Title | Bulletin de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg. St. Petersburg |
Abbreviation | Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg |
Publication Dates | (Ser. 3) vols. 1-32, 1860-1888; n.s.(= ser. 4) vols. 1-4 (also numbered vols. 33-36), 1890-1894 |
BPH | 234.30 |
Remarks | Preceded by Bull. Cl. Phys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Péterbourg (ID: 6254); Superseded by Izv. Imp. Akad. Nauk (ID: 4730). Complete series is as follows (by ID #): 879, 6254, (872), 4730, 6010, 4733, 192, 4732, 1923, 193, 4557 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 151 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Berberis diaphana Maximowicz [Type] 1876, 23: 309Carpinus tschonoskii Maximowicz [Type] 1881, 27: 534
Omphalodes sericea Maximowicz [Isotype] , 17: 453
Omphalodes diffusa Maximowicz [Isotype] 1881, ser. 3, 27: 504
Trigonotis petiolaris Maximowicz [Type] 1881, 27: 506
Thyrocarpus glochidiatus Maximowicz [Type] 1880, 26: 499
Thyrocarpus fulvescens Maximowicz [Type] 1880, 26: 499
Cardamine yezoensis Maximowicz [Type] 1873, 18: 277
Bauhinia japonica Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 18: 401
Lonicera pilosa Maximowicz [Type] 1878, 24: 47
Viburnum glomeratum Maximowicz [Type] 1880, 26: 483
Viburnum glomeratum Maximowicz [Type] 1880, 26: 483
Viburnum hanceanum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1880, 26: 487
Viburnum schensianum Maximowicz [Type] 1880, 26: 480
Euonymus usuriensis Maximowicz [Type] 1881, 27: 449
Euonymus usuriensis Maximowicz [Type] 1881, 27: 449
Chamaecyparis pendula Maximowicz [Isotype] 1866, ser. 3, 10: 489
Chamaecyparis breviramea Maximowicz [Isotype] 1866, ser. 3, 10: 489
Juniperus litoralis Maximowicz [Isotype] 1868, ser. 3, 12: 230
Schizocodon uniflorus Maximowicz [Isotype] 1868, 12: 71
Diospyros oldhamii Maximowicz [Isotype] 1887, 31: 67
Chimaphila astyla Maximowicz [Type] 1867, 11: 434
Menziesia purpurea Maximowicz [Type] 1867, 11: 431
Menziesia pentandra Maximowicz [Type] 1867, 11: 431
Leucothoë tschonoskii Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 18: 46
Rhododendron tschonoskii Maximowicz [Isotype] 1871, 15: 230
Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maximowicz [Isotype] 1870, 15: 226
Pyrola subaphylla Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1867, 11: 433
Sophora platycarpa Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 18: 398
Fagus japonica Maximowicz [Isotype] 1887, 31: 101
Idesia polycarpa Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1866, ser. 3, 10: 485
Idesia polycarpa Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1866, ser. 3, 10: 485
Gentiana japonica Maximowicz [Type] 1875, 20: 433
Geranium wilfordii Maximowicz [Isotype] 1880, 26: 453
Geranium wilfordii Maximowicz [Syntype] 1880, 26: 453
Lysionotus pauciflorus Maximowicz [Type] 1874, 19: 534
Acer nikoense Maximowicz [Type] 1867, 12: 227
Acer pilosum Maximowicz [Type] 1880, 26: 436
Acer barbinerve Maximowicz [Type] 1867, 12: 227
Acer miyabei Maximowicz [Type] 1888, 32: 485
Acer discolor Maximowicz [Type] 1880, 26: 436
Acer circumlobatum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1867, 12: 225
Acer palmatum var. plicatum H. Léveillé [Isotype] 1867, 12: 226
Acer sieboldianum var. mandschuricum Maximowicz [Type] 1886, 31: 25
Pimpinella calycina Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 19: 182
Angelica polymorpha Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 19: 185
Angelica ineaqualis Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 19: 184
Ligusticum japonicum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, Ser 3, 19: 270
Hydrocotyle wilfordi Maximowicz [Isotype] 1887, 31: 45
Asarum caulescens Maximowicz [Isotype] 1872, 17: 162
Vincetoxicum inamoenum Maximowicz [Type] 1877, 13: 361
Dischidia formosana Maximowicz [Type] 1877, 23:385
Lactuca oldhamii Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 9: 363
Aster rugulosus Maximowicz [Isotype] 1871, 15: 226
Nabalus ochroleucus Maximowicz [Type] 1871, 15: 376
Nabalus acerifolius Maximowicz [Type] 1871, 15: 376
Nabalus acerifolius Maximowicz [Type] 1871, 15: 376
Senecio otophorus Maximowicz [Type] 1871, 16: 219
Senecio adenostyloides Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1874, 19: 718
Senecio oldhamianus Maximowicz [Isotype] 1871, 16: 219
Senecio stenocephalus Maximowicz [Isotype] 1871, 16: 218
Cnicus spicatus Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 19: 501
Cnicus suffultus Maximowicz [Type] 1874, 19: 498
Cnicus dipsacolepis Maximowicz [Type] 1874, 19: 497
Cnicus effusus Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 19: 500
Ligularia calthaefolia Maximowicz [Isotype] 1871, 15: 374
Ligularia clivorun Maximowicz [Isotype] 1871, 15: 374
Ligularia clivorun Maximowicz [Type] 1871, 15: 374
Pyrethrum poteriifolium Ledebour ex Nordmann [Type] 1837, 2: 312
Lapsana apogonoides Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1873, 18: 288
Lapsana apogonoides Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1873, 18: 288
Carpesium glossophyllum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 19: 475
Macroclinidium robustum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1871, 15: 376
Saussurea gracilis Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, 19: 518
Najas serristipula Maximowicz [Type] 1868, 12: 72
Bulbophyllum inconspicum Maximowicz [NotType] 1887, 31: 102
Pedicularis deltoidea Franchet ex Maximowicz [Isotype] 1888, 32: 604
Pedicularis verbenaefolia Franchet [Type] 1888, 32: 549
Pedicularis yunnanensis Franchet ex Maximowicz [Isotype] 1888, 32: 572
Pedicularis sigmoidea Franchet [Isotype] 1888, 32: 535
Oxalis obtriangulata Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1867, 12: 62
Abies holophylla Maximowicz [TypeMaterial] 1866, 10: 487
Abies bicolor Maximowicz [Isotype] 1866, ser. 3, 10: 488
Abies diversifolia Maximowicz [Isotype] 1868, 12: 229
Abies brachyphylla Maximowicz [Type] 1866, 10: 488
Pinus leucosperma Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1881, 27: 558
Pinus leucosperma Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1881, 27: 558
Pleuroplitis langsdorfii var. submutica Regel [Isosyntype] 1866, 10: 373
Polygonum suffultum Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1877, 22: 233
Dionysia rhaptodes Bunge [Isotype] 1871, 16: 562
Primula macrocarpa Maximowicz [Type] 1868, 12: 68
Anemone stolonifera Maximowicz [Type] 1877, 22: 225
Anemone stolonifera Maximowicz [Type] 1877, 22: 225
Clematis lasiandra Maximowicz [Type] 1877, 22: 213
Clematis brachyura Maximowicz [Isotype] 1877, 22. 221
Chaenomeles japonica var. pygmaea Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 19: 168
Chaenomeles japonica var. alpina Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1873, 19: 168
Potentilla centigrana Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 19: 163
Rubus sorbifolius Maximowicz [Type] 1871, 17: 158
Sanguisorba obtusa Maximowicz [Type] 1874, 19: 160
Sanguisorba obtusa Maximowicz [Type] 1874, 19: 160
Asperula platygalium Maximowicz [Type] 1874, 19: 284
Galium boreale var. japonicum Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1874, 19: 283
Meliosma oldhamii Maximowicz [Type] 1867, 12: 65
Meliosma tenuis Maximowicz [Type] 1867, 12: 64
Meliosma rhoifolia Maximowicz [Syntype] 1867, 12: 64
Meliosma rhoifolia Maximowicz [Syntype] 1867, 12: 64
Populus przewalskii Maximowicz [Syntype] 1881, 27: 540
Populus przewalskii Maximowicz [Syntype] 1881, 27: 540
Populus przewalskii Maximowicz [Syntype] 1881, 27: 540
Populus przewalskii Maximowicz [Syntype] 1881, 27: 540
Populus przewalskii Maximowicz [Syntype] 1881, 27: 540
Saxifraga unguipetala Engler & Irmscher [Type] 1883, ser. 3, 29: 115
Chrysosplenium album Maximowicz [Type] 1872, 17: 420
Schisandra nigra Maximowicz [Syntype] 1872, ser. 3, 17: 144
Veronica orbicularis Fischer ex Trautvetter [Type] 1866, 10: 397
Mimulus sessilifolius Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1874, 20: 436
Gratiola violacea Maximowicz [Type] 1875, 20: 440
Smilax stans Maximowicz [Isotype] 1872, 17: 170
Cynoctonum wilfordii Maximowicz [Isotype] 1877, 23: 369
Tilia miqueliana Maximowicz [Isotype] 1880, 26: 434
Valeriana flaccidissima Maximowicz [Type] 1868, 12: 228
Patrinia gibbosa Maximowicz [Type] 1868, 7: 67
Clerodendrum formosanum Maximowicz [Type] 1887, 31: 85
Premna formosana Maximowicz [Isotype] 1886, 31: 80
Premna formosana Maximowicz [Type] 1886, 31: 80
Premna glabra A. Gray ex Maximowicz [Isotype] 1887, 31: 80
Viola vaginata Maximowicz [Type] 1877, ser. 3, 23: 324
Myriophyllum spicatum var. muricatum Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1873, ser. 3, 19: 182
Disanthus cercidifolia Maximowicz [Isotype] 1866, 10: 486
Calamintha multicaulus Maximowicz [Type] 1875, 20: 466
Plectranthus longitubus var. contractus Maximowicz [Isotype] 1875, 20: 451
Perillula reptans Maximowicz [Isotype] 1875, 20: 463
Nepeta subsessilis Maximowicz [Type] 1875, 20: 469
Mosla formosana Maximowicz [Isotype] 1875, 20: 459
Tricyrtis latifolia Maximowicz [Isotype] 1867, 11: 435
Veratrum stamineum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1870, 15: 230
Polygonatum lasianthum Maximowicz [Isosyntype] 1884, 29: 209
Thuja japonica Maximowicz [Isolectotype] 1866, 10: 490
Isanthera discolor Maximowicz [Isotype] 1874, ser. 3, 19: 538
Ophiopogon spicatus var. minor Maximowicz [Isotype] 1870, 15: 85
Stellaria florida var. angustifolia Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 18: 386
Krascheninikovia heterantha Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 18: 376
Stellaria tomentosa Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, Ser. 3, 18: 381
Sium nipponicum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1873, 18: 286
Sanicula tuberculata Maximowicz [Isotype] 1867, 11(3): 431
Hypericum electrocarpum Maximowicz [Isotype] 1868, 12: 62
Elaeagnus longipes var. hortensis Maximowicz [Type] 1878, sér. 3, 15: 378
Elaeagnus longipes var. hortensis Maximowicz [Type] 1878, sér. 3, 15: 378
Elaeagnus longipes var. ovata Maximowicz [Type] 1878, sér. 3, 15: 378
Phellodendron japonicum Maximowicz [Lectotype] 1871, sér. 3, 16: 212