Title | Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal |
Abbreviation | J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-33, 1832-1864 |
Place of publication | Calcutta |
Publisher | Baptist Mission Press |
URL | http://fig.lib.harvard.edu/fig/?bib=001361010 |
BPH | 458.15 |
HOLLIS | 001361010 |
Succeded By | J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. |
Remarks | Vols. 8-73 also called new ser. Vols. 7-14, 16-18 issued in 2 parts: pt. 1, Jan.-June; pt. 2, July-Dec. Vols. 34-73 issued in parts (v. 34-61, 64, 66 in 2 pts., v. 62-63, 65, 67-73 in 3 pts.): pt. 1, History, antiquities, etc. (varies slightly); pt. 2, Natural history, etc. (varies slightly); pt. 3, Anthropology, etc. (varies slightly). Additional chapters of "Materials for a flora of the Malayan peninsula" by J. Sykes Gamble published as v.74-75 from 1905-1936. Some issues accompanied by supplements or extra numbers: vol. 11, 37, 49-50, 53, 57-59, 61, 66, 68, 70-71, 73. Publisher: Bishop’s College Press, 1839-1846. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 36 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Parinari spicatum King [Isotype] , 66: 279Ellipanthus scortechinii King [Type] 1897, 66: 8
Aporosa villosula Kurz [Isotype] 1873, 42(2): 239
Spatholobus maingayi Prain ex King [Isosyntype] 1897, 66(2): 79
Dalbergia henryana Prain [Isotype] 1901 [14 Aug 1901] , 70: 46
Dalbergia dyeriana Prain ex Harms [Syntype] 1901, 70 (2): 44
Dalbergia dyeriana Prain ex Harms [Syntype] 1901, 70 (2): 44
Dalbergia dyeriana Prain ex Harms [Syntype] 1901, 70 (2): 44
Dalbergia dyeriana Prain ex Harms [Syntype] 1901, 70 (2): 44
Ormosia yunnanensis Prain [Isotype] , 49: 183
Anisophyllea apetala Scortechini ex King [Isosyntype] 1897, 66: 323
Trachelospermum curtisii King & Gamble [Type] 1907, 74(2): 498
Aglaia forbesii King [Syntype] 1895, 64: 68
Aglaia forbesii King [Syntype] 1895, 64: 68
Aglaia lanuginosa King [Syntype] 1895, 64: 71
Aglaia macrostigma King [Syntype] 1895, 64: 78
Aphyllorchis parviflora King & Pantling [Isotype] 1896, 65: 128
Tainia hookeriana King & Pantling [Type] , 14: 336
Corysanthes himalaica King & Pantling [Isotype] 1896, 65: 128
Corysanthes himalaica King & Pantling [Isotype] 1896, 65: 128
Sarcanthus bambusarum King & Pantling [Isotype] 1896, 65 (2): 123
Sarcanthus bambusarum King & Pantling [TypeMaterial] 1896, 65 (2): 123
Sarcochilus bimaculatus King & Pantling [Isotype] 1895, 64: 340
Bulbophyllum gracilipes King & Pantling [Isotype] 1896, 65: 119
Corydalis thyrsiflora Prain [Isosyntype] , 45: 35
Corydalis darwasica A. Regel ex Prain [Isotype] 1896, 65: 20
Fagraea vaginata King & Gamble [Isolectotype] 1908, 74(2): 610
Fagraea vaginata King & Gamble [Isolectotype] 1908, 74(2): 610
Aulacodiscus maingayi King & Gamble [Isotype] 1903, 72: 189
Symplocos perakensis King & Gamble [Lectotype] 1906, 74(2): 241
Symplocos perakensis King & Gamble [Syntype] 1906, 74(2): 241
Pyrenaria wrayi King [Syntype] 1890, 59: 201
Schoutenia kunstleri King [Isosyntype] 1891, 60: 107
Gomphostemma microcalyx Prain [Isosyntype] 1890, 59(2): 316
Microstylis saprophyta King & Pantling [Isotype] 1895, 65: 118
Microstylis saprophyta King & Pantling [Isolectotype] 1895, 65: 118