Title | Flora de Veracruz. Xalapa |
Abbreviation | Fl. Veracruz |
Publication Dates | 1978- Fasc. 1: Hamamelidaceae (1978), Fasc. 2: Cornaceae (1978), Fasc. 3: Chloranthaceae (1978), Fasc.4 : Vochysiaceae (1978), Fasc. 5: Hydrophyllaceae (1979), Fasc. 6: Selaginellaceae (1979), Fasc.7: Polemoniaceae (1979), Fasc. 8: Araliaceae (1979), Fasc. 9: Aizoaceae (1979), Fasc. 10: Caricaceae (1980), Fasc. 11: Cannaceae (1980), Fasc. 12: Rhizophoraceae (1980), Fasc. 13: Nyctaginaceae (1980), Fasc. 14: Magnoliaceae (1980), Fasc. 15: Clethraceae (1981) , Fasc. 16: Ebenaceae (1981), Fasc. 17: Cyatheaceae (1981), Fasc. 18: Boraginaceae (1981), Fasc. 19: Platanaceae (1981), Fasc. 20: Betulaceae (1981), Fasc. 21: Bataceae (1982), Fasc. 22: Papaveraceae (1982), Fasc. 23: Cupressaceae (1982), Fasc. 24: Bignoniaceae (1982), Fasc. 25: Taxodiaceae (1982), Fasc. 26: Zamiaceae (1983), Fasc. 27: Casuarinaceae (1983), Fasc. 28: Connaraceae (1983), Fasc. 29: Pedaliaceae (1983), Fasc. 30: Martyniaceae (1983), Fasc. 31: Juglandeaceae (1983), Fasc. 32: Styracaceae (1983), Fasc. 33: Garryaceae (1983), Fasc. 34: Salicaceae (1984), Fasc. 35: Actinidiaceae (1984), Fasc. 36: Phytolaccaceae (1984), Fasc. 37: Alismataceae (1984), Fasc. 38: Marcgraviaceae (1984), Fasc. 39: Cunoniaceae (1984), Fasc. 40: Ulmaceae (1984), Fasc. 41: Verbenaceae (1984), Fasc. 42: Hippocastaneceae (1985), Fasc. 43: Molluginaceae (1985), Fasc. 44: Brunelliaceae (1985), Fasc. 43: Molluginaceae (1985), Fasc. 44: Brunelliaceae (1985), Fasc. 45: Achatocarpac eae (1985), Fasc. 46: Aceraceae (1985), Fasc. 47: Turneraceae (1985), Fasc. 48: Resedaceae (1985), Fasc.49: Solanaceae I (1986), Fasc. 50: Rhamnaceae (1986), Fasc. 51: Portulacaceae (1986), Fasc. 52: Nyssaceae (1986), Fasc. 53: Dioscoreaceae (1987), Fasc. 54: Primulaceae (1987), Fasc. 55: Psilotaceae (1987), Fasc. 56: Proteaceae (1988) , Fasc. 57: Staphyleaceae (1988), Fasc. 58: Surianaceae (1988), Fasc. 59: Thymelaeaceae (1988), Fasc. 60: Marattiaceae (1990), Fasc. 61: Osmundaceae (1990), Fasc. 62: Myrtaceae (1990), Fasc. 63: Hymenophyllaceae (1991), Fasc. 64: Balsaminaceae (1991), Fasc. 65: Droseraceae (1991), Fasc. 66: Lythraceae |
Remarks | Published in fascicles; Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Recursos bioticos |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 2 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Hydrolea ovata var. parvifolia D. L. Nash [Holotype] 1979, 5: 4Nama linearis D. L. Nash [Isotype] 1979, 5: 16
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 5 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Heliotropium mexicanum Greenman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1981, fasc. 18: 100Solanum texense Engelmann & A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1993, Parte II. 72: 63
Heliotropium pringlei B. L. Robinson [Lectotype] 1981, fasc. 18: 94
Heliotropium mexicanum Greenman [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1981, fasc. 18: 100
Echeandia macrocarpa Greenman [Lectotype] 1995, 86: 18