Title | Hedwigia. Ein Notizblatt für kryptogamische Studien |
Abbreviation | Hedwigia |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-82, 1852-1944 |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b1169290x |
BPH | 413.25 |
Remarks | Subtitle for vols. 24-26 (1885-87) Organ für specielle Kryptogamenkunde nebst Repertorium für kryptogamische Literatur; subtitle for vols. 27-36 (1888-97) Organ für Kryptogamenkunde nebst Repertorium für kryptogamische Literatur; subtitle for vols. 37-82 (1898-1944) Organ für Kryptogamenkunde und Phytopathologie nebst Repertorium für Literatur. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 368 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Philonotis huallagensis Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 274Homalothecium nevadense var. subulatum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1893, 32: 334
Homalothecium nevadense var. subulatum Renauld & Cardot [Syntype] 1893, 32: 334
Rhynchostegium frondicola Müller Halle [Type] 1898, 37: 261
Pseudopohlia yunnanensis Herzog [Type] 1925, 65: 157
Mielichhoferia latifolia Herzog [Type] 1935, 74: 104
Syrrhopodon calochlorus Müller Halle [Type] 1900, 39: 263
Alsophila contracta Hieronymus [Type] 1906, 43: 236
Microdus sinensis Herzog [Type] 1925, 65: 150
Dicranum araucarieti Müller Halle [Isotype] 1900, 39: 254
Campylopus subcaudatus Herzog [Type] 1926, 66: 343
Campylopus huallagensis Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 261
Dicranella peruviana Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 260
Holomitrium uleanum Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 261
Holomitrium subtorquescens Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beih.): 57
Dryopteris erythrosora var. tenuipes Rosenstock [Type] 1915, 56: 341
Fabronidium bernoullianum Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38: 132
Fabronidium bernoullianum Müller Halle [Isotype] 1899, 38: 132
Fissidens perminutus Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 267
Fissidens amblyophyllus Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38: 57
Fissidens papilliferous Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 266
Fissidens micropyxis Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 265
Fissidens marmellensis Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 267
Fissidens gymnandrus Büse [Type] 1869, 8: 55
Fissidens xiphioides M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 125
Fissidens gedehensis M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38 Beih. 3: 127
Fissidens gedehensis M. Fleischer [Isolectotype] 1899, 38 Beih. 3: 127
Fissidens gedehensis M. Fleischer [Lectotype] 1899, 38 Beih. 3: 127
Fissidens wichurae Brotherus & M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 127
Fissidens wichurae Brotherus & M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 127
Fissidens wichurae Brotherus & M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 127
Fissidens campylopelma Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 57
Fissidens giesenhagenii Brotherus ex M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 44: 314
Fissidens giesenhagenii Brotherus ex M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 44: 314
Fissidens treubii M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 125
Fissidens asperifolius Brotherus & M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 126
Fissidens rubiginosulus Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 266
Fissidens tejoenis Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 265
Fissidens zippelianus var. fontanus M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 128
Fissidens hasskarlii var. irrigatus M. Fleischer [Isotype] 1899, 38 (Beibl. 3): 128
Fissidens mittenii var. javensis M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 128
Fissidens edamensis M. Fleischer [Holotype] 1899, 38: 127
Physcomitrium obtuso-apiculatum Müller Halle [Isotype] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 57
Chiloscyphus moorei Stephani [Isotype] 1894, 33: 2
Chiloscyphus obtusus Stephani [Isotype] 1893, 32: 325
Chiloscyphus bidentatus Stephani [Isotype] 1893, 32: 320
Racomitrium dichelymoides Herzog [Isotype] 1934, 74: 103
Racomitrium dichelymoides Herzog [Type] 1934, 74: 103
Racomitrium dichelymoides Herzog [Isotype] 1934, 74: 103
Opegrapha macquariensis C. W. Dodge [Type] 1970, 19: 440
Asplenium bangii Hieronymus [Isotype] 1918, 60: 245
Asplenium diplosceum Hieronymus [Isotype] 1918, 60: 232
Asplenium spruceanum Hieronymus [Isotype] 1918, 60: 260
Asplenium potosinum var. semipinnata Hieronymus [Type] 1919, 60: 248
Athyrium obtusifolium Rosenstock [Type] 1915, 56: 335
Papillaria lindigioides Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 58
Floribundaria finisterrae Herzog [Type] 1909, 49: 124
Lindigia paupera Müller Halle [Holotype] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 58
Mnium rhynchomitrium Müller Halle [Isotype] 1900, 39: 247
Neckera inundata Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 278
Pinnatella intralimbata M. Fleischer [Holotype] 1906, 45: 82
Neckeropsis penicillata Herzog [Type] 1916, 57: 242
Aschersonia amazonica Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 388
Aschersonia australiensis Hennings [TypeMaterial] 1903, 42(2): 87
Aschersonia paraensis Hennings [Type] 1902, 41: 17
Aschersonia parasitica Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 149
Aschersonia phthiurioides Hennings [Type] 1902, 41: 145
Aschersonia pittieri Hennings [Type] 1902, 41: 104
Macromitrium emarginatum Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 273
Macromitrium serricola Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 57
Zygodon wilmsianus Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38: 113
Schlotheimia spinulosa Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 273
Plagiochila longaeva Herzog [Isotype] 1932, 72: 201
Plagiochila paucispinula Herzog [Isotype] 1932, 72: 203
Plagiochila subtrinitensis Herzog [Type] 1932, 72: 198
Plagiochila subtrinitensis Herzog [Isolectotype] 1932, 72: 198
Plagiochila subtrinitensis Herzog [Type] 1932, 72: 198
Plagiochila exalata Herzog [Isotype] 1932, 72: 200
Plagiochila exalata f. brevifolia Herzog [Isotype] 1932, 72: 200
Pleospora maritima Rehm [Type] 1896, 35: 149
Pleospora salsolae Fuckel [Type] 1864, 3: 160
Polypodium tamandarei Rosenstock [Isotype] 1915, 56: 369
Polypodium tamandarei Rosenstock [Isotype] 1915, 56: 369
Polypodium tenuiculum var. brasiliensis Rosenstock [Type] 1915, 56: 370
Polytrichum brachypyxis Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 57
Polytrichum pallidicaule Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 57
Polytrichadelphus peruvianus Brotherus [Isotype] 1906, 45: 275
Weissia capilliseta Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38: 57
Erythrophyllum barbuloides Herzog [Type] 1925, 65: 154
Erythrophyllum hostile Herzog [Type] 1925, 65: 121
Prionodon nitidulus Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 276
Pteris vaupelii Hieronymus [Type] 1914, 55: 364
Pterobryon lindbergii Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.) 58
Selaginella novoleonensis Hieronymus [Type] , 41: 173
Selaginella capensis Hieronymus [Lectotype] 1900, 39: 314
Selaginella longipila Hieronymus [Isotype] 1900, 39: 291
Selaginella doderleinii Hieronymus [Isotype] 1905, 43: 41
Selaginella pauciciliata Hieronymus [Isotype] 1916, 58: 284
Selaginella wrightii Hieronymus [Isotype] 1900, 39: 298
Selaginella wrightii Hieronymus [Isotype] 1900, 39: 298
Selaginella wrightii Hieronymus [Type] 1900, 39: 298
Selaginella wrightii Hieronymus [Type] 1900, 39: 298
Selaginella schmidtii Hieronymus [Isotype] 1900, 39: 292
Selaginella estrellensis Hieronymus [Syntype] 1902, 41: 200
Selaginella peruviana var. dombeyana Hieronymus [Isotype] 1900, 39: 308
Selaginella chrismari var. karwinskyana Hieronymus [Isotype] 1900, 39: 300
Acanthocladium pinnatum M. Fleischer [Type] 1911, 50: 284
Acanthocladium pinnatum M. Fleischer [Type] 1911, 50: 284
Trismegistia dendroides Herzog [Type] 1916, 57: 240
Sphagnum bolanderi Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 173
Sphagnum bolanderi Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 173
Sphagnum simile Warnstorf [Type] 1894, 33: 326
Sphagnum transvaaliense Müller Halle [Type] 1891, 30: 32
Sphagnum vancouveriense Warnstorf [Type] 1894, 33: 309
Sphagnum waghornei Warnstorf [Type] 1894, 33: 329, 336
Sphagnum dasyphyllum Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 176
Sphagnum dasyphyllum Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 176
Sphagnum dasyphyllum Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 176
Sphagnum faxonii Warnstorf [Type] 1908, 47: 117
Sphagnum labradorense Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 174
Sphagnum labradorense Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 174
Sphagnum labradorense Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 174
Sphagnum labradorense Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 174
Sphagnum labradorense Warnstorf [Type] 1892, 31: 174
Sphagnum mendocinum var. gracilescens Warnstorf [Type] 1893, 32: 14
Sphagnum mendocinum var. robustum Warnstorf [Type] 1893, 32: 13
Sphagnum mendocinum var. robustum Warnstorf [Type] 1893, 32: 13
Sphagnum mendocinum var. robustum Warnstorf [Type] 1893, 32: 13
Sphagnum microphyllum Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 172
Sphagnum microphyllum Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 172
Sphagnum missouricum Warnstorf & Cardot [Type] 1907, 47: 93
Sphagnum obtusiusculum Lindberg ex Warnstorf [Type] 1890, 29: 196
Sphagnum obtusiusculum Lindberg ex Warnstorf [Type] 1890, 29: 196
Anomodon armatus Brotherus [Type] 1899, 38: 243
Leptopterigynandrum austro-alpinum Müller Halle [Type] 1897, 36: 114
Tuber intermedium Bucholtz [Holotype] 1901, 40: 309
Vittaria doniana Mettenius ex Hieronymus [Isosyntype] 1916, 57: 204
Vittaria doniana var. intermedia Hieronymus [Isotype] 1916, 57: 205
Vittaria flaccida Hieronymus [Isosyntype] 1916, 57: 200
Hedwigia serricola Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beih.): 58
Stenodesmus latifolius E. B. Bartram & T. C. J. Herzog [Type] 1934, 74: 110
Hookeria corticola Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 58
Lepidopilum huallagense Brotherus [Isolectotype] 1906, 45: 282
Lepidopilum huallagense Brotherus [Isolectotype] 1906, 45: 282
Daltonia valdiviae Herzog [Type] 1923, 64: 15
Hookeriopsis callicostelloides Herzog & Thériot [Isotype] 1935, 74: 110
Hookeriopsis callicostelloides Herzog & Thériot [Isotype] 1935, 74: 110
Callicostella juruensis Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 280
Macrothamnium javense M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 44: 311
Trichomanes tuerckheimii Christ [Isosyntype] 1905, 44: 361
Hypnum flexicaule Brotherus [Type] 1899, 38: 240
Hypnum thamnophilum Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 58
Hypnum araucarieti Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beil.): 58
Hypnum ferriviae Müller Halle [Type] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 57
Hypnum cataractilis Müller Halle [Isotype] 1899, 38(Beibl.): 58
Ectropothecium minutum Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 287
Ectropothecium penzigianum M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 44: 328
Anastrophyllum jorgensenii Schiffner [Syntype] 1910, 49: 396
Anastrophyllum jorgensenii Schiffner [Syntype] 1910, 49: 396
Anastrophyllum jorgensenii Schiffner [Lectotype] 1910, 49: 396
Anastrophyllum jorgensenii Schiffner [Isolectotype] 1910, 49: 396
Acrolejeunea wildii Stephani [Type] 1889, 28: 165
Acrolejeunea wichurae Schiffner [Isotype] 1894, 33: 187
Acrolejeunea subinnovans Stephani [Isotype] 1895, 34: 59
Acrolejeunea marquesana Stephani [Isotype] 1895, 34: 58
Acrolejeunea cristiloba Stephani [Isotype] 1895, 34: 56
Acrolejeunea hartmannii Stephani [Type] 1889, 28: 164
Acrolejeunea novaeguineae Stephani [Isotype] 1889, 28: 165
Leucobryum uleanum Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 263
Leucobryum holleanum var. fragilifolium M. Fleischer [Type] 1899, 38 (Beibl.): 128
Hypocrella amazonica Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 246
Hypocrella camerunensis var. brasiliana Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 85
Hypocrella moelleriana Hennings [Holotype] 1897, 222
Plagiochila blepharobasis Herzog [Type] 1932, 72: 216
Plagiochila densa Herzog [Type] 1932, 72: 222
Dryopteris villosula var. glandulosa Rosenstock [Isolectotype] 1907, 46: 129
Pterobryopsis gedehensis M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 45: 57
Pterobryopsis gedehensis M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 45: 57
Pterobryopsis itahiae M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 45: 61
Pterobryopsis itahiae M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 45: 61
Dryopteris martiana Rosenstock [Lectotype] ,
Dendrogaster connectens Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 316
Dendrogaster connectens Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 316
Dendrogaster connectens Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 316
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster rehsteineri Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 318
Hymenogaster verrucosus Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 319
Hymenogaster verrucosus Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 319
Hymenogaster verrucosus Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 319
Hymenogaster verrucosus Bucholtz [Type] 1901, 40: 319
Lycoperdon juruense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 184
Heterochaete delicata (Klotzsch ex Berkeley) Bresàdola [Type] 1913, 53: 77
Tremella crocea Hennings [Type] 1897, 36: 191
Belonium sulphureotinctum Rehm [Type] 1896, 35: 146
Belonium sulphureotinctum Rehm [Type] 1896, 35: 146
Helotiella herpotrichoides Rehm [Type] 1895, 34: 160
Helotiella herpotrichoides Rehm [Type] 1895, 34: 160
Helotium carpinicola Rehm [Type] 1896, 35: 146
Helotium carpinicola Rehm [Type] 1896, 35: 146
Lachnella fuscocinnabarina Rehm [Type] 1921, 62: 296
Niptera calatheae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 271
Niptera calatheae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 271
Niptera calatheae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 271
Niptera plicata Rehm [Type] 1881, 20: 38
Peziza albopileata Cooke [Type] 1875, 14: 82
Pezizella anonyma Rehm [Syntype] 1895, 34: 165
Pezizella mikaniae Rehm [Syntype] 1896, 35: 146
Psilopezia juruensis Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 273
Psilopezia juruensis Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 273
Belonium sulphureotinctum Rehm [Type] 1896, 146
Belonium sulphureotinctum Rehm [Type] 1896, 146
Stereodon cupressiformis var. incurvatiformis M. Fleischer & Warnstorf [Holotype] 1911, 50: 202
Stereodon cupressiformis var. incurvatiformis M. Fleischer & Warnstorf [Holotype] 1911, 50: 202
Helotiella herpotrichoides Rehm [Type] 1895, 160
Helotiella herpotrichoides Rehm [Type] 1895, 160
Helotiella herpotrichoides Rehm [Type] 1895, 160
Helotiella herpotrichoides Rehm [Type] 1895, 160
Helotium carpinicola Rehm [Type] 1896, 146
Helotium carpinicola Rehm [Type] 1896, 146
Helotium carpinicola Rehm [Type] 1896, 146
Helotium carpinicola Rehm [Type] 1896, 146
Antrophyum guayanense Hieronymus [Isolectotype] 1915, 57: 212
Antrophyum guayanense Hieronymus [Isolectotype] 1915, 57: 212
Aleurodiscus sajanensis Murashkinsky ex Pilát [Type] 1931, 71: 32
Corticium abnorme Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 186
Corticium caesalpiniae Hennings [Type] 1908, 48: 101
Corticium gilvescens Bresàdola [Type] 1896, 35(Beibl.): 61
Corticium hinnuleum Bresàdola [Type] 1915, 56(4,5): 303
Corticium hinnuleum Bresàdola [Type] 1915, 56(4,5): 303
Corticium hinnuleum Bresàdola [Isotype] 1915, 56(4,5): 303
Corticium subochraceum Bresàdola [Type] 1896, 35(5): 290
Corticium tuberculatum P. Karsten [Type] 1896, 35(1): 45
Geastrum juruense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 185
Cyphella paraensis Hennings [Isotype] 1908, 48: 102
Cyphella punctoidea Hennings [Type] 1897, 36(4): 194
Cyphella punctoidea Hennings [Type] 1897, 36(4): 194
Dryopteris athyriiformis Rosenstock [Isosyntype] 1915, 56(5): 344
Favolaschia selloana Hennings [Neotype] 1897, 36(4): 203
Fomes subamboinensis Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 175
Selaginella wightiana Hieronymus [Type] 1900, 39: 320
Selaginella wightiana Hieronymus [Type] 1900, 39: 320
Hydnochaete badia Bresàdola [Type] 1896, 35(5): 287
Hymenochaete crateriformis Henn [Type] 1904, 43(3): 172
Hymenochaete fissolobata Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 172
Hymenochaete septobasidioides Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 172
Hypochnus capnoides Bresàdola [Type] 1896, 35(2): 62
Lloydella involuta var. philippinensis Bresàdola [Type] 1915, 56(4,5): 300
Odontia schroeteriana Hennings [Type] 1897, 36(4): 197
Pistillaria attenuata Sydow & P. Sydow [Type] 1900, 39(Beibl.): (1)
Polyporus leprieurii var. juruanus Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 176
Polyporus leprieurii var. juruanus Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 176
Thelephora tubaraoensis Hennings [Type] 1897, 36: 194
Thelephora uleana Hennings [Type] 1897, 36(4): 194
Poria ferrugineovelutina Hennings [Type] 1905, 44: 59
Poria porphyrophaea Bresàdola [Isotype] 1915, 56(4,5): 296
Stereum huberianum Hennings [Type] 1902, 41: 15
Stereum huberianum Hennings [Type] 1902, 41: 15
Stereum huberianum Hennings [Type] 1902, 41: 15
Pterula aurantiaca Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 174
Pterula aurantiaca Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 174
Pterula subsimplex Hennings [Type] 1897, 36(4): 197
Pterula uleana Hennings [Type] 1897, 36(4): 197
Clitocybe flaccida var. arenaria Hruby [Type] 1930, 70: 245
Marasmius clitocybiformis Hennings [Isotype] 1904, 43: 182
Naucoria juruensis Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 188
Aptychopsis pycnodonta Herzog [Type] 1934, 74: 113
Lepidopilum fruticola Müller Halle [Type] 1900, 39: 270
Lepidopilum plebejum Müller Halle [Isolectotype] 1900, 39: 272
Hookeria longicuspis Müller Halle [Isotype] 1900, 39: 273
Hookeria longicuspis Müller Halle [Isotype] 1900, 39: 273
Corticium stramineum Bresàdola [Type] 1900, 39: 221
Hookeria aureo-purpurea Müller Halle [Isolectotype] 1900, 39: 278
Rhaphidostegium subpiliferum Brotherus [Type] 1906, 45: 284
Marchesettia spongioides Hauck [Syntype] 1882, 21: 140
Sphagnum ludovicianum (Renauld & Cardot) Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 161. 18 f. 2b; 28g
Sphagnum ludovicianum (Renauld & Cardot) Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 161. 18 f. 2b; 28g
Sphagnum ludovicianum (Renauld & Cardot) Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 161. 18 f. 2b; 28g
Sphagnum ludovicianum (Renauld & Cardot) Warnstorf [Type] 1891, 30: 161. 18 f. 2b; 28g
Bactropycnis concentrica Höhnel [Holotype] 1920, 62: 65
Alsia sullivantii Lesquereux [Type] 1914, 55: 285
Aecidium amazonense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 169
Aecidium amazonense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 169
Aecidium asperulinum Juel [Type] 1896, 35(4): 197
Aecidium borrichiae Sydow & P. Sydow [Type] 1901, 40: 129
Aecidium brasiliense Dietel [Type] 1897, 36(1): 35
Aecidium byrsonimicola Hennings [Type] 1895, 34: 322
Aecidium byrsonimicola Hennings [Type] 1895, 34: 322
Aecidium circinatum G. Winter [Type] 1884, 23: 168
Aecidium circinatum G. Winter [Type] 1884, 23: 168
Aecidium circinatum G. Winter [Type] 1884, 23: 168
Aecidium huallagense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 170
Aecidium hyptidis Hennings [Type] 1895, 34: 337
Aecidium mikaniae Hennings [Type] 1896, 35(5): 261
Aecidium miryense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 169
Aecidium passifloricola Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 168
Aecidium psychotriae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 166
Aecidium randiae Hennings [Type] 1896, 35(5): 259
Aecidium rionegrense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 166
Aecidium tarapotense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 165
Aecidium tuberosae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 167
Aecidium turnerae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(3): 171
Aecidium uleanum Pazschke [Type] 1892, 31(3): 95
Arthrobotryum scoparium Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 397
Arthrobotryum strychni Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 397
Arthrobotryum tecomae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 397
Ascochyta astragalicola Petrak [Type] 1928, 68: 236
Ascochyta buniadis P. Sydow [TypeMaterial] 1899, 137
Ascochyta ervicola P. Sydow [TypeMaterial] 1899, 38: 138
Ascochyta viciae-lathyroidis Sydow & P. Sydow [Type] 1900, 39: 3
Ascochyta zonata P. Sydow [Type] 1899, 38: 138
Asteromella scorzonerae Petrak [Type] 1925, 65: 254
Asterostomella caricae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43 (6): 391
Botryodiplodia chamaedoreae Hennings [Type] 1895, 34: 66
Camarosporium diospyri Sydow & P. Sydow [Type] 1900, 39: 5
Cercospora ailanthi P. Sydow [Type] 1899, 38: (140)
Botryodiplodia sophorae-japonicae T. Sâvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville [Type] 1933, 73: 83
Cercospora cucurbiticola Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 95
Cercospora demetrioniana G. Winter [Type] 1884, 23: 171
Cercospora manaosensis Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 395
Cercospora melochiae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43 (6): 395
Cercospora polygalae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43 (2): 95
Cercospora solani Thümen [Type] 1880, 19: 135
Cercospora toreniae Hennings [Type] 1904, 43: 395
Cercospora zebrina Passerini [Type] 1877, 16 (6): 124
Chaetodiplodia caesalpiniae Hennings [Type] 1908, 48: 113
Aecidium huallagense Hennings [Type] 1904, 43 (30): 170
Aecidium hyptidis Hennings [Type] 1895, 34: 337
Stereohypnum incompletum Spruce ex M. Fleischer [Lectotype] 1908, 47: 298
Stereohypnum incompletum Spruce ex M. Fleischer [Isolectotype] 1908, 47: 298
Selaginella leprieurii Hieronymus [Isolectotype] 1904, 43: 48
Selaginella leprieurii Hieronymus [Syntype] 1904, 43: 48
Biatorellina buchsii Hennings [Type] 1903 [28 Dec 1903], 42(Beibl.): (307)
Biatorellina buchsii Hennings [Lectotype] 1903 [28 Dec 1903], 42(Beibl.): (307)
Sematophyllum falcifolium M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 44: 318
Sematophyllum falcifolium M. Fleischer [Holotype] 1905, 44: 318
Sematophyllum pinnatum M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 44: 320
Sematophyllum pinnatum M. Fleischer [Holotype] 1905, 44: 320
Trichosteleum singapurense M. Fleischer [Isotype] 1905, 44: 325
Trichosteleum singapurense M. Fleischer [Type] 1905, 44: 325
Riccia sorocarpa var. heegii Schiffner [Type] 1912, 53: 36
Hypolepis stuebelii Hieronymus [Isotype] 1909, 48: 230
Aphanocapsa biformis A. Braun [Type] 1879, 19: 191-196
Enteromorpha fucicola var. ramosissima Schiffner [Type] 1926, 66:315
Cordyceps juruensis Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(4): 48
Cordyceps juruensis Hennings [Type] 1904, 43(4): 48
Octoblepharum juruense Brotherus [Isotype] 1906, 45: 263
Pseudospora adriatica Schiffner [Syntype] 1931, 71: 169-170
Pseudospora adriatica Schiffner [Syntype] 1931, 71: 169-170
Propolis rubi Rehm [Syntype] 1884, 23(4): 56
Radula kegelii Gottsche ex Stephani [Syntype] 1884, 23: 152
Radula kegelii Gottsche ex Stephani [Syntype] 1884, 23: 152
Radula kegelii Gottsche ex Stephani [Syntype] 1884, 23: 152
Erysiphe cruchetiana S. Blumer [Type] 1933, 34 (3 & 4): 692