunnanensis Franchet [Holotype] 1886, 33: 456
Rubus myriadenus H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1904, 51: 218
Rubus cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1904, 51: 218
Rubus ampliflorus H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1904, 51: 218
Rubus arbor H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1901, 51: 217
Rubus hastifolius H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1904, 2: 218
Rubus ikenoensis H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1906, 53;549
Rubus kanayamaensis H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1906, 53: 549
Prunus daemonifuga H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 55: 58
Prunus persica var. longistyla H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 55: 58
Prunus persica var. lasiocalyx H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1908, 55: 58
Rosa esquirolii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1908, 56:
Rosa esquirolii H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1908, 56:
Rosa durandii Crépin [Isotype] 1875, 22: 19
Rosa bodinieri H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1908, 55: 56
Rosa chaffonjoni H. Léveillé [Type] 1908, 55: 56
Crataegus bodinieri H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1908, 55: 57
Crataegus cavaleriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 55: 58
Crataegus cavaleriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 55: 58
Cotoneaster adpressus Bois [Isotype] 1904, li, p. cxlix
Lasianthus hartii Franchet [Isotype] 1899, 46: 209
Cephaëlis sagotii Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 34
Paederia tomentosa var. purpureo-caerulea H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1908, 55: 59
Paederia tomentosa var. purpureo-caerulea H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 55: 59
Canthium tekbe Aubréville & Pellegrin [Isolectotype] 1936, 83: 38
Glycosmis petelotii Guillaumin [Isotype] 1945, 91: 216
Pelea fulva Guillaumin [Isotype] 1938, 85: 302
Euodia henryi Dode [Syntype] 1909, 55: 706
Euodia oreophila Guillaumin [Syntype] 1938, 85: 298
Euodia oreophila Guillaumin [Syntype] 1938, 85: 298
Euodia officinalis Dode [Syntype] 1909, 55: 703
Euodia officinalis Dode [Syntype] 1909, 55: 703
Euodia officinalis Dode [Syntype] 1909, 55: 703
Euodia fargesii Dode [Syntype] 1909, 55: 704
Euodia fargesii Dode [Syntype] 1909, 55: 704
Meliosma longicalix Lecomte [Isosyntype] 1907, 54: 675
Meliosma parviflora Lecomte [Type] 1907, 54: 676
Meliosma parviflora Lecomte [Type] 1907, 54: 676
Meliosma parviflora Lecomte [Type] 1907, 54: 676
Meliosma pilosa Lecomte [Type] 1907, 54: 676
Meliosma yunnanensis Franchet [Isotype] 1886, 33: 465
Meliosma yunnanensis Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 465
Sabia emarginata Lecomte [Isotype] 1907, 54: 673
Salix cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 56: 298
Salix cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Isosyntype] 1909, 56: 298
Salix cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1909, 56: 298
Salix cavaleriei H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 298
Salix sapporoensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 302
Salix sapporoensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 302
Salix sapporoensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 302
Salix sapporoensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 302
Salix duclouxii H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 298
Salix duclouxii H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 298
Salix duclouxii var. kouytchensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 298
Salix duclouxii var. kouytchensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 298
Salix pyi H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 300
Salix pyi H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 300
Salix dodecandra Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1905, 52: 141
Salix dodecandra Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1905, 52: 141
Salix yunnanensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 301
Salix yunnanensis H. Léveillé [Type] 1909, 56: 301
Sarcopus aberrans Gagnepain [Isotype] 1947, 93: 315
Pancovia delavayi Franchet [Type] 1886, 33: 461
Vincentella camerounensis Pierre [Isotype] 1935, 81: 800
Palaquium walsurifolium Pierre ex Dubard [Type] 1909, 56 Mem. 16: 22
Palaquium walsuraefolium Pierre ex Dubard [Type] 1909, 56, Mem. 16: 22
Saxifraga crandallii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1918, 65: 30
Distephania involucrata Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1948, 95: 31
Schisandra propinqua var. linearis Finet & Gagnepain [Syntype] 1905, 52, Mem. 4: 51
Schisandra propinqua var. linearis Finet & Gagnepain [Syntype] 1905, 52, Mem. 4: 51
Schisandra propinqua var. linearis Finet & Gagnepain [Lectotype] 1905, 52, Mem. 4: 51
Schisandra propinqua var. linearis Finet & Gagnepain [Syntype] 1905, 52, Mem. 4: 51
Schisandra propinqua var. linearis Finet & Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1905, 52, Mem. 4: 51
Schisandra propinqua var. linearis Finet & Gagnepain [Syntype] 1905, 52, Mem. 4: 51
Schisandra propinqua var. linearis Finet & Gagnepain [Syntype] 1905, 52, Mem. 4: 51
Veronica fargesii Franchet [Type] 1900, 47: 21
Torenia cambodgiana Bonati [Isotype] 1908, ser. 4, 8: 513
Scrophularia yunnanensis Franchet [Isotype] 1900, 47: 12
Scrophularia diplodonta Franchet [Isotype] , 47: 14
Scrophularia soulei Franchet [Isotype] , 47: 15
Mimulus washingtonensis Gandoger [Isotype] 1919, 66(5-6): 218
Smilax cambodiana Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1934, 81: 72
Solanum bodinieri H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 55: 206
Solanum pancheri Guillaumin [Syntype] 1941, 88: 465
Solanum pancheri Guillaumin [Syntype] 1941, 88: 465
Solanum pancheri Guillaumin [Syntype] 1941, 88: 465
Solanum pancheri Guillaumin [Syntype] 1941, 88: 465
Salpichroa tenuiflora Benoist [Isotype] 1938, 85: 54
Salpichroa amoena Benoist [Isotype] 1938, 85: 409
Mitreola tracyi Gandoger [Isotype] 1924, 70: 921
Stemona pierrei L. F. Gagnepain [Syntype] 1934, 81: 147
Stemona phyllantha L. F. Gagnepain [Isotype] 1934, 147
Symplocos banaënsis Guillaumin [Isotype] 1932, 79: 169
Symplocos disepala Guillaumin [Isotype] 1932, 69: 171
Symplocos elephantis Guillaumin [Isotype] 1924, 71: 279
Symplocos poilanei Guillaumin [Isolectotype] 1924, 71: 282
Symplocos puncto-marginata A. Chevalier ex Guillaumin [Isolectotype] 1932, 79: 174
Symplocos oreades Guillaumin [Isotype] 1932, 79: 174
Symplocos clemensorum Guillaumin [Isotype] 1932, 79: 170
Symplocos pseudo-nitida Guillaumin [Lectotype] 1924, 71: 943
Symplocos touranensis Guillaumin [Isotype] 1924, 71: 285
Symplocos nubium Guillaumin [Isotype] 1932, 79: 173
Huertea granadina Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1953, 100: 160
Huertea granadina Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1953, 100: 160
Eurya castaneifolia Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 158
Eurya gynandra Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 256
Eurya gynandra var. glabra Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 156, 160
Eurya gynandra var. grandiflora Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 156, 160
Eurya cavinervis Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 155
Eurya sanguinea Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 156
Eurya glabra var. pilosa Vesque [Isotype] 1895, 42: 153
Eurya ceylanica var. glabra Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 154
Paranneslea donnaiensis Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1948, 95: 29
Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte [Isosyntype] 1915, 61: 411
Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte [Isosyntype] 1915, 61: 411
Dicranolepis pusilla Aymonin [Isotype] 1963, 110: 147
Parapentace brilletii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1943, 110: 71
Tovaria prattii var. robusta Franchet [Isotype] 1896, 43: 46
Piriqueta tracyi Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 27
Boehmeria atrovirens Gandoger [Isosyntype] 1919, 66: 287
Boehmeria atrovirens Gandoger [Isosyntype] 1919, 66: 287
Laportea urentissima Gagnepain [Syntype] 1928, 75: 3
Laportea urentissima Gagnepain [Syntype] 1928, 75: 3
Laportea urentissima Gagnepain [Syntype] 1928, 75: 3
Laportea urentissima Gagnepain [Syntype] 1928, 75: 3
Laportea thorelii Gagnepain [Syntype] 1928, 75: 2
Fleurya disepala Gagnepain [Type] 1928, 75: 556
Pellionia peirrei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1929, 75: 923
Pellionia peirrei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1929, 75: 923
Pellionia peirrei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1929, 75: 923
Pellionia peirrei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1929, 75: 923
Pellionia cochinchinensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1929, 75: 921
Valeriana psilodes Gandoger [Type] 1918, 65: 37
Valeriana dubiosa Gandoger [Type] 1918, 65: 37
Gmelina balansae Dop [Isolectotype] 1915, 61: 322
Oxera coriacea Dubard [Isotype] 1906, 53: 713
Lippia guatemalensis Gandoger [Type] 1918, 65: 63
Lippia guatemalensis Gandoger [Type] 1918, 65: 63
Lippia guatemalensis Gandoger [Type] 1918, 65: 63
Sphenodesme mekongensis Dop [Isotype] 1915, 61: 318
Sphenodesme mekongensis Dop [Isotype] 1915, 61: 318
Sphenodesme thorelii Dop [Isosyntype] 1915, 61: 316
Sphenodesme thorelii Dop [Isosyntype] 1915, 61: 316
Sphenodesme robinsonii Dop [Isotype] 1915, 61: 318
Sphenodesme pierrei Dop [Isosyntype] 1915, 41: 317
Sphenodesme pierrei Dop [Isosyntype] 1915, 41: 317
Premna thorelii Dop [Type] 1924, 70: 831
Premna thorelii Dop [Type] 1924, 70: 831
Premna cambodiana Dop [Type] 1923, 70: 440
Premna cambodiana Dop [Isolectotype] 1923, 70: 440
Premna chevalieri Dop [Isosyntype] 1923, 70: 445
Premna chevalieri Dop [Isosyntype] 1923, 70: 445
Premna fortunati Dop [Holotype] 1923, 70: 444
Scyphellandra pierrei H. Boissieu [Isosyntype] 1908, 55: 33
Scyphellandra pierrei H. Boissieu [Isosyntype] 1908, 55: 33
Scyphellandra pierrei H. Boissieu [Isosyntype] 1908, 55: 33
Alsodeia scorpioidea H. Boissieu [Isotype] 1908, 55: 469
Alsodeia scorpioidea var. schralensis Pierre ex H. Boissieu [Isotype] 1908, 55: 469
Alsodeia scorpioidea var. schralensis Pierre ex H. Boissieu [Isotype] 1908, 55: 469
Agatea vieillardii Brongniart [Type] 1861, 8: 80
Agatea pancheri Brongniart [Type] 1861, 8: 80
Ampelopsis cardiospermoides Planchon ex Franchet [Syntype] 1886, 33: 460
Vitis lyjoannis H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1907, 54: 369
Callicostella perpapillata Brotherus & P. de la Varde [Type] 1925, 72: 361
Nemophila erosa Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 64
Nemophila erosa Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 64
Nemophila nevadensis Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 64
Trichomanes badium E. Fournier [Type] 1868, 15: 144,147, 148
Didymoglossum ovale E. Fournier [Syntype] 1872, 19: 240
Hypericum argyi H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Holotype] 1908, 54: 591
Illicium fargesii Finet & Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1905, 52: 29
Illicium fargesii Finet & Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1905, 52: 29
Isoetes muricata Durieu [Isotype] 1864, 11: 100
Isoetes muricata Durieu [Isotype] 1864, 11: 100
Isoetes braunii Durieu [Isosyntype] 1864, 11: 101
Isoetes melanopoda Gay & Durieu [Isosyntype] 1864, 11: 102
Lacistema bolivianum Gandoger [Isotype] 1920, 66: 288
Salvia balansae Ponce [Isotype] 1855, 2: 581
Micromeria macrosiphon Cosson [Isosyntype] 1880, 27: 72
Sphacele cordifolia Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 68
Holboellia chapaensis Gagnepain [Isotype] 1938, 85: 165
Holboellia grandiflora Réauborg [Isotype] 1906, 53: 453
Litsea honghoensis Liou [Isotype] 1933, 80: 568
Litsea longipetiolata Lecomte [Type] 1913, 60: 85
Litsea liyuyingi Liou [Isotype] 1933, 80: 566
Ocotea aciphylla var. robusta Mez ex Glaziou [Isosyntype] 1912, 59: 594
Ocotea aciphylla var. robusta Mez ex Glaziou [Isosyntype] 1912, 59: 594
Ocotea spixiana var. goyazensis Mez [Isosyntype] 1913, 59, Mem. 3g: 595
Ocotea spixiana var. goyazensis Mez [Isosyntype] 1913, 59, Mem. 3g: 595
Ocotea pulchella var. ferruginea Mez ex Glaziou [Syntype] 1912, 59: 597
Crocynia aliciae Hue [Type] 1924, 71: 333
Crocynia aliciae Hue [Type] 1924, 71: 333
Crocynia crassissima Hue [Isotype] 1924, ser. 4, 24: 393
Ophiopogon marmoratus Pierre ex L. Rodriguez [Isotype] 1928, 75: 997
Geniostoma deplanchei Vieillard ex Guillaumin [Isosyntype] 1928, 75: 290
Buddleja macrostachya var. yunnanensis Dop [Isolectotype] 1910, 57, Mém. 19: 7
Cladocolea andrieuxii Tieghem [Isotype] 1895, 42: 167
Amylotheca zollingeri Tieghem [Isotype] 1894, 41: 264
Phoradendron chrysocarpum var. stehlei Trelease [Isotype] 1945, 92: 262
Stachyphyllum fendleri Tieghem [Isotype] 1895, 42: 567
Bifaria mannii Tieghem [Type] 1896, 43: 168
Bifaria crassa Tieghem [Type] 1896, 43: 167
Bifaria platystachya Tieghem [Type] 1896, 43: 175
Bifaria ovalis Tieghem [Syntype] 1896, 43: 172
Bifaria complanata Tieghem [Type] 1896, 43: 167
Korthalsella horneana Tieghem [Type] 1846, 43: 164
Magnolia parviflora var. wilsonii Finet & Gagnepain [Isotype] 1905, 52: 39
Magnolia parviflora var. wilsonii Finet & Gagnepain [Isotype] 1905, 52: 39
Magnolia parviflora var. wilsonii Finet & Gagnepain [Isotype] 1905, 52: 39
Bastardia cubensis Gandoger [Isolectotype] 1913, 60: 457
Sida guadalupensis Gandoger [Isotype] 1924, 71: 630
Mayaca longipes Gandoger [Type] 1920, 66: 293
Ryssopterys discolor Gandoger [Isotype] 1913, 60: 458
Ryssopterys discolor Gandoger [Isotype] 1913, 60: 458
Physma globiferum Hue [Holotype] 1914, 61: 333
Physma globiferum Hue [Isotype] 1914, 61: 333
Hymenogaster trabutii Chatin [Holotype] 1891, 38: 64
Hymenogaster trabutii Chatin [Type] 1891, 38: 64
Hymenogaster trabutii Chatin [Type] 1891, 38: 64
Hymenogaster trabutii Chatin [Type] 1891, 38: 64
Gautieria villosa Quélet [Isotype] 1878, 25: 290
Saccolabium chrysoplectrum Guillaumin [TypeMaterial] 1930, 77: 333
Festuca ovina subvar. coreana St.-Yves [Isotype] 1924, 71: 33
Pieris ulbrichii H. Léveillé [Holotype] 1906, 53: 205
Amomum krervanh Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isolectotype] 1906, 53: 138
Tropalanthe lamii Guillaumin [Isotype] 1944, 91: 72
Sarcanthus demangei Guillaumin [TypeMaterial] 1930, 77: 329.
Crocynia americana B. de Lesdain [Isosyntype] 1924, 71: 333
Crocynia finkii B. de Lesdain [Type] 1924, 71: 334
Crocynia finkii B. de Lesdain [Type] 1924, 71: 334
Crocynia finkii B. de Lesdain [Type] 1924, 71: 334
Crocynia finkii B. de Lesdain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 334
Crocynia finkii B. de Lesdain [Type] 1924, 71: 334
Crocynia lanuginosa var. inactiva B. de Lesdain [Isotype] 1924, 71: 355
Vanda doritoides Guillaumin [TypeMaterial] 1930, 77: 334.
Lecidea prasinula f. major B. de Lesdain [Type] 1911, 58: 660
Passerina annua var. algeriensis Chabert [Isosyntype] 1889, 36: 319
Psora concava B. de Lesdain [Type] 1910, 62: 461
Congea oblonga Pierre ex Dop [Isotype] 1914 [1915], 61: 320
Eurya fasciculata Wallich ex Vesque [Type] 1895, 42: 153
Hoya lyi H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1907, 54(6): 369
Hoya lyi H. Léveillé [Syntype] 1907, 54(6): 369
Gelonium cicerospermum Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 70: 875
Gelonium cicerospermum Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 70: 875
Gelonium cicerospermum Gagnepain [Isosyntype] 1924, 70: 875
Pieris cavaleriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Isotype] 1904, 51: 292
Calea colombiana Gandoger [Isotype] 1918, 65: 39
Russula lilacea Quélet [Type] 1877 ["1876"], 23: 330
Russula lilacea Quélet [Type] 1877 ["1876"], 23: 330
Ilex celebensis Capitaine [Type] 1910, 57: 236
Amomum pavieanum Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isotype] 1906, 53: 141
Amomum pavieanum Pierre ex Gagnepain [Isotype] 1906, 53: 141
Sida floridana Gandoger [Isotype] 1924, 71: 633
Clethra poilanei Gagnepain [Isotype] 1928, 75: 731
Mimulus bakeri Gandoger [Isolectotype] 1919, 66: 219
Mimulus puncticalyx Gandoger [Isotype] 1919, 66: 219
Rutidea striatulata Pellegrin [Isosyntype] 1936, 83: 316
Oberonia delacourii Gagnepain [Isotype] 1929, 76: 326
Absidia caerulea Bainier [Type] 1889, 36: 184
Absidia caerulea Bainier [Type] 1889, 36: 184
Absidia caerulea Bainier [Type] 1889, 36: 184
Absidia caerulea Bainier [Type] 1889, 36: 184
Dorothea letestui Pellegrin [Isotype] 1935, 82: 467
Dorothea letestui Pellegrin [Isotype] 1935, 82: 467
Psychotria wagapensis Guillaumin [Type] 1944, 91: 47
Microsemma calleana Guillaumin [Isotype] 1934, 81: 285
Solanum actephilum Guillaumin [Type] 1941, 88: 465
Caryophyllus xanthostemifolius Guillaumin [Isotype] 1939, 85: 650
Caryophyllus undulatus Guillaumin [Isotype] 1938 [1939], 85: 649
Anemone poilanei Gagnepain [Type] 1929, 76: 315
Croton capuronii Léandri [Isosyntype] 1957, 103: 604
Popowia diospyrifolia Pierre ex Finet & Gagnepain [Syntype] 1906, 53. Mem. 4: 110-111
Andropogon humbertii A. Camus [Isosyntype] 1928, 74: 631
Artabotrys letestui Pellegrin [Isotype] 1948, 94: 255
Lathyrus trachyspermus Webb ex Rodriguez [Isotype] 1879, 25: 239
Xeronema moorei Brongniart & Griscom [Syntype] 1864, 11: 317
Xeronema moorei Brongniart & Griscom [Syntype] 1864, 11: 317
Xeronema moorei Brongniart & Griscom [Syntype] 1864, 11: 317