Title | Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. [Hattori shokubutsu kenkyusho hokoku] |
Abbreviation | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. |
Publication Dates | Vol. 3+, 1947+ |
BPH | 468.07 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 43 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Bryum richardsii Sharp [Isotype] 1983, 54: 183Orthodontopsis bardunovii Ignatov & B. C. Tan [Isotype] 1992, 71: 169
Anacamptodon mexicanus W. R. Buck & H. A. Crum [Isotype] 1978, 44: 363
Argopsis cymosoides I. M. Lamb [Type] 1974, 38: 455
Orthostichella roseana B. H. Allen [Isotype] ,
Orthostichella roseana B. H. Allen [Isotype] ,
Orthostichella roseana B. H. Allen [Isotype] ,
Floribundaria nipponica Noguchi [Type] 1948, 3: 96
Pseudobarbella laxifolia Noguchi [Type] 1950 [1948], 3: 91
Pseudobarbella propagulifera Noguchi [Type] 1950 [1948], 3: 89
Calyptothecium distichophyllum Noguchi & B. C. Tan [Isotype] 1984, 57: 66
Calyptothecium squarrosulum Noguchi & B. C. Tan [Isotype] 1984, 57: 64
Macromitrium stoneae Vitt & H. P. Ramsay [Isotype] 1985, 59: 400
Orthotrichum schoddei Lewinsky [Holotype] 1992, 72: 34
Orthotrichum schoddei Lewinsky [Holotype] 1992, 72: 34
Orthotrichum schoddei Lewinsky [Holotype] 1992, 72: 34
Orthotrichum subpumilum E. B. Bartram ex Lewinsky [Holotype] 1992, 72: 59
Orthotrichum subpumilum E. B. Bartram ex Lewinsky [Holotype] 1992, 72: 59
Orthomitrium schofieldii B. C. Tan & Y. Jia [Holotype] 1997, 82: 313
Didymodon gaochenii B. C. Tan & Y. Jia [Holotype] 1997, 82: 309
Trachyloma indicum var. teretirameum N. G. Miller & M. G. Manuel [Type] 1982, 51: 313
Chionostomum hainanensis B. C. Tan & Y. Jia [Isotype] 1999, 86: 34
Stereocaulon brassii I. M. Lamb [Type] 1977, 43: 271
Stereocaulon austroindicum I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 205
Stereocaulon didymicum I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 291
Stereocaulon fibrillosum I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 251
Stereocaulon halei I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 294
Stereocaulon novogranatense I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 298
Stereocaulon paradoxum I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 275
Stereocaulon procerum Groenhart ex I. M. Lamb [Isotype] 1977, 43: 277
Stereocaulon sibiricum I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 232
Stereocaulon togashii I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 278
Stereocaulon uliginosum I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 240
Stereocaulon wadei I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 305
Stereocaulon weberi I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 258
Stereocaulon weberi I. M. Lamb [Isotype] 1977, 43: 258
Thuidium watanabei Touw [Isotype] 1993, 74: 200. f. 3
Wijkia hornschuchii var. acutifolia B. C. Tan & Y. Jia [Isotype] 1999, 86: 61
Arthonia darbishirei Follmann & B. Werner [Isotype] 2003, 94: 261-292
Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (Hooker f. & Wilson) S. He [NotType] 1997, 81: 39
Parmelia ahtii Esslinger [Type] 1977, 42: 99
Stereocaulon sasakii var. tomentosoides I. M. Lamb [Holotype] 1977, 43: 230
Acroporium strepsiphyllum (Montagne) B. C. Tan [Type] 1992, 71: 353
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 9 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Fissidens burmensis E. B. Bartram [Lectotype (as Holotype)] 1977, 43: 387Sendtnera dicrana Taylor [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1965, 28: 306
Sendtnera dicrana Taylor [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1965, 28: 306
Pilotrichella subheterocladia Müller Halle [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 61: 423
Leucobryum scalare Müller Halle ex M. Fleischer [Lectotype] 1993, 73: 33
Fissidens bogoriensis M. Fleischer [Lectotype] 1977, 43: 383
Radula calcarata Stephani [Isolectotype] 1993, 73: 125-137
Fissidens bogoriensis M. Fleischer [Lectotype] 1977, 43: 383
Fissidens laxus Sull. & Lesq. [Lectotype ([designated as Holotype])] 1977, 43: 396