Title | Tentamen Florae Napalensis Illustratae Consisting of Botanical Descriptions and Lithographic Figures of Select Nipal Plants. Calcutta and Serampore |
Abbreviation | Tent. Fl. Napal. |
Authors | N. Wallich |
Publication Dates | Fasc. 1, p. [I]-36, pl. 1-25, Jul-Dec 1824; fasc. 2, p. 37-64, pl. 26-50, Sep-Dec 1826 |
TL2 | 16.580 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 7 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Corydalis meifolia Wallich [Isotype] , 55Corydalis diphylla Wallich [Isotype] 1826, 54
Kadsura grandiflora Wallich [Type] 1824, 10
Hydrangea vestita Wallich [Isotype] 1826, 2: t. 49
Hydrangea vestita Wallich [Isotype] 1826, 2: t. 49
Holboellia latifolia Wallich [Isotype] 1824, 24
Magnolia insignis Wallich [Type] 1824, 5