Title | Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Abbreviation | Bot. J. Linn. Soc. |
Publication Dates | Vol. 62+, 1969+ |
URL | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ejournals:sfx954922646053 |
BPH | BPH/s pg. 164 |
Preceded By | J. Linn. Soc., Bot. |
Remarks | URI links to resource for Vol. 111 (1993) forward. For information on publication dates see: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121583649/tocgroup |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 36 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Calymperes laticuspis Dixon [Isotype] 1935, 50: 84Pernettyopsis megabracteata Argent [Isotype] 1982, 85: 10
Rhododendron yongii Argent [Isotype] 1982, 85: 12
Swartzia canescens Torke [Isotype] 2007, 153(3): 344
Lithocarpus palungensis C. H. Cannon & Manos [Isotype] 2000, 133(3): 346
Agalmyla erecta B. L. Burtt [Isotype] 1982, 85(1): 17
Grammitis leonardii Parris [Isotype] 1975, 70: 38
Grammitis queenslandica Parris [Isotype] 1975, 70: 39
Grammitis stenophylla Parris [Isotype] 1975, 70: 35
Mitrephora clemensiorum Weeras. & R. M. K. Saunders [Isotype] 2001, 135: 306
Goniothalamus tomentosus R. M. K. Saunders [Isotype] 2003, 142(3): 332
Brachycorythis neglecta H. A. Pedersen [Isotype] Jan 2010, 162(1): 71
Brachycorythis neglecta H. A. Pedersen [Isotype] Jan 2010, 162(1): 71
Ulota barclayi Mitten [Isotype] 1864, 8: 26
Ulota barclayi Mitten [Isotype] 1864, 8: 26
Pandanus microglottis B. C. Stone [Isotype] 1982, 85: 34
Andropogon smithianus Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1864, 7: 232
Andropogon smithianus Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1864, 7: 232
Phyllostachys Faberi Rendle [Type] , 36: 438
Xanthophyllum ferrugineum Meijden [Isotype] 1973, 67: 118
Xanthophyllum tardicrescens Meijden [Isotype] 1973, 67: 120
Xanthophyllum papuanum Whitmore ex Meijden [Isotype] 1973, 67: 119
Xanthophyllum brevipes Meijden [Isotype] 1973, 67: 117
Xanthophyllum parvifolium Meijden [Isotype] 1973, 67: 119
Xanthophyllum tenuipetalum Meijden [Isotype] 1973, 67: 120
Xanthophyllum discolor subsp. macranthum Meijden [Isotype] 1973, 67: 120
Esenbeckia decidua Pirani [Isotype] 1999, 129: 306
Callicarpa argentii Bramley [Isotype] 12 Mar 2009, 159(3): 424 (fig. 3, map)
Callicarpa subaequalis Bramley [Isotype] 12 Mar 2009, 159(3): 449 (-451; fig. 11, map)
Callicarpa coriacea Bramley [Isotype] 12 Mar 2009, 159(3): 430 (fig. 5, map)
Callicarpa teneriflora Bramley [Isotype] 12 Mar 2009, 159(3): 452 (fig. 12, map)
Chaetomitrium frondosum Mitten [Type] 1868, 10: 189
Tricyrtis formosana Baker [Isotype] 1879, 17: 465
Potentilla ×polyjosephiana H. Ikeda & H. Ohba [Isotype] 1993, 112(2): 183
Cyathocalyx angustipetalus R. J. Wang & R. M. K. Saunders [Holotype] 2006, 152(4): 516
Spiranthes maokensis M. C. Pace [Holotype ((epublished))] 2018, 189(1): 56
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 13 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Lindenbergia griffithii Hooker f. [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1995, 119: 294Lindenbergia melvillei S. Moore [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1995, 119: 290
Solanum dejectum Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2004, 145(4): 404
Habenaria schischmareffiana Chamisso [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1977, 75: 262
Bolandra californica A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1985, 90: 58
Kadsura sulphurea Elmer [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1996,
Lindenbergia hookeri C. B. Clarke ex Hooker f. [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1995, 119: 295
Solanum adoense Hochstetter ex A. Braun [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 125: 281
Solanum campylacanthum Hochstetter ex Dunal [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1997, 125: 283
Melalema humifusa Hooker f. [Isolectotype] 1986, 93: 68
Stenosiphonium parviflorum T. Anderson [Isolectotype] 2000, 133: 119
Stenosiphonium setosum T. Anderson [Isolectotype] 2000, 133: 119
Xylopia scortechinii var. longepetiolata E. G. Baker [Isolectotype] 2006, 152: 521