Title | Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. London |
Abbreviation | J. Bot. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-80, 1863-1942 |
URL | http://fig.lib.harvard.edu/fig/?bib=003799793 |
BPH | 459.22 |
TL2 | 11.610 |
Remarks | Vols. 10-20, 1872-1882, also numbered n.s. vols. 1-11; titled Trimen's Journal of Botany..., 1880-1882 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 788 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Berberis formosana Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 24Berberis tomentulosa Ahrendt [Isotype] 1944, 80, suppl.: 112
Berberis holocraspedon Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 22
Berberis yunnanensis var. platyphylla Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 61
Berberis graminea Ahrendt [Isotype] 1944, 80, suppl.: 110
Berberis taronensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 23
Berberis gagnepainii var. filipes Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 39
Berberis gagnepainii var. filipes Ahrendt [Lectotype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 39
Berberis gagnepainii var. filipes Ahrendt [Syntype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 39
Berberis gagnepainii var. filipes Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79, suppl.: 39
Berberis humido-umbrosa var. inornata Ahrendt [Isotype] 1945, 80, suppl.: 116
Berberis franchetiana var. macrobotrys Ahrendt [Isotype] 1945, 80, suppl.: 114
Berberis franchetiana var. glabripes Ahrendt [Isotype] 1945, 80, suppl.: 114
Berberis sikkimensis var. glabramea Ahrendt [Isotype] 1942, 80, suppl.: 87
Berberis pruinosa var. brevipes Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79 (Suppl.): 15
Berberis delavayi var. wachinensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79 (Suppl.):33
Berberis subcaulialata var. guhtzunica Ahrendt [Isotype] 1942, Suppl. 76
Berberis incrassata var. bucahwangensis Ahrendt [Isotype] 1941, 79 (Suppl.): 11
Ceiba boliviana Britten & E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1896, 1896: 174
Ceiba boliviana Britten & E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1896, 1896: 174
Cordia ugandensis S. Moore [Type] 1916, 59: 288
Tournefortia sampsoni Hance [Isotype] 1868, 4: 330
Echium modestum var. rifanum Maire [Type] 1878, 11: 373
Rhynchostegium argenteum Dixon [Type] 1942, 80: 29
Cardamine paradoxa Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6(64): 111-112
Tillandsia benthamiana Baker [Isotype] 1888, 26: 15
Tillandsia xiphophylla Baker [Isotype] 1888, 26: 143
Tillandsia parryi Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 277
Tillandsia rubella Baker [Isotype] 1888, 26: 44
Tillandsia goniorhachis Baker [Isotype] 1887, 1887: 303
Tillandsia dugesii Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 278
Tillandsia andicola Gillies [Type] 1878, 16: 259
Tillandsia gilliesii Baker [Isotype] 1878, 16: 240
Tillandsia cossonii Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 279
Orthodontium novaeguineae Dixon [Type] 1942, 80: 7
Bryum alolense Dixon [Isotype] 1942, 80: 8
Santiria forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62, Suppl. 16
Buxus stenophylla Hance [Type] 1868, 6: 331
Pachysandra stylosa Dunn [Isotype] , 46: 326
Pachysandra stylosa Dunn [Isotype] , 46: 326
Pterospermum heterophyllum Hance [Type] 1868, 6: 112
Lysidice rhodostegia Hance [Isotype] 1865, 5: 299
Campanula barbeyi Feer [Type] 1890, 271
Viburnum fordiae Hance [Isotype] 1883, 1883: 321
Microtropis reticulata Dunn [Type] 1909, 47: 375
Microtropis reticulata Dunn [Isotype] 1909, 47: 375
Celastrus cantoniensis Hance [Holotype] 1885, 23: 323
Anomoclada mucosa Spruce [Type] 1876, 14: 134
Salicornia disarticulata Moss [Isotype] 1911, 49: 183
Angelesia papuana E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61: Suppl. 13
Fumana arbuscula Ball [Isosyntype] 1873, 11: 300
Clethra fabri Hance [Type] 1883, 21: 130
Terminalia solomonensis Exell [Type] 1935, 73: 132
Terminalia megalocarpa Exell [Isotype] 1935, 73: 132
Terminalia kajewskii Exell [Isotype] 1935, 73: 134
Terminalia kajewskii Exell [Isotype] 1935, 73: 134
Sedum drymarioides Hance [Isotype] 1865, 3: 379
Sedum alfredi Hance [Isotype] 1870, 1870: 7
Hydrocryphaea wardii Dixon [Isotype] 1931, 69: 4
Trichosanthes khasiana Kundu [Isotype] 1939, 77: 11
Alsophila lepifera J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 419
Alsophila hornei Baker [Type] 1879, 17: 293
Fimbristylis gracilenta Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 89
Fimbristylis gracilenta Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 89
Carex tartarea Ridley [Isotype] 1885, 23: 35
Daphniphyllum pierrei Hance [Isotype] 1876, 14: 261
Dicksonia pubescens Baker [Isotype] 1881, 203
Hopea pierrei Hance [Isotype] 1876, 15: 308
Hopea pierrei Hance [Isotype] 1876, 15: 308
Hopea pierrei Hance [Isotype] 1876, 15: 308
Hopea pierrei Hance [Isotype] 1876, 15: 308
Hopea dealbata Hance [Isotype] 1877, 15: 329
Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer [Syntype] 1874, 12: 100
Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer [Syntype] 1874, 12: 100
Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer [Syntype] 1874, 12: 100
Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer [Syntype] 1874, 12: 100
Dipterocarpus insularis Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 241
Dipterocarpus insularis Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 241
Dipterocarpus insularis Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 241
Dipterocarpus insularis Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 241
Dipterocarpus insularis Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 241
Dipterocarpus insularis Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 241
Dipterocarpus angulatus Dyer [Isotype] 1874, 12: 104
Vatica wallichii Dyer [Syntype] 1874, 12: 154
Shorea hypochra Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 246
Shorea hypochra Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 246
Shorea hypochra Hance [Syntype] 1876, 14: 246
Nephrodium pubirachis Baker [Isotype] 1876, 14: 344
Oleandra whitmeei Baker [Isotype] 1876, 11
Maba forbesii Hiern [Type] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 64
Diospyros jabadii Hiern [Type] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 64
Diospyros jabadii Hiern [Type] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 64
Diospyros sphenophylla Hiern [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 62
Diospyros sphenophylla Hiern [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 62
Diospyros sphenophylla Hiern [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 62
Diospyros refracta Hiern [Type] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 63
Diospyros lonchophylla Hiern [Type] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 63
Elaeagnus tutcheri Dunn [Type] 1907, 45: 404
Sloanea forbesii F. Mueller [Isotype] 1893, 31: 323
Elaeocarpus graeffei Seemann [Type] 1864, 1864: 76
Elaeocarpus celebesianus E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 1924, lxii. Suppl. 14
Elaeocarpus celebesianus E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 1924, lxii. Suppl. 14
Elaeocarpus sogerensis E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 6
Elaeocarpus sogerensis E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 6
Elaeocarpus concinnus S. Moore [Type] 1917, 55: 303
Erica junonis Bolus [Isotype] 1894, 32: 234
Erica fairii Bolus [Type] 1894, 32: 236
Blaeria flava Bolus [Type] 1894, 32: 289
Chimaphila domingensis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1914, 52: 169
Eremia rhodopsis Bolus [Type] 1894, 239
Paphia vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1864, 2: 77
Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward [Isotype] 1935, 73: 247
Rhododendron verticillatum S. Vidal [Isotype] 1886, 24: 348
Rhododendron lussoniense Rendle [Type] 1896, 34: 356
Agapetes forbesii F. Mueller [Isotype] 1886, 24: 290
Drypetes microphylloides S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl. 97
Cleistanthus castus S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, suppl.: 93
Croton lorentzii Müller Arg. ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] Jul 1874, 12: 201
Macaranga sampsonii Hance [Isotype] 1871, 9: 134
Macaranga dalechampioides S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61, suppl.: 48
Macaranga fimbriata S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 48, suppl.: 61
Clonostylis forbesii S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: suppl
Glochidion pusilliflorum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 93
Glochidion grave S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 96
Glochidion foliosum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 96
Glochidion peltiferum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 94
Glochidion disparilaterum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 95
Glochidion prinoides S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 95
Neoscortechinia sumatrensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 99
Neoscortechinia forbesii Hooker f. ex S. Moore [Isotype] 1924, 62: 54
Phyllanthus effusus S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61, suppl.: 45
Phyllanthus oreadum S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61, suppl.: 45
Julocroton subpannosus Müller Argoviensis [Lectotype] 1874, 12: 203
Julocroton subpannosus Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1874, 12: 203
Julocroton serratus Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1874, 12: 227
Blumeodendron cuneatum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 103
Blumeodendron cuneatum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 103
Blumeodendron sumatranum S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 102
Blumeodendron sumatranum S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 102
Blumeodendron sumatranum S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 102
Blumeodendron sumatranum S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 102
Blumeodendron sumatranum S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 102
Chaetocarpus cubensis Fawcett & Rendle [Type] 1919, 57: 312
Abrus cantoniensis Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 112
Abrus mollis Hance [Isotype] 1871, 9: 130
Salweenia wardii E. G. Baker [Holotype] 1935, 73: 135
Mucuna ovalis E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 32
Crotalaria purdiana H. Senn [Holotype] 1938, 76: 298
Eriosema pulcherrimum E. G. Baker [Isosyntype] 1895, 33: 99
Ormosia palembanica S. Moore [Isotype] 1926, 44, Suppl.: 145
Ormosia palembanica S. Moore [Isotype] 1926, 44, Suppl.: 145
Ormosia semicastrata Hance [Isotype] 1882, 20: 78
Cracca seemannii Britton & E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1900, 38: 16
Castanopsis jucunda Hance [Type] 1884, 22: 220
Castanopsis lamontii Hance [Type] 1875, 13: 368
Pasania sogerensis S. Moore [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 54
Quercus elizabethae Tutcher [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 273
Quercus elizabethae Tutcher [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 273
Quercus elizabethae Tutcher [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 273
Quercus iteaphylla Hance [Isotype] 1884, 22: 229
Quercus farinulenta Hance [Isotype] 1875, 13: 365
Quercus elizabethiae Tutcher [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 273
Fissidens pungentissimus Dixon [Type] 1942, 80: 2
Casearia sogerensis E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 22
Casearia forbesii E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 43
Ryparosa caesia var. sumatrana E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62:
Pierrea dictyoneura Hance [Type] 1877, 15: 339
Gentiana zollingeri Fawcett [Isotype] 1883, 21: 183
Cyrtandra externata S. Moore [Isotype] 1929, 67: 50
Gleichenia intermedia Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 24
Gleichenia intermedia var. flexuosa Baker [Type] 1887, 25: 24
Gleichenia intermedia var. dissitifolia Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 24
Strobilanthes formosana S. Moore [Isotype] 1877, 15: 294
Strobilanthes deminuta S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 78
Staurogyne setisepala C. B. Clarke [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 77
Ruellia venusta Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 92
Ebermaiera concinnula Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 300
Acer fabri Hance [Type] 1884, 22: 76
Saurauia forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1918, 56: 164
Saurauia forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1918, 56: 164
Saurauia sumatrana E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1918, 56: 164
Saurauia sumatrana E. G. Baker [Type] 1918, 56: 164
Saurauia asperifolia Stapf ex E. G. Baker [Type] 1918, 56: 166
Saurauia punctata Stapf ex E. G. Baker [Type] 1918, 56: 166
Saurauia punctata Stapf ex E. G. Baker [Type] 1918, 56: 166
Saurauia dempoensis E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1918, 56: 166
Saurauia dempoensis E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1918, 56: 166
Saurauia xylantha Stapf ex E. G. Baker [Type] 1918, 56: 162
Saurauia trichopoda E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1918, 56: 167
Saurauia trichopoda E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1918, 56: 167
Saurauia nudiflora var. sumatrana E. G. Baker [Isosyntype] 1918, 56: 165
Dracaena camerooniana Baker [Isotype] 1874, 12: 166
Dracaena camerooniana Baker [Isotype] 1874, 12: 166
Amaranthus lepturus S. F. Blake [Type] 1915, 53: 104
Amaranthus annectens S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1915, 53: 103
Polyalthia subsessilifolia E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, Suppl. 3, 62
Unona velutina Hance [Isotype] 1877, 15: 328
Unona velutina Hance [Isotype] 1877, 15: 328
Xylopia scortechinii var. longepetiolata E. G. Baker [Isosyntype] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 5
Xylopia scortechinii var. longepetiolata E. G. Baker [Isolectotype] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 5
Cotylonia bracteata C. Norman [Isosyntype] 1922, 60: 167
Cotylonia bracteata C. Norman [Isosyntype] 1922, 60: 167
Pimpinella physotrichioides C. Norman [Type] , 75: 167
Ichnocarpus bertieroides Wernham ex S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61: Suppl. 33
Ichnocarpus sogerensis Wernham ex S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61: Suppl. 33
Ichnocarpus sogerensis Wernham ex S. Moore [Syntype] 1923, 61: Suppl. 33
Melodinus vitiensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1883, 21: 201
Alstonia ficifolia S. Moore [Type] 1923, 61, suppl. 32
Parechites adnascens Hance [Type] 1868, 6: 299
Ervatamia montensis S. Moore [Type] 1923, 61, suppl. 32
Aralia plachoniana Hance [Isotype] 1866, 4: 172
Dendropanax darienensis Seemann [Isotype] 1864, 2: 300
Nesopanax vitiensis Seemann [Isosyntype] 1864, 2: 249
Polyscias forbesii E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 22
Polyscias letestui C. Norman [Type] 1937, 75: 167
Polyscias borneensis Philipson [Isotype] 1940, 78: 118
Sciadophyllum sprucei Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 3: 268
Pentapanax yunnanensis Franchet [Holotype] 1896, 10: 305
Oreopanax sprucei Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 3: 272
Bakeria grayi Seemann [Isotype] 1864, 2: 242
Bakeria vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1864, 2: 249
Didymopanax spruceanum Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 6: 132
Calamus rivalis Thwaites [Isotype] 1885, 23: 386, 268
Geonoma oligoclona Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 325
Geonoma leptospadix Trail [Type] 1876, 14: 327
Geonoma tamandua Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 323
Geonoma camana Trail [Type] 1876, 14: 324
Geonoma paniculigera var. papyracea Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 326
Geonoma paniculigera var. cosmiophylla Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 326
Geonoma spruceana var. heptasticha Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 329
Geonoma spruceana var. compta Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 329
Morenia integrifolia Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 331
Morenia integrifolia var. nigricans Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 331
Desmoncus pumilis Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 353
Bactris elegans Trail [Type] 1877, 15: 3
Bactris pulchra Trail [Type] 1877, 15: 4, t. 184
Bactris piranga Trail [Type] 1877, 15: 41
Bactris tomentosa subsp. capillacea Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 355
Bactris concinna var. depauperata Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 358
Bactris sphaerocarpa var. ensifolia Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 356
Iriartea pubescens var. krinocarpa Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 332
Iriartea pubescens var. krinocarpa Trail [Isotype] 1876, 14: 332
Asclepias dregeana Schlechter [Isotype] 1895, 33: 337
Asclepias cucullata Schlechter [Isotype] 1896, 455
Asplenium persicifolium J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 408
Asplenium pekinense Hance [Type] 1867, 5: 262
Asplenium xiphophyllum Baker [Isotype] 1879, 17: 40
Asplenium lepturus J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 408
Asplenium oxyphyllum J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 408
Asplenium salicinum J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 408
Asplenium nephrodioides Baker [Type] 1887, 25: 170
Otopappus trinervis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 231
Otopappus microcephalus S. F. Blake [Isolectotype] 1915, 53: 232
Elephantopus pilosus Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 314
Elephantopus pilosus Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 314
Elephantopus pilosus Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 314
Elephantopus pilosus Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 314
Salmea scandens var. obtusata S. F. Blake [Type] 1915, 53: 197
Salmea scandens var. obtusata S. F. Blake [Syntype] 1915, 53: 197
Salmea scandens var. obtusata S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 197
Salmea scandens var. obtusata S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 197
Salmea scandens var. obtusata S. F. Blake [Syntype] 1915, 53: 197
Verbesina densifolia S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 56
Mikania reticulata Gardner [Type] 1846, 5: 480
Mikania reticulata Gardner [Isotype] 1846, 5: 480
Mikania reticulata Gardner [Isotype] 1846, 5: 480
Mikania reticulata Gardner [Isotype] 1846, 5: 480
Mikania variabilis Gardner [Isosyntype] 1846, 5: 486
Mikania variabilis Gardner [Isosyntype] 1846, 5: 486
Mikania strigosa Gardner [Isotype] 1845, 4: 119
Mikania divaricata Gardner [Type] 1846, 5: 488
Mikania sepiaria Gardner [Isotype] 1846, 5: 488
Mikania sepiaria Gardner [Type] 1846, 5: 488
Mikania ildefonsiana Gardner [Isotype] 1846, 5: 484
Hypochaeris leontodontoides Ball [Type] 1873, 11: 371
Blumea amethystina Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 173
Senecio tropaeolifolius MacOwan ex F. Mueller [Type] 1867, 5: 242
Crepis thomsoni Babcock [Isotype] 1938, 76: 208
Viguiera squalida S. Moore [Type] 1904, 42: 37
Viguiera squalida S. Moore [Isotype] 1904, 42: 37
Perymenium serratum S. F. Blake [Isolectotype] 1915, 53: 136
Perymenium serratum S. F. Blake [Isolectotype] 1915, 53: 136
Perymenium serratum S. F. Blake [Lectotype] 1915, 53: 136
Perymenium serratum S. F. Blake [Lectotype] 1915, 53: 136
Perymenium serratum S. F. Blake [Isolectotype] 1915, 53: 136
Perymenium serratum S. F. Blake [Isolectotype] 1915, 53: 136
Perymenium lineare S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 135
Perymenium mathewsii S. F. Blake [Isolectotype] 1915, 53: 136
Perymenium mathewsii S. F. Blake [Type] 1915, 53: 136
Zexmenia colombiana S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1915, 53: 306
Helichrysum somalense E. G. Baker [Isosyntype] 1899, 37: 60
Hymenostephium pilosulum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 268
Serpaea ovata Gardner [Holotype] 1848, 7: 296
Serpaea ovata Gardner [Isotype] 1848, 7: 296
Serpaea ovata Gardner [Isotype] 1848, 7: 296
Heterosperma achaetum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 322
Heterosperma trilobum S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1915, 53: 324
Heterosperma spathulatum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 323
Heterosperma spathulatum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 323
Heterosperma ovale S. F. Blake [Type] 1915, 53: 322
Notoptera scabridula S. F. Blake [Isolectotype] 1915, 53: 226
Eupatorium mucronatum Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 440
Eupatorium melanadenium Hance [Type] 1885, 23: 325
Eupatorium galeopsifolium Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 446
Eupatorium myriocephalum Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 442
Eupatorium myriocephalum Gardner [Isotype] 1847, 6: 442
Eupatorium subserratum Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 440
Eupatorium subserratum Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 440
Eupatorium subserratum Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 440
Eupatorium ramosissimum Gardner [Isotype] 1847, 6: 441
Eupatorium ramosissimum Gardner [Isotype] 1847, 6: 441
Eupatorium dentatum Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 443
Eupatorium cinereum Baker [Type] 1882, 20: 226
Eupatorium cinereum Baker [Type] 1882, 20: 226
Eupatorium cinereum Baker [Isotype] 1882, 20: 226
Eupatorium tectum Gardner [Syntype] 1845, 4: 117
Eupatorium crenatum Gardner [Type] 1847, 6: 441
Eupatorium crenatum Gardner [PhotoOfType] 1847, 6: 441
Eupatorium crenatum Gardner [Isotype] 1847, 6: 441
Eupatorium arechavaletae Baker [Syntype] 1878, 16: 78
Eupatorium arechavaletae Baker [PhotoOfType] 1878, 16: 78
Eupatorium roseum Gardner [Isosyntype] 1845, 4: 116
Vernonia gratiosa Hance [Type] 1882, 20: 290
Vernonia grisebachii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1863, 1: 231
Vernonia clivorum Hance [Isotype] 1869, 7: 164
Vernonia wrightii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1863, 1: 234
Vernonia harrisii S. Moore [Isotype] 1928, 66: 164
Vernonia inaequiserrata Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1863, 1: 232
Vernonia leptoclada Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1863, 1: 233
Vernonia leptoclada Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1863, 1: 233
Spilanthes iolepis A. H. Moore [Holotype] 1914, 52: 263
Luciliopsis benthamiana Philipson [Isotype] 1937, 75: 318
Steiractinia ocanensis S. F. Blake [Isosyntype] 1915, 53: 157
Steiractinia ocanensis S. F. Blake [Isosyntype] 1915, 53: 157
Steiractinia ocanensis S. F. Blake [Isosyntype] 1915, 53: 157
Steiractinia mollis S. F. Blake [Isosyntype] 1915, 53: 154
Steiractinia mollis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 154
Steiractinia grandiceps S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 153
Steiractinia trianae S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 156
Steiractinia trianae S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 156
Steiractinia schlimii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 155
Steiractinia schlimii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 155
Steiractinia oyedaeoides S. F. Blake [Isosyntype] 1915, 53: 156
Steiractinia oyedaeoides S. F. Blake [Isosyntype] 1915, 53: 156
Catanthera lysipetala F. Mueller [Isosyntype] 1886, 29: 289
Otanthera fordii Hance [Isotype] 1881, 19: 46
Pternandra forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62, suppl.: 41
Medinilla verrucosa E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, suppl.: 41
Dissochaeta novoguineensis E. G. Baker [Isolectotype] 1923, 61, suppl.: 21
Dysoxylum brachypodum E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, suppl.: 17
Aglaia kabaensis E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, suppl.: 19
Aglaia kabaensis E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, suppl.: 19
Aglaia aspera var. sumatrana E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, suppl.: 20
Aglaia odoratissma var. forbesii E. G. Baker [Isolectotype] 1924, 62(suppl.): 19
Aglaia odoratissma var. forbesii E. G. Baker [Isolectotype] 1924, 62(suppl.): 19
Chisocheton sumatranus E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62, suppl.: 18
Chisocheton dempoensis E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1926, 53, suppl.: 18
Stephania tetrandra S. Moore [Holotype] 1875, 13(152): 225
Archidendron forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1923, 61(Suppl.): 12
Mnium subelimbatum Dixon [Isotype] 1942, 80: 820
Dryadodaphne celastroides S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61: 109
Siparuna micrantha A. de Candolle [Type] 1865, 3: 219
Siparuna trianae A. de Candolle [Isotype] 1868, 3: 219
Siparuna sprucei A. de Candolle [Type] 1865, 3: 219
Siparuna panamensis A. de Candolle [Isotype] 1865, 3: 219
Siparuna fulva A. de Candolle [Isotype] 1865, 3: 219
Mollinedia widgrenii A. de Candolle [Type] 1865, 3: 220
Hedycarya dorstenioides A. Gray [Type] 1866, 4: 83
Hedycarya dorstenioides A. Gray [Type] 1866, 4: 83
Hedycarya dorstenioides A. Gray [Type] 1866, 4: 83
Hedycarya dorstenioides var. denticulata A. Gray [Type] 1866, 4: 83
Artocarpus brunneifolia S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, suppl.: 112
Artocarpus brunneifolia S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, suppl.: 112
Ficus pteleaephylla S. Moore [Type] 1923, 61, suppl.: 49
Ficus pteleaephylla S. Moore [Type] 1923, 61, suppl.: 49
Ficus tenuipes S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63, suppl.: 107
Ficus tenimbrensis S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63, suppl.: 111
Eremophila websteri S. Moore [Isotype] 1903, 100
Ardisia tristanioides S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 28
Ardisia venusta S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1914, 52: 292
Ardisia forbesii S. Moore [Type] 1914, 52: 291
Maesa rubens S. Moore [Isotype] 1914, 52: 291
Maesa rubens S. Moore [Isotype] 1914, 52: 291
Maesa rubens S. Moore [Type] 1914, 52: 291
Maesa sogerensis S. Moore [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 28
Maesa sogerensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 28
Maesa sogerensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 28
Maesa decidua Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 101
Rapanea aralioides Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 104
Rapanea penibukana Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 105
Rapanea cruciata Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 105
Rapanea salicina Philipson [Isotype] 1939, 77: 104
Grenacheria nebulosa Philipson [Type] 1939, 77: 103
Decaspermum forbesii E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61, suppl.: 14
Pseudoeugenia perakiana Scortechini [Type] 1885, 23: 153
Pseudoeugenia perakiana Scortechini [Type] 1885, 23: 153
Eugenia motleyi Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 33
Eugenia minutiflora Hance [Type] 1871, 9: 5
Eugenia altipeta Greves [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 14
Eugenia merokense Greves [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 16
Eugenia andersonii Ridley [Syntype] 1930, 68: 36
Eugenia andersonii Ridley [Syntype] 1930, 68: 36
Eugenia fusticulifera Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 33
Eugenia daphnoides Greves [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 15
Eugenia cephalophora Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 13
Eugenia prasiniflora Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 35
Eugenia prasiniflora Ridley [Syntype] 1930, 68: 35
Eugenia coalita Greves [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 15
Eugenia fraseri Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 33
Eugenia elopurae Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 15
Eugenia pergamacea Greves [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl. 16
Eugenia trichotoma Greves [Type] 1923, 51, suppl.: 19
Eugenia barringtonioides Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 12
Eugenia siphonantha King ex Greves [Isotype] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 38
Eugenia siphonantha King ex Greves [Isotype] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 38
Eugenia koikokoensis Greves [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 20
Eugenia sogerensis Greves [Isosyntype] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 18
Eugenia sogerensis Greves [Isosyntype] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 18
Eugenia villifera Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 13
Eugenia glanduligera Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 14
Eugenia forbesii Greves [Isotype] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 16
Eugenia gaultherioides Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 16
Eugenia pyxophylla Hance [Type] 1871, 9: 6
Eugenia nivifera Greves [Isotype] 1923, 61, Suppl. 19
Eugenia caryophylliflorum Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 15
Eugenia ambongensis Ridley [Type] 1930, 68: 16
Eugenia kabaensis Greves [Type] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 38
Eugenia bibracteata Greves [Isotype] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 18
Eugenia cinnamomea var. novaguineensis Greves [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 14
Aphanomyrtus forbesii Greves [Type] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 36
Najas arguta var. conferta A. Braun [Neotype] 1864, 2: 277
Ligustrum molliculum Hance [Type] 1882, 20: 291
Linociera cambodiana Hance [Type] 1877, 15: 335
Jasminum curtilobum S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63 Suppl.: 66
Jasminum curtilobum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63 Suppl.: 66
Fuchsia insignis Hemsley [Isolectotype] 1876, 14: 69
Epidendrum parvilobum Fawcett & Rendle [Isotype] 1909, 47: 123
Phalaenopsis forbesii Ridley [PhotoOfType] 1925, 63, Suppl. 118
Spiranthes gardneri Lindley [TypeMaterial] 1842, 1: 190
Zeuxine whiteheadi Rendle [DrawingOfType] 1896, 358
Microstylis mindorensis Rendle [DrawingOfType] 1896, 357
Peristylus sampsoni Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 371
Physosiphon minor Rendle [DrawingOfType] 1900, 38: 275
Hetaeria whitmeei H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 15: 133
Pleurothallis simmleriana Rendle [DrawingOfType] 1900, 38: 274
Sarcanthus forbesii Ridley [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 118
Sarcanthus forbesii Ridley [Type] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 118
Sarcanthus forbesii Ridley [TypeMaterial] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 118
Epipactis viridiflora var. leptochila Godfery [Type] 1919, 57: 38
Liparis harrisii Fawcett & Rendle [Isosyntype] 1909, 47: 7
Liparis harrisii Fawcett & Rendle [Isosyntype] 1909, 47: 7
Liparis harrisii Fawcett & Rendle [Isolectotype] 1909, 47: 7
Liparis harrisii Fawcett & Rendle [Isosyntype] 1909, 47: 7
Liparis retusa Fawcett & Rendle [Isotype] 1909, 47: 128
Liparis retusa Fawcett & Rendle [Isotype] 1909, 47: 128
Liparis retusa Fawcett & Rendle [Isotype] 1909, 47: 128
Platyclinis brevilabrata Rendle [Isotype] 1901, 173
Platyclinis brevilabrata Rendle [Isotype] 1901, 173
Eria hosei Rendle [Isotype] 1901, 174
Habenaria troyana Fawcett & Rendle [DrawingOfType] 1909, 47: 264
Habenaria jamaicensis Fawcett & Rendle [Syntype] 1909, 47: 126
Habenaria jamaicensis Fawcett & Rendle [Syntype] 1909, 47: 126
Habenaria jamaicensis Fawcett & Rendle [Isolectotype] 1909, 47: 126
Habenaria schomburgkii Lindley [Isotype] 1843, 2: 673
Macromitrium parvifolium Dixon [Type] 1942, 80: 6
Argemone intermedia var. stenopetala Prain [Isotype] 1895, 33: 364
Parmelia cristifera Taylor [Syntype] 1847, 6: 165
Parmelia cristifera Taylor [Type] 1847, 6: 165
Parmelia cristifera Taylor [Lectotype] 1847, 6: 165
Parmelia cristifera Taylor [Type] 1847, 6: 165
Parmelia cristifera Taylor [Syntype] 1847, 6: 165
Pentopetia natalensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1894, 32: 257
Xyris borneensis Rendle [Isotype] 1899, 506
Chavica leptostachya Hance [Isotype] 1869, 6: 301
Piper victorianum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 218
Piper confusum C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 211
Piper confusum C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 211
Piper confusum C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 211
Piper confusum C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 211
Piper propinquum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 167
Piper fendlerianum C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 213
Piper panamense C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 216
Piper glanduligerum C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 215
Piper venezuelense C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 216
Piper ovale C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 166
Piper cubense C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 163
Peperomia tarapotana C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 137
Peperomia lanceolata C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 145
Peperomia linearis C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 145
Peperomia jamesoniana C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 137
Peperomia acutifolia C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 142
Peperomia acutifolia C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 142
Peperomia diffusa C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 133
Peperomia cubensis C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 142
Peperomia petiolaris C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 138
Peperomia septuplinervia C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 142
Peperomia pseudodependens C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 137
Peperomia glabra C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 143
Peperomia adscendens C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 140
Peperomia subrotundifolia C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 136
Peperomia fragrans C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 140
Peperomia sprucei C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1866, 4: 133
Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 136
Peperomia guadaloupensis C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 139
Peperomia guadaloupensis var. pubescens C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 139
Peperomia guadaloupensis var. pubescens C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1866, 4: 139
Zoysia sinica Hance [Isotype] 1869, 7: 168
Rottboellia mollicoma Hance [Isosyntype] 1871, 9: 134
Dimeria laxiuscula Thwaites [Type] 1885, 23: 272
Podocarpus argotaenia Hance [Type] 1883, 21: 357
Polygala cyanolopha Hance [Isotype] 1866, 4: 117
Polygala cyanolopha Hance [Isotype] 1866, 4: 117
Polygala parryi A. W. Bennett [Isotype] 1879, 17: 140
Polygala boliviensis A. W. Bennett [Type] 1879, 17: 171
Coccoloba antiguensis Sandwith [Isotype] 1940, 78: 98
Polypodium simplex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 12
Polypodium savaiense Baker [Isotype] 1876, 344
Polypodium subhastata Baker [Isotype] 1889, 27: 177
Polypodium macrosorum Baker [Isotype] 1885, 23: 106
Polypodium whitmeei Baker [Isotype] 1876, 12
Polypodium angustipaleatum Alston [Isotype] 1939, 77: 346
Polypodium streptophyllum Baker [Isotype] 1879, 17: 42
Polypodium streptophyllum Baker [Isotype] 1879, 17: 42
Polytrichum nudicaule C. H. Wright [Type] 1891, 29: 106
Fagraea amabilis S. Moore [Isotype] 1923, 61: 36
Fagraea pluvialis S. Moore [Isotype] 1929, 67: 49
Fagraea aurantiodora S. Moore [Isotype] 1928, 66: 105
Fagraea aurantiodora S. Moore [Isotype] 1928, 66: 105
Fagraea pyriformis S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 70 (suppl.)
Potamogeton aschersonii A. Bennett [Isotype] 1893, 31: 294
Potamogeton ×champlainii A. Bennett [Isolectotype] 1908, 46: 248
Potamogeton pusillus var. capitatus A. Bennett [Isotype] 1901, 39: 201
Potamogeton distinctus A. Bennett [Isolectotype] 1904, 42: 72
Hyophila subflaccida Brotherus & Dixon [Type] 1910, 48: 308
Lysimachia christinae Hance [Type] 1873, 11: 117
Cheilanthes patula Baker [Isotype] 1888, 26(7): 225
Pteris distans J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 405
Pteris asperula J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 405
Pteris vitiensis Baker [Type] 1897, 295
Pteris opaca J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 405
Pteris connexa J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 405
Pteris taeniosa J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 405
Pteris decussata J. Smith [Type] 1841, 3: 405
Acrostichum fendleri Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 100
Acrostichum fendleri Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 100
Acrostichum fendleri Baker [Isotype] 1887, 25: 100
Glyphothecium alare Dixon & Sainsbury [Type] 1933, 71: 246
Delphinium anthriscifolium Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 207
Rhamnus oreigenes Hance [Type] 1869, 7: 114
Rhamnus borneensis Steenis [Isotype] 1934, 72: 6
Pygeum viride E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62 suppl.: 34
Pygeum phaeostictum Hance [Isotype] 1870, 8: 72
Pygeum phaeostictum Hance [Isotype] 1870, 8: 72
Pygeum glabrifolium Bakhuizen f. [Isotype] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 33
Pygeum oxycarpum Hance [Isosyntype] 1870, 8: 242
Rubus parkeri Hance [Type] 1882, 20: 260
Malanea megalantha Wernham [Isotype] 1913, 51: 221
Malanea megalantha Wernham [Isotype] 1913, 51: 221
Lasianthus areolatus Dunn [Isotype] 1909, 47: 376
Hedyotis boerhaavioides Hance [Type] 1870, 8: 73
Gardenia dryadum S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 246
Airosperma fuscum S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 266
Airosperma fuscum S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 266
Nauclea superba S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1924, 62: Suppl. 46
Nauclea superba S. Moore [Isotype] 1924, 62: Suppl. 46
Nauclea superba S. Moore [Isosyntype] 1924, 62: Suppl. 46
Portlandia latifolia Britton & Harris ex S. Moore [Isotype] 1930, 68: 108
Portlandia involucrata Wernham [Isotype] 1913, 51: 320
Portlandia involucrata Wernham [Isotype] 1913, 51: 320
Portlandia uliginosa Wernham [Isotype] 1913, 51: 320
Palicourea fragilior Wernham [Isotype] 1917, 55: 282
Palicourea moritzii Wernham [Isotype] 1917, 55: 283
Hydnophytum amplifolium S. Moore [Type] 1927, 65: 270
Hydnophytum camporum S. Moore [Type] 1927, 65: 271
Urophyllum congestiflorum Ridley [Type] 1932, 70: 224
Urophyllum britannicum Wernham [Isotype] 1918, 56: 72
Urophyllum pellacalyx Ridley [Isotype] 1932, 70: 194
Urophyllum rigidum Ridley [Isotype] 1932, 70: 196
Psychotria montensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 268
Psychotria montensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 268
Psychotria canephorantha Wernham [Type] 1917, 55: 338
Psychotria reticulatissima S. Moore [Type] 1927, 65: 269
Psychotria lolokiensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1929, 67: 49
Psychotria brassii S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 268
Mussaenda pluviatalis S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 244
Mussaenda pluviatalis S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 244
Mussaenda ornata S. Moore [Type] 1927, 65: 243
Argostemma monophyllum Ridley [Type] 1927, 65: 27
Dolicholobium rufiflorum S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 242
Dolicholobium rufiflorum S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 242
Hamelia viridifolia Wernham [Isotype] 1911, 49: 213
Hamelia pedicellata Wernham [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 212
Hamelia pedicellata Wernham [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 212
Hamelia pedicellata Wernham [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 212
Hamelia pedicellata Wernham [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 212
Hamelia tubiflora Wernham [Isosyntype] 1911, 49: 212
Neonauclea brassii S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 241
Neonauclea brassii S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 241
Manettia holtonii Wernham [Isotype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 11
Manettia congestoides Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 15
Manettia mollis Moritz ex Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 16
Manettia mollis Moritz ex Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 16
Manettia mollis Moritz ex Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 16
Manettia mollis Moritz ex Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 16
Manettia mollis Moritz ex Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 16
Manettia pichinchensis Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 14
Manettia sanctae-martae Wernham [Isosyntype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 16
Manettia thysanophora Wernham [Isotype] 1919, 57, Suppl.: 1, 17, 28
Manettia sublanata Wernham [Isotype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 14
Manettia divaricata Wernham [Type] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 15
Manettia angustifolia Wernham [Isotype] 1918, 56, Suppl.: 14
Manettia cordifolia var. filiformis Wernham [Isotype] 1919, 57, Suppl.: 20
Randia ixoraeflora Wernham [Type] 1918, 56: 74
Randia suavissima S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 245
Ixora biflora Fosberg [Isotype] 1938, 76: 235
Ixora kingdon-wardii Bremekamp [Type] 1937, 75: 261
Ixora brassii S. Moore [Type] 1927, 65: 267
Salix mesnyi Hance [Type] 1882, 20(2): 38
Salix mesnyi Hance [Type] 1882, 20(2): 38
Calyptosepalum sumatranum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl. 91
Calyptosepalum sumatranum S. Moore [Isolectotype] 1925, 63, Suppl. 91
Lepisanthes forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62: 25
Pometia forbesii E. G. Baker [Type] 1924, 62, Suppl.: 26
Nephelium forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62, suppl.: 25
Nephelium forbesii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62, suppl.: 25
Bassia forbesii King ex S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 60
Bassia forbesii King ex S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 60
Bassia sericea King ex S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, Suppl.: 61
Lindenbergia melvillei S. Moore [Isolectotype] 1905, 43: 144
Synthyris reniformis var. major Hooker [Type] 1853, 5: 257
Euphrasia pennellii Callen [Isotype] 1940, 78: 214
Euphrasia officinalis subsp. capitulata F. Townsend [Isosyntype] 1890, 28: 164
Selaginella armata Baker [Isotype] 1884, 22: 90
Selaginella xiphophylla Baker [Isotype] 1884, 22: 296
Selaginella heterostachys Baker [Isosyntype] 1885, 23: 177
Selaginella brevifolia Baker [Isotype] 1883, 21: 83
Selaginella trifurcata Baker [Isotype] 1883, 21: 98
Selaginella rhodospora Baker [Isotype] 1884, 22: 111
Selaginella ramosissima Baker [Isotype] 1885, 23: 295
Selaginella microdendron Baker [Isotype] 1885, 23: 116
Selaginella plagiochila Baker [Isotype] 1883, 21: 212
Selaginella xipholepis Baker [Isotype] 1885, 23: 155
Solanum vitiense Seemann [Isotype] 1863, 1: 206
Sparganium neglectum Beeby [Type] 1885, 23: 26
Stachyurus salicifolius Franchet [Type] 1898, 12: 253
Sterculia ampla E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61, Suppl.: 5
Styrax fortunei Hance [Type] 1882, 20: 36
Styrax fortunei Hance [Holotype] 1882, 20: 36
Symplocos decora Hance [Isotype] 1874, 12: 369
Symplocos propinqua Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 329
Symplocos fordii Hance [Isolectotype] 1882, 20: 78
Symplocos odoratissima var. leptocarpa S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: suppl. 65
Symplocos odoratissima var. leptocarpa S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63: suppl. 65
Torreya fargesii Franchet [Type] 1899, 13: 264
Adinandra forbesii E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61: suppl. 4
Adinandra phlebophylla Hance [Isotype] 1876, 14: 240
Ternstroemia calycina Fawcett & Rendle [Isolectotype] 1922, 60: 363
Eurya muricata Dunn [Isotype] 1910, 48: 324
Tutcheria microcarpa Dunn [Syntype] 1909, 47: 197
Drimyspermum lanceolatum A. Gray [Type] 1865, 3: 304
Wikstroemia phillyreifolia A. Gray [Type] 1865, 3: 304
Wikstroemia phillyreifolia var. rigida A. Gray [Type] 1865, 3: 304
Wikstroemia phillyreifolia var. rigida A. Gray [Syntype] 1865, 3: 304
Wikstroemia retusa A. Gray [Holotype] 1865, 3: 303
Wikstroemia uva-ursi A. Gray [Syntype] 1865, 3: 304
Wikstroemia uva-ursi A. Gray [Syntype] 1865, 3: 304
Wikstroemia buxifolia A. M. Gray [Type] 1865, 3: 304
Wikstroemia foetida var. oahuensis A. Gray [Type] 1865, 3: 303
Leucosmia acuminata A. Gray [Type] 1865, 3: 306
Grewia sumatrana E. G. Baker [Isosyntype] 1924, 62, suppl.: 13
Grewia sumatrana E. G. Baker [Syntype] 1924, 62, suppl.: 13
Grewia sumatrana E. G. Baker [Isosyntype] 1924, 62, suppl.: 13
Grewia henrici E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1924, 62(Suppl.): 13
Ulmus macrocarpa Hance [Type] 1868, 6: 332
Planera davidii Planchon [Type] 1868, 6: 333
Vaccinium fastigiatum S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 56
Vaccinium pensile S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63: 55
Vaccinium eugenioides S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63: 56
Vaccinium dissimile S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1915, 53: 271
Vaccinium mindorense Rendle [Type] 1896, 34: 355
Vaccinium dempoense Fawcett [Isotype] 1885, 23: 254
Clerodendrum lanceoliferum S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63(suppl.): 81
Callicarpa rudis S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63 suppl.: 80
Callicarpa rudis S. Moore [Type] 1925, 63 suppl.: 80
Vitex sampsoni Hance [Type] 1868, 6: 115
Viola excisa Hance [Isotype] 1868, 6: 296
Myriophyllum alterniflorum var. americanum Pugsley [Isotype] Feb 1938, 76(902): 52(51-53)
Himantandra parvifolia E. G. Baker & C. Norman [Type] 1923, 61, suppl.: 2
Himantandra nitida E. G. Baker & C. Norman [Type] 1923, 61, suppl.: 2
Distichophyllum leiopogon Dixon [Isotype] 1942, 80: 27
Hydrangea moellendorffi Hance [Isotype] 1874, 12: 177
Trichomanes dissectum J. Smith [Isotype] 1841, 3: 417
Trichomanes cultratum Baker [Isotype] 1879, 293
Hymenophyllum oxyodon Baker [Isotype] 1890, 28: 262
Hymenophyllum samoense Baker [Isotype] 1876, 14: 10
Hymenophyllum henryi Baker [Isotype] 1889, 27: 176
Hypericum socotranum R. D. Good [Isotype] 1927, 65: 334
Iodes sogerensis E. G. Baker [Type] 1923, 61, suppl.: 10
Medusanthera vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1864, 2: 74
Erythrostaphyle vitiginea Hance [Type] 1873, 11: 266
Erythrostaphyle vitiginea Hance [Type] 1873, 11: 266
Erythrostaphyle vitiginea Hance [Type] 1873, 11: 266
Erythrostaphyle vitiginea Hance [Type] 1873, 11: 266
Illicium cambodianum Hance [Type] 1876, 14: 240
Illicium cambodianum Hance [Type] 1876, 14: 240
Illicium cambodianum Hance [Type] 1876, 14: 240
Aristea schizolaena Harvey ex Baker [Syntype] 1876, 14: 267
Aristea schizolaena Harvey ex Baker [Syntype] 1876, 14: 267
Calydorea gardneri Baker [Isotype] 1876, 14: 188
Sisyrinchium mandonii Baker [Syntype] 1876, 14: 269
Sisyrinchium glaziovii Baker [Isotype] 1876, 14: 268
Sisyrinchium trinerve Baker [Syntype] 1876, 14: 267
Sisyrinchium laterale Baker [Isotype] 1876, 14: 269
Chlamydostylus tenuis Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 14: 185
Chlamydostylus multiflorus Baker [Isotype] 1876, 14: 186
Geissorhiza wrightii Baker [Isotype] 1876, 5: 238
Isoetes cubana Engelmann ex Baker [Isotype] 1880, 18: 110
Salvia prionitis Hance [Isotype] 1870, 8: 74
Pogostemon philippinensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1905, 43: 146
Cinnamomum validinerve Hance [Isotype] 1882, 20: 80
Cryptocarya concinna Hance [Holotype] 1882, 20: 79
Litsea crebriflora S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63, suppl.: 87
Beilschmiedia fordii Dunn [Isotype] 1907, 45: 404
Machilus salicina Hance [Isotype] 1885, 23: 327
Strychnos sumbensis R. D. Good [Isolectotype] 1929, 67, suppl. 2: 104
Couthovia brassii S. Moore [Isotype] 1929, 67: 50
Loranthus bibracteolatus Hance [Type] 1880, 18: 301
Loranthus notothixoides Hance [Holotype] 1888, 21: 356
Magnolia paenetalauma Dandy [Isotype] 1930, 68: 206
Michelia mediocris Dandy [Isotype] 1928, 66: 47
Michelia maclurei Dandy [Type] 1928, 66: 360
Michelia maclurei var. sublanea Dandy [Isotype] 1930, 68: 212
Michelia masticata Dandy [Isotype] 1929, 67: 222
Manglietia aromatica Dandy [Holotype] 1931, 69: 231
Manglietia hainanensis Dandy [Isotype] 1930, 68: 204
Sphaeralcea crispa Hooker ex E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1893, 31: 363
Sphaeralcea mandoni E. G. Baker [Isolectotype] 1893, 31: 364
Sphaeralcea floribunda var. pauciflora E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1893, 31: 365
Abutilon discolor E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1893, 31: 73
Abutilon discolor E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1893, 31: 73
Abutilon discolor E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1893, 31: 73
Sida bakeriana Rusby [Isotype] 1894, 32: 38
Sida eggersii E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1892, 30: 139
Sida dumosa var. fendleri E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1892, 30: 296
Sida rhombifolia var. gorgonea E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1892, 30: 240
Malvastrum obcuneatum E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1891, 29: 363
Malvastrum coccineum var. elatum E. G. Baker [Lectotype] 1891, 29: 171
Malvastrum coccineum var. elatum E. G. Baker [Lectotype] 1891, 29: 171
Malvastrum coccineum var. elatum E. G. Baker [Lectotype] 1891, 29: 171
Malvastrum coccineum var. elatum E. G. Baker [Syntype] 1891, 29: 171
Malvastrum coccineum var. elatum E. G. Baker [Syntype] 1891, 29: 171
Callirhoe involucrata var. tenuissima E. G. Baker [Isotype] 1891, 29: 49
Callirhoe involucrata var. novo-mexicana E. G. Baker [Isolectotype] 1891, 29: 49
Ardisia formosana Rolfe [Isosyntype] 1882, 20(240): 358
Ardisia formosana Rolfe [Isosyntype] 1882, 20(240): 358
Timonius brassii S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 265
Allium stracheyi Baker [Isotype] 1874, 12: 293
Allium thomsonii Baker [Isosyntype] 1874, 12: 294
Allium sikkimense Baker [Isotype] 1874, 12: 292
Timonius whiteanus S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 246
Millettia sericosema Hance [Holotype] 1882, 20: 259
Cussonia barteri Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 4: 299
Stelis schomburgkii Fawcett & Rendle [TypeMaterial] 1910, 48: 108.
Manettia costaricensis Wernham [Isosyntype] 1919, 57: Suppl. 38
Manettia boliviana Wernham [Isosyntype] 1919, 57: Suppl. 20
Manettia boliviana Wernham [Isosyntype] 1919, 57: Suppl. 20
Polypodium stenopterum Baker [Isotype] 1888, 26(7): 229
Aechmea wrightii Baker [Type] 1879, 17: 163
Hemigenia pritzelii S. Moore [Isotype] 1902, 1902: 28
Fritillaria grayana Rchb. f. & Baker [Isotype] 1878, 16: 263
Psychotria tutcheri Dunn [Isosyntype] 1910, 48: 324
Usnea flexuosa Taylor [Type] 1847, 6: 192
Xylopia pierrei Hance [Isolectotype] 1877, 15: 328
Ptilota eatonii Dickie [Type] 1876, 14: 51
Ixora ihuensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 267
Ixora ihuensis S. Moore [Isotype] 1927, 65: 267
Chirita blumei var. cordifolia S. Moore [Isotype] 1925, 63 (Suppl.): 74
Vatica astrotricha Hance [Isotype] 1876, 14: 241
Androsaceus nigrobrunneus Patouillard [Type] 1891, 5: 308
Androsaceus nigrobrunneus Patouillard [Type] 1891, 5: 308
Larix lyallii Parlatore [Isosyntype] 1863, 1: 35
Heliophila namaquana Bolus [Syntype] (1896), 34: 16
Ophioxylon chinense Hance [Isosyntype] 1865, 3: 380
Acalypha protracta S. Moore [Type] 1923, 47
Rhododendron vidalii Rolfe [Type] 1886, 24: 348
Selaginella boninensis Baker [Isotype] 1885, 23(270): 178
Eugenia gladiata Ridley [TypeMaterial] 1930, 68: 35
Schefflera forbesii Ridley [Syntype] 1914, 52: 290