Title | Caldasia. Boletin del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogota |
Abbreviation | Caldasia |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1940+ |
BPH | 293.03 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 172 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Begonia extensa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4: 103Begonia extensa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4: 103
Begonia killipiana L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 18
Begonia dugandiana L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4: 179
Begonia diffusa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4: 32
Begonia magdalenae L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4: 90
Begonia gamolepis L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4(16): 23
Begonia gamolepis L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4(16): 23
Begonia cryptocarpa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 90
Begonia cuatrecasana L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 104
Begonia cornuta L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 25
Begonia toledana L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Holotype] 1946, 4(16): 26
Begonia toledana var. erubescens L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 28
Begonia holtonis var. macrophylla L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 187
Begonia lutea L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1946, 4: 11
Begonia chlorolepis L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 16
Begonia colombiana L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 29
Begonia urticae var. retusa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 37
Begonia foliosa var. rotundata L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 192
Begonia ferruginea var. dilitata L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 22
Begoniella libera L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1946, 4: 206
Berberis minzaensis L. A. Camargo [Isotype] 1966, 9: 337
Cordia macuirensis Dugand & I. M. Johnston [Type] 1955, 7: 107
Guzmania cryptantha L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1942, 1(5): 6
Guzmania minor var. flammea L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1948, 5(21): 4
Pitcairnia tolimensis L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 4: 17
Pitcairnia semaphora L. B. Smith [Type] 1945, 3: 242
Pitcairnia cuatrecasana L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 1(4): 16
Pitcairnia cuatrecasana L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 1(4): 16
Pitcairnia cuatrecasana L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 1(4): 16
Pitcairnia barrigae L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 5
Pitcairnia squarrosa L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 11
Pitcairnia squarrosa L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 11
Pitcairnia diffusa L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 8
Pitcairnia diffusa L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 8
Pitcairnia diffusa L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 8
Pitcairnia bella L. B. Smith [Type] 1945, 3: 240
Pitcairnia tuberculata L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1942, 4: 17
Pitcairnia tuberculata L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1942, 4: 17
Pitcairnia turbinella L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 4: 17
Pitcairnia costata L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1948, 5: 7
Pitcairnia lepidopetalon L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 10
Pitcairnia exserta L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 10
Pitcairnia heliophila L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 5: 8
Greigia danielii L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1948, 5: 1
Greigia exserta L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1945, 3: 238
Billbergia rupestris L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 1(5): 6
Aechmea anomala L. B. Smith [Type] 1945, 3: 237
Aechmea nivea L. B. Smith [Type] 1942, 1(4): 13
Puya lepidota Cuatrecasas [Type] 1942, 5: 17
Puya lepidota Cuatrecasas [Type] 1942, 5: 17
Navia schultesiana L. B. Smith [Type] 1944, 3: 131
Tillandsia hospitalis L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 13
Vriesea hodgei L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 14
Vriesea hodgei L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 14
Vriesea hodgei L. B. Smith [Type] 1948, 5: 14
Herrania breviligulata R. E. Schultes [Type] 1942, 4: 20
Herrania breviligulata R. E. Schultes [Type] 1942, 4: 20
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Isotype] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Holotype] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Isotype] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Isotype] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania nycterodendron R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 2(6): 21
Herrania dugandii García-Barriga [Isotype] 1941, 2: 59
Herrania cuatrecasana García-Barriga [Isotype] 1941, 2: 57
Herrania kanakuensis R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 6: 11
Herrania nitida var. sphenophylla R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 6: 20
Steriphoma colombianum Dugand [Type] 1944, 3: 149
Hedyosmum crassifolium Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1945, 15: 435
Hedyosmum granizo Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1945, 3: 432
Croton cucutensis Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 2: 127
Croton huitotorum Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 3: 9
Croton huitotorum Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 3: 9
Croton boavitanus Croizat [Type] 1944, 3: 12
Croton chocoanus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 3: 11
Croton pseudofragrans Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 2: 126
Croton badiocalyx Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 2: 127
Croton sibundoyensis Croizat [Type] 1944, 3: 11
Plukenetia chaponensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 2: 431
Senefeldera chiribiquetensis R. E. Schultes & Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 3: 122
Senefeldera chiribiquetensis R. E. Schultes & Croizat [Type] 1944, 3: 122
Phyllanthus haughtii Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 3: 22
Phyllanthus lacerilobus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 3: 21
Phyllanoa colombiana Croizat [Isotype] 1943, 2: 124
Alchornea umboensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 2: 357
Alchornea cerifera Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 2: 128
Mabea chocoensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 2: 361
Sapium putumayense Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 2: 131
Euphorbia dugandiana Croizat [Isotype] 1943, 2: 129
Centrosema tetragonolobum Schultze-Kraft & R. J. Williams [Isotype] 1990, 16(77): 133
Centrosema macrocarpum var. andinum Schultze-Kraft & J. Belalcazar [Isotype] 1995, 18: 45-48
Halenia garcia-barrigae C. K. Allen [Holotype] 1944, 2: 364
Saurauia narcissifragrans R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 2: 39
Saurauia narcissifragrans R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 2: 39
Saurauia spinuligera R. E. Schultes [Holotype] 1943, 2: 44
Saurauia chiliantha R. E. Schultes [Isotype] 1943, 2: 32
Saurauia portachuelensis R. E. Schultes [Type] 1943, 3: 40
Saurauia omichlophila R. E. Schultes [Holotype] 1944, 2: 319
Saurauia omichlophila R. E. Schultes [Isotype] 1944, 2: 319
Cynanchum guatemalense Dugand [Isotype] 1966, 9(45): 412
Cynanchum guatemalense Dugand [Isotype] 1966, 9(45): 412
Metastelma eliasianum Dugand [Isotype] 1966, 9: 445
Baccharis arbutifolia var. jamesonii Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1967, 10: 17
Baccharis incarum f. prostrata Cuatrecasas [Isolectotype] 1967, 10: 8
Diplostephium subincisum Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1945, 3: 421
Diplostephium cinerascens var. centrale Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1945, 3: 423
Huilaea macrocarpa L. Uribe [Isotype] 1966, 9: 298
Meriania peltata L. Uribe [Isotype] 1962, 8: 532
Mimosa coroncoro Killip & Dugand [Isotype] 1944, 3: 33
Inga psittacorum L. Uribe [Isotype] 1945, 3: 354
Pourouma garciana Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1956, 7: 298
Coussapoa cinnamomea Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1956, 7: 288
Coussapoa macarenensis var. antioquiensis Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1956, 7: 293
Ficus santanderana Dugand [Isotype] 1942, 4: 65
Ficus santanderana Dugand [Isotype] 1942, 4: 65
Ficus guayaquilensis Dugand [Isotype] 1943, 6: 79
Ficus schultesii Dugand [Isotype] 1943, 6: 78
Ficus schultesii Dugand [Isotype] 1943, 6: 78
Ficus vallis-caucae Dugand [Holotype] 1943, 2: 79
Ficus florenciana Dugand [Isotype] 1942, 4: 44
Ficus vicencionis Dugand [Isotype] 1944, 2: 385
Ficus chaponensis Dugand [Type] 1942, 5: 38
Ficus ynesina Dugand [Holotype] 1943, 2: 80
Fuchsia colombiana Munz [Isotype] 1946, 4: 109
Pterostemma calceolaris Garay [Holotype] 1968, 10: 238
Pterostemma calceolaris Garay [TypeMaterial] 1968, 10: 238
Lepanthopsis serrulata (Cogniaux) Hespenheide & Garay [Type] 1968, 10: 233
Bletia carabiaiana L. O. Williams [Syntype] 1942, 1(5): 14
Pachyphyllum schultesii L. O. Williams [Holotype] 1941, 1: 15
Pachyphyllum schultesii L. O. Williams [TypeMaterial] 1941, 1: 15
Sphyrastylis ecuadorensis Garay [DrawingOfType] 1968, 10: 237
Sphyrastylis ecuadorensis Garay [TypeMaterial] 1968, 10: 237
Sigmatostalix auriculata Garay [Holotype] 1968, 10: 236
Sigmatostalix auriculata Garay [TypeMaterial] 1968, 10: 236
Sigmatostalix brownii Garay [Holotype] 1968, 10: 236
Sigmatostalix brownii Garay [TypeMaterial] 1968, 10: 236
Pleurothallis excelsa Garay [DrawingOfType] 1968, 10: 232
Pleurothallis excelsa Garay [Holotype] 1968, 10: 232
Cranichis crumenifera Garay [Isotype] 1962, 8(40): 518
Abolboda schultesii Idrobo & L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1954, 6: 246
Xyris exserta Idrobo & L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1954, 6: 229
Xyris exserta Idrobo & L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1954, 6: 229
Xyris applanata Idrobo & L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1954, 6: 238
Xyris applanata Idrobo & L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1954, 6: 238
Xyris terrestris Idrobo & L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1954, 6: 208
Xyris terrestris Idrobo & L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1954, 6: 208
Bulnesia carrapo Killip & Dugand [Isotype] 1946, 3: 35
Piper criniovarium Yuncker [Isotype] 1953, 6(27): 33, fig. 8
Panicum albicomum Swallen & Garcia-Barriga [Isotype] 1943, 2: 303
Polygonum punctatum f. stipitatum Fassett [Isotype] 1946, 4: 223
Meliosma loretoyacuensis Cuatrecasas & Idrobo [Isotype] 1956, 7: 195
Paullinia emetica R. E. Schultes [Isotype] 1944, 2(10): 419
Paullinia splendida R. E. Schultes [Type] 1944, 2: 421
Paullinia vaupesana var. macayana R. E. Schultes [Type] 1944, 2: 422
Rinorea haughtii L. B. Smith & A. Fernández [Isotype] 1954, 6: 92
Elodea titicacana H. St. John [Isotype] 1964, 9: 111
Elodea titicacana H. St. John [Isotype] 1964, 9: 111
Elodea peruviensis H. St. John [Holotype] 1964, 9(42): 103
Pinguicula huilensis Cuatrecasas [Type] 1945, 3: 432
Calathea colombiana L. B. Smith & Idrobo [Type] 1948, 5: 44
Calathea killipii L. B. Smith & Idrobo [Type] 1948, 5: 48
Gurania brevisepala Cuatrecasas [Type] 1942, 1: 22
Croton purdiei var. santurbanensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 3:14
Ficus glabrata var. obtusula Dugand [Isotype] 1944, 3: 136
Pourouma schultesii Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1956, 7(34): 303
Streptocalyx colombianus L. B. Smith [Isotype] 1942, 1(5): 9, f. 5.
Streptocalyx colombianus L. B. Smith [Holotype] 1942, 1(5): 9, f. 5.
Meriania hernandii L. Uribe [Isolectotype] 1969, 10: 292, fig. 2A