<< < Previous A: 02276323 acutifolium (de Candolle) Merrill Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above the foot ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10168 1995-6-26
A: 02276322 acutifolium (de Candolle) Merrill Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above the foot ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10168 1995-6-26
A: 02271184 angiensis R. Kanehira & S. Hatusima ex Ohwi Papua New Guinea: East Sepik East Sepik Province, Waskuk Hills, first but... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10198 1995-6-28
A: 02421633 australasica Hook.f. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, foot track between Langu and G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10161 1995-6-25
A: 02263004 axillaris Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik [data not captured] W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10318 1995-7-10
A: 02263345 axillaris Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik [data not captured] W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10318 1995-7-10
A: 02263346 axillaris Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik [data not captured] W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10201 1995-6-28
A: 02232000 bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10249 1995-7-3
A: 02419053 brachytricha Airy Shaw Papua New Guinea: East Sepik buttress ridge above Garuka Village, from th... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10154 1995-6-25
A: 02446104 bracteatum (Roxburgh) A. J. Scott Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10250 1995-7-3
A: 02411564 calodictya Summerhayes Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10200 1995-6-28
A: 02258789 ceiba Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk HIlls, ridge near Langu W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10281 1995-7-5
A: 02556443 celebicus (Miquel) Rehder Papua New Guinea: East Sepik East Sepik Province, Waskuk Hills, first but... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10205 1995-6-28
A: 02601750 cochinchinensis (Loureiro) S. Moore Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10326 1995-7-10
A: 02601766 cochinchinensis (Loureiro) S. Moore Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10326 1995-7-10
A: 02260285 corymbosa Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10327 1995-7-10
A: 02442112 cotinoides (S. Moore) Merrill Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, base of ridge at Garuka. W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10297 1995-7-6
A: 02462098 dolichodactylus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10302 1995-7-7
A: 02499688 firma (Blume) Hooker f. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10320 1995-7-10
A: 02277662 floribunda Decaisne Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; buttress ridge above the foot-... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10284 1995-7-5
A: 02329911 geniculata Gagnepain Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10274 1995-7-4
A: 02412302 gul Lauterbach & K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, base of ridge at Garuka. W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10298 1995-7-6
A: 02276387 indicum Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10263 1995-7-4
A: 02461603 latifolium Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10219 1995-6-25
A: 02461602 latifolium Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10219 1995-6-29
A: 02296013 leptostachya Bentham Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; main buttress ridge above the ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10,234 (=Regalado no. 1,455) 1995-6-30
GH: 01005072 leptostachys de Candolle Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti subdistrict, Waskuk Hills, area arou... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 1394 1995-6-25
A: 02231713 megalocephala Harms Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10184 1995-6-27
A: 02412698 melinocarpa Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10261 1995-7-4
A: 02234343 moluccana (I. C. Nielsen) Barneby & J. W. Grimes Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10252 1995-7-3
A: 02234344 moluccana (I. C. Nielsen) Barneby & J. W. Grimes Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10252 1995-7-3
A: 02234356 moluccana (I. C. Nielsen) Barneby & J. W. Grimes Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10252 1997-7-3
A: 02415448 multiglandulosa (Blume) H. G. Reichenbach & Zollinger Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, regrowth community around Garu... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10334 1995-7-10
A: 02536978 nitida Teschner Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hiills, buttress ridge above the foot... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10172 1995-6-26
A: 02232788 novoguineensis E. G. Baker Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; main ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10325 1995-7-10
A: 02232789 novoguineensis E. G. Baker Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; main ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10325 1995-7-10
A: 02232800 novoguineensis E. G. Baker Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10325 1995-7-10
A: 02580166 nudum (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above foo... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10208 1995-6-28
A: 02236950 ormocarpoides de Candolle Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10312 1995-7-9
A: 02236951 ormocarpoides de Candolle Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10312 1995-7-9
A: 02477408 papuana Valeton ex Bakhuizen Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge in territory of the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10227 1995-6-30
A: 02324322 pentandra Merrill Papua New Guinea: East Sepik base of buttress ridge above Garuka Village,... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10153 1995-6-25
A: 02417614 pleiogynus Pax & K. Hoffmann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, base of ridge at Garuka villag... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10287 1995-7-6
A: 02441406 polyanthum (K. Schumann & Lauterbach) Mez Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills between Langu and Garuka, main ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10228 1995-6-30
A: 02226987 rassak Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Waksuk Hills, second butt... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10265 1995-7-4
A: 02557588 rugata J. F. Maxwell Papua New Guinea: East Sepik East Sepik Province, Waskuk Hills, main ridg... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10323 1995-7-10
A: 02231792 schefferi K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Ambunti-Drekikier: Waskuk Hills, buttress ri... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10185 1995-6-27
A: 02276523 schlechteri Lauterb. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills between Langu and Garuka, main ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10230 1995-6-30
A: 02420079 scottiana (F. Mueller) K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above Garuka vi... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10157 1995-6-25
A: 02420077 scottiana (F. Mueller) K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above Garuka vi... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10157 1995-6-25
A: 02462869 sepikanus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10215 1995-6-29
A: 02462868 sepikanus Schlechter Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10319 1995-7-10
A: 02459913 sessiliflorus (Hemsley) Kiew Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above the foot ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10169 1995-6-26
A: 02262911 siderospermus Cordemoy Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along foot track between Garuk... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10295 1995-7-6
A: 02262912 siderospermus Cordemoy Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along foot track between Garuk... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10295 1995-7-6
A: 02509668 sinuosa (Wallich ex Hooker) Copeland Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; along foot track between Garuk... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10275 1995-7-4
GH: 02231846 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above foot track be... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10239 1995-7-3
A: 02236099 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, ridge near Langu W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10280 1995-7-5
A: 02325692 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10254 1995-7-3
A: 02325690 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10303 1995-7-7
A: 02325689 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10303 1995-7-7
A: 02325206 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; along the foot track betwen Ga... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10257 1995-7-4
A: 02325205 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Alonf the foot track between Garuka and Ambu... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10260 1995-7-4
A: 01005062 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik buttress ridge above Garuka Village, from th... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10155 1995-6-25
A: 02327005 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10333 1995-7-10
A: 02538400 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10294 1995-7-6
A: 02538469 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above the foot ... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10173 1995-6-26
A: 02538535 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10246 1995-7-3
A: 02538536 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10322 1995-7-10
A: 02272516 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik East Sepik Province, Waskuk Hills; main ridg... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10324 1995-6-10
A: 02272532 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik East Sepik Province, Waskuk Hills; main ridg... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10324 1995-7-10
A: 02539713 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; buttress ridge above the foot-... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10188 1995-6-27
A: 02539714 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; buttress ridge above the foot-... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10188 1995-6-27
A: 02539756 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; buttress ridge above the foot-... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10188 1995-6-27
A: 02297120 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10216 1995-6-29
A: 02297160 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10216 (=Regalado no. 1438) 1995-6-29
A: 02420720 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10332 1995-7-10
A: 02420719 sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10332 1995-7-10
A: 02283707 versteegii Christ Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above foo... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10225 1995-6-29
A: 02283706 versteegii Christ Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above foo... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10225 1995-6-29
A: 02276554 vitiense A. Gray Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills between Langu and Garuka; ridge... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10230 1995-6-30
Annonaceae A: 00571904 Artabotrys sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10218 1995-6-29
A: 00871766 Monoon sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along foot track between Garuk... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10293 1995-7-6
Apocynaceae A: 02182646 Alstonia macrophylla Wallich ex Don Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10328 1995-7-10
A: 02179100 Anodendron oblongifolium Hemsley Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, main ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10329 1995-7-10
A: 02116850 Ichnocarpus rhombifolius (Markgraf) D. J. Middleton Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10240 1995-7-3
A: 02378641 Lepiniopsis ternatensis Valeton Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, spur ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10311 1995-7-9
A: 02381479 Papuechites aambe (Warburg) Markgraf Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10255 1995-7-4
A: 02382040 Parsonsia warenensis Kanehira & Hatusima Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, along the foot track between G... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10296 1995-7-6
Araceae A: 01634379 Aglaonema marantifolium Blume Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Province; Waskuk Hills; spur ridg... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10241 1995-7-3
A: 01629983 Pothos zippelii Schott Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, second buttress ridge above th... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10266 1995-7-4
Arecaceae A: 02427437 Hydriastele sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, first buttress ridge above the... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10204 1995-6-28
A: 00139794 Licuala Wurmb Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above Garuka vi... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10158 1995-6-25
A: 00139795 Licuala sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above Garuka vi... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10158 1995-6-25
A: 00139798 Licuala sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above Garuka vi... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10158 1995-6-25
A: 00139797 Licuala sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above Garuka vi... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10158 1995-6-25
A: 00139796 Licuala sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills, buttress ridge above Garuka vi... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10158 1995-6-25
A: 02427913 Orania glauca Essig Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; ridge near Langu. W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10279 1995-7-5
Aristolochiaceae A: 02022522 Aristolochia tagala Chamisso Papua New Guinea: East Sepik East Sepik Province, Waskuk Hills, spur ridg... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10306 1995-7-9
A: 02022541 Aristolochia tagala Chamisso Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; spur ridge above the foot trac... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10306 (=Regalado no. 1512) 1995-7-9
Aspleniaceae A: 02405445 Asplenium phyllitidis malesicum Holttum Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Waskuk Hills; along foot track between Garuk... W. N. Takeuchi & J. Regalado 10272 1995-7-4