<< < Previous FH: 00215215 Fuligo septica candida (Persoon) R. E. Fries Cuba: Santa Clara Mina Carlota, Sierra de San Juan, Trinidad M... W. L. White 758 1941-7-5
FH: 00437694 Graphis scripta (Linnaeus) Acharius USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1937-2-19
FH: 00215215 Mucilago crustacea F. H. Wiggers Cuba: Santa Clara Mina Carlota, Sierra de San Juan, Trinidad M... W. L. White 758 1941-7-5
Agaricaceae FH: 00481599 Anellaria sepulchralis (Berkeley) Singer Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 165 1941-6-10
FH: 00481600 Anellaria sepulchralis (Berkeley) Singer Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 661 1941-7-4
FH: 00490074 Chlorophyllum molybdites (G. Meyer) Massee Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 965 1941-7-10
FH: 00490565 Clitopilus scyphoides (Fries) Singer: Fries USA: Massachusetts Woburn: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1943-8-8
FH: 00555413 Dictyopanus pusillus (Persoon ex Léveillé) Singer: Fries Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1941-7-3
FH: 00555425 Dictyopanus pusillus (Persoon ex Léveillé) Singer: Fries Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 344 1941-6-20
FH: 00555531 Flammulina velutipes (Curtis: Fries) Singer USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 710 1931-6-9
FH: 00585558 Inocybe destricta (Fries) Quélet USA: New York Ithaca: Lower Enfield Glen W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-13
FH: 00604147 Naematoloma sublateritium (Schaeffer) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-14
FH: 00604397 Oudemansiella radicata (Relhan) Singer USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Divinity Ave W. L. White s.n.
FH: 00604730 Panellus stipticus (Bulliard: Fries) P. Karsten USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-10
FH: 00604735 Panellus stipticus (Bulliard: Fries) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-6-24
FH: 00604736 Panellus stipticus (Bulliard: Fries) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-12-24
FH: 00290311 Panus rudis strigellus (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Singer Cuba: Cienfuegos Palm garden, Harvard Botanical Gardens, Sole... W. L. White 273 1941-6-18
FH: 00290311 Panus semirudis Singer Cuba: Cienfuegos Palm garden, Harvard Botanical Gardens, Sole... W. L. White 273 1941-6-18
FH: 00290311 Panus strigellus (Berkeley) Overholts Cuba: Cienfuegos Palm garden, Harvard Botanical Gardens, Sole... W. L. White 273 1941-6-18
FH: 00608609 Plicatura crispa (Persoon) Rea USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-21
FH: 00608612 Plicatura crispa (Persoon) Rea USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-3
FH: 00608613 Plicatura crispa (Persoon) Rea USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-21
FH: 00608614 Plicatura crispa (Persoon) Rea USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-21
FH: 00608616 Plicatura crispa (Persoon) Rea USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-21
FH: 00584575 Psathyrella candolleana (Fries) Maire USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-11
FH: 00588477 Rozites caperata (Persoon) P. Karsten: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-23
FH: 01005830 Stropharia cubensis Earle Cuba: Cienfuegos Central Soledad W. L. White 808
FH: 01005831 Stropharia cubensis Earle Cuba: Cienfuegos northeast of Casa Catalina, Soledad W. L. White 526
Auriculariaceae FH: 00486085 Auricularia polytricha (Montagne) Saccardo Cuba: Santa Clara [data not captured] W. L. White 317 1941-6
FH: 00486018 Auricularia sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos [data not captured] W. L. White 164 1941-6-10
FH: 00486027 Auricularia sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos [data not captured] W. L. White 172 1941-6-11
FH: 00486028 Auricularia sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos [data not captured] W. L. White 166 1941-6-10
FH: 00486561 Patouillardina cinerea Bresàdola Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 614 1942-5
FH: 00486562 Patouillardina cinerea Bresàdola Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 716 1941-7-5
Boletaceae FH: 00489235 Boletus bicolor Raddi USA: Massachusetts Woburn: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1943-8-8
FH: 00489257 Boletus frostii J. L. Russell USA: Massachusetts Woburn: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1943-8-8
FH: 00559582 Gyrodon merulioides (Schweinitz) Singer USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-7-22
FH: 00546204 Suillus pictus (Peck) Kuntze USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-2
Caliciaceae FH: 00390513 Calicium polyporaeum Nylander USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White 1937
Clathraceae FH: 00373628 Laternea triscapa Turpin Cuba: Cienfuegos Blanco's Woods, Soledad, Cienfuegos W. L. White 575 1941-7-1
FH: 00373629 Laternea triscapa Turpin Cuba: Villa Clara Mina Carlota, Sierra de San Juan, Trinidad M... W. L. White 1941-7-6
Dermateaceae FH: 00465743 Pyrenopeziza artemisiae (Lasch) Saccardo USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-5
FH: 00465745 Pyrenopeziza artemisiae (Lasch) Saccardo USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-23
FH: 00465746 Pyrenopeziza artemisiae (Lasch) Saccardo USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-5
Geoglossaceae FH: 00464386 Mitrula paludosa Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 715 1931-5-31
Helotiaceae FH: 00374895 Belonidium caricincola Rehm USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2913 1937
FH: 00599927 Belonidium sulphureum (Fuckel) Raitviir USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-23
FH: 00599930 Belonidium sulphureum (Fuckel) Raitviir USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-2
FH: 00599935 Belonidium sulphureum (Fuckel) Raitviir USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-16
FH: 00374919 Belonium sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2534 1936-7-23
FH: 00374986 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carpenter USA: New Hampshire Water Village: [no additional data] W. L. White s. n. 1943-9-16
FH: 00374999 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carpenter USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White 2787 1935-11-3
FH: 00431001 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carpenter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 3428 1938-9
FH: 00431007 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carpenter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2519 1936-7-23
FH: 00431016 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carpenter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2683 1936-9-17
FH: 00431021 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S. E. Carpenter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1987 1935-8-23
FH: 00374950 Bisporella sp. Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 787 1941-7-6
FH: 00374950 Bisporella sulfurina (Quélet) S. E. Carpenter Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 787 1941-7-6
FH: 00431810 Cenangium furfuraceum (Roth) De Notaris USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2919 1937-5-2
FH: 00431972 Chlorencoelia versiformis (Persoon) J. R. Dixon USA: New Hampshire Water Village: [no additional data] W. L. White s. n. 1943-9-6
FH: 00432645 Crocicreas cyathoideum (Bulliard) S. E. Carpenter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2962 1937-7-11
FH: 00548164 Diplonaevia caulophylli (Ellis & Everhart) B. Hein USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-23
FH: 00548165 Diplonaevia caulophylli (Ellis & Everhart) B. Hein USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-2
FH: 00548167 Diplonaevia caulophylli (Ellis & Everhart) B. Hein USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-3
FH: 00548168 Diplonaevia caulophylli (Ellis & Everhart) B. Hein USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-2
FH: 00433666 Helotium contortum W. L. White USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2980 1937-7-10
FH: 00433694 Helotium translucens W. L. White USA: Massachusetts Milton: [data not captured] W. L. White s. n. 1941-11-11
FH: 00433695 Helotium translucens W. L. White USA: Massachusetts Boston: Stony Brook Reservation, West Roxbur... W. L. White 1941-11-11
FH: 00434293 Hymenoscyphus caudatus (P. Karsten) Dennis USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2981 1937-7-10
FH: 00434266 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White 2954 1937-5-25
FH: 00434267 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2479 1936-5-16
FH: 00434270 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2951 1937-5-25
FH: 00434271 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2951 1937-5-25
FH: 00434272 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2953 1937-5-25
FH: 00434273 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2924 1937-5-9
FH: 00434274 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2925 1937-5-9
FH: 00434275 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2941 1937-5-23
FH: 00434276 Hymenoscyphus citrinulus (P. Karsten) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2945 1937-5-23
FH: 00434327 Hymenoscyphus epiphyllus (Persoon) Rehm ex Kauffman USA: New Hampshire Water Village: [no additional data] W. L. White s. n. 1943-9-6
FH: 00434346 Hymenoscyphus epiphyllus (Persoon) Rehm ex Kauffman USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2961 1937-7-11
FH: 00434378 Hymenoscyphus fraternus (Peck) Dennis USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White 2612 1936-8-29
FH: 00434527 Hymenoscyphus scutula (Persoon) W. Phillips USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Beaver Brook Reservation, Waverly W. L. White s. n. 1943-8-15
FH: 00434530 Hymenoscyphus scutula (Persoon) W. Phillips USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s. n. 1938-7-27
FH: 00434532 Hymenoscyphus scutula (Persoon) W. Phillips USA: New York Labrador Lake, N. Y. W. L. White s. n. 1937-7-10
FH: 00434136 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 3375 1938-9-5
FH: 00434137 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 3377 1938-9-5
FH: 00434140 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s. n. 1937-7-10
FH: 00434149 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2484 1936-5-16
FH: 00434184 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2940 1937-5-23
FH: 00434195 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: Massachusetts Boston: Stony Brook Reservation, West Roxbur... W. L. White 1941-11-11
FH: 00434198 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: Massachusetts Boston: Stony Brook Reservation, West Roxbur... W. L. White 1941-11-11
FH: 00434203 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2531 1936-7-27
FH: 00434205 Hymenoscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2942 1937-5-23
FH: 00465736 Pycnopeziza sympodialis W. L. White & Whetzel ex B. Sutton USA: West Virginia [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-4-6
FH: 00445823 Tympanis alnea (Persoon) Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-20
FH: 00445824 Tympanis alnea (Persoon) Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-26
Helvellaceae FH: 00433753 Helvella crispa (Scopoli) Fries: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s. n. 1936-10-18
FH: 00433924 Helvella macropus (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2019 1935-8-20
FH: 00433927 Helvella macropus (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1983 1935-8-21
Hyaloscyphaceae FH: 00374683 Arachnopeziza aurelia (Persoon) Fuckel USA: Maryland Beltsville: [data not captured] W. L. White 3209 1938-4-5
FH: 00431210 Calycellina populina (Fuckel) Höhnel USA: New Hampshire Ossipee: [no additional data] W. L. White s. n. 1943-9-5
FH: 00433049 Dasyscyphus niveus (R. Hedwig) Saccardo USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2446 1936-5-3
FH: 00433051 Dasyscyphus niveus (R. Hedwig) Saccardo USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2465 1936-5-5
FH: 00432814 Dasyscyphus sp. USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2477 1936-5-16
FH: 00434680 Lachnum corticale (Persoon) Nannfeldt USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2806 1935-4-6
FH: 00434681 Lachnum corticale (Persoon) Nannfeldt USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2910 1937-5-2
FH: 00434914 Lachnum sclerotii (A. L. Smith) J. H. Haines & Dumont Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1941-6-20
FH: 00445702 Trichopeziza pollinaria (Cooke) Saccardo USA: Pennsylvania Hawn's Bridge W. L. White s.n. 1935-5-5
Hydnaceae FH: 00481838 Auriscalpium vulgare Gray USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936
FH: 00559763 Hericium clathroides (Pallas) Persoon: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-20
FH: 00570300 Hydnum repandum Linnaeus: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: Coy Glen, near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-22
FH: 00585311 Hyphodontia crustosa (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-4-7
FH: 00585341 Hyphodontia pallidula (Bresàdola) J. Eriksson USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1111 1933-4-23
FH: 00605792 Hyphodontia paradoxa (Schrader) Langer & Vesterholt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00605793 Hyphodontia paradoxa (Schrader) Langer & Vesterholt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-11-27
FH: 00605794 Hyphodontia paradoxa (Schrader) Langer & Vesterholt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-7
FH: 00605795 Hyphodontia paradoxa (Schrader) Langer & Vesterholt USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1932-12-7
FH: 00585350 Hyphodontia sambuci (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-3
FH: 00585351 Hyphodontia sambuci (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-8
FH: 00585352 Hyphodontia sambuci (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: near State College W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-9
FH: 00585373 Hyphodontia spathulata (Schrader) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-22
FH: 00283022 Phlebia livida (Persoon) Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1503 1934-12-28
FH: 00283023 Phlebia livida (Persoon) Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1105 1932-12-28
FH: 00283024 Phlebia livida (Persoon) Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1342 1934-4-1
FH: 00283025 Phlebia livida (Persoon) Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1344 1934-4-1
FH: 00283021 Phlebia livida (Persoon) Bresàdola USA: New York Ithaca: Coy Glen, near Ithaca, NY W. L. White 24940 1935-4-22
FH: 00608142 Phlebia merismoides (Fries) Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-11-26
FH: 00608217 Phlebia strigosozonata (Schweinitz) Lloyd USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1932-12-7
FH: 00603858 Steccherinum fibriatum (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-7-30
FH: 00603859 Steccherinum fibriatum (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-7-14
FH: 00603862 Steccherinum fibriatum (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-7-13
FH: 00603868 Steccherinum fibriatum (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-7-12
FH: 00603903 Steccherinum ochraceum (Persoon) Gray: Fries USA: West Virginia [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-6-9
Lachnaceae FH: 00464888 Perrotia flammea (Albertini & Schweinitz) Boudier USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-3-8
Melampsoraceae FH: 01022780 Chrysomyxa cassandrae (Gobi) Tranzschel USA: Pennsylvania Bear Meadow, Center co. W. L. White 1931-6-18
FH: 00877497 Coleosporium campanulae (Persoon) Tulasne USA: New York Road between Ithica and Cayuta W. L. White
FH: 00990068 Hyalopsora polypodii (Persoon) Magnus USA: Pennsylvania Penna. Furnace, Hunt Co. W. L. White 1176 1933-7-7
FH: 00956665 Pucciniastrum galii E. Fischer USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1932-8-20
Microcaliciaceae FH: 00390513 Phaeocalicium polyporaeum (Nylander) Tibell USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White 1937
Patellariaceae FH: 00465877 Rhytidhysteron rufulum (Sprengel) Spegazzini Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 541 1941-6-29
FH: 00465878 Rhytidhysteron rufulum (Sprengel) Spegazzini Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 186 1941-6-12
Pezizaceae FH: 00434060 Humaria hemisphaerica (F. H. Wiggers) Fuckel USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Near Waverly W. L. White 1943-8-15
FH: 00434667 Jafnea fusicarpa (W. R. Gerard) Korf USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2677 1936-9-17
FH: 00464263 Melastiza flavorubens (Rehm) Pfister & Korf USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White 2499 1926-6-28
FH: 00464743 Otidea leporina (Batsch) Fuckel USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00465169 Peziza domiciliana Cooke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1936-8-26
FH: 00465170 Peziza domiciliana Cooke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1936-8-26
FH: 00465171 Peziza domiciliana Cooke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1936-8-8
FH: 00465178 Peziza echinospora P. Karsten USA: New York Bronx: New York Bot. Garden W. L. White s.n. 1936-6
FH: 00465274 Peziza repanda Wahlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-16
FH: 00465303 Peziza succosa Berkeley USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1938-7-15
FH: 00465772 Pyronema omphalodes (Bulliard) Fuckel USA: Massachusetts Norwood: Purgatory Swamp W. L. White s.n. 1941-7-19
FH: 00465780 Pyronema omphalodes (Bulliard) Fuckel USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-12
Phallaceae FH: 00416755 Dictyophora indusiata (Ventenat) Desvaux Cuba: Cienfuegos Santa Clara Province. Near Central Soledad, ... W. L. White 842
Phleogenaceae FH: 00486594 Pilacre faginea (Fries) Berkeley & Broome USA: New York Ithaca: Enfield Hills W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-3
Piperaceae A: 01965990 Piper hispidum Kunth Cuba: Santa Clara Mina Carlota, Sierra de San Juan, Trinidad M... W. L. White 698 1941-7-6
Polyporaceae FH: 00488396 Abortiporus borealis (Fries: Fries) Singer USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-10-27
FH: 00488412 Abortiporus borealis (Fries: Fries) Singer USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 708 1931-6-9
FH: 00481883 Bjerkandera adusta (Willdenow) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-23
FH: 00481888 Bjerkandera adusta (Willdenow) P. Karsten USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-11
FH: 00489924 Ceriporia viridans (Berkeley & Broome) Donk Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1941-7-9
FH: 00490037 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-21
FH: 00490042 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-22
FH: 00490044 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-4-28
FH: 00490047 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 722 1931-6-18
FH: 00490048 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-8-21
FH: 00490049 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-6-17
FH: 00490050 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 668 1931-4-18
FH: 00490051 Chaetoporus euporus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-4-30
FH: 00490022 Chaetoporus rixosus (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-10
FH: 00490880 Coltricia perennis (Linnaeus) Murrill: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-7-26
FH: 00490882 Coltricia perennis (Linnaeus) Murrill: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-9-10
FH: 00482403 Coriolopsis occidentalis (Klotzsch) Murrill Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 960 1941-7-10
FH: 00482451 Coriolopsis rigida (Berk. & Mont.) Murrill Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 341 1941-6-20
FH: 00482535 Coriolus drummondii (Klotzsch) Patouillard Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 519 1941-6-28
FH: 00482585 Coriolus hirsutus (Wulfen) Patouillard: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00482710 Coriolus maximus (Montagne) Murrill Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 588 1941-7-4
FH: 00482775 Coriolus pinsitus (Fries) Patouillard: Fries Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 936 1941-7-10
FH: 00482797 Coriolus pinsitus (Fries) Patouillard: Fries Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 486 1941-6-27
FH: 00482798 Coriolus pinsitus (Fries) Patouillard: Fries Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 534 1941-6-29
FH: 00482841 Coriolus pubescens (Schumacher) Quélet: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-22
FH: 00482944 Coriolus versicolor (Linnaeus) Quélet: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-14
FH: 00482961 Coriolus versicolor (Linnaeus) Quélet: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00555292 Daedalea quercina (Linnaeus) Persoon: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00555338 Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton) J. Schröter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-5-17
FH: 00555589 Fomes fomentarius (Linnaeus) Fries: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: McLean's Bog, near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1934-7-14
FH: 00555613 Fomes rimosus (Berkeley) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 666 1931-4-18
FH: 00555731 Fomitopsis medulla-panis (Jacquin) Bondartsev & Singer USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00555878 Fomitopsis scutellata (Schweinitz) Bondartsev & Singer USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-26
FH: 00555839 Fomitopsis subrosea (Weir) Bondartsev & Singer USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-6-2
FH: 00548231 Ganoderma tsugae Murrill USA: West Virginia [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-6-9
FH: 00559336 Gloeoporus dichrous (Fries) Bresàdola: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1933-11-2
FH: 00559338 Gloeoporus dichrous (Fries) Bresàdola: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00559695 Hapalopilus nidulans (Fries) P. Karsten: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1938-7-8
FH: 00559696 Hapalopilus nidulans (Fries) P. Karsten: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-9-17
FH: 00559922 Hirschioporus pargamenus (Fries) Bondartsev & Singer USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-6-29
FH: 00559930 Hirschioporus pargamenus (Fries) Bondartsev & Singer USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 728 1931-6-18
FH: 00559931 Hirschioporus pargamenus (Fries) Bondartsev & Singer USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 728 1931-6-18
FH: 00559932 Hirschioporus pargamenus (Fries) Bondartsev & Singer USA: Pennsylvania State College: 1 m. N.E. of State College W. L. White s.n. 1933-3-7
FH: 00559934 Hirschioporus pargamenus (Fries) Bondartsev & Singer USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00570194 Hydnoporia fuscescens (Schweinitz) Murrill USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00570195 Hydnoporia fuscescens (Schweinitz) Murrill USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 651 1931-4-26
FH: 00585787 Irpex lacteus (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-31
FH: 00585793 Irpex lacteus (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood, near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-14
FH: 00585753 Irpex sp. USA: New York Ithaca: Hein Farm, Elmira Road W. L. White 2605 1936-8-24
FH: 00605359 Perenniporia subacida (Peck) Donk USA: New York Ithaca: Near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-14
FH: 00605365 Perenniporia subacida (Peck) Donk USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00605644 Phellinus conchatus (Persoon) Quélet USA: New York Ithaca: Near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1935-9-17
FH: 00605671 Phellinus everhartii (Ellis & Galloway) A. Ames USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-7
FH: 00605754 Phellinus gilvus (Schweinitz) Patouillard USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00548524 Phellinus gilvus (Schweinitz) Patouillard USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00548888 Phellinus igniarius (Linnaeus) Quélet USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-10
FH: 00605901 Phellinus laevigatus (P. Karsten) Bourdot & Galzin USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-11-26
FH: 00605616 Phellinus pini (Brotero) A. Ames USA: New York Newcomb (New York): [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-7-14
FH: 00605960 Phellinus pini (Brotero) A. Ames USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-7-14
FH: 00608861 Polyporus brumalis (Persoon) Fries USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-4-22
FH: 00608867 Polyporus brumalis (Persoon) Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-7
FH: 00608988 Polyporus spraguei Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Massachusetts Boston: Jamaica Plain W. L. White 1943-10-10
FH: 00584046 Polyporus varius (Persoon: Fries) Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-7-26
FH: 00584426 Poria prunicola (Murrill) Saccardo & Trotter USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-6-2
FH: 00584303 Poria pulchella (Schweinitz) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-4-30
FH: 00584304 Poria pulchella (Schweinitz) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-7-13
FH: 00584305 Poria pulchella (Schweinitz) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-7-4
FH: 00584371 Poria tarda (Berkeley) Cooke USA: Massachusetts Woburn: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1943-8-15
FH: 00584374 Poria tarda (Berkeley) Cooke USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-7-26
FH: 00584375 Poria tarda (Berkeley) Cooke USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-9-6
FH: 00584376 Poria tarda (Berkeley) Cooke USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-9-1
FH: 00584385 Poria tarda (Berkeley) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00584394 Poria vitrea Persoon USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-8-25
FH: 00584511 Poronidulus conchifer (Schweinitz) Murrill USA: New Jersey [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-8-31
FH: 00584512 Poronidulus conchifer (Schweinitz) Murrill USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-8-26
FH: 00584866 Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacquin: Fries) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-10
FH: 00584867 Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacquin: Fries) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-14
FH: 00584870 Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacquin: Fries) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-7
FH: 00527663 Tyromyces tephroleucus (Fries) Donk: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00605359 Yuchengia narymica (Pilát) B. K. Cui, C. L. Zhao & K. T. Steffen USA: New York Ithaca: Near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-14
FH: 00605365 Yuchengia narymica (Pilát) B. K. Cui, C. L. Zhao & K. T. Steffen USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
Pucciniaceae FH: 00873246 Gymnoconia peckiana (Howe) Trotter USA: Pennsylvania State College W. L. White 700 1931-6-7
FH: 00998096 Gymnosporangium clavipes Cooke & Peck USA: Pennsylvania "The Rock" near Lemont, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-4-19
FH: 00998098 Gymnosporangium clavipes Cooke & Peck USA: Pennsylvania Shingletown, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-5-24
FH: 00998243 Gymnosporangium globosum (Farlow) Farlow USA: New York Ithaca: Near Gamma Alpha House W. L. White 1937-8-13
FH: 00940713 Puccinia acetosae (Schumacher) Körnicke USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1142 1932-8-29
FH: 00940640 Puccinia andropogonis Schweinitz USA: Pennsylvania Near State College W. L. White 652 1931-4-26
FH: 01006324 Puccinia angustata Peck USA: Pennsylvania Hawn's Bridge, Center Co. W. L. White 669 1931-4-18
FH: 00950723 Puccinia asterum (Schweinitz) Kern USA: Pennsylvania State College, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-5-3
FH: 00964366 Puccinia bardanae (Wallroth) Corda USA: Pennsylvania State College, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-9-19
FH: 00964370 Puccinia bardanae (Wallroth) Corda USA: Pennsylvania Shingletown, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-5-25
FH: 00949455 Puccinia dispersa Eriksson & Henning USA: Pennsylvania Baileyville W. L. White 704 1931-6-9
FH: 00950723 Puccinia extensicola Plowright USA: Pennsylvania State College, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-5-3
FH: 00955204 Puccinia graminis Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Baileyville, Center Co., PA W. L. White 1931-6-9
FH: 00955335 Puccinia graminis Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Baileyville, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-6-9
FH: 00955495 Puccinia graminis Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Baileyville, Center Co. W. L. White 1931-6-4
FH: 00782388 Puccinia malvacearum Bertero ex Montagne USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White 1934-10-19
FH: 00782582 Puccinia menthae Persoon: Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Biglerville W. L. White 665 1931-9-22
FH: 00782756 Puccinia menthae Persoon: Persoon USA: New York Lloyd Preserve, McLean W. L. White 2602 1936-8-18
FH: 01131817 Puccinia obtegens (Link) Tulasne USA: Pennsylvania Espy's Field, South Altoona W. L. White
FH: 01131819 Puccinia obtegens (Link) Tulasne USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1931-6-7
FH: 01129434 Puccinia pimpinellae (F. Strauss) Link USA: Pennsylvania Shingletown W. L. White 1931-5-24
FH: 00949455 Puccinia rubigo-vera secalis (Eriksson & Henning) Arthur USA: Pennsylvania Baileyville W. L. White 704 1931-6-9
FH: 01131817 Puccinia suaveolens (Persoon) Rostrup USA: Pennsylvania Espy's Field, South Altoona W. L. White
FH: 01131819 Puccinia suaveolens (Persoon) Rostrup USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1931-6-7
FH: 00951913 Puccinia veratri Niessl USA: New York Ithaca: Mc Lean Bogs, near Ithaca W. L. White 1419 1934-7-14
FH: 00956121 Puccinia violae (Schumacher) de Candolle USA: Pennsylvania Biglerville W. L. White 1931-9-22
FH: 01004226 Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae (Persoon) Dietel USA: Pennsylvania Near State College, Center Co., Pa. W. L. White 1931-5-26
FH: 01004226 Tranzschelia punctata Arthur USA: Pennsylvania Near State College, Center Co., Pa. W. L. White 1931-5-26
FH: 01004373 Tranzschelia thalictri (Chevallier) Dietel USA: New York Labrador Lake W. L. White 1937-7-10
FH: 01004993 Uromyces asclepiadis Cooke USA: Pennsylvania State College W. L. White 1931-9-19
FH: 01125109 Uromyces caryophyllinus (Schrank) Spegazzini USA: Pennsylvania Hort. greenhouse, State College W. L. White 1931-5-22
FH: 00941522 Uromyces junci-effusi P. Sydow & Sydow USA: Pennsylvania Colyier's Gap W. L. White 1937-4-3
FH: 00783350 Uromyces polygoni (Rabenhorst) Fuckel USA: Pennsylvania Montandon W. L. White 1145 1932-7-16
FH: 00783352 Uromyces polygoni (Rabenhorst) Fuckel USA: Pennsylvania State College W. L. White 1931-9-19
FH: 00783631 Uromyces proeminens (de Candolle) Léveillé USA: Pennsylvania State College W. L. White 662 1931-9-19
Russulaceae FH: 00590121 Lactarius corrugis Peck USA: New York Ithaca: Coy Glen W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-2
FH: 00590524 Lactarius volemus (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-2
Sarcoscyphaceae FH: 00432532 Cookeina tricholoma (Montagne) Kuntze Cuba: Santa Clara [data not captured] W. L. White 722 1941-7-5
FH: 00445042 Sarcoscypha coccinea (Jacquin: Fries) Lambotte USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-3-18
Sarcosomataceae FH: 00445933 Urnula craterium (Schweinitz) Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-3
Sclerotiniaceae FH: 00432192 Chlorociboria aeruginascens (Nylander) Kanouse ex C. S. Ramamurthi, Korf & L. R. Batra USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2450 1936-5-5
FH: 00432018 Chlorociboria aeruginosa (Oeder) Seaver ex C. S. Ramamurthi, Korf, & L. R. Batra USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1966 1935-8-20
FH: 00432284 Chlorosplenium chlora (Schweinitz) M. A. Curtis USA: New Hampshire Water Village: [no additional data] W. L. White s. n. 1943-9-6
FH: 00432347 Ciboria acerina Whetzel & N. F. Buchwald USA: Massachusetts Sudbury: [data not captured] W. L. White 3251 1938-4
FH: 00432372 Ciboria betulae (Woronin ex Navashin) W. L. White USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverley, Mass. W. L. White s. n. 1942-4-26
FH: 00465937 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1940-4-21
FH: 00465938 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1939-9-15
FH: 00465939 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1939-4-9
FH: 00465940 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1939-8-26
FH: 00465942 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1936-8-29
FH: 00465944 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1939-1-9
FH: 00465945 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1935-9-7
FH: 00465949 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1940-4-21
FH: 00465953 Rutstroemia longipes (Cooke & Peck) W. L. White USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1940-7-1
FH: 00465898 Rutstroemia luteovirescens (Roberge ex Desmazières) W. L. White USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1938-10-12
FH: 00465964 Rutstroemia macrospora (Peck) Kanouse USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1939-8-27
FH: 00465907 Rutstroemia petiolorum (Roberge ex Desmazières) W. L. White USA: New Hampshire Ossipee: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1943-9-4
FH: 00465919 Rutstroemia pruni-serotinae Whetzel & W. L. White USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1940-5-17
FH: 00465925 Rutstroemia pruni-serotinae Whetzel & W. L. White USA: Massachusetts Wakefield: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1940-7-20
FH: 00465990 Rutstroemia renispora (Ellis) W. L. White USA: South Carolina Charleston: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1940-4-3
FH: 00445140 Sclerotinia bifrons Seaver & Shope USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-2
Secotiaceae FH: 00488335 Secotium aurantium Zeller Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 803 1941-7-6
Septobasidiaceae FH: 00486766 Septobasidium pinicola Snell USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-4-30
FH: 00486767 Septobasidium pinicola Snell USA: New York Ithaca: Coy Glen W. L. White s.n. 1935-9-17
FH: 00486768 Septobasidium pinicola Snell USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-6-18
Thelephoraceae FH: 00488633 Aleurocorticium candidum (Schweinitz) P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-4-2
FH: 00488637 Aleurocorticium candidum (Schweinitz) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-3-2
FH: 00488644 Aleurocorticium candidum (Schweinitz) P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1286 1934-1-24
FH: 00488646 Aleurocorticium candidum (Schweinitz) P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-7
FH: 00488647 Aleurocorticium candidum (Schweinitz) P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1109 1933-4-25
FH: 00488652 Aleurocorticium candidum (Schweinitz) P. A. Lemke USA: West Virginia Morgantown: Ices Ferry, near Morgantown W. L. White s.n. 1937-4-6
FH: 00488601 Aleurocorticium griseocanum (Bresàdola) P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1365 1935-1-8
FH: 00488602 Aleurocorticium griseocanum (Bresàdola) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-21
FH: 00488603 Aleurocorticium griseocanum (Bresàdola) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1938-8-7
FH: 00488669 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-13
FH: 00488673 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-12
FH: 00488678 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Arnot Forest W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-7
FH: 00488682 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Enfield Glen W. L. White s.n. 1936-7-27
FH: 00488684 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Coy Glen W. L. White s.n. 1936-10-10
FH: 00488686 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1938-8-7
FH: 00488687 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve W. L. White s.n. 1937-11-7
FH: 00488688 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve W. L. White s.n. 1938-4-3
FH: 00488690 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1938-8-7
FH: 00488698 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve, near Ithaca W. L. White 3077 1937-10-24
FH: 00488699 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve, near Ithaca W. L. White 3077-5 1937-10-24
FH: 00488700 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve, near Ithaca W. L. White 3077 6-7 1937-10-24
FH: 00488702 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve, near Ithaca W. L. White 3100 1937-11-7
FH: 00488704 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033 1937-9-14
FH: 00488705 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 2168 1931-12-25
FH: 00488706 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: West Virginia Morgantown: [data not captured] W. L. White 2870 1937-4-6
FH: 00488708 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: West Virginia [data not captured] W. L. White 2833 1937-4-6
FH: 00488709 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033 2-3 1937-9-14
FH: 00488710 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033-7 1938-3-12
FH: 00488711 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033 1937-9-14
FH: 00488712 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033-5 1938-3-12
FH: 00488713 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033-8 1938-3-12
FH: 00488714 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033 1937-9-14
FH: 00488715 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033-4 1937-9-14
FH: 00488716 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3033-1 1937-9-14
FH: 00488717 Aleurocorticium macrodens (Coker) P. A. Lemke USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Swamp, near Ithaca W. L. White 3028 1937-8-30
FH: 00488723 Aleurocorticium microsporum H. S. Jackson & P. A. Lemke USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 2918 1937-5-2
FH: 00488729 Aleurocorticium microsporum H. S. Jackson & P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 3118 1937-4-2
FH: 00488736 Aleurocorticium microsporum H. S. Jackson & P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 2897 1937-4-2
FH: 00488737 Aleurocorticium microsporum H. S. Jackson & P. A. Lemke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 2800 1936-12-26
FH: 00488843 Aleurodiscus amorphus (Persoon: Fries) Rabenhorst USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-7-26
FH: 00488896 Aleurodiscus nivosus Höhnel & Litschauer USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-6-8
FH: 00488897 Aleurodiscus nivosus Höhnel & Litschauer USA: Pennsylvania Hawn's Bridge W. L. White 653 1931-4-18
FH: 00488922 Aleurodiscus oakesii (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00488923 Aleurodiscus oakesii (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00488926 Aleurodiscus oakesii (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 2792 1936-12-26
FH: 00488942 Aleurodiscus oakesii (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Cooke USA: Massachusetts Greenfield: [no additional data] W. L. White 2342 1935-11-28
FH: 00488904 Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1941-7-6
FH: 00488905 Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1941-7-6
FH: 00488907 Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 692 1941-7-4
FH: 00488908 Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 687 1941-7-4
FH: 00488909 Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 573 1941-6-30
FH: 00488785 Aleurodiscus pini H. S. Jackson USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-3-24
FH: 00488749 Aleurodiscus sp. Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 360 1941-6
FH: 00555408 Aleurodiscus sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos Seboruco, Harvard Botanical Garden, Soledad,... W. L. White 149 1941-6-10
FH: 00555409 Aleurodiscus sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos Field behind Harvard House, Soledad, Cienfue... W. L. White 144 1941-6-9
FH: 00555410 Aleurodiscus sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos Two miles northeast of Soledad, Cienfuegos W. L. White 121 1941-6-8
FH: 00555411 Aleurodiscus sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos Field 3/4 mi. S of Harvard House, Soledad, C... W. L. White 192 1941-6-12
FH: 00481576 Amphinema byssoides (Persoon) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1369 1934-4-29
FH: 00481782 Asterostroma cervicolor (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Massee Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 748 1949-7-5
FH: 00481783 Asterostroma cervicolor (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Massee Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 737 1941-7-5
FH: 00481767 Asterostroma muscicola (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Massee Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 441 1941-6-21
FH: 00481768 Asterostroma muscicola (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Massee Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 820 1941-7-8
FH: 00481764 Asterostroma muscicola (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Massee USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-9-3
FH: 00481784 Asterostroma ochroleucum Bresàdola ex Torrend Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 412 1941-6
FH: 00481785 Asterostroma ochroleucum Bresàdola ex Torrend Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 593 1941-7-1
FH: 00604558 Botryobasidium pruinatum (Bresàdola) J. Eriksson USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-7
FH: 00604562 Botryobasidium pruinatum (Bresàdola) J. Eriksson USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1323 1933-7-9
FH: 00604563 Botryobasidium pruinatum (Bresàdola) J. Eriksson USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-16
FH: 00604564 Botryobasidium pruinatum (Bresàdola) J. Eriksson USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1322 1933-7-7
FH: 00604582 Botryobasidium vagum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-6
FH: 00604592 Botryobasidium vagum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1166 1933-6-2
FH: 00604595 Botryobasidium vagum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1198 1933-4-7
FH: 00604600 Botryobasidium vagum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-11-2
FH: 00604601 Botryobasidium vagum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1334 1933-7-3
FH: 00604602 Botryobasidium vagum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1219 1933-4-7
FH: 00604603 Botryobasidium vagum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) D. P. Rogers USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00489379 Byssocorticium atrovirens (Fries) Bondartsev & Singer: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-9-11
FH: 00490919 Confertobasidium olivaceoalbum (Bourdot & Galzin) Julich USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1200 1933-5-7
FH: 00490947 Coniophora arida (Fries) P. Karsten: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1103 1932-12-7
FH: 00490960 Coniophora arida (Fries) P. Karsten: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-11-2
FH: 00490986 Coniophora olivacea (Fries) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1317 1933-11-2
FH: 00490992 Coniophora olivacea (Fries) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1110 1932-12-28
FH: 00482019 Coniophora puteana (Schumacher: Fries) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-6
FH: 00482052 Coniophora puteana (Schumacher: Fries) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1316 1933-11-2
FH: 00220757 Corticium botryoideum Overholts USA: Pennsylvania Biglerville W. L. White 1070 (14503) 1932-7-26
FH: 00554219 Corticium calceum (Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1314 1933-11-2
FH: 00554220 Corticium calceum (Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1349 1933-5-14
FH: 00554174 Corticium canadense Burt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1086 1932-7-26
FH: 00554180 Corticium centrifugum (Weinman) Fries Cuba: Cienfuegos [data not captured] W. L. White 117 1941-6-8
FH: 00554224 Corticium cremoricolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1079 1932-11-26
FH: 00554227 Corticium cremoricolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1122 1933-4-30
FH: 00554228 Corticium cremoricolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-4-16
FH: 00554230 Corticium cremoricolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1119 1933-4-30
FH: 00554233 Corticium cremoricolor Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-6
FH: 00554248 Corticium crustaceum (P. Karsten) F. X. R. von Hohnel & V. Litschauer USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-9-8
FH: 00554251 Corticium deflectens (P. Karsten) P. Karsten USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-26
FH: 00554271 Corticium hydnans (Schweinitz) Burt USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-2-9
FH: 00554272 Corticium hydnans (Schweinitz) Burt USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1330 1933-8-27
FH: 00554280 Corticium incrustans Persoon: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1078 1932-11-27
FH: 00554301 Corticium laeve Persoon USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-3-21
FH: 00283022 Corticium lividum Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1503 1934-12-28
FH: 00283023 Corticium lividum Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1105 1932-12-28
FH: 00283024 Corticium lividum Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1342 1934-4-1
FH: 00283025 Corticium lividum Persoon USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White 1344 1934-4-1
FH: 00283021 Corticium lividum Persoon USA: New York Ithaca: Coy Glen, near Ithaca, NY W. L. White 24940 1935-4-22
FH: 00554381 Corticium pini-canadensis (Schweinitz) D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-15
FH: 00554382 Corticium pini-canadensis (Schweinitz) D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-6-6
FH: 00554404 Corticium sp. Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 629 1941-7-3
FH: 00554432 Corticium subceraceum Burt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-16
FH: 00554485 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1164 1933-6-2
FH: 00554486 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1171 1933-7-7
FH: 00554487 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1238 1933-5-7
FH: 00554488 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00554489 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00554490 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-7-2
FH: 00554491 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-9-17
FH: 00554495 Corticium sulphureum Persoon: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-22
FH: 00554517 Corticium tuberculatum P. Karsten USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-7-14
FH: 00554905 Craterellus cornucopioides (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-7-4
FH: 00555220 Cytidia salicina (Fries) Burt: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1938-4-3
FH: 00555221 Cytidia salicina (Fries) Burt: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-14
FH: 00555224 Cytidia salicina (Fries) Burt: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00555406 Dendrothele acerina (Persoon) P. A. Lemke: Fries Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1941-7-4
FH: 00555408 Dendrothele nivosa (Höhnel & Litschauer) P. A. Lemke Cuba: Cienfuegos Seboruco, Harvard Botanical Garden, Soledad,... W. L. White 149 1941-6-10
FH: 00555409 Dendrothele nivosa (Höhnel & Litschauer) P. A. Lemke Cuba: Cienfuegos Field behind Harvard House, Soledad, Cienfue... W. L. White 144 1941-6-9
FH: 00555410 Dendrothele nivosa (Höhnel & Litschauer) P. A. Lemke Cuba: Cienfuegos Two miles northeast of Soledad, Cienfuegos W. L. White 121 1941-6-8
FH: 00555411 Dendrothele nivosa (Höhnel & Litschauer) P. A. Lemke Cuba: Cienfuegos Field 3/4 mi. S of Harvard House, Soledad, C... W. L. White 192 1941-6-12
FH: 00555409 Dendrothele sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos Field behind Harvard House, Soledad, Cienfue... W. L. White 144 1941-6-9
FH: 00555410 Dendrothele sp. Cuba: Cienfuegos Two miles northeast of Soledad, Cienfuegos W. L. White 121 1941-6-8
FH: 00555404 Dendrothele sp. USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00555438 Epithele sp. Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 774 1941-7-6
FH: 00559118 Gloeocystidiellum citrinum (Persoon) Donk USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1331 1934-2-10
FH: 00559121 Gloeocystidiellum citrinum (Persoon) Donk USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1315 1933-11-2
FH: 00559148 Gloeocystidiellum porosum (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Donk USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-3
FH: 00559448 Gomphus floccosus (Schweinitz) Singer USA: New York Ithaca: Coy Glen, near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-2
FH: 00570796 Hymenochaete agglutinans Ellis USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-9-22
FH: 00570816 Hymenochaete agglutinans Ellis USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-9-1
FH: 00570817 Hymenochaete agglutinans Ellis USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-5-3
FH: 00570821 Hymenochaete agglutinans Ellis USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-7-14
FH: 00570856 Hymenochaete cinnamomea (Persoon) Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1072 1931-12-31
FH: 00570881 Hymenochaete corrugata (Fries) Léveillé: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1168 1933-6-2
FH: 00570882 Hymenochaete corrugata (Fries) Léveillé: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White 1154 1933-6-2
FH: 00570885 Hymenochaete corrugata (Fries) Léveillé: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-11-30
FH: 00570840 Hymenochaete curtisii (Berkeley) Morgan USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1121 1933-4-30
FH: 00570841 Hymenochaete curtisii (Berkeley) Morgan USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1095 1931-7-30
FH: 00570915 Hymenochaete fuliginosa (Persoon) Léveillé: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-7-27
FH: 00570920 Hymenochaete fuliginosa (Persoon) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00570958 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-4
FH: 00570960 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00570961 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00570963 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-4-18
FH: 00570965 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-1
FH: 00570966 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1367 1941-4-1
FH: 00570967 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00570968 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: near State College W. L. White s.n. 1931-4-26
FH: 00570945 Hymenochaete spreta Peck USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-9-17
FH: 00570948 Hymenochaete spreta Peck USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-7-5
FH: 00570951 Hymenochaete spreta Peck USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-3
FH: 00585038 Hymenochaete tabacina (Sowerby) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-3-30
FH: 00585047 Hymenochaete tabacina (Sowerby) Léveillé: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-1
FH: 00585101 Hyphoderma clavigerum (Bresàdola) Donk USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-5-28
FH: 00585102 Hyphoderma clavigerum (Bresàdola) Donk USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-7-12
FH: 00585114 Hyphoderma heterocystidia (Burt) Donk USA: Maryland [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-10-10
FH: 00585115 Hyphoderma heterocystidia (Burt) Donk USA: West Virginia Morgantown: Happy's Hollow W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-2
FH: 00585128 Hyphoderma heterocystidia (Burt) Donk USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-23
FH: 00585131 Hyphoderma heterocystidia (Burt) Donk USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-7-14
FH: 00585135 Hyphoderma heterocystidia (Burt) Donk USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-7
FH: 00585156 Hyphoderma mutatum (Peck) Donk USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1172 1933-7-7
FH: 00585157 Hyphoderma mutatum (Peck) Donk USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1091 1932-12-7
FH: 00585207 Hyphoderma puberum (Fries) Wallroth USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-7-4
FH: 00585210 Hyphoderma puberum (Fries) Wallroth USA: New York Ithaca: near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1934-7-13
FH: 00585211 Hyphoderma puberum (Fries) Wallroth USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-3-27
FH: 00585213 Hyphoderma puberum (Fries) Wallroth USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-3
FH: 00585214 Hyphoderma puberum (Fries) Wallroth USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00585242 Hyphoderma setigerum (Fries) Donk: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00585409 Hypochnicium bombycinum (Sommerfelt) J. Eriksson: Fries USA: New York Adirondack Mountains: Seventh Lake W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-10
FH: 00590549 Laeticorticium roseum (Persoon) Donk: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-2
FH: 00590555 Laeticorticium roseum (Persoon) Donk: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: Ringwood Preserve W. L. White s.n. 1938-4-3
FH: 00590556 Laeticorticium roseum (Persoon) Donk: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: Near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-2
FH: 00590559 Laeticorticium roseum (Persoon) Donk: Fries USA: Pennsylvania Huntingdon: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1934-3-29
FH: 00590561 Laeticorticium roseum (Persoon) Donk: Fries USA: West Virginia [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-4-5
FH: 00599473 Merismodes fasciculata (Schweinitz) Donk USA: West Virginia Morgantown: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-4-5
FH: 00599626 Merulius tremellosus Schrader USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-1-24
FH: 00604852 Paullicorticium niveocremeum (F. X. R. von Hohnel & V. Litschauer) Oberwinkler ex Julich USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-3-29
FH: 00604934 Pellicularia asperula D. P. Rogers Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 603 1941-7-1
FH: 00604939 Pellicularia lembospora D. P. Rogers Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 578 1941-7-1
FH: 00605048 Peniophora aurantiaca (Bresàdola) F. X. R. von Hohnel & V. Litschauer USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-3-29
FH: 00605066 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-3-2
FH: 00605070 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: New York Ithaca: Near Ithaca W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-28
FH: 00605072 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00605073 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-3
FH: 00605076 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1359 1934-4-15
FH: 00605079 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00605082 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00605085 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1183 1933-8-2
FH: 00605088 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00605090 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1217 1933-4-30
FH: 00605106 Peniophora cinerea (Persoon) Cooke USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-28
FH: 00605157 Peniophora duplex Burt USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1136 1933-5-7
FH: 00605160 Peniophora duplex Burt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1173 1933-7-1
FH: 00605161 Peniophora duplex Burt USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1115 1933-4-30
FH: 00605162 Peniophora duplex Burt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-5-5
FH: 00605164 Peniophora duplex Burt USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-5-5
FH: 00605167 Peniophora duplex Burt USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-11-2
FH: 00605169 Peniophora duplex Burt USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1355 1934-4-15
FH: 00605242 Peniophora incarnata (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-3-2
FH: 00605245 Peniophora incarnata (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-4-5
FH: 00605247 Peniophora incarnata (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00605249 Peniophora incarnata (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1356 1934-4-15
FH: 00605251 Peniophora incarnata (Persoon) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1077 1932-11-26
FH: 00605274 Peniophora laevis (Persoon) Burt USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1934-2-10
FH: 00605285 Peniophora nuda (Fries) Bresàdola USA: New Jersey [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-8-31
FH: 00605287 Peniophora nuda (Fries) Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1215 1933-8-12
FH: 00605288 Peniophora nuda (Fries) Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1201 1933-4-30
FH: 00604987 Peniophora sp. Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1941-7-6
FH: 00605472 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1092 1932-7-16
FH: 00605473 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1220 1933-7-3
FH: 00605474 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1100 1932-8-21
FH: 00605475 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1223 1933-7-3
FH: 00605477 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1178 1933-7-22
FH: 00605479 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-7-14
FH: 00605480 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-16
FH: 00605483 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1240 1933-7-7
FH: 00605486 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-9-1
FH: 00605487 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00605489 Phanerochaete affinis (Burt) Parmasto USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00605496 Phanerochaete burtii (Romell ex Burt) Parmasto USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-19
FH: 00605497 Phanerochaete burtii (Romell ex Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1094 1931-7-30
FH: 00605499 Phanerochaete burtii (Romell ex Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1364 1934-4-1
FH: 00605500 Phanerochaete burtii (Romell ex Burt) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-16
FH: 00605518 Phanerochaete cremea (Bresàdola) Parmasto USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-22
FH: 00605539 Phanerochaete radicata (Hennings) Nakasone, C. R. Bergman & Burdsall USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1190 1933-7-22
FH: 00605546 Phanerochaete sanguinea (Fries) Pouzar USA: Pennsylvania State College: Near State College W. L. White s.n. 1931-5-9
FH: 00605547 Phanerochaete sanguinea (Fries) Pouzar USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00605569 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-7-13
FH: 00605570 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-8-2
FH: 00605575 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1192 1933-8-2
FH: 00605576 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1333 1934-2-10
FH: 00605577 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1347 1933-7-16
FH: 00605578 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1363 1934-4-1
FH: 00605579 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1179 1933-7-22
FH: 00605580 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1181 1933-7-22
FH: 00605581 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-7-26
FH: 00605582 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1068 1932-8-20
FH: 00605583 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania State College: [data not captured] W. L. White 1180 1933-7-22
FH: 00605584 Phanerochaete velutina (de Candolle) P. Karsten USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 1193 1933-8-2
FH: 00605563 Phanerochaete viticola (Schweinitz) Parmasto USA: West Virginia [data not captured] W. L. White 1167 1933-6-8
FH: 00605568 Phanerochaete viticola (Schweinitz) Parmasto USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-16
FH: 00608479 Piloderma bicolor (Peck) Julich USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-4-28
FH: 00608482 Piloderma bicolor (Peck) Julich USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00584718 Pseudomerulius aureus (Fries) Julich USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00588230 Resinicium furfuraceum (Bresàdola) Parmasto USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-26
FH: 00607074 Stereum chailletii (Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-3-30
FH: 00607091 Stereum cinerascens (Schweinitz) Massee USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-11-30
FH: 00607095 Stereum cinerascens (Schweinitz) Massee USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1931-9-4
FH: 00607129 Stereum fasciatum (Schweinitz) Fries: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-5-12
FH: 00607131 Stereum fasciatum (Schweinitz) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 716 1931-6-9
FH: 00607136 Stereum fasciatum (Schweinitz) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-11-30
FH: 00607222 Stereum frustulatum (Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00607225 Stereum frustulatum (Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 670 1931-4-18
FH: 00607226 Stereum frustulatum (Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White 733 1931-6-18
FH: 00607227 Stereum frustulatum (Persoon) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00607306 Stereum gausapatum (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-28
FH: 00607326 Stereum gausapatum (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00607518 Stereum purpureum Persoon USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1934-11-5
FH: 00607527 Stereum purpureum Persoon USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-13
FH: 00607529 Stereum purpureum Persoon USA: Massachusetts Greenfield: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-25
FH: 00607536 Stereum purpureum Persoon USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-10-13
FH: 00607542 Stereum purpureum Persoon USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-16
FH: 00607607 Stereum rameale (Schweinitz) Burt: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-12-26
FH: 00607670 Stereum roseocarneum (Schweinitz) Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-9-3
FH: 00607707 Stereum rufum (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-4-21
FH: 00607809 Stereum sericeum (Schweinitz) Saccardo USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-23
FH: 00607816 Stereum sericeum (Schweinitz) Saccardo USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00607817 Stereum sericeum (Schweinitz) Saccardo USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00607818 Stereum sericeum (Schweinitz) Saccardo USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
FH: 00607820 Stereum sericeum (Schweinitz) Saccardo USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-12-28
FH: 00607931 Stereum versiforme Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1937-5-2
FH: 00607933 Stereum versiforme Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-3
FH: 00607937 Stereum versiforme Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New Jersey [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-8-31
FH: 00607939 Stereum versiforme Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-11-23
FH: 00607941 Stereum versiforme Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-11
FH: 00607948 Stereum versiforme Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: West Virginia [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-6-9
FH: 00546511 Thelephora terrestris Ehrhart USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White 1098 1932-10-20
FH: 00546548 Tomentella botryoides (Schweinitz) Bourdot & Galzin USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00546551 Tomentella botryoides (Schweinitz) Bourdot & Galzin USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-22
FH: 00546574 Tomentella ferruginea (Persoon) Patouillard: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-7
FH: 00546600 Tomentella ferruginea (Persoon) Patouillard: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-8-2
FH: 00546602 Tomentella ferruginea (Persoon) Patouillard: Fries USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00546566 Tomentella galzinii Bourdot USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-16
FH: 00546660 Tomentella olivascens (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Bourdot & Galzin USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-8-21
FH: 00546642 Tomentella rubiginosa (Bresàdola) Maire USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-11-30
FH: 00546643 Tomentella rubiginosa (Bresàdola) Maire USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-7-7
FH: 00546644 Tomentella rubiginosa (Bresàdola) Maire USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-11-30
FH: 00546529 Tomentella sp. USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1935-11-4
FH: 00546656 Tomentella violaceofusca (Saccardo) M. J. Larsen USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-7-22
FH: 00527040 Tubulicrinis gracillimus (Ellis & Everhart ex D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson) G. H. Cunningham USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-26
FH: 00527041 Tubulicrinis gracillimus (Ellis & Everhart ex D. P. Rogers & H. S. Jackson) G. H. Cunningham USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-26
FH: 00527810 Xenasma tulasnelloideum (F. X. R. von Hohnel & V. Litschauer) Donk USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-27
FH: 00527811 Xenasma tulasnelloideum (F. X. R. von Hohnel & V. Litschauer) Donk USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
Tremellaceae FH: 00486285 Eichleriella leveilleana (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Burt Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 483 1941-6-27
FH: 00486336 Exidia glandulosa (Bulliard) Fries USA: Pennsylvania State College: N. E. of State College W. L. White s.n. 1933-5-7
FH: 00486358 Exidia recisa (Ditmar) Fries USA: Massachusetts Concord: Walden Pond W. L. White 1347 1938-4-19
FH: 00486417 Exidiopsis sp. Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 781 1941-7-6
FH: 00486520 Heterochaete andina N. T. Patouillard & N. G. Lagerheim Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 485 1941-6-27
FH: 00486521 Heterochaete andina N. T. Patouillard & N. G. Lagerheim Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 563 1941-6-30
FH: 00486525 Heterochaete sanctae-catharinae Moller Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 658 1941-7-4
FH: 00486526 Heterochaete sanctae-catharinae Moller Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 768a 1941-7-6
FH: 00486518 Heterochaete sp. Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 125 1941-6-8
FH: 00486567 Phlogiotis helvelloides (de Candolle) G. W. Martin USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1936-11-6
FH: 00486568 Phlogiotis helvelloides (de Candolle) G. W. Martin USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1936-7-9
FH: 00486569 Phlogiotis helvelloides (de Candolle) G. W. Martin USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1935-8
FH: 00486570 Phlogiotis helvelloides (de Candolle) G. W. Martin USA: New York Ithaca: Cascadilla Gorge W. L. White s.n. 1936-9-11
FH: 00488326 Sebacina petiolata D. P. Rogers Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 596 1941-7-1
FH: 00488327 Sebacina petiolata D. P. Rogers Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 427 1941-6
FH: 00488328 Sebacina petiolata D. P. Rogers Cuba: [data not captured] W. L. White 407 1941-6
FH: 00486694 Sebacina podlachica Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania State College: [no additional data] W. L. White s.n. 1933-8-27
FH: 00486695 Sebacina podlachica Bresàdola USA: Pennsylvania Olivet W. L. White s.n. 1932-7-3
Tulasnellaceae FH: 00527155 Tulasnella pruinosa Bourdot & Galzin USA: New York [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1936-4-26
FH: 00527192 Tulasnella violea (Quélet) Bourdot & Galzin USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1932-11-27
FH: 00527193 Tulasnella violea (Quélet) Bourdot & Galzin USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] W. L. White s.n. 1934-4-1
Xylariaceae FH: 00220997 Daldinia concentrica (Bolton: Fries) Cesati & De Notaris Philippines: Cavite Corregidor W. L. White 1946-3-18
FH: 00220997 Daldinia eschscholzii (Ehrenberg) Rehm Philippines: Cavite Corregidor W. L. White 1946-3-18