Title | Zoe; a Biological Journal |
Abbreviation | Zoe |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-5, 1890-1900/08 [no t-p issued for vol. 5] |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b11700373 |
BPH | 999.21 |
Remarks | Subtitle varies. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 221 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Krynitzkia glomerata var. acuta M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 250Heliotropium saxatile Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 218
Thelypodium mexicanum Brandegee [Isotype] 1904, 5: 179
Thelypodium australe Brandegee [Isotype] 1904, 5: 180
Thelypodium purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 232
Lepidium monticola Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 232
Lepidium jaredii Brandegee [Type] 1894, 4: 398
Stanleya albescens M. E. Jones [Isotype] , 2: 17
Stanleya collina M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 3: 284
Stanleya elata M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 16, 136
Cardamine macrocarpa Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 233
Lesquerella flexuosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 233
Lesquerella flexuosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 233
Bursera purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 249
Bursera filicifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 248
Cereus striatus Brandegee [Type] 1891, 2: 19
Bauhinia chlorantha Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 200
Cassia fulva Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 233
Caesalpinia repens Eastwood [Isotype] 1893, 4: 116
Drymaria multiflora Brandegee [Type] 1906, 5: 232
Cerastium purpusii Greenman [Holotype] 1904, 5: 183
Cerastium micropetalum Greenman [Holotype] 1904, 5: 183
Cerastium lithophilum Greenman [Holotype] , 5: 183
Arenaria oresbia Greenman [Type] 1904, 5: 184
Cleome sinaloaensis Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 198
Ipomoea megacarpa Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 218
Ipomoea crinita Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 216
Jacquemontia macrocephala Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 219
Vaseyanthus rosei Cogniaux [Isotype] 1891, 1: 368
Gaultheria angustifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 244-262
Croton coatepensis Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 249
Croton coatepensis Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 249
Argythamnia californica Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 230
Argythamnia californica Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 230
Euphorbia watsonii Millspaugh [Isotype] 1891, 1: 347
Euphorbia pediculifera var. inornata Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 209
Jatropha vernicosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 206
Brongniartia trifoliata Brandegee [Syntype] 1901, 5: 105
Brongniartia trifoliata Brandegee [Syntype] 1901, 5: 105
Erythrina petraea Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 247
Lupinus pallidus Brandegee [Isotype] 1893, 4: 203
Tephrosia rhodanthia Brandegee [Isotype] 1904, 5(10): 201
Harpalyce ferruginea Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 234
Dalea erythrorrhiza Greenman [Lectotype] 1904, 5: 185
Aeschynomene purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 247
Rhynchosia prostrata Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 246
Rhynchosia rupicola Brandegee [Isotype] 1904, 5: 202
Sophora purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1907, 5: 235
Astragalus pephragmenus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 4: 268
Astragalus haydenianus var. nevadensis M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 241
Astragalus haydenianus var. nevadensis M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 241
Astragalus grallator S. Watson [Holotype] 1892, 3: 52
Astragalus sileranus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 242
Astragalus dodgianus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 3: 289
Astragalus beckwithii var. weiserensis M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1900, 5: 47
Astragalus toanus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 3: 296
Astragalus wetherilli M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 4: 34
Astragalus leucolobus S. Watson ex M. E. Jones [NotType] 1893, 4: 270
Astragalus coltonii M. E. Jones [Isosyntype] 1891, 2: 237
Astragalus moencoppensis M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 12
Trifolium gracilentum var. inconspicuum Fernald [Holotype] 1894, 4: 380
Gentiana perpusilla Brandegee [Type] 1904, 5: 181
Halenia purpusi Brandegee [Isotype] 1907, 5: 235
Holographis ilicifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 236
Stenandrium verticillatum Brandegee [Type] 1907, 5: 237
Dyschoriste candida Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 242
Anisacanthus abditus Brandegee [Type] 1893, 3: 348
Carlowrightia angustifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1907, 5: 237
Tetramerium fruticosum Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 171
Tapirira edulis Brandegee [Type] 1900, 5: 78
Peucedanum lapidosum M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 246
Cymopterus decipiens M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 246
Cymopterus decipiens M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 246
Roulinia sinaloensis Brandegee [Isosyntype] 1908, 5(11): 243
Marsdenia parvifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1907, 5: 235
Rothrockia fruticosa Brandegee [Type] , 5: 165
Metastelma cuneatum Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 216
Asclepias kotolo Eastwood [Isotype] 1900, 5: 86, 98
Asclepias kotolo Eastwood [Isotype] 1900, 5: 86, 98
Asclepias involucrata var. tomentosa Eastwood [Isotype] 1893, 4: 120
Asclepias purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 251
Microdactylon cordatum Brandegee [Type] 1908, 5: 252
Gonolobus xanthotrichus Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 251
Melinia mexicana Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 216
Verbesina luisana Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 259
Aster venustus M. E. Jones [Isolectotype] 1891, 2: 247
Aster venustus M. E. Jones [Isolectotype] 1891, 2: 247
Aster venustus M. E. Jones [Syntype] 1891, 2: 247
Aster venustus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 247
Aster venustus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 247
Aster venustus M. E. Jones [Syntype] 1891, 2: 247
Porophyllum maritinum Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 162
Porophyllum quinqueflorum Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 225
Helianthella cannonae Eastwood [Type] 1900, 5: 82
Franseria arborescens Brandegee [Type] 1903, 5: 162
Dyssodia littoralis Brandegee [Isolectotype] 1903, 5: 163
Dyssodia littoralis Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 163
Pectis scabra Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 226
Pectis scabra Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 226
Pectis purpurea Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 225
Pectis purpurea Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 225
Perezia pinetorum Brandegee [Isotype] 1901, 5: 105
Perezia tomentosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 258
Hymenatherum aurantiacum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 258
Hymenatherum aurantiacum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 258
Encelia resinosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 240
Encelia resinosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 240
Encelia maculata Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 259
Barroetea glandulosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 262
Chrysopsis camphorata Eastwood [Isotype] 1900, 5: 81
Chrysopsis camphorata Eastwood [Isotype] 1900, 5: 81
Viguiera deltoidea var. tastensis Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 161
Perymenium ovatum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 261
Perymenium angustifolium Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 260
Perymenium glandulosum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 261
Cnicus drummondii var. bipinnatus Eastwood [TypeMaterial] 1893, 4: 8
Hofmeisteria fasciculata var. grayi Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 160
Hofmeisteria fasciculata var. grayi Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 160
Gochnatia arborescens Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 163
Gochnatia purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 240
Perityle cuneata Brandegee [Type] 1890, 1: 54
Perityle saxosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 225
Perityle grandifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 224
Madia valida Brandegee [Isotype] 1893, 4: 206
Madia valida Brandegee [Isotype] 1893, 4: 206
Melampodium parvulum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 262
Melampodium parvulum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 262
Melampodium canescens Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 224
Melampodium canescens Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 224
Eastwoodia elegans Brandegee [Syntype] 1894, 4: 397
Sabazia purpusi Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 162
Calea rupestris Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 258
Calea rupestris Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 258
Flourensia ilicifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 238
Flourensia ilicifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 238
Flourensia ilicifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 238
Flourensia ilicifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 238
Achaenipodium discoideum Brandegee [Type] 1906, 5: 239
Achaenipodium discoideum Brandegee [Type] 1906, 5: 239
Eupatorium vernicosum Schultz Bipontinus ex Greenman [Syntype] 1904, 5: 186
Eupatorium vernicosum Schultz Bipontinus ex Greenman [Syntype] 1904, 5: 186
Eupatorium vernicosum Schultz Bipontinus ex Greenman [Holotype] 1904, 5: 186
Eupatorium rivale Greenman [Type] 1904, 5: 186
Eupatorium pasadenense Parish [Holotype] 1900, 5: 75
Chaenactis scaposa Eastwood [Type] 1891, 2: 231
Gymnolomia auriculata Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 232
Gymnolomia auriculata Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 232
Pinaropappus spathulatus Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 241
Pinaropappus spathulatus Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 241
Pinaropappus spathulatus Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 241
Rumfordia connata Brandegee [Isotype] 1892, 3: 241
Bidens nudata Brandegee [Isotype] 1890, 1: 309
Bidens nudata Brandegee [Isotype] 1890, 1: 309
Bidens alpina Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 239
Bidens refracta Brandegee [Isotype] 1890, 1: 310
Mimosa luisana Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 248
Ardisia scopulina Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 215
Epilobium parishii Trelease [Isotype] 1890, 1: 210
Habenaria lucaecapensis Fernald [Holotype] 1894, 4: 379
Plantago purpusi Brandegee [Type] 1907, 5: 238
Muhlenbergia laxiflora Scribner [Isotype] 1894, 4: 389
Gilia lithospermoides Brandegee [Isotype] 1907, 5: 236
Gilia uncialis Brandegee [Isotype] 1901, 5: 107
Gilia purpusi Brandegee [Isotype] 1904, 5: 181
Polygala setifera Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 205
Eriogonum rubiflorum M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1895, 4: 281
Eriogonum bicolor M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 4: 281
Eriogonum microthecum var. rigidum Eastwood [Isotype] 1893, 4: 11
Claytonia saxosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1893, 4: 150
Talinaria palmeri Brandegee [Type] 1906, 5: 231
Apodanthes mexicana Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 245
Potentilla kingii var. incerta M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 4: 277
Galium coloradoense W. Wight [Isotype] 1900, 5: 54
Galium multiflorum var. parvifolium Parish [Isosyntype] 1900, 5: 75
Houstonia parvula Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 221
Houstonia parvula Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 221
Houstonia prostrata Brandegee [Isosyntype] 1901, 5: 105
Houstonia prostrata Brandegee [Isosyntype] 1901, 5: 105
Randia albonervia Brandegee [Type] 1908, 5: 257
Populus dimorpha Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 197
Bumelia fragrans Brandegee [Type] 1901, 5: 106
Bumelia socorrensis Brandegee [Type] 1900, 5: 106
Bumelia peninsularis Brandegee [Type] 1900, 5: 107
Russelia furfuracea Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 219
Maurandya purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 256
Galvezia speciosa var. pubescens Brandegee [Isotype] 1903, 5: 167
Penstemon confusus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 4: 280
Penstemon utahensis Eastwood [Isotype] 1893, 4: 124
Penstemon deustus var. pedicellatus M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 4: 281
Castilleja purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 181
Heliocarpus glaber Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 209
Citharexylum pauciflorum Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 236
Fendlerella mexicana Brandegee [Type] 1908, 5: 246
Emmenanthe foliosa M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1893, 4: 278
Phacelia splendens Eastwood [Isotype] 1893, 4: 9
Phacelia nudicaulis Eastwood [Type] 1893, 4: 123, 296
Krameria prostrata Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 200
Salvia zacuapanensis Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 255
Salvia greatae Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 229
Hesperanthes albomarginatum M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1891, 2: 251
Heteropterys arborescens Brandegee [Type] 1905, 5: 203
Malvaviscus rivularis Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 211
Wissadula incana Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 210
Sphaeralcea fendleri var. californica Parish [Isotype] 1900, 5: 71-72
Hibiscus violaceus Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5: 211
Pavonia purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 250
Cordia pringlei var. altatensis Brandegee [Isotype] 1904, 5: 219
Cordia pringlei var. altatensis Brandegee [Lectotype] 1904, 5: 219
Talinum oligospermum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 245
Talinum oligospermum Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 245
Bidens oligantha Brandegee [Isotype] 1905, 5(10): 224
Pectis repens Brandegee [Isotype] 1906, 5: 241
Constantinea simplex Setchell [Syntype] 1901, 5: 127
Constantinea simplex Setchell [Syntype] 1901, 5: 127
Nama flavescens Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 254
Nama spathulata Brandegee [Isotype] 1908, 5: 253
Nama torynophyllum Greenman [Syntype] 1905, 5(10A): 185
Gilia triodon Eastwood [Isotype] 1893, 4: 121
Pectis salina Brandegee [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 226
Pectis salina Brandegee [Isosyntype] 1905, 5: 226
Collinsia davidsonii Parish [Type] 1893, 4(3): 147