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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collector:[M. Bourgeau]
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GH: 01654545
Arisaema dracontium
(Linnaeus) Schott Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2522 1866-6-20
GH: 02539279
Monstera deliciosa
Liebmann Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 1904 1866-1-20
GH: 00442039
Conyza coronopifolia
Kunth Mexico: [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 161 1865
GH: 00442039
Conyza sp.
Lessing Mexico: [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 161 1865
GH: 00368401
Liabum asclepiadeum
Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2205 1865
GH: 00368401
Liabum bourgeaui
Hieronymus Mexico: [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2205 1865
GH: 00442333
Pluchea odorata
(Linnaeus) Cassini Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 1976 1865
GH: 00442211
Tagetes filifolia
Lagasca Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 371 1865
GH: 00442188
Tagetes lucida
Cavanilles Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 383 1865
GH: 00442211
Tagetes micrantha
Cavanilles Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 371 1865
GH: 00442188
Tagetes sp.
Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 383 1865
GH: 00435063
Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 163 1865
GH: 00435063
Xanthocephalum humile
Bentham & Hooker f. Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 163 1865
FH: 01137709
Bartramia setifolia
(Hooker & Arnott) Mitten Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 1348 1865-10
GH: 00974636
Barbarea orthoceras
Ledebour Canada: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 1859-6-22
GH: 00974637
Barbarea orthoceras
Ledebour Canada: Manitoba [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 1837
GH: 02014727
Pitcairnia heterophylla
(Lindley) Beer Mexico: Veracruz Region D'Orizaba M. Bourgeau 2524
GH: 01817742
Tillandsia heterophylla
E. Morren Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 2274 1866-4-12
GH: 01817816
Tillandsia juncea
Willdenow ex Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Valle de Córdoba M. Bourgeau 2310 1865
GH: 01817856
Tillandsia lepidosepala
L. B. Smith Mexico: [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 94 1865-7-4
GH: 01817855
Tillandsia lepidosepala
L. B. Smith Mexico: Valleé de Mexico M. Bourgeau 97 1865-7-4
GH: 01817905
Tillandsia multicaulis
Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Région d'Orizaba M. Bourgeau 2960 1866-8-28
GH: 01817952
Tillandsia polystachia
Linnaeus Mexico: Veracruz Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1908 1865
GH: 01818035
Tillandsia recurvata
(Linnaeus) Linnaeus Mexico: Valle de Mexico M. Bourgeau 96 1865-5-23
GH: 01818146
Tillandsia schiedeana
Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Région d'Orizaba M. Bourgeau 2103 1866-8
GH: 01818135
Tillandsia schiedeana
Steudel Mexico: Veracruz Valleé de Cordova M. Bourgeau 2103 1866-3-14
GH: 01818304
Tillandsia tricolor
Schlechtendal & Chamisso Mexico: Valle de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1768 1866-3
GH: 01818342
Tillandsia usneoides
Linnaeus Mexico: Valle de Mexico [?] Chaputepec M. Bourgeau 1865
FH: 01137719
Brachymenium sp.
Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 1866-8
FH: 01137840
Bryum argenteum corrugatum
(Hampe) Bescherelle Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 3293 1865
GH: 01875221
Ferocactus latispinus
(Haworth) Britton & Rose Mexico: Mont Zacoales près Guadalupe M. Bourgeau 1183 1865
GH: 01875279
Hylocereus undatus
(Haworth) Britton & Rose Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2488 1865
GH: 01875422
Mammillaria rhodantha
Link & Otto Mexico: Cerro de los Banos près Mexico M. Bourgeau 1865-5-14
GH: 01677101
Opuntia imbricata
(Haworth) de Candolle Mexico: Cerro près Guadalupe M. Bourgeau 264 1865
GH: 01677168
Opuntia tunicata
(Lehmann) Pfeiffer Mexico: México Cerro de los Baños près Mexico M. Bourgeau 304 1865
GH: 01677772
Rhipsalis cassutha
Gaertner Mexico: Parasite sur l'Inga vera Vallée de Cordora M. Bourgeau 1873 1865
GH: 00442241
Dichondra argentea
Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 134 1865
GH: 01987659
Echeveria pubescens
Schlechtendal Mexico: Vallei de Mexico M. Bourgeau 730 1865
GH: 01987791
Kalanchoe pinnata
(Lamarck) Persoon Mexico: Valle de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1688 1865
GH: 01990637
Sedum dendroideum
Moc. & Sessé ex de Candolle Mexico: Barranca pres [Mexicoac] Valle de Mexico M. Bourgeau 1421
GH: 01990752
Sedum ebracteatum
de Candolle Mexico: Vallei de Mexico M. Bourgeau 1181
GH: 01990842
Sedum oxypetalum
Kunth Mexico: Vallei de Mexico, Pedregel. M. Bourgeau
FH: 01139188
Leptohymenium longisetum
(Hooker) Hampe Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 3291 1865
FH: 00480584
Sticta gaudichaudii
Delise Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau
FH: 01139307
Meteorium illecebrum
Sullivant Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 2142 1865
GH: 00978437
Nymphaea gracilis
Zuccarini Mexico: Canal pres Tacubaya M. Bourgeau 1865
GH: 00978445
Nymphaea mexicana
Zuccarini Mexico: Canal Santa Anita M. Bourgeau 4 1865
GH: 01952193
Cypripedium irapeanum
La Llave & Lexarza Mexico: Region D 'Orezaba M. Bourgeau 2666
GH: 02091257
Dichromanthus cinnabarinus
(La Llave & Lexarza) Garay Mexico: Valle de Mexico Guadalupe M. Bourgeau 891 1865
GH: 02154305
Dinema polybulbon
Lindley Mexico: Region d'Orizaba M. Bourgeau 2470 1866-5-17
GH: 01943882
Mesadenus polyanthus
(H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Mexico: [Guadalupe prés Mexico] M. Bourgeau 242 1865-5-25
GH: 02154109
Nidema boothii
Lindley Mexico: Region d'Orizaba M. Bourgeau 1866-7-27
GH: 02154147
Oestlundia luteorosea
(Richard & Galeotti) W. E. Higgins Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 2334 1865
GH: 02092235
Stenorrhynchos aurantiacum
(Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 1866-8-28
FH: 00493671
Usnea florida
(Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau
GH: 01678989
Lepianthes umbellata
(Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Ramamoorthy Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2550 1866-6-20
GH: 01984040
Peperomia dendrophila
Schlechtendal & Chamisso Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 3107 1865
GH: 01984139
Peperomia glabella
(Swartz) A. Dietrich Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2548 1866-6-10
GH: 01984159
Peperomia glabella
(Swartz) A. Dietrich Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1492 1865-12-18
GH: 01984169
Peperomia glabella
(Swartz) A. Dietrich Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1866 1865
GH: 01984191
Peperomia gracillima
S. Watson Mexico: Veracruz Escamella M. Bourgeau 3230 1865
GH: 01979002
Piper aduncum
Linnaeus Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1865-12-26
GH: 01979231
Piper amalago
Linnaeus Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2649 1866-7-14
GH: 01979233
Piper amalago
Linnaeus Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1491 1865
GH: 01979234
Piper amalago
Linnaeus Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2316 1866-5-12
GH: 01979536
Piper auritum
Kunth Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2319 1866-5-12
GH: 01979894
Piper hispidum
Kunth Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2460 1866-5
GH: 01980245
Piper leucophyllum
(Miquel) C. de Candolle Mexico: Morelos prov. Umbicle M. Bourgeau 1287 1865
GH: 01980398
Piper melastomoides
Schlechtendal & Chamisso Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2966 1865
GH: 01980528
Piper papantlense
C. de Candolle Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1959 1866-1-26
GH: 01980547
Piper papantlense
C. de Candolle Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 2168 1865
GH: 01965190
Piper sp.
Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 2154 1866-5-5
GH: 01965245
Piper sp.
Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1493 1865-12
GH: 01965129
Piper yzabalanum
C. de Candolle Mexico: Vallée de Cordova M. Bourgeau 1988 1866-3-10
GH: 00303736
Hoitzia coccinea
Cavanilles Mexico: Guerrero [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 1112 1865
GH: 00442283
Loeselia caerulea
(Cavanilles) G. Don Mexico: [data not captured] M. Bourgeau 491 1865
GH: 00861805
Datura stramonium
Linnaeus Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2697
GH: 00815171
Nicotiana glauca
Graham Mexico: Valeé de Mexico sur les tois du [illegible] M. Bourgeau 109 1865
GH: 02269630
Bouchea prismatica
(Linnaeus) Kuntze Mexico: Mont Zacoalco M. Bourgeau 545 1865
GH: 00814259
Vitis tiliifolia
Humboldt & Bonpland ex Schultes Mexico: Veracruz 14 juilles M. Bourgeau 2715 1865
GH: 00814306
Vitis tiliifolia
Humboldt & Bonpland ex Schultes Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] M. Bourgeau 2221 1866-4-9
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