Adiantaceae A: 02529650 Doryopteris concolor (Langsdorf & Fischer) Kuhn Papua New Guinea: Central Rouna Road near Sogeri J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7125 1955-1-23
Araceae A: 01634535 Alocasia brancifolia (Schott) A. Hay Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kikori River above Kikori Govt. Station, Gul... J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5088 1955-1-16
A: 01634540 Alocasia hollrungii Engler Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor, 60 miles S. E. from Madang J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6895 1954-12-14
A: 01634546 Alocasia lancifolia Engler Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5073 1955-1-14
A: 01655738 Cryptocoryne ciliata (Roxburgh) Fischer ex Wydler Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kikori River above Kikori Govt. Station J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5089 1955-1-16
A: 01630330 Rhaphidophora spuria (Schott) Nicolson Papua New Guinea: Western Madiri Plantation, Fly River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5047 1955-1-12
Asclepiadaceae A: 02478632 Heterostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Eilogo near Sogeri J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 7118 1955-1-23
A: 02478199 Heterostemma sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Gogol Valley near Amili J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6945 1954-12-16
A: 02478787 Sarcolobus globosus Wallich Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Village near mouth of Omati River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 5061 1955-1-13
A: 02478621 [None] Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Village near mouth of Omati River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5062 1955-1-13
A: 02478584 [None] Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7107 1955-1-16
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Village near mouth of Omati River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5062 1955-1-13
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7107 1955-1-16
Athyriaceae A: 02569125 Diplazium sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5078 1955-1-14
Avicenniaceae A: 02521797 Avicennia marina (Forsskål) Vierhapper Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Villae, near mouth of Omati River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5054 1955-1-13
Begoniaceae A: 02228464 Begonia sharpeana F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5069 1955-1-15
A: 02228466 Begonia sharpeana F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Gulf Middletown, Kikori River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5083 1955-1-16
A: 02228605 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5082 1955-1-14
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02229453 Caesalpinia crista Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5081 1955-1-14
A: 02229775 Crudia katikii Verdcourt Papua New Guinea: Western Dawson's Sawmill, Oriomo River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5041 1955-1-10
A: 02231769 Maniltoa steenisii Meeuwen Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5068 1955-1-15
Cycadaceae A: 02247678 Cycas campestris K. D. Hill Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 5091 1955-1-18
A: 02247678 Cycas sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 5091 1955-1-18
Cyperaceae A: 02429526 Eleocharis sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Maprik: Hayfield. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6885 1954-12-10
A: 02429523 Eleocharis sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Maprik: Hayfield. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6886 1954-12-10
Ericaceae A: 00016108 Vaccinium horizontale Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Morobe Edie Creek above Wau J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6952 1954-12-29
Euphorbiaceae A: 02417427 Mallotus claoxyloides (F. Mueller) Müller Argoviensis Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kikori River, near Kikori Govt. Station J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5090 1955-1-16
A: 02417646 Mallotus sp. Papua New Guinea: Yule Island J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5095 1955-1-16
Fabaceae A: 02236093 Derris trifoliata Loureiro Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Village, near mouth of Omati River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5050 1955-1-13
A: 02261750 Millettia velvetina Adema Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7106 1955-1-16
A: 02261843 Ormocarpum sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Village, near mouth of Omati river J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5055 1955-1-13
A: 02259719 [None] Papua New Guinea: Central Brown River Timber Reserve, near Port Moresb... J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7128 1955-1-24
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Central Brown River Timber Reserve, near Port Moresb... J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7128 1955-1-24
Gesneriaceae A: 02312266 Boea lawesii H. O. Forbes Papua New Guinea: Central Rouna Road, 20 miles from Port Moresby J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7116 1955-1-27
Hymenophyllaceae A: 02580883 Cephalomanes atrovirens C. Presl Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5075 1955-1-14
Icacinaceae A: 02588329 Medusanthera laxiflora (Miers) R. A. Howard Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Brown River Timber Reserve, ne... J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7133 1955-1-24
Lauraceae A: 02503084 Lindera sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Dagua near Wewak J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6862 1954-12-7
A: 02499706 Litsea habbemensis C. K. Allen Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island, Papua J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5097 1955-1-16
Marantaceae A: 02245456 Phrynium macrocephalum K. Schumann Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kikori River above Kikori Govt. Station. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 5087 1955-1-16
Musaceae A: 02244972 Heliconia papuana W.J.Kress Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kikori River above Kikor Govt. Station. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 5086 1955-1-16
Nephrolepidaceae A: 02506713 Nephrolepis sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Eilogo near Sogeri J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7123 1955-1-23
Orchidaceae A: 02157638 Dendrobium discolor Lindley Papua New Guinea: Rouna Road, 20 miles from Port Moresby. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7113 1955-1-27
Pandanaceae A: 00020077 Pandanus yuleensis H. St. John Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5099 1955-1-16
Phyllanthaceae A: 02508422 Phyllanthus sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Gogol Valley near Amili J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6944 1954-12-16
Piperaceae A: 01882463 Piper macropiper Pennant Papua New Guinea: Brown River Timber Reserve, near Port Moresb... J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7134 1955-1-24
Poaceae A: 02243855 Bambusa forbesii (Ridl.) Holttum Papua New Guinea: Morobe Yalu near Lae. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 6953 1954-12-29
A: 02471639 Isachne sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Maprik: Hayfield. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 6883 1954-12-10
A: 02469881 Ischaemum aristatum Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Maprik: Hayfield, Kungingini Road. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 6872 1954-12-10
A: 02244171 Nastus obtusus Holttum Papua New Guinea: Central Eilogo near Sogeri. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 7120 1955-1-23
A: 02244227 Nastus sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Eilogo near Sogeri. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 7122 1955-1-23
A: 02470345 Saccharum sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor 60 miles S.E. from Madang. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 6898 1954-12-14
A: 02470342 Saccharum sp. Papua New Guinea: Madang Saidor, 60 miles S.E. from Madang. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 6897 1954-12-14
A: 02470339 Saccharum sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 7110 1955-1-16
A: 02244382 Schizostachyum lima (Blanco) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Central Rouna Road, near Sogeri. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 7124 1955-1-23
A: 02244381 Schizostachyum lima (Blanco) Merrill Papua New Guinea: Gulf Middletown, Kikori River. J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds NGF 5085 1955-1-16
Polypodiaceae A: 02219096 Microsorum sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Village, near mouth of O[?]ati River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5058 1955-1-13
Pteridaceae A: 02528289 Pteris vittata Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Gulf Omati J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5066 1955-1-15
Rubiaceae A: 02603281 Hedyotis sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Maprik: Hayfield, Kungingini Road J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6867 1954-12-10
Verbenaceae A: 02324726 Lantana camara Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Central Ylu [Yule] Island, Papua J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5093 1955-1-18
A: 02518996 Stachytarpheta sp. Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Dagua near Wewak J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 6860 1954-12-7
A: 02525391 Volkameria inermis Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Gulf Paia Village, near mouth of Omati River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5049 1955-1-13
Vitaceae A: 02327384 [None] Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7104 1955-1-16
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Central Yule Island J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 7104 1955-1-16
Zingiberaceae A: 02421652 Curcuma sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Madiri Plantation, Fly River J. S. Womersley & N. W. Simmonds 5044 1955