Title | Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, Melbourne |
Abbreviation | Trans. Philos. Soc. Victoria |
Publication Dates | 1 vol., 1855 |
BPH | 887.30 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 21 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Bauhinia hookeri F. Mueller [Isolectotype] 1859, 3Psoralea leucantha F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 54
Zornia chaetophora F. Mueller [Isotype] 1859, 3: 56
Oliganthemum filifolium F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 56
Angianthus brachypappus F. Mueller [Type] 1855, 1: 44
Calotis anthemoides F. Mueller [Type] 1855, 1: 44
Calotis tropica F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 58
Calotis glandulosa F. Mueller [Isotype] 1855, 1: 129
Pholidia polyclada F. Mueller [Type] 1855, 1: 47
Melaleuca symphyocarpa F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 44
Ranunculus anemoneus F. Mueller [Type] 1854, 1: 13
Cupania xylocarpa F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 27
Nephelium tomentosum F. Mueller [Type] 1857, 2: 64
Euphrasia alsa F. Mueller [Isosyntype] 1855, 1: 107
Solanum simile F. Mueller [Isosyntype] 1854, 1: 19
Solanum simile F. Mueller [Isosyntype] 1854, 1: 19
Hippocratea barbata F. Mueller [Type] 1859, 3: 23
Westringia senifolia F. Mueller [Isolectotype] 1855, 1: 49
Cucumis jucundus F. Mueller [Isolectotype] 1859, 3: 45
Grevillea victoriae F. Mueller [Isosyntype] 1855, 1: 107
Grevillea hilliana F. Mueller [Isotype] 1858, 2: 72