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Next page >Acanthaceae GH: 02527083 Dyschoriste serpyllifolia (Nees) Benoist : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4675
GH: 02527082 Dyschoriste serpyllifolia (Nees) Benoist : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6173
GH: 02527081 Dyschoriste serpyllifolia (Nees) Benoist : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3635
GH: 02527080 Dyschoriste serpyllifolia (Nees) Benoist : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4164
GH: 02527447 Echinacanthus sp. : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5438
GH: 00219457 Elytraria squamosa (Jacquin) Lindau Brazil: Goyaz: near Porto Real W. J. Burchell 8691 1829
GH: 00219458 Elytraria squamosa (Jacquin) Lindau Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8747-3
GH: 02527109 Glossochilus burchellii Nees : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2471
GH: 02527459 Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2987
GH: 02527145 Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4338
GH: 02527159 Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) R. Brown South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2182
GH: 02503169 Justicia burchellii C. B. Clarke : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4107
GH: 02527264 Justicia leptantha (Nees) T. Anderson : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1616
GH: 02527304 Justicia protracta (Nees) T. Anderson : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3300
GH: 02527303 Justicia protracta (Nees) T. Anderson : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2147
GH: 02527301 Justicia protracta (Nees) T. Anderson : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3364
GH: 02503169 Justicia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4107
GH: 02527351 Justicia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4110
GH: 02527325 Justicia thymifolia C. B. Clarke : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1702
GH: 02527494 Monechma namaense C. B. Clarke : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2072
GH: 02527497 Monechma nepetoides C. B. Clarke : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2149
GH: 02527543 Peristrophe caulopsila C. Presl : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3263
GH: 02527633 Ruellia pilosa Linnaeus f. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6212
GH: 02527707 Thunbergia capensis Retzius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4604
GH: 02527713 Thunbergia dregeana C. Presl : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3215
GH: 02527873 [None] : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4087
GH: [None] : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4087
Aizoaceae GH: 02434329 Aizoon sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1753
GH: 02434599 Drosanthemum sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 689
GH: 02434561 Erepsia sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 8165
GH: 02434361 Galenia africana Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6414
GH: 02434370 Galenia herniariifolia (C. Presl) Walpers South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2551
GH: 02434389 Galenia secunda (Linnaeus f.) Sonder : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3913
GH: 02434395 Galenia secunda (Linnaeus f.) Sonder South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1251
GH: 02434393 Galenia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02434397 Galenia sp. South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2594
GH: 02434396 Galenia sp. South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1741
GH: 02434395 Galenia sp. South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1251
GH: 02434394 Galenia sp. South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1613
GH: 02434411 Gisekia pharnaceoides Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1973
GH: 02434447 Limeum frutescens Dinter : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2656
GH: 02434446 Limeum frutescens Dinter : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2656
GH: 02434446 Limeum sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2656
GH: 02434519 Mesembryanthemum hispidum Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6406
GH: 02434556 Mesembryanthemum rigidum Haworth : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7162
GH: 02434561 Mesembryanthemum scabrum Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 8165
GH: 02434599 Mesembryanthemum sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 689
GH: 02434573 Mesembryanthemum umbellatum Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7500
GH: 02434607 Orygia decumbens Forsskål : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2054
GH: 02434556 Ruschia rigida Schwantes : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7162
GH: 02434573 Ruschia umbellata (Linnaeus) Schwantes : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7500
Apocynaceae GH: 01977609 Acokanthera oppositifolia (Lamarck) Codd South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Knysna: Near the Goukamma River. W. J. Burchell 5603
GH: 02178496 Aspidosperma darienense Woodson ex Dwyer Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9835
GH: 02114144 Carissa bispinosa (Linnaeus) Desfontaines ex Brenan : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3246-1
GH: 02114140 Carissa bispinosa (Linnaeus) Desfontaines ex Brenan : Africa (Region): Africae Australis Extratrop... W. J. Burchell
GH: 02115141 Condylocarpon isthmicum (Vellozo) A. de Candolle Brazil: Platarum Brasiliae Tropicae. W. J. Burchell 4246
GH: 02115846 Forsteronia leptocarpa (Hooker & Arnott) A. de Candolle Brazil: Plantarum Brasiliae Tropicae. W. J. Burchell 1906
GH: 02115844 Forsteronia leptocarpa (Hooker & Arnott) A. de Candolle Brazil: Plantarum Brasiliae Tropicae. W. J. Burchell 3257
GH: 02115902 Forsteronia rufa Müller Arg. Brazil: Plantarum Brasiliae Tropicae. W. J. Burchell 4784
GH: 02115901 Forsteronia rufa Müller Arg. Brazil: Plantarum Brasiliae Tropicae. W. J. Burchell 2713
GH: 02116030 Gonioma kamassi E. Meyer South Africa: [Information from det. label: near George, G... W. J. Burchell 6071
GH: 02379749 Mandevilla urophylla (Hooker f.) Woodson Brazil: Plantarum Brasiliae Tropicae. W. J. Burchell 2256
GH: 02381475 Pachypodium succulentum (Linnaeus f.) Sweet : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1662
GH: 02382682 Plumeria rubra Linnaeus Brazil: Plantarum Brasiliæ Tropi W. J. Burchell 10069
GH: 02375780 Tabernaemontana albiflora (Miquel) Pulle Brazil: Between San Joze [Jose] to Mr William's Roci... W. J. Burchell 9636 1829-9-6
GH: 02375780 Tabernaemontana flavicans Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Brazil: Between San Joze [Jose] to Mr William's Roci... W. J. Burchell 9636 1829-9-6
Arecaceae GH: 00135046 Allagoptera campestris (Martius) Kuntze Brazil: Minas Gerais [Rio Grande, between Lanhoso and Tejuco] W. J. Burchell 5750
GH: 00135046 Diplothemium campestre orbignyi Drude Brazil: Minas Gerais [Rio Grande, between Lanhoso and Tejuco] W. J. Burchell 5750
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00076776 Sattadia burchellii E. Fournier Brazil: W. J. Burchell 9023
GH: 00076854 Tassadia propinqua E. Fournier Brazil: W. J. Burchell 9900
Asparagaceae GH: 00029832 Asparagus microphyllus Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell
GH: 00029833 Asparagus microphyllus Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2572
GH: 00029834 Asparagus rivalis Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2587
Asteraceae GH: 00000824 Amellus scabridus de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: between Troetemelks Riv... W. J. Burchell 6815 1814-11-25
GH: 00002327 Arctotis virgata obtusifolia de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port Elizabeth: W. J. Burchell 4320 1813-12-11
GH: 00112861 Aspilia podophylla Baker Brazil: Goiás Near Boa Esperanca W. J. Burchell 9070 1829
GH: 00003846 Athanasia cuneiformis de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 6463
GH: 00354353 Athanasia rotundifolia de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 6509
GH: 00003920 Baccharis burchellii Baker Brazil: São Paulo ad marginem silvulae prope Morumbi W. J. Burchell 4471
GH: 00003946 Baccharis humilis Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker Brazil: Goiás Inter Diamantina et Veraba legitima W. J. Burchell 5758
GH: 00003982 Baccharis refracta Burchell ex Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4513
GH: 00004005 Baccharis stenocephala Baker Brazil: São Paulo W. J. Burchell 4438
GH: 00004308 Brachylaena dentata de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Toovertwater Poort W. J. Burchell 3400 1813-7-8
GH: 00421814 Calea ferruginea Baker Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6809
GH: 00257660 Chresta scapigera (Lessing) Gardner Brazil: W. J. Burchell 758A
GH: 00273180 Chresta sphaerocephala de Candolle Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5123
GH: 01154370 Chrysanthemum sp. South Africa: [Cap. Bonae-Spei inter urbem et Zachrivier] W. J. Burchell 1337
GH: 00004856 Cineraria arctotidea de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sutherland: W. J. Burchell 1368 1811-8-10
GH: 00004857 Cineraria geraniifolia oligocephala de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset: Bruintjes Hoogte W. J. Burchell 3087 1813-5-20
GH: 00263457 Commidendrum robustum (Roxburgh) de Candolle : Saint Helena: W. J. Burchell
GH: 00263458 Commidendrum robustum gummiferum (Roxburgh) Cronk : Saint Helena: W. J. Burchell
GH: 00263459 Commidendrum rotundifolium (Hooker f.) de Candolle : Saint Helena: W. J. Burchell
GH: 00263461 Commidendrum spurium de Candolle : Saint Helena: W. J. Burchell
GH: 00006227 Cotula ceniaefolia A. de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: W. J. Burchell 4225 1813-12
GH: 00006229 Cotula microcephala de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: plains north of the Mashowing ... W. J. Burchell 2323 1812-10-1
GH: 00006230 Cotula villosa A. de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Between Trout River and Duyker River, Mossel... W. J. Burchell 6355 1814-11-2
GH: 00006319 Cullumia carlinoides de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Mossel Bay: W. J. Burchell 6299 1814-10-26
GH: 00006320 Cullumia decurrens brevifolia de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port Elizabeth: Near Burying Ground W. J. Burchell 4301 1813-12-11
GH: 00006322 Cullumia pauciflora de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: near Troetemelks River W. J. Burchell 6651 1814-11-17
GH: 00006324 Cullumia sublanata de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: between Little Vette Ri... W. J. Burchell 6876 1814-11-28
GH: 00010836 Dimerostemma lippioides S. F. Blake Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4900
GH: 00010844 Dimerostemma vestitum S. F. Blake Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6815
GH: 00549888 Dimorphotheca sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province [protologue: "Griqualand West, Kalahari Regi... W. J. Burchell 1670 1811-9-25
GH: 00006497 Eclopes apiculata pubescens de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Knysna: Plettenbergs Bay W. J. Burchell 5321 1814-4-14
GH: 00006498 Eclopes styphelioides de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: On Van Stadens Berg, nearest to G... W. J. Burchell 4697 1814-2-14
GH: 00549710 Elvira sp. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro ["Porto Real"] W. J. Burchell 8679-6
GH: 00006535 Elytropappus glandulosus longifolius de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Donker Hoek Mtn. W. J. Burchell 7965 1815-3-9
GH: 00273142 Eremanthus glomerulatus Lessing Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5379
GH: 00273157 Eremanthus goyazensis Schultz Bipontinus Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7156
GH: 00273142 Eremanthus mattogrossensis Kuntze Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5379
GH: 00257660 Eremanthus scapigerus (de Candolle) Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 758A
GH: 00273180 Eremanthus sphaerocephalus (de Candolle) Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5123
GH: 00006951 Eriocephalus africanus Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset: By Little Fish River, by "Otter St... W. J. Burchell 3270 1813-6-30
GH: 00006947 Eriocephalus purpureus Burchell ex Don South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Ceres: Between Little Doorn River and Great ... W. J. Burchell 1211 1811-7-15
GH: 00006949 Eriocephalus spinescens Burchell South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Fraserburg: Between Karree River and Klein Q... W. J. Burchell 1419 1811-8-24
GH: 00007007 Eriosphaera apiculata de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: on Kampsche Berg. W. J. Burchell 7091 1814-12-9
GH: 00007512 Eupatorium alternifolium burchelii Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4699
GH: 00007568 Eupatorium burchellii Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6782
GH: 00254925 Eupatorium dentatum Gardner Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5180
GH: 00257092 Eupatorium kleinioides lasiolepis B. L. Robinson Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6885
GH: 00007512 Eupatorium lanigerum burchellii (Baker ex Martius) B. L. Robinson Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4699
GH: 00244067 Eupatorium pinnatipartitum Schultz Bipontinus Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5797
GH: 00008082 Euryops empetrifolius de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Sutherland: Between Kuilenberg and Great Rie... W. J. Burchell 1349 1811-8-9
GH: 00008083 Euryops longipes de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Tsoetemelks Valley W. J. Burchell 7671 1815-2-13
GH: 00008084 Euryops oligoglossus de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Graaff Reinet: Wagenspad Berg, on the south ... W. J. Burchell 2826 1813-3-29
GH: 00008085 Euryops spathaceus de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Graaff Reinet: Descent of Voor Sneeuw Berg W. J. Burchell 2839 1813-3-29
GH: 00008087 Euryops strictus de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam Division: Near Breede River. W. J. Burchell 7476 1814-1-26
GH: 00008105 Felicia paralia de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bathurst: Mouth of Great Fish River, west si... W. J. Burchell 3733 1813-9-27
GH: 00008106 Felicia retorta de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Mtn. of Baviaans Kloof, near Genade... W. J. Burchell 7793 1815-2-16
GH: 01154370 Foveolina burchellii (de Candolle) Magee South Africa: [Cap. Bonae-Spei inter urbem et Zachrivier] W. J. Burchell 1337
GH: 00008254 Gazania burchellii de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: near sources of Kuruman River,... W. J. Burchell 2500 1812-12-14
GH: 00008256 Gazania leucolaena de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Mossel Bay: W. J. Burchell 6253 1814-10-19
GH: 00008258 Gazania subulata heterophylla de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bathurst: At Reit Fontein and vicinity betwe... W. J. Burchell 3977 1813-10-3
GH: 00008274 Gerbera ferruginea de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George: Near west end of Lange Vallei. W. J. Burchell 5701 1814-8-18
GH: 00008279 Gerbera tomentosa de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Top of mountains of Genandendal. W. J. Burchell 7687 1815-2-16
GH: 00008856 Helichrysum argyrosphaerum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: Bank of Mashowing River, betwe... W. J. Burchell 2285 1812-9-29
GH: 00008860 Helichrysum cerastoides de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: Pellat Plains. W. J. Burchell 2225-1 1812-8-9
GH: 00008861 Helichrysum cochleariforme de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Mossel Bay: Dry channel of arm of Gouritz Ri... W. J. Burchell 6491 1814-11-6
GH: 00008866 Helichrysum felinum elongatum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George: W. J. Burchell 6055 1814-9-29
GH: 00008867 Helichrysum felinum paniculatum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: By rivulet between Maitland River... W. J. Burchell 4626 1814-2-7
GH: 00008865 Helichrysum felinum congestum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George: Near west end of Lange Vallei. W. J. Burchell 5707 1814-8-18
GH: 00008870 Helichrysum herniarioides de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Carnarvon: Between Carnarvon (Schiet Fontein... W. J. Burchell 1582 1811-9-10
GH: 00008876 Helichrysum leontonyx de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Fraserburg: Between Klein Quaggas Fontein an... W. J. Burchell 1444 1811-8-28
GH: 00008889 Helichrysum oxyphyllum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: On Van Stadens Berg, nearest to G... W. J. Burchell 4733 1814-2-14
GH: 00008890 Helichrysum paronychioides de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: Pellat Plains. W. J. Burchell 2234 1812-8-10
GH: 00008891 Helichrysum pedunculare de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: dry hills near Spiegel ... W. J. Burchell 7201 1814-12-24
GH: 00008894 Helichrysum ramulosum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam Division: In and near Hessaquas K... W. J. Burchell 7530 1815-1-28
GH: 00008895 Helichrysum spiciforme de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: Pellat Plains. W. J. Burchell 2247 1812-8-10
GH: 00008896 Helichrysum subglomeratum imbricatum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Along rivulet at Grahamstown W. J. Burchell 3534 1813-8-27
GH: 00008928 Helipterum canescens obtusifolium de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Donker Hoek Mtn. W. J. Burchell 7964 1815-3-9
GH: 00008929 Helipterum canescens obtusifolium de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Donker Hoek Mtn. W. J. Burchell 7964 1815-3-9
GH: 00008930 Helipterum canescens obtusifolium de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Mtn. of Baviaans Kloof, near Genade... W. J. Burchell 7657 1815-2-15
GH: 00009227 Hippia hirsuta de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: about the waterfall at ... W. J. Burchell 6981 1814-12-2
GH: 00009228 Hippia trilobata Hutchinson South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: Kampsche Berg. W. J. Burchell 7092 1814-12-9
GH: 00139880 Isostigma peucedanifolium (Sprengel) Lessing Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5259
GH: 00009649 Leptothamnus ciliaris de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: near sources of Kuruman River ... W. J. Burchell 2512 1812-12-14
GH: 00009701 Leysera tenella subcanescens de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Mossel Bay: Dry channel arm of Gouritz River... W. J. Burchell 6466 1814-11-6
GH: 00009700 Leysera tenella glabriuscula de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Ceres: Near Yuk River W. J. Burchell 1244 1811-7-19
GH: 00010004 Mairia burchellii de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Stellenbosch: W. J. Burchell 8200 1815-3-25
GH: 00010255 Mikania brunnescens B. L. Robinson Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4774
GH: 00010514 Mikania capensis de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Blue Krantz W. J. Burchell 3674 1813-9-19
GH: 00010370 Mikania leptotricha Baker Brazil: São Paulo Jundiahy W. J. Burchell 4913 1875-4
GH: 00010687 Nestlera conferta de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Carnarvon: W. J. Burchell 1588 1811-9-11
GH: 00010688 Nestlera tenuifolia de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division, hills near Troetemelks ... W. J. Burchell 6760 1814-11-21
GH: 00010698 Nidorella amplexicaulis de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division, By rivulet in Garcias P... W. J. Burchell 7135 1814-12-13
GH: 00010699 Nidorella hottentotica de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland, Between source of Kuruman Rive... W. J. Burchell 2528 1812-12-20
GH: 00010700 Nidorella punctulata de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand West (Hay Division), Asbestos Mou... W. J. Burchell 1677 1811-9-25
GH: 00010702 Nidorella punctulata de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand (Hay Division), Asbestos Mountain... W. J. Burchell 2061 1812-2-16
GH: 00010701 Nidorella punctulata de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand (Hay Division), Asbestos Mountain... W. J. Burchell 2061 1812-2-16
GH: 00010718 Oedera laevis de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division, between Little Vette Ri... W. J. Burchell 6870 1814-11-28
GH: 00254925 Ophryosporus burchellii Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5180
GH: 00010796 Osteospermum burchellii de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George: On Cradock Berg, near George W. J. Burchell 5941 1814-9-12
GH: 00010797 Osteospermum ciliatum laevicaule de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Division, Camps Bay W. J. Burchell 374 1810-12-27
GH: 00549888 Osteospermum tripinnatum Bolus South Africa: Northern Cape Province [protologue: "Griqualand West, Kalahari Regi... W. J. Burchell 1670 1811-9-25
GH: 00010836 Oyedaea lippioides Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4900
GH: 00010844 Oyedaea vestita Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6815
GH: 00589301 Pectis burchellii Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 9058
GH: 00014293 Pentzia burchellii (de Candolle) Fenzl ex Harvey South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uniondale: [Kloof between Avontuur and sourc... W. J. Burchell 5048 1814-3-18
GH: 00014293 Pentzia dentata (Linnaeus) Kuntze South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uniondale: [Kloof between Avontuur and sourc... W. J. Burchell 5048 1814-3-18
GH: 00011013 Pentzia nana Burchell South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand (Herbert Division), right bank of... W. J. Burchell 1731 1811-10-28
GH: 00011212 Petalacte canescens de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam Division, mountains near Swellend... W. J. Burchell 7310 1815-1-14
GH: 00011218 Peyrousea calycina de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George Division, near west end of Lange Vall... W. J. Burchell 5710 1814-8-18
GH: 00011219 Peyrousea oxylepis de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Knysna: On Paarde Berg W. J. Burchell 5185 1814-3-27
GH: 00011218 Peyrousea umbellata (Linnaeus f.) Fourcade South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George Division, near west end of Lange Vall... W. J. Burchell 5710 1814-8-18
GH: 00011219 Peyrousea umbellata (Linnaeus f.) Fourcade South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Knysna: On Paarde Berg W. J. Burchell 5185 1814-3-27
GH: 00011265 Piptocarpha oblonga lepidota (Schultz Bipontinus) G. L. Smith Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3311
GH: 00011265 Piptocarpha oblonga oligocephala Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3311
GH: 00011510 Pteronia acuminata de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Carnarvon: Karel Krieger's Grave (between th... W. J. Burchell 1587 1811-9-11
GH: 00011511 Pteronia aspalatha de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Fraserburg: Between Karree River and Klein Q... W. J. Burchell 1427 1811-8-24
GH: 00011512 Pteronia cylindracea de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Carnarvon: Buffels Bout W. J. Burchell 1603 1811-9-12
GH: 00011513 Pteronia erythrochaeta de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Fraserburg: Between Karree River and Klein Q... W. J. Burchell 1403 1811-8-24
GH: 00011517 Pterothrix spinescens de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand (Hay Division), Griqua Town W. J. Burchell 1845 1811-12-1
GH: 00011530 Pulicaria erigeroides de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand (Hay Division), Griqua Town W. J. Burchell 1949 1811-12-13
GH: 00257660 Pycnocephalum (Lessing) de Candolle Brazil: W. J. Burchell 758A
GH: 00011825 Schistostephium crataegifolium (de Candolle) Fenzl ex Harvey South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Between Grahamstown and Blue Krantz W. J. Burchell 3619 1813-9-8
GH: 00549502 Senecio burchellii de Candolle Botswana: [On the banks of the river Moshowa, between ... W. J. Burchell 2283 1812-9-29
GH: 00549502 Senecio madagascariensis Poiret Botswana: [On the banks of the river Moshowa, between ... W. J. Burchell 2283 1812-9-29
GH: 00012343 Seriphium flavescens de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Between Houw Hoek Mountains and Pal... W. J. Burchell 8166 1815-3-21
GH: 00012347 Seriphium phleoides de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uniondale: Kloof between Avontuur and source... W. J. Burchell 5052 1814-3-18
GH: 00012348 Seriphium phyllostachyum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uniondale: Keurbooms River, between Nuakamma... W. J. Burchell 5131 1814-3-24
GH: 00012349 Seriphium plumosum canescens de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uniondale: Kloof at Aapies River W. J. Burchell 4947 1814-3-13
GH: 00012350 Seriphium plumosum canescens de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Between Houw Hoek Mountains and Pal... W. J. Burchell 8160 1815-3-21
GH: 00012657 Staurochlamys burchellii Baker Brazil: Rio de Janeiro ["Porto Real"] W. J. Burchell 8679-6
GH: 00549710 Staurochlamys burchellii Baker Brazil: Rio de Janeiro ["Porto Real"] W. J. Burchell 8679-6
GH: 00012929 Stilpnophyton oocephalum de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam Division, on dry hills near Breed... W. J. Burchell 7462 1815-1-26
GH: 00244067 Stomatanthes pinnatipartitus (Baker) H. Robinson Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5797
GH: 00012943 Symphyopappus polystachyus microcephala Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3876
GH: 01154370 Tanacetum burchellii de Candolle South Africa: [Cap. Bonae-Spei inter urbem et Zachrivier] W. J. Burchell 1337
GH: 00011825 Tanacetum crataegifolium de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: Between Grahamstown and Blue Krantz W. J. Burchell 3619 1813-9-8
GH: 00013023 Tarchonanthus angustissimus de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Philipstown: On Table Mountain, near Horse's... W. J. Burchell 2691 1813-3-5
GH: 00013024 Tarchonanthus obovatus de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand (Hay Division), Klip Fontein W. J. Burchell 2155 1812-6-19
GH: 00010004 Zyrphelis burchellii (de Candolle) Kuntze South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Stellenbosch: W. J. Burchell 8200 1815-3-25
Bignoniaceae GH: 00217455 Rhigozum brevispinosum Kuntze Botswana: On the rocks at Chue Spring W. J. Burchell 2398/1
GH: 00217455 Rhigozum spinosum Burchell ex Sprague Botswana: On the rocks at Chue Spring W. J. Burchell 2398/1
Boraginaceae GH: 00097616 Heliotropium elongatum burchellii I. M. Johnston Brazil: Goiás Inter Conceicao et Natividade, headwaters To... W. J. Burchell 8191
GH: 00097802 Heliotropium nelsoni C. H. Wright South Africa: Plantarum Africae Australis Extratropicae [p... W. J. Burchell 1766
GH: 00097493 Lithospermum affine de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2703
GH: 00097496 Lithospermum cinereum de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2836
GH: 00097495 Lithospermum cinereum de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 1867
GH: 00097496 Lithospermum inornatum de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2836
GH: 00097493 Lithospermum scabrum Thunberg South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2703
Brassicaceae GH: 02454503 Alyssum glomeratum Burch. ex DC. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1363
GH: 02454622 Brassica retrorsa (Burchell ex de Candolle) Thellung ex Schinz : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6409
GH: 02454647 Cardamine africana Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6043
GH: 02454993 Coronopus integrifolius de Candolle ex Sprengel : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell 124
GH: 02454992 Coronopus integrifolius de Candolle ex Sprengel : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6465
GH: 02454714 Descurainia sp. : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell
GH: 02454867 Heliophila chamaemelifolia Burchell : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1226
GH: 02454886 Heliophila linearifolia Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 347
GH: 02454885 Heliophila linearifolia Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5518
GH: 02454890 Heliophila macrosperma Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3425
GH: 02454894 Heliophila pectinata Burchell : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1362
GH: 02454905 Heliophila rivalis Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5496
GH: 02454908 Heliophila scoparia Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8557
GH: 02454917 Heliophila seselifolia Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1391
GH: 02454936 Heliophila sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3933
GH: 02454882 Heliophila sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1689
GH: 00934153 Heliophila sp. South Africa: Africae Australis W. J. Burchell 4804
GH: 02454920 Heliophila stylosa Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3291
GH: 02454927 Heliophila suavissima Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2742
GH: 02454921 Heliophila suavissima Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2742
GH: 02454932 Heliophila trifurca Burchell ex de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1487
GH: 02454993 Lepidium englerianum (Muschler) Al-Shehbaz : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell 124
GH: 02454992 Lepidium englerianum (Muschler) Al-Shehbaz : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6465
GH: 02451019 Lepidium ruderale Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 137
GH: 02451011 Lepidium sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2884
GH: 02451096 Matthiola torulosa (Thunberg) de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1580
GH: 02451095 Matthiola torulosa (Thunberg) de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6481
GH: 02451237 Sisymbrium burchellii de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2080
GH: 00062506 Sisymbrium burchellii de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 1496
GH: 02451243 Sisymbrium capense Thunberg : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1370
Bromeliaceae GH: 02015873 Streptocalyx floribundus (Martius ex Schultes f.) Mez Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 70 A
Bruniaceae GH: 02451391 Berzelia abrotanoides (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 211
GH: 02451398 Berzelia callunoides Oliver : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7348
GH: 02451404 Berzelia commutata Sonder : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3703
GH: 02451403 Berzelia commutata Sonder : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 4402
GH: 02451421 Berzelia lanuginosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 8175
GH: 02451420 Berzelia lanuginosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7030
GH: 02451419 Berzelia lanuginosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6558
GH: 02451432 Berzelia sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7029
GH: 02451431 Berzelia sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7768
GH: 02451430 Berzelia sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 711
GH: 02451459 Brunia nodiflora Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 401
GH: 02451457 Brunia nodiflora Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6863
GH: 02451448 Brunia racemosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6112
GH: 02451445 Brunia racemosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7033
GH: 02451444 Brunia racemosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5068
GH: 02451446 Brunia racemosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5954
GH: 02451517 Brunia teres Oliver South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape, Baviaan's Kloof at Genadendal W. J. Burchell 7700
GH: 02451455 Brunia virgata Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7363
GH: 02451477 Linconia alopecuroidea Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7316
GH: 02451509 Nebelia paleacea (P. J. Bergius) Sweet : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7680
GH: 02451508 Nebelia paleacea (P. J. Bergius) Sweet : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7675
GH: 02451517 Pseudobaeckea teres (Oliver) Dummer South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape, Baviaan's Kloof at Genadendal W. J. Burchell 7700
GH: 02451518 Raspalia dregeana (Sonder) Niedenzu : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 8216
GH: 02451525 Raspalia microphylla (Thunberg) Brongniart : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell
GH: 02451535 Raspalia sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 8102
GH: 02451542 Staavia globosa (Thunberg) Sonder : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7634
GH: 02451547 Staavia glutinosa (P. J. Bergius) Dahl : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 528
GH: 02451570 Staavia radiata (Linnaeus) Dahl : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 825
GH: 02451562 Staavia radiata (Linnaeus) Dahl : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 529
GH: 02451563 Staavia radiata (Linnaeus) Dahl : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 193
GH: 02451585 Thamnea depressa Oliver South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Caledon Div.: Genadendal, Baviaan's... W. J. Burchell 7678 1815-2
GH: 02451587 Thamnea gracilis Oliver South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: mts. nearest Swellendam W. J. Burchell 7342 1815-1
GH: 02451588 Thamnea hirtella Oliver South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Tulbagh Div.: Witzenberg W. J. Burchell 8685
GH: 02451590 Thamnea uniflora (Linnaeus) Solander ex Brongniart South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon Div: Sir Lowry's Pass W. J. Burchell 8274 1815-3
GH: 02451590 Tittmannia laevis Pillans South Africa: Western Cape Province Caledon Div: Sir Lowry's Pass W. J. Burchell 8274 1815-3
Burseraceae A: 01247981 Commiphora leptophloeos (Martius) J. B. Gillett Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7970
Byttneriaceae GH: 00286851 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1989
GH: 00286852 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3514
GH: 00286848 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1384
GH: 00286847 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2908
GH: 00286849 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1024
GH: 00286850 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2035
GH: 00286846 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3038
GH: 00286845 Hermannia Linnaeus South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2882
GH: 00062850 Hermannia bryoniaefolia Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2141
GH: 00286849 Hermannia cuneifolia Jacquin South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1024
GH: 00286848 Hermannia cuneifolia Jacquin South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1384
GH: 00286846 Hermannia flammea Jacquin South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3038
GH: 00286847 Hermannia gracilis Ecklon & Zeyher South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2908
GH: 00286852 Hermannia harveyi K. Schumann South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3514
GH: 00062851 Hermannia melochioides Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2957
GH: 00254015 Melhania burchellii de Candolle South Africa: [ad cap. Bonae-Spei (Cape of Good Hope)] W. J. Burchell 2417
GH: 00251374 Melhania griquensis Bolus South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3050
GH: 00251375 Melhania prostrata de Candolle South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2153
GH: 00251374 Melhania rehmannii Szyszylowicz South Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3050
Cactaceae GH: 01677667 Pereskia aculeata Miller Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2858
GH: 01677966 Rhipsalis sp. Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3691
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00061153 Bauhinia dubia G. Don Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8398
GH: 00061153 Bauhinia nitida Bentham Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8398
GH: 00062814 Bauhinia platypetala Burchell ex Bentham Brazil: Porto Real W. J. Burchell 8563
GH: 00062815 Bauhinia smilacifolia Burchell ex Bentham Brazil: Cavalcante, Conceicao W. J. Burchell 8076
GH: 00061153 Bauhinia sp. Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8398
GH: 00062815 Bauhinia sp. Brazil: Cavalcante, Conceicao W. J. Burchell 8076
GH: 00061155 Bauhinia sp. Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8000
GH: 00061155 Bauhinia tenella Bentham Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8000
GH: 00053961 Cassia cinerascens Vogel Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5756
GH: 00053959 Cassia curvifolia Vogel Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7690
GH: 00053959 Cassia curvifolia mollissima Bentham Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7690
GH: 00053282 Cassia langsdorffii longipedicellata H. S. Irwin Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8679-19
GH: 00053282 Cassia sp. Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8679-19
GH: 00053282 Cassia uniflora Sprengel Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8679-19
GH: 00053961 Chamaecrista cardiostegia H. S. Irwin & Barneby Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5756
GH: 00053282 Chamaecrista desvauxii desvauxii Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8679-19
GH: 02504931 Chamaecrista mimosoides (Linnaeus) Green : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4034
GH: 02504930 Chamaecrista mimosoides (Linnaeus) Green : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2503
GH: 00053959 Chamaecrista ramosa (Vogel) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7690
GH: 00003047 Hoffmannseggia burchellii de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: Chooi Desert between Desert St... W. J. Burchell 2345 1812-10-3
GH: 00003047 Melanosticta burchellii de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bechuanaland: Chooi Desert between Desert St... W. J. Burchell 2345 1812-10-3
GH: 02321100 Schotia latifolia Jacq. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4332
GH: 02321096 Schotia latifolia Jacq. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3404
GH: 02321112 Schotia speciosa Jacquin : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4425
GH: 02321113 Schotia speciosa Jacquin : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3883
GH: 02321111 Schotia speciosa Jacquin : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2964
GH: 02321153 Tylosema esculentum (Burch.) A.Schreib. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2414
Campanulaceae GH: 02451649 Cyphia bulbosa (Linnaeus) P. J. Bergius : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 8488
GH: 02451650 Cyphia bulbosa (Linnaeus) P. J. Bergius : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 8531
GH: 02451662 Cyphia dentariifolia C. Presl : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 6105
GH: 02451677 Cyphia phyteuma (Linnaeus) Willdenow : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 6681
GH: 02451692 Cyphia sp. : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 3338
GH: 02451700 Grammatotheca erinoides (Linnaeus) Sonder : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 680
GH: 02450038 Microcodon glomeratus A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 189
GH: 02450051 Monopsis lutea (L.) Urb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 89
GH: 02450057 Monopsis scabra (Thunb.) Urb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7247
GH: 02450058 Monopsis scabra (Thunb.) Urb. : Africa: [data not captured] W. J. Burchell 4864
GH: 02450056 Monopsis scabra (Thunb.) Urb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3704
GH: 02450055 Monopsis scabra (Thunb.) Urb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5084
GH: 02450053 Monopsis scabra (Thunb.) Urb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3971
GH: 02450063 Monopsis sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 186A
GH: 02450060 Monopsis sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 796
GH: 02450063 Parastranthus thermalis (Thunb.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 186A
GH: 02450080 Prismatocarpus brevilobus A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7919
GH: 02450079 Prismatocarpus brevilobus A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7807
GH: 02450072 Prismatocarpus brevilobus A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9290
GH: 02450084 Prismatocarpus campanuloides (L.) Sond. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4529
GH: 02450079 Prismatocarpus diffusus (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7807
GH: 02450072 Prismatocarpus diffusus (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9290
GH: 02450090 Prismatocarpus nitidus L'Heritier : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 615
GH: 02450106 Prismatocarpus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7686B
GH: 02450104 Prismatocarpus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7735
GH: 02450103 Prismatocarpus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7665
GH: 02450097 Prismatocarpus subulatus (Thunb.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 785
GH: 02450095 Prismatocarpus subulatus (Thunb.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7596
GH: 02451798 Rapuntium anceps (L.f.) C.Presl : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6814
GH: 02450112 Roella ciliata L. : Africa: [no data available] W. J. Burchell 7884
GH: 02450119 Roella incurva Banks ex A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7957
GH: 02450122 Roella muscosa L.f. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 636
GH: 02450129 Roella secunda H.Buek : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4481
GH: 02450128 Roella secunda H.Buek : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7983
GH: 02450131 Roella spicata burchellii R. S. Adamson : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6849
GH: 02450139 Siphocodon spartioides Turcz. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7832
GH: 02450137 Siphocodon spartioides Turcz. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8138
GH: 02450152 Wahlenbergia androsacea A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2273
GH: 02450153 Wahlenbergia angustifolia (Roxb.) A.DC. : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02450190 Wahlenbergia exilis A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7278
GH: 02450193 Wahlenbergia linifolia (Roxb.) A.DC. : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02450212 Wahlenbergia procumbens (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6489B
GH: 02450213 Wahlenbergia procumbens (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4559
GH: 02450215 Wahlenbergia procumbens (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 508-1
GH: 02450209 Wahlenbergia procumbens (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 361
GH: 02450210 Wahlenbergia procumbens (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 355
GH: 02450219 Wahlenbergia roxburghii A.DC. : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02450267 Wahlenbergia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4796
GH: 02450229 Wahlenbergia undulata (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1920
GH: 02450230 Wahlenbergia undulata (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2321
GH: 02450228 Wahlenbergia undulata (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2423
GH: 02450226 Wahlenbergia undulata (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3617
GH: 02450227 Wahlenbergia undulata (L.f.) A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4889
GH: 02450271 [None] : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7341
GH: [None] : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7341
Caryophyllaceae GH: 02434337 Corrigiola litoralis Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6461
Celastraceae GH: 00549340 Cassine burchellii Loesener South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5769
GH: 02452837 Cassine eucleiformis (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) Kuntze South Africa: Western Cape Province Knysna Div.: Knysna W. J. Burchell 5528
GH: 02452838 Cassine maritima (Bolus) L. Bolus South Africa: Western Cape Province Plettenberg Bay W. J. Burchell 5320
GH: 02452838 Cassine maritima (Bolus) L. Bolus South Africa: Western Cape Province Plettenberg Bay W. J. Burchell 5320
GH: 00549340 Cassine parvifolia Sonder South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5769
GH: 02452303 Cassine peragua Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5572
GH: 02452313 Cassine peragua Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Grahamstown W. J. Burchell 3568
GH: 02452709 Cassine sphaerophylla (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) Kuntze South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov: Knysna W. J. Burchell 5624
GH: 02452710 Cassine velutina (Harvey) Loesener ex Davison South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Knysna W. J. Burchell 5219
GH: 00050098 Cheiloclinium cognatum (Miers) A. C. Smith Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6382
GH: 00050097 Cheiloclinium cognatum (Miers) A. C. Smith Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7410
GH: 02452705 Elaeodendron aethiopicum (Thunberg) Oliver South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset East: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3188
GH: 02452303 Elaeodendron capense C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5572
A: 02452325 Elaeodendron croceum (Thunberg) de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratrpica W. J. Burchell 6050
GH: 02452323 Elaeodendron croceum (Thunberg) de Candolle : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5237
GH: 02452324 Elaeodendron croceum (Thunberg) de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George: George W. J. Burchell 5715
GH: 02452601 Gymnosporia acuminata (Linnaeus f.) Szyszylowicz South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: west of Grahamstown. Africa Australi... W. J. Burchell 3567
GH: 02452353 Gymnosporia buxifolia (Linnaeus) Szyszylowicz : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2854
GH: 02452361 Gymnosporia elliptica (Thunberg) Schönland : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica. Uiten... W. J. Burchell 4277
GH: 02452647 Gymnosporia laurina (Thunberg) Szyszylowicz South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Humansdorp: Lange Kloof. Africa Australis Ex... W. J. Burchell 4921
GH: 02452645 Gymnosporia laurina (Thunberg) Szyszylowicz South Africa: Western Cape Province kloof near Tulbagh. Africa Australis Extratr... W. J. Burchell 1020
GH: 02452371 Gymnosporia linearis (Linnaeus f.) Loesener : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 2883
GH: 02452370 Gymnosporia linearis (Linnaeus f.) Loesener South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Africa Australis Extratropica. Graaf-Reinet ... W. J. Burchell 2872
GH: 02452384 Gymnosporia nemorosa (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) Szyszylowicz South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Knysna: Knysna. Africa Australis Extratropic... W. J. Burchell 5526
GH: 02452382 Gymnosporia nemorosa (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) Szyszylowicz South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Grahamstown W. J. Burchell 3593
GH: 02452630 Gymnosporia peduncularis (Sonder) Loesener South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Bathurst Div.: Blaauwkrantz. Africa Australi... W. J. Burchell 3671
GH: 02452629 Gymnosporia peduncularis (Sonder) Loesener South Africa: Western Cape Province Knysna Div.: Knysna. Africa Australis Extrat... W. J. Burchell 5397
GH: 02452633 Gymnosporia procumbens (Linnaeus f.) Loesener : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5545
GH: 02452475 Hartogia capensis Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7225
GH: 02452474 Hartogia capensis Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6970
GH: 02452608 Maytenus acuminata (Linnaeus f.) Loesener : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell
GH: 02452601 Maytenus acuminata (Linnaeus f.) Loesener South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: west of Grahamstown. Africa Australi... W. J. Burchell 3567
GH: 02452626 Maytenus ilicina (Burchell) Loesener South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Prov.: Griqualand West, Abestos Mts. W. J. Burchell 1663
GH: 02452625 Maytenus monococca (E. Y. Davison) Loesener : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell
GH: 02452647 Maytenus oleoides (Lamarck) Loesener South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Humansdorp: Lange Kloof. Africa Australis Ex... W. J. Burchell 4921
GH: 02452645 Maytenus oleoides (Lamarck) Loesener South Africa: Western Cape Province kloof near Tulbagh. Africa Australis Extratr... W. J. Burchell 1020
GH: 02452630 Maytenus peduncularis (Sonder) Loesener South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Bathurst Div.: Blaauwkrantz. Africa Australi... W. J. Burchell 3671
GH: 02452629 Maytenus peduncularis (Sonder) Loesener South Africa: Western Cape Province Knysna Div.: Knysna. Africa Australis Extrat... W. J. Burchell 5397
GH: 02452633 Maytenus procumbens (Linnaeus f.) Loesener : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5545
GH: 02452710 Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunberg) Loesener South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Knysna W. J. Burchell 5219
GH: 02452709 Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunberg) Loesener South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov: Knysna W. J. Burchell 5624
GH: 02452704 Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunberg) Loesener South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset East: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3172
GH: 02452705 Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunberg) Loesener South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset East: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3188
GH: 02452704 Mystroxylon confertiflorum Tulasne South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset East: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3172
GH: 02452735 Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunberg) Walpers : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7234
GH: 02452736 Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunberg) Walpers : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 7433
GH: 02452734 Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunberg) Walpers South Africa: Western Cape Province Riversdale Div: Garcia's Pass W. J. Burchell 7433
GH: 02452756 Pterocelastrus sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 5544
GH: 02452748 Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus (Lamarck) Walpers South Africa: Cape Prov: Somerset. Africa Australis Extrat... W. J. Burchell 3314
GH: 02452759 Pterocelastrus variabilis Sonder : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 6191
GH: 02452758 Pterocelastrus variabilis Sonder : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3569
GH: 02452774 Putterlickia pyracantha (Linnaeus) Endlicher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Campsbay W. J. Burchell 301
GH: 02452783 Putterlickia saxatilis (Burchell) Jordaan South Africa: Northern Cape Province Griqualand West, Asbestos Mts W. J. Burchell 1671
GH: 02452837 Robsonodendron maritimum (Bolus) R. H. Archer South Africa: Western Cape Province Knysna Div.: Knysna W. J. Burchell 5528
GH: 02452838 Robsonodendron maritimum (Bolus) R. H. Archer South Africa: Western Cape Province Plettenberg Bay W. J. Burchell 5320
GH: 02452838 Robsonodendron maritimum (Bolus) R. H. Archer South Africa: Western Cape Province Plettenberg Bay W. J. Burchell 5320
Clusiaceae GH: 00026864 Clusia burchellii Engler Brazil: Goiás [Prope San José] W. J. Burchell 7629
GH: 01155549 Kielmeyera humifusa A. St.-Hilaire Brazil: Plantarum Brasiliae Tropicae W. J. Burchell 5740
Commelinaceae GH: 00415446 Aneilema gardneri Seubert Brazil: Brasiliae Tropicae W. J. Burchell 8165
GH: 00415446 Aneilema gardneri burchellii C. B. Clarke Brazil: Brasiliae Tropicae W. J. Burchell 8165
GH: 00415446 Murdannia gardneri G. Brückner Brazil: Brasiliae Tropicae W. J. Burchell 8165
Connaraceae GH: 00043572 Rourea ligulata Baker Brazil: W. J. Burchell 9981
Convolvulaceae GH: 00054277 Bonamia agrostopolis (Vellozo) Hallier Brazil: W. J. Burchell 2778
GH: 00054277 Breweria burchellii Choisy Brazil: W. J. Burchell 2778
GH: 00054438 Evolvulus aurigenius Martius Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7121
GH: 00066837 Ipomoea fragilis Choisy Botswana: [On Maadji Mountain Bechuanaland (from Kew s... W. J. Burchell 2362 1812-10-12
GH: 00054600 Ipomoea martii C. F. W. Meissner Brazil: Goiás W. J. Burchell 6868
GH: 00066837 Ipomoea obscura (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler Botswana: [On Maadji Mountain Bechuanaland (from Kew s... W. J. Burchell 2362 1812-10-12
GH: 00054651 Ipomoea stachyoides Meisner Brazil: Goiás W. J. Burchell 6586
GH: 00066838 Ipomoea suffruticosa Burchell South Africa: Klaarwater W. J. Burchell 1838
GH: 00054600 Turbina cordata (Choisy) Austin & Staples Brazil: Goiás W. J. Burchell 6868
Crassulaceae GH: 01871667 Adromischus hemisphericus Linnaeus ex Lemaire South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4984
GH: 01871672 Adromischus trigynus (Burchell) Poellnitz South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1898
GH: 00042426 Cotyledon parvula Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 1218
GH: 00042427 Cotyledon purpurascens Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 3981
GH: 01987140 Crassula ericoides Haworth South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01987143 Crassula expansa Solander South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 505
GH: 01987147 Crassula flava Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 93
GH: 01987149 Crassula glomerata P. J. Bergius South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 358
GH: 01987154 Crassula inanis Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3779
GH: 01987163 Crassula muscosa Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 232
GH: 01987175 Crassula nemorosa Endlicher South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3262
GH: 01987178 Crassula nemorosa Endlicher South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3018
GH: 01987201 Crassula rotundifolia Haworth South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2221
GH: 01987208 Crassula saxifraga Harvey South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1305
GH: 01987210 Crassula scabra Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 226
GH: 01987248 Crassula sp. South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3184
GH: 01987258 Crassula sp. South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2738
GH: 01987227 Crassula strigosa Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 306
GH: 01991021 Kalanchoe sp. South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6456
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00031853 Cyclanthera burchellii Cogniaux Brazil: W. J. Burchell 1686
GH: 00031853 Cyclanthera multifolia Cogniaux Brazil: W. J. Burchell 1686
GH: 00306235 Melancium campestre Naudin Brazil: São Paulo W. J. Burchell 4290
Cyperaceae GH: 00246048 Carex aequabilis Boott United Kingdom: St. Helena [island territory] W. J. Burchell
GH: 00027589 Carex burchelliana Boeck South Africa: W. J. Burchell 1911
GH: 00246048 Carex dianae Steudel United Kingdom: St. Helena [island territory] W. J. Burchell
GH: 00444199 Cyperus thyrsiflorus Junghun Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1490
Dioscoreaceae GH: 00030367 Dioscorea amazonum burchellii Uline ex R. Knuth Brazil: W. J. Burchell 9895
GH: 00030414 Dioscorea orthogeneura Uline ex Hochreutiner Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6306
Dipsacaceae GH: 02451313 Cephalaria attenuata (Linnaeus f.) Roemer & J. H. Schultes : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4475
GH: 02451323 Cephalaria rigida (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 439=8484
GH: 02451333 Scabiosa africana Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8543
GH: 02451363 Scabiosa columbaria Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1800
GH: 02451361 Scabiosa columbaria Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4
Droseraceae GH: 01973711 Drosera capensis Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973713 Drosera cuneifolia Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973714 Drosera cuneifolia Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973715 Drosera cuneifolia Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973727 Drosera hilaris Chamisso & Schlechtendal South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973739 Drosera ramentacea Burchell ex W. H. Harvey & O. W. Sonder South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973737 Drosera ramentacea Burchell ex W. H. Harvey & O. W. Sonder South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973756 Drosera sp. South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01973110 Drosera villosa A. St.-Hilaire Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3655 1826-12-22
Ebenaceae GH: 02504198 Diospyros pallens (Thunberg) F. White South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504197 Diospyros pallens (Thunberg) F. White South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504195 Diospyros pallens (Thunberg) F. White South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504193 Diospyros pallens (Thunberg) F. White South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504271 Diospyros villosa (Linnaeus) De Winter South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504294 Diospyros whyteana (Hiern) F. White South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504365 Euclea crispa (Thunberg) Gürke South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504364 Euclea crispa (Thunberg) Gürke South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504363 Euclea crispa (Thunberg) Gürke South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504359 Euclea crispa (Thunberg) Gürke South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504372 Euclea daphnoides Hiern South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504400 Euclea multiflora Hiern South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504418 Euclea polyandra (Linnaeus f.) E. Meyer ex Hiern South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504436 Euclea racemosa Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504435 Euclea racemosa Linnaeus South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504447 Euclea schimperi (A. de Candolle) Dandy South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504458 Euclea undulata Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504460 Euclea undulata Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504459 Euclea undulata Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02504457 Euclea undulata Thunberg South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
Ericaceae GH: 00014917 Erica comata Guthrie & Bolus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam Division: summit of mountain peak... W. J. Burchell 7329 1815-1-15
GH: 00014920 Erica eriopus Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division, summit of Kampsche Berg W. J. Burchell 7117 1814-12-10
GH: 00014922 Erica flocciflora Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uniondale: Kloof on rocky hill near Haarlem W. J. Burchell 4992 1814-3-14
GH: 00014923 Erica ixanthera Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: lower part of Lange Ber... W. J. Burchell 6942 1814-12-1
GH: 00014927 Erica physophylla Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Tops of mountains of Genadendal W. J. Burchell 7745 1815-2-16
GH: 00014928 Erica pulvinata montana Guthrie & Bolus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: summit of Kampsche Berg W. J. Burchell 7111 1814-12-10
GH: 00014929 Erica steinbergiana abbreviata Bolus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division, on Kampsche Berg W. J. Burchell 7068 1814-12-9
GH: 00014930 Erica tetrathecoides Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: Garcias Pass W. J. Burchell 7027 1814-11-6
Eriocaulaceae GH: 00028869 Eriocaulon burchellii Ruhland Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7812
GH: 00246519 Syngonanthus gracilis aurea Ruhland Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7177
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00047238 Croton burchellii Müller Argoviensis Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8631
GH: 00444256 Croton gratissimus Burchell : Africa: Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 2154
A: 00257984 Croton pycnadenius Müller Argoviensis Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8988
GH: 02588863 Flueggea verrucosa (Thunberg) G. L. Webster : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3630
GH: 02553024 Pseudophyllanthus ovalis (E. Meyer ex Sonder) Vorontsova & Petra Hoffmann : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5216
GH: 02553023 Pseudophyllanthus ovalis (E. Meyer ex Sonder) Vorontsova & Petra Hoffmann : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5226B
Fabaceae GH: 02321935 Amphithalea densa Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 622
GH: 02321934 Amphithalea densa Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7433B
GH: 02321947 Amphithalea ericaefolia (L.) Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8493
GH: 02321945 Amphithalea ericaefolia (L.) Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 35
GH: 02321944 Amphithalea ericaefolia (L.) Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8576B
GH: 02321962 Amphithalea intermedia Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6667
A: 02323047 Argyrolobium andrewsianum Steud. : Africa: Africa austr. W. J. Burchell 3213
GH: 02323039 Argyrolobium andrewsianum Steud. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3194
GH: 02323040 Argyrolobium andrewsianum Steud. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5217
GH: 02323052 Argyrolobium collinum Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2180
GH: 02323053 Argyrolobium collinum Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4624B
GH: 02323051 Argyrolobium collinum Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4775
GH: 02323076 Argyrolobium sericeum (A.Spreng.) Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4649
GH: 02323115 Aspalathus acuminata Lam. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 00058602 Aspalathus alopecurus Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5561
GH: 02323125 Aspalathus araneosa L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7754
GH: 02323136 Aspalathus arida procumbens (E. Meyer) R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 15
GH: 02323142 Aspalathus asparagoides L.f. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6131
GH: 02323163 Aspalathus burchelliana Benth. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7456
GH: 02323166 Aspalathus callosa L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 803
GH: 02323175 Aspalathus capitata L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 620
GH: 02323180 Aspalathus carnosa P.J.Bergius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 604
GH: 02323193 Aspalathus cephalotes violacea R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5998
GH: 02323186 Aspalathus cephalotes violacea R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 298
GH: 02323198 Aspalathus chenopoda L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 608
GH: 02323206 Aspalathus chortophila Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3485
GH: 02323217 Aspalathus ciliaris L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 225
GH: 02323218 Aspalathus ciliaris L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6596
GH: 02323215 Aspalathus ciliaris L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6648
GH: 02323216 Aspalathus ciliaris L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7023
GH: 02323239 Aspalathus cymbiformis DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 391
GH: 02323236 Aspalathus cytisoides Lam. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7603
GH: 02323234 Aspalathus cytisoides Lam. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7707B
GH: 02323271 Aspalathus frankenioides de Candolle : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3533
GH: 00058603 Aspalathus frankenioides de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 3473
GH: 02323287 Aspalathus hispida Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6895
GH: 02323283 Aspalathus hispida albiflora (Ecklon & Zeyher) R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 294
GH: 02323302 Aspalathus incurvifolia Vogel ex Walp. South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6754
GH: 02323304 Aspalathus juniperina Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7554
GH: 02323309 Aspalathus lactea adelphea R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4286
GH: 02323310 Aspalathus lactea adelphea R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4333
GH: 02323314 Aspalathus laricifolia P.J.Bergius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6321
GH: 02323327 Aspalathus linearis (N. L. Burman) R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8128
GH: 02323330 Aspalathus longipes Harv. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7188
GH: 02323331 Aspalathus longipes Harv. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7272
GH: 02323332 Aspalathus lotoides Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 91
GH: 02323340 Aspalathus microphylla DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 784
GH: 02323339 Aspalathus microphylla DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7927
GH: 02323338 Aspalathus microphylla DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 921
GH: 02323342 Aspalathus mundiana Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6586
GH: 02323349 Aspalathus nigra L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6203
GH: 02323351 Aspalathus nivea Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4287
GH: 02323357 Aspalathus obtusata Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2777
GH: 02323360 Aspalathus opaca Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6625
GH: 02323372 Aspalathus pinguis Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7526
GH: 02323383 Aspalathus quinquefolia virgata (Thunberg) R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6323
GH: 02323393 Aspalathus rubens Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4642
GH: 02323402 Aspalathus securifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6956
GH: 02323423 Aspalathus setacea Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3536
GH: 02323415 Aspalathus setacea Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02323461 Aspalathus spectabilis R.Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6979
GH: 02323438 Aspalathus spinosa Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7458
GH: 02323439 Aspalathus spinosa Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7526
GH: 02323472 Aspalathus stenophylla garciniana R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7148
GH: 02323474 Aspalathus submissa R.Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6359
GH: 02323444 Aspalathus teres Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4640
GH: 02323452 Aspalathus tridentata staurantha (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 227
GH: 02323454 Aspalathus tridentata staurantha (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) R. Dahlgren : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 54
GH: 02323455 Aspalathus triquetra Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7718
GH: 02323807 Bolusafra bituminosa (L.) Kuntze : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 372
GH: 02323843 Borbonia lanceolata L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 495
GH: 02323850 Borbonia latifolia Benth. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8087B
GH: 02323856 Borbonia parviflora Lam. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7990
GH: 02323869 Borbonia perforata Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 418
GH: 02323871 Borbonia trinervia L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6378
GH: 02323872 Borbonia trinervia L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6368B
GH: 02323885 Buchenroedera multiflora Eckl. & Zeyh. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3864
GH: 02323952 Calpurnia sylvatica (Burch.) E.Mey. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3233
GH: 02323997 Coelidium bullatum Benth. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7115
GH: 02323997 Coelidium muraltioides Benth. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7115
GH: 02322002 Coelidium vogelii Walp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6687
GH: 02322103 Crotalaria capensis Jacq. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4104
GH: 02322169 Crotalaria globifera E.Mey. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2583
GH: 02322170 Crotalaria globifera E.Mey. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2519
GH: 02322191 Crotalaria griquensis Bolus South Africa: Griqualand: near the Naal River W. J. Burchell 1782
GH: 02322338 Crotalaria purpurea Vent. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5792
GH: 02322337 Crotalaria purpurea Vent. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4685
GH: 02322468 Crotalaria sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2327
GH: 02322367 Crotalaria spartioides DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2407
GH: 02322366 Crotalaria spartioides DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2336
GH: 02322409 Crotalaria virgultalis Burch. ex DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1752
GH: 02322492 Cullen obtusifolium (DC.) C.H.Stirt. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1214
GH: 02322503 Cyclopia bowieana Harv. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George: Cape Prov.: George Div.: on the Post... W. J. Burchell 5893
GH: 02322526 Cyclopia meyeriana Walp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7770
GH: 02322546 Cyclopia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7522
GH: 02322535 Cyclopia subternata Vogel : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6016
GH: 02322534 Cyclopia subternata Vogel : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5519
GH: 02322533 Cyclopia subternata Vogel : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5549
GH: 02322543 Cyclopia vogelii Harv. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6701
GH: 02322542 Cyclopia vogelii Harv. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4929
GH: 01991172 Rochea coccinea (Linnaeus) de Candolle South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 00368536 Swartzia parvipetala (R. S. Cowan) Mansano Brazil: Brasiliae Tropicae W. J. Burchell 2776
GH: 00063539 Tephrosia burchellii Burtt Davy South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griqualand W., Hay Div., Griquatown W. J. Burchell 1932
GH: 00063540 Tephrosia lupinifolia de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2488
Flacourtiaceae GH: 00521065 Lightfootia albens Sprengel ex A. de Candolle South Africa: Cape Province Cape Prov.: Phillpstown Div: Rietfontein W. J. Burchell 2720
GH: 02451733 Lightfootia denticulata (Burchell) Sonder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Hay Div.: Rietfontein W. J. Burchell 2000
GH: 02451732 Lightfootia denticulata (Burchell) Sonder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Kuruman Div.: Takim W. J. Burchell 2302
GH: 02451735 Lightfootia divaricata H. Buek South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: road to Riebeeck East W. J. Burchell 3506
GH: 02451744 Lightfootia nodosa H. Buek : Africa: Africae Australis W. J. Burchell 2712
GH: 02451745 Lightfootia nodosa H. Buek : Africa: Africae Australis W. J. Burchell 2709
GH: 02451742 Lightfootia nodosa H. Buek : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 2675
GH: 02451741 Lightfootia nodosa H. Buek : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 1886
GH: 02451743 Lightfootia nodosa H. Buek South Africa: Northern Cape Province Carnarvon Div.: Kareeberg W. J. Burchell 1575
GH: 00521064 Lightfootia oppositifolia A. de Candolle South Africa: Cape Province Cape Prov.: Cape Div.: Table Mt. W. J. Burchell 606
GH: 02451747 Lightfootia oxycoccoides L'Heritier South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Humansdorp: Maitland W. J. Burchell 4583
GH: 02451751 Lightfootia rigida Adamson South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Genadendal W. J. Burchell 7845
GH: 02451755 Lightfootia rubens H. Buek South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Humansdorp: Cape Prov.: Humansdorp Div.: Mel... W. J. Burchell 4794
GH: 02451754 Lightfootia rubens H. Buek South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uniondale: Wagenbooms River W. J. Burchell 4933
GH: 02451779 Lightfootia sp. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 7882B
GH: 02451781 Lightfootia sp. : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 8634B
GH: 02451780 Lightfootia sp. : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 7367
GH: 02451778 Lightfootia sp. : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 7341
GH: 02451777 Lightfootia sp. : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 5960
GH: 02451762 Lightfootia subulata L'Heritier : Africa: Africae Australis. Cape Prov.: Cape ... W. J. Burchell 284
GH: 00415632 [None] Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 10000 1829-12-30
GH: [None] Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 10000 1829-12-30
Frankeniaceae GH: 02434711 Beatsonia portulacifolia Roxburgh : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02434721 Frankenia laevis Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australia Extratropica W. J. Burchell 668
GH: 02434732 Frankenia pulverulenta Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 513
Geraniaceae GH: 00043686 Monsonia biflora de Candolle South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2611
GH: 00043686 Monsonia burkeana Planchon ex Harvey South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2611
Goodeniaceae GH: 02450277 Scaevola plumieri (Linnaeus) Vahl : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4366
Haloragaceae GH: 02437319 Laurembergia repens P. J. Bergius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 149
GH: 02437318 Laurembergia repens P. J. Bergius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 404
Hippocrateaceae GH: 00050098 Kippistia cognata Miers Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6382
GH: 00050097 Kippistia cognata Miers Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7410
GH: 00015906 Salacia elliptica (Martius ex Roemer & Schultes) G. Don Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7578
GH: 00050125 Salacia miersii Peyritsch Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3609
GH: 00050125 Tontelea miersii (Peyritsch) A. C. Smith Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3609
Iridaceae GH: 02517187 Anapalina revoluta (N. L. Burman: N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 314
GH: 02517186 Anapalina revoluta (N. L. Burman: N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Div. near Zoetmelks River W. J. Burchell 66A2
GH: 02517191 Anapalina triticea (N. L. Burman) N. E. Brown : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7371
GH: 00030449 Antholyza burchellii N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Between Donker Hoek and Houw Hoek M... W. J. Burchell 2013
GH: 00030458 Antholyza caffra Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany Division: near Riebeek W. J. Burchell 3487
GH: 02517198 Antholyza rigens Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province between Cape Town + Simon's Bay W. J. Burchell 8563
GH: 02517215 Aristea africana (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 727
GH: 02517227 Aristea dichotoma (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province vicinity of Cape Town W. J. Burchell 758
GH: 02517230 Aristea ecklonii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage Div. near Uitenhage W. J. Burchell 4256
GH: 02517238 Aristea pusilla (Thunberg) Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Bathurst Div. W. J. Burchell 3954
GH: 02517239 Aristea spiralis Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Div. W. J. Burchell 6710
GH: 02517249 Babiana fourcadei G. J. Lewis South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George Div. Kaymans River W. J. Burchell 5806
GH: 00030452 Babiana hypogaea Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2241
GH: 00030455 Bobartia anceps Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: between Little Vet Rive... W. J. Burchell 6913
GH: 00030456 Bobartia burchellii Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: on or at the foot of th... W. J. Burchell 7145
GH: 00030457 Bobartia robusta Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George Division: between Malgat River and Gr... W. J. Burchell 6124
GH: 02517308 Chasmanthe aethiopica (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5422 B
GH: 00030458 Chasmanthe caffra (Baker) N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany Division: near Riebeek W. J. Burchell 3487
GH: 02517338 Dierama pendulum Baker : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3529
GH: 02517337 Dierama pendulum Baker : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3529
GH: 00030463 Exohebea fraterna (N. E. Brown) R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Table Mountain W. J. Burchell 640
GH: 02517363 Exohebea nemorosa (E. Meyer ex Klatt) R. C. Foster : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7921
GH: 02517368 Exohebea ramosa (Klatt) R. C. Foster South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: Baviaans Kloof near Genaendal W. J. Burchell 7602
GH: 02517370 Exohebea sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon Div.; Nieuwe Kloof, Houw Hoek Mts. W. J. Burchell 81113
A: 02517358 Ferraria undulata Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6196
A: 00030471 Gladiolus bolusii burchelii F. Bolus South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5631
GH: 02517470 Gladiolus erectiflorus Baker : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2240
GH: 00030463 Gladiolus fraternus N. E. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Table Mountain W. J. Burchell 640
GH: 02517510 Gladiolus permeabilis D. Delaroche : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2251
GH: 02517528 Gladiolus recurvus Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8559
GH: 02517552 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4081
GH: 02517570 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7069
GH: 02517569 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4261 B
GH: 02517353 Gladiolus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02517540 Gladiolus stellatus G. J. Lewis : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4048
GH: 02517550 Gladiolus tristis Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6116 B
GH: 02517549 Gladiolus tristis Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5824
GH: 00030524 Gynandriris burchellii (Baker) R. C. Foster South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2250
GH: 02517634 Hexaglottis lewisiae Goldblatt : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6151
GH: 00030532 Homeria pallida Baker South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2252-1
GH: 02517694 Ixia maculata Linnaeus : Africa: [illegible] Horto [?] W. J. Burchell
GH: 00030555 Klattia partita (Ker) Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: near Kampsche Berg W. J. Burchell 7159
GH: 02517743 Klattia partita (Ker) Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam Div.: on the Langelbergen near Sw... W. J. Burchell 7418
GH: 00030558 Lapeirousia burchellii Baker South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2341
GH: 02517800 Lapeirousia micrantha Baker South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Div.: betw. Little Vet River and ... W. J. Burchell 6883
GH: 02517760 Lapeirousia plicata (Jacquin) Diels : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1394
GH: 02517828 Micranthus alopecuroides (Linnaeus) Ecklon South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Div.: near Rondelbosch W. J. Burchell 179
GH: 02517836 Micranthus junceus (Baker) N. E. Brown : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7043
GH: 00030524 Moraea burchellii Baker South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2250
GH: 02517879 Moraea polystachya Ker Gawler : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2941
GH: 02517893 Moraea tenuis Ker Gawler : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6202
GH: 02517903 Moraea unguiculata Ker Gawler : Africa: [no additional data[ W. J. Burchell 6373
GH: 02517911 Nivenia fruticosa Baker : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7100
GH: 02517954 Romulea sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6057
GH: 00030555 Witsenia partita Ker Gawler South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Riversdale Division: near Kampsche Berg W. J. Burchell 7159
Krameriaceae GH: 00066372 Krameria argentea Martius ex Sprengel Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7794
GH: 00066372 Krameria longipes O. Berg Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7794
Lamiaceae GH: 00001041 Ajuga ophrydis Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Kaffirs Drift, north of Port Alfred, Bathurs... W. J. Burchell 3700 1813-9-21
GH: 00001235 Hyptis caduca Epling Brazil: Goiás Porto Real W. J. Burchell 8762
GH: 00549046 Ocimum americanum Linnaeus South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2160
GH: 00549045 Ocimum burchellianum Bentham South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2812
GH: 00549046 Ocimum fruticulosum Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2160
GH: 00001871 Salvia repens Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Graaff Reinet: Near Wagenspad Berg, on the s... W. J. Burchell 2830 1813-3-29
GH: 00001872 Salvia stenophylla Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Griquatown: W. J. Burchell 1881 1811-12-1
GH: 00002085 Stachys burchellii Bentham South Africa: Cape Province, Hay Division, Asbestos Mts. a... W. J. Burchell 1672 1811-9-25
GH: 00002086 Stachys coerulea Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Collected at confluence of Vaal and Riet riv... W. J. Burchell 1775 1811-11-8
GH: 00002087 Stachys humifusa Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Port Alfred, Bathurst Division, Cape Provinc... W. J. Burchell 3794 1813-9-26
GH: 00002088 Stachys hyssopoides Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Saltpan Station, along the Orange River (nea... W. J. Burchell 2653 1813
GH: 00002089 Stachys integrifolia J. Vahl ex Bentham South Africa: Near the Yuk River, Ceres Division, Cape Pro... W. J. Burchell 1232 1811-7-19
GH: 00002090 Stachys linearis Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Rainwater Station (W side of Philipstown), P... W. J. Burchell 2717 1813-3-7
GH: 00002092 Stachys serrulata Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Between Kloete's Kraal (Uniondale Division) ... W. J. Burchell 5155 1814-3-26
GH: 00002093 Stachys spathulata Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Right bank of Vaal River at Blaauwbosch Drif... W. J. Burchell 1738 1811-10-28
GH: 00002094 Stachys subsessilis Burchell ex Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Port Elizabeth: W. J. Burchell 4326 1813-12-13
Lauraceae GH: 00041146 Aniba burchellii Kostermans Brazil: W. J. Burchell 9620
GH: 00042145 Oreodaphne daphnifolia C. F. W. Meissner Brazil: W. J. Burchell 1411
Lecythidaceae GH: 00415631 Chytroma apiculata Miers Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 9618 1829-9-6
GH: 00415631 Eschweilera apiculata (Miers) A. C. Smith Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 9618 1829-9-6
GH: 00415632 Eschweilera lurida Miers Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 10000 1829-12-30
GH: 00415632 Lecythis lurida (Miers) S. A. Mori Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 10000 1829-12-30
GH: 00415632 [None] Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 10000 1829-12-30
GH: [None] Brazil: Pará [near Belém] W. J. Burchell 10000 1829-12-30
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01976440 Utricularia amethystina Salzmann ex Saint-Hilaire & Girard Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Serra dos Orgãos. W. J. Burchell 2297 1826
GH: 01977434 Utricularia bisquamata Schrank : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6893
GH: 01976670 Utricularia simulans Pilger Brazil: Goyaz: near Porto Real. W. J. Burchell 8719 1829
Linaceae GH: 01248849 Linum africanum Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica. W. J. Burchell
GH: 01248910 Linum quadrifolium Linnaeus : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica. W. J. Burchell
GH: 01248939 Linum thunbergii C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell
GH: 01248938 Linum thunbergii C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica. W. J. Burchell
GH: 01248934 Linum thunbergii C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica. W. J. Burchell
Lobeliaceae GH: 02451798 Lobelia anceps L.f. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6814
GH: 02451807 Lobelia arabidea (C.Presl) Steud. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4739
GH: 02451812 Lobelia bifida Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4739
GH: 02451818 Lobelia capillifolia (C. Presl) A. de Candolle : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 8388
GH: 02451816 Lobelia capillifolia (C. Presl) A. de Candolle : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 8002
GH: 02451841 Lobelia coronopifolia Linnaeus : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 85
GH: 02451834 Lobelia coronopifolia Linnaeus : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 7812
GH: 02451835 Lobelia coronopifolia Linnaeus : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 8137B
GH: 02451847 Lobelia corymbosa P. J. Bergius : Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 7666
GH: 02451871 Lobelia erinus Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 279
GH: 02451866 Lobelia erinus Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3039
GH: 02451887 Lobelia hirsuta L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4714
GH: 02451888 Lobelia hirsuta L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4849
GH: 02451890 Lobelia humifusa Phillipson : Africa: [data not captured] W. J. Burchell 635
GH: 02451918 Lobelia muscoides Cham. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7327
GH: 02451934 Lobelia pinifolia L. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7877
GH: 02451941 Lobelia pubescens Aiton South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5798
GH: 02451943 Lobelia pygmaea Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 635
GH: 02451944 Lobelia pygmaea Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 634
GH: 02451952 Lobelia scaevolaefolia Roxb. ex A.DC. : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02451956 Lobelia secunda Ruiz & Pav. ex A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 430
GH: 02451954 Lobelia secunda Ruiz & Pav. ex A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7506B
GH: 02451955 Lobelia secunda Ruiz & Pav. ex A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 891
GH: 02451963 Lobelia setacea Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7645
GH: 02451960 Lobelia setacea Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8275
GH: 02451961 Lobelia setacea Thunb. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8095
GH: 02450017 Lobelia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5797
GH: 02450016 Lobelia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7229
GH: 02450015 Lobelia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5924
GH: 02450014 Lobelia sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4837
GH: 02451989 Lobelia triquetra Sieber ex A.DC. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 84
Loganiaceae GH: 00075927 Buddleja saligna Willdenow Botswana: Near the sources of the Kuruman River W. J. Burchell 2494 1912-12-12
GH: 00075927 Chilianthus arboreus rosmarinaceus Kuntze Botswana: Near the sources of the Kuruman River W. J. Burchell 2494 1912-12-12
Loranthaceae GH: 02453957 Tapinanthus oleifolius (J. C. Wendland) Danser : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 1648
GH: 02453992 Viscum capense Linnaeus f. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3106
GH: 02453991 Viscum capense Linnaeus f. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3107
GH: 02453986 Viscum capense Linnaeus f. : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell
GH: 02452025 Viscum obscurum Thunberg : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 4414
GH: 02452024 Viscum obscurum Thunberg : Africa: Africa Australis Extratropica W. J. Burchell 3211
Lythraceae GH: 00112414 Cuphea anagalloidea subsimplex Koehne Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7783
GH: 00247524 Cuphea ennearthera Koehne Brazil: Brasiliae Trobicae W. J. Burchell 8208
GH: 00247544 Cuphea retrorsicapilla Koehne Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8565
GH: 00112406 Cuphea tenuissima Koehne Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8487
GH: 00112405 Cuphea tenuissima Koehne Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8533-2
Malpighiaceae GH: 00045011 Banisteria praecox Grisebach Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7325
GH: 00045011 Banisteriopsis lutea (Grisebach) Cuatrecasas Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7325
GH: 00059501 Stigmaphyllon angustilobum burchellii Niedenzu Brazil: Pará W. J. Burchell 10025
GH: 00059501 Stigmaphyllon palmatum (Cavanilles) A. Jussieu Brazil: Pará W. J. Burchell 10025
Malvaceae GH: 00019944 Pavonia hexaphylla (S. Moore) Krapovickas Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6992
GH: 00019944 Pavonia kunthii pohlii Gürke Brazil: W. J. Burchell 6992
GH: 00019954 Pavonia rosa-campestris tomentella R. E. Fries Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5547
Marantaceae GH: 00030734 Maranta burchellii K. Schumann Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8351
Marsileaceae GH: 00021623 Marsilea burchellii (Kunze) A. Braun South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2123
GH: 00021623 Marsilea quadrifolia burchellii Kunze South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2123
Melastomataceae GH: 00310968 Leandra Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3664
GH: 00338664 Leandra refracta Cogniaux Brazil: Rio de Janeiro [Serra dos Orgaos] W. J. Burchell 2447
GH: 00310968 Leandra sp. Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3664
GH: 00073160 Pterolepis buraeavi Cogniaux Brazil: Pará [Inter Funil and S. Anna, 48°22'W, 9°45'S] W. J. Burchell 8907-2
Menispermaceae GH: 00038928 Sciadotenia cayennensis Miers Brazil: W. J. Burchell 978A
GH: 00038928 Sciadotenia nitida Miers Brazil: W. J. Burchell 978A
Mimosaceae GH: 00058379 Acacia elephantina Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2410
GH: 00059939 Calliandra longipes Bentham Brazil: W. J. Burchell 7499
GH: 00058379 Elephantorrhiza burchellii Bentham South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2410
GH: 02321465 Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Burchell) Skeels : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2522
GH: 00058379 Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Burchell) Skeels South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2410
GH: 00245136 Inga edulis Martius Brazil: Pará W. J. Burchell 9610
GH: 00245136 Inga edulis parviflora Bentham Brazil: Pará W. J. Burchell 9610
GH: 00064794 Mimosa apodocarpa Bentham Brazil: Goiás [Inter Funil et Sao Joao] W. J. Burchell 9003
GH: 00064813 Mimosa barbigera erecta Bentham Brazil: Goiás [Inter Conceiçao et Natividade] W. J. Burchell 8200
GH: 00064823 Mimosa burchellii Bentham Brazil: Goiás [Inter Conceiçao et Natividade] W. J. Burchell 8183
GH: 00065012 Mimosa cinerea pubescens Bentham Brazil: Goiás [Inter Conceiçao et Natividade] W. J. Burchell 8247
GH: 00065015 Mimosa concinna Bentham Brazil: Goiás [Ad Rio Maranhao] W. J. Burchell 7563
GH: 00064728 Mimosa desmodioides Bentham Brazil: Goiás [Porto Real, on rio Tocantins near 10°30'S] W. J. Burchell 8687 1829
GH: 00064732 Mimosa echinocarpa Bentham Brazil: Goiás [Inter Rio Bonifacio et Estiva] W. J. Burchell 7471
GH: 00064734 Mimosa extensa annae Barneby Brazil: Rio de Janeiro [Frechal to Magé] W. J. Burchell 2699 1826
GH: 00064771 Mimosa malacocentra angustifolia Bentham Brazil: Rio de Janeiro [Prope Rio de Janeiro] W. J. Burchell 2783
GH: 00065015 Mimosa pyrenea Taubert Brazil: Goiás [Ad Rio Maranhao] W. J. Burchell 7563
GH: 00063611 Stryphnodendron polyphyllum villosum Bentham Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5600
GH: 02321717 Xerocladia viridiramis (Burch.) Taub. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1586
Nymphaeaceae GH: 00987684 Nymphaea capensis Thunberg : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6553
GH: 00978763 Nymphaea capensis Thunberg : Africa (Region): [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4202
Ochnaceae GH: 00339979 Ouratea parviflora (de Candolle) Baillon Brazil: Brasiliae Tropicae W. J. Burchell 337A
GH: 00339979 Plicouratea bicolor Tieghem Brazil: Brasiliae Tropicae W. J. Burchell 337A
Oleaceae GH: 00075068 Chionanthus foveolatus tomentella (Verdoorn) Stearn South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5539
GH: 00075068 Linociera foveolata tomentella Verdoorn South Africa: W. J. Burchell 5539
Onagraceae GH: 00054202 Jussiaea octonervia sessiliflora Micheli Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro: W. J. Burchell 927
GH: 00054217 Jussiaea potamogeton Burchell ex Micheli Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4209
GH: 00054217 Ludwigia inclinata (Linnaeus f.) P. H. Raven Brazil: W. J. Burchell 4209
GH: 00054202 Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacquin) P. H. Raven Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro: W. J. Burchell 927
Orchidaceae GH: 00000168 Angraecum burchelii H. G. Reichenbach South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province George: W. J. Burchell 5841 1814-9-5
GH: 00556610 Barbosella gardneri (Lindley) Schlechter Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2283
GH: 01944446 Corycium South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 00098906 Disa chrysostachya Swartz South Africa: W. J. Burchell 4129
GH: 00098932 Disa tripetaloides aurata Bolus South Africa: W. J. Burchell 7409
GH: 00098990 Elleanthus brasiliensis (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3843
GH: 02341712 Eulophia clavicornis Lindley South Africa: Africae Australis Extratropicae W. J. Burchell 6147
GH: 00098990 Evelyna brasiliensis Lindley Brazil: W. J. Burchell 3843
GH: 00099705 Habenaria arenaria Lindley South Africa: Hab. ad Caput B. Spei W. J. Burchell 5654
GH: 00085413 Habenaria arenaria Lindley South Africa: Hab. ad Caput B. Spei W. J. Burchell 5654
GH: 02155874 Isochilus brasiliensis Schlechter Brazil: São Paulo [locality found in W. J. Burchell's "Plant l... W. J. Burchell 4119
GH: 01944446 Pterygodium bicolorum Schlechter South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 01944253 Satyrium ciliatum Lindley South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6067
GH: 01944320 Satyrium membranaceum Swartz South Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell
GH: 02155267 Scaphyglottis violacea Schlechter Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9761
Papaveraceae GH: 02437366 Corydalis vesicaria Persoon : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1297
GH: 02437352 Cysticapnos cracca (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lidén : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3637
GH: 02437366 Cysticapnos vesicaria (Linnaeus) Fedde : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1297
Passifloraceae GH: 00067976 Adenia repanda (Burchell) Engler South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2486/2
GH: 00067976 Paschanthus repanda Burchell South Africa: W. J. Burchell 2486/2
GH: 00068059 Passiflora cornuta Masters Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8537
Phyllanthaceae GH: 02588943 Lachnostylis capensis Turczaninow : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5213
GH: 02588942 Lachnostylis capensis Turczaninow : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4364
GH: 02454427 Lachnostylis capensis Turczaninow : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4832
GH: 02553037 Phyllanthus burchellii Müller Arg. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2383
GH: 02553078 Phyllanthus heterophyllus E. Meyer ex Müller Arg. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2021
GH: 02553079 Phyllanthus heterophyllus E. Meyer ex Müller Arg. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1739
GH: 02553080 Phyllanthus heterophyllus E. Meyer ex Müller Arg. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1786
GH: 02553217 Phyllanthus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6756
Piperaceae GH: 01983192 Lepianthes peltata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex R. A. Howard Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9391
GH: 00004914 Ottonia burchellii Trelease Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro: Mt. Corcovado W. J. Burchell 1127
GH: 01978954 Peperomia mannii Hooker f. ex C. de Candolle : Africa (Region): Plantarum Africæ Australis... W. J. Burchell 3205
GH: 01982454 Peperomia pellucida Kunth Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 8516
GH: 01978971 Peperomia tetraphylla (G. Forster) Hooker & Arnott : Africa (Region): Plantarum Africæ Australis... W. J. Burchell 3596
GH: 01883780 Piper clusii (Miquel) C. de Candolle : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5397
GH: 01933050 Piper cyrtopodon C. de Candolle Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 963A
GH: 01933713 Piper marginatum Jacquin Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9099
GH: 01934422 Piper sp. Brazil: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 9798
Poaceae GH: 00022920 Achneria capensis firmula Stapf South Africa: W. J. Burchell 6645
GH: 02433254 Agrostis bergiana Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7236
GH: 02433263 Agrostis ecklonis Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 637
GH: 02433268 Agrostis lachnantha Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1944
GH: 02433267 Agrostis lachnantha Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1913
GH: 02433299 Agrostis sp. : Saint Helena: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 39
GH: 02433303 Aira caryophyllaea Leers : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6184
GH: 02542412 Andropogon chinensis (Nees) Merrill South Africa: Griqualand West: Hay Div.: Klipfontein W. J. Burchell 216A-2
GH: 02542422 Andropogon eucomus Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2523
GH: 02542423 Andropogon eucomus Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2102
GH: 02542412 Andropogon schinzii Hackel ex Schinz South Africa: Griqualand West: Hay Div.: Klipfontein W. J. Burchell 216A-2
GH: 02542797 Andropogon sp. : Africa: [no additional information] W. J. Burchell 1207, 2316, 2152
GH: 02541141 Anthephora pubescens Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2387
GH: 02541040 Anthistiria sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1844
GH: 02433328 Anthoxanthum ovatum Lagasca : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02447721 Aristida capensis Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1520
GH: 02447725 Aristida capensis canescens Trinius & Ruprecht South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Capetown W. J. Burchell 272 1810-12
GH: 02447768 Aristida congesta Roemer & J. H. Schultes South Africa: Western Cape Province Cape Prov.: Hay Distr.: between Kloof Villag... W. J. Burchell 2084-1
GH: 02447767 Aristida congesta Roemer & J. H. Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Prieska: Cape Prov. between Modderfontein an... W. J. Burchell 1602-5 1811-9
GH: 02447778 Aristida curvata (Nees) Nees ex A. Richard South Africa: Western Cape Province Hay Distr.: Wittewater W. J. Burchell 2083 1812-2
GH: 02447788 Aristida diffusa burkei (Stapf) Schweickerdt : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2188
GH: 02447787 Aristida diffusa burkei (Stapf) Schweickerdt South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Somerset East: Blyde River W. J. Burchell 2978 1813-5
GH: 02447794 Aristida forskohlii Tausch : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2006
GH: 02447859 Aristida namaquensis (Nees) Trinius & Ruprecht South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Prov.: Hay Distr.: Griquatown W. J. Burchell 1885 1811-12
GH: 02447967 Aristida vestita Thunberg South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Prov.; Hay Distr.: Kloof Village Asbest... W. J. Burchell 2038 1812-2
GH: 01583943 Aristida vestita Thunberg South Africa: Northern Cape Province Cape Prov.: Hay Distr.: Griquatown W. J. Burchell 1917 1811-12
GH: 02541168 Arundinella ecklonii Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5106
GH: 02541168 Arundinella nepalensis Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 5106
GH: 00023408 Asthenatherum glaucum (Nees) Nevski South Africa: W. J. Burchell 1607
GH: 00023156 Axonopus burchellii G. A. Black Brazil: W. J. Burchell 8661
GH: 02433847 Brachypodium flexum Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7230
GH: 02447092 Briza geniculata Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2752
GH: 02437338 Briza geniculata Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6527
GH: 02437339 Briza geniculata Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1978
GH: 02433486 Brizopyrum capense Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6563
GH: 02433487 Brizopyrum capense Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell A91
GH: 02433488 Brizopyrum capense Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 29
GH: 02433872 Bromus japonicus Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1527
GH: 02433922 Bromus sp. : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell 48
GH: 02433921 Bromus sp. : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
A: 02433353 Calamagrostis epigejos (Linnaeus) Roth : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1912
A: 02433353 Calamagrostis epigejos densiflora Ledebour : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1912
GH: 02541308 Cenchrus ciliaris Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2888
GH: 02447794 Chaetaria forskalii Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2006
GH: 00023808 Chloris foliosa Willdenow Brazil: W. J. Burchell 5308
GH: 02542522 Chrysopogon serrulatus Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2655
GH: 02542539 Cymbopogon caesius (Hooker & Arnott) Stapf : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2165
GH: 02542555 Cymbopogon marginatus Stapf ex Burtt Davy : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 470
GH: 02444690 Cynodon dactylon (Linnaeus) Persoon : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2570-1
GH: 00023407 Danthonia squarrosus Stapf South Africa: W. J. Burchell 8076
GH: 00023408 Danthonia suffrutescens Stapf South Africa: W. J. Burchell 1607
GH: 02433486 Desmazeria capensis (Trinius) E. Phillips : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6563
GH: 02433487 Desmazeria capensis (Trinius) E. Phillips : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell A91
GH: 02433488 Desmazeria capensis (Trinius) E. Phillips : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 29
GH: 02541491 Digitaria commutata Schultes : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1974
GH: 01690677 Diheteropogon amplectens (Nees) Clayton : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 4096
GH: 02444774 Dinebra retroflexa (Vahl) Panzer : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02541642 Echinochloa colonum (Linnaeus) Link : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2968
GH: 02541645 Echinochloa colonum (Linnaeus) Link : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02433996 Ehrharta aphylla Schrader : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6712
GH: 02434020 Ehrharta gigantea (Thunberg) Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 332
GH: 02434031 Ehrharta panicea Smith : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 256
GH: 02434035 Ehrharta paniciformis Nees ex Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 3244
GH: 02434042 Ehrharta ramosa Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7011 B
GH: 02434040 Ehrharta ramosa Thunberg : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 543
GH: 02434042 Ehrharta ramosa aphylla (Schrader) Glück : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7011 B
GH: 02434046 Ehrharta rupestris Nees ex Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7312
GH: 02434062 Ehrharta sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6686
GH: 02434059 Ehrharta sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6456
GH: 02434052 Ehrharta undulata Nees ex Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1414
GH: 02434053 Ehrharta undulata Nees ex Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1526
GH: 02434059 Ehrharta villosa Schultes f. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6456
GH: 02542622 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth Botswana: Bechuanaland: between Kosi Fontein and Knegt... W. J. Burchell 2607
GH: 02444852 Enneapogon mollis Lehmann : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1743
GH: 02444866 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1471
GH: 01583877 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2674
GH: 01583878 Enneapogon scaber Lehmann : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2052
GH: 02444963 Eragrostis chalcantha Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6755
GH: 02447047 Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 443
GH: 02447075 Eragrostis filiformis Link : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6632
GH: 02447073 Eragrostis filiformis Link : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2606
GH: 02447092 Eragrostis geniculata Nees & Meyen : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2752
GH: 02437338 Eragrostis geniculata Nees & Meyen : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6527
GH: 02437339 Eragrostis geniculata Nees & Meyen : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1978
GH: 02447093 Eragrostis glabrata Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1780
GH: 02447121 Eragrostis lappula Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2199
GH: 02447155 Eragrostis minor Host : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02447186 Eragrostis parviflora (R. Brown) Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7521
GH: 01583883 Eragrostis sarmentosa (Thunberg) Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 7516
GH: 01583887 Eragrostis sclerantha Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1981
GH: 02447155 Eragrostis sp. : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02447297 Eragrostis sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1606
GH: 02447344 Eragrostis sp. : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2001
GH: 01583893 Eragrostis spinosa (Linnaeus f.) Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6474
GH: 02437337 Eragrostis spinosa (Linnaeus f.) Trinius : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1205
GH: 01583899 Eragrostis striata Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2076
GH: 01583900 Eragrostis striata Nees : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 2789
GH: 01583909 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1735
GH: 02542706 Erianthus capensis Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Griqualand West: Hay Div.: Griqualand W. J. Burchell 1901
GH: 02542706 Erianthus capensis Nees South Africa: Northern Cape Province Griqualand West: Herbert Div.: Lower Campbel... W. J. Burchell 1810
GH: 02541697 Eriochloa acrotricha (Hooker f.) Hackel ex Schinz : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02541697 Eriochloa annulata (Flüggé) Kunth : Saint Helena: St. Helena W. J. Burchell
GH: 02447365 Eustachys petraea (Swartz) Desvaux : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 1951
GH: 02433759 Festuca bromoides Linnaeus : Africa: [no additional data] W. J. Burchell 6633