Title | Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der Königlichen Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München |
Abbreviation | Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-38 [vols after 1908 unnumbered], 1871-1917 |
Place of publication | Munich |
URL | https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/007556118 ; https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/125291 |
BPH | Online version |
Preceded By | Sitzungsber. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München |
Succeded By | Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Kl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 41 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Capparis oxysepala C. Wright ex Radlkofer [Isotype] 1884, 14: 172Goetzea eggersii Urban ex Radlkofer [Isotype] 1889, 19: 281
Aster scaposus Klatt [Type] 1878, 8: 84
Inula polycephala Klatt [Syntype] 1878, 85
Inula polycephala Klatt [Syntype] 1878, 85
Artemisia schlagintweitiana Klatt [Type] 1878, 90
Allardia incana Klatt [Isotype] 1878, 8: 88
Allardia incana Klatt [Holotype] 1878, 8: 88
Saussurea stemmaphora Klatt [Syntype] 1878, 8: 93
Saussurea chenopodiifolia Klatt [Syntype] 1878, 8(1): 92
Saussurea chenopodiifolia Klatt [Syntype] 1878, 8(1): 92
Saussurea schlagintweitii Klatt [Type] 1878, 94
Saussurea schlagintweitii Klatt [Lectotype] 1878, 94
Cupania leptobotrys A. Gray [Isotype] 1879, 9: 585
Cupania hirsuta Radlkofer [Type] 1879, 9: 565
Cupania spectabilis Radlkofer [Type] 1879, 9: 559
Cupania spectabilis Radlkofer [Type] 1879, 9: 559
Aphania danura Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 238
Talisia carinata Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 348
Talisia squarrosa Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 346
Guioa squamosa Radlkofer [Isotype] 1878, 8: 303
Guioa subfalcata Radlkofer [Isotype] 1879, 9: 609
Allophylus incanus Radlkofer [Type] 1909, 38: 216, 236
Allophylus vitiensis Radlkofer [Isotype] 1890, 20: 230
Allophylus leiophloeus Radlkofer [Type] 1909, 38: 214, 236
Cossignia trifoliolata Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 272
Cossignia trifoliolata Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 272
Trigonachras cultrata Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 304
Elattostachys vitiensis Seemann ex Radlkofer [Holotype] 1879, 9: 502, 602
Matayba longipes Radlkofer [Isotype] 1879, 9: 626
Matayba glaberrima Radlkofer [Type] 1879, 9: 628
Matayba macrostylis Radlkofer [Type] 1879, 9: 625
Sapindus manatensis Shuttleworth ex Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 318
Sapindus oahuensis Hillebrand ex Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 401
Thouinia punctata Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 281
Thouinia patentinervis Radlkofer [Isotype] 1878, 8: 280
Thouinia canescens Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 280
Thouinia elliptica Radlkofer [Type] 1878, 8: 280
Cupaniopsis macropetala Radlkofer [Isotype] 1890, 20: 357
Theophrasta cubensis Radlkofer [Isotype] 1890, 20: 188
Daphnopsis cuneata Radlkofer [Type] 1884, 14: 489