Title | Acta Botanica Hungarica. Budapest |
Abbreviation | Acta Bot. Hung. |
Publication Dates | Vol. 29+. 1983+ |
BPH | BPH/s, p. 21 |
Remarks | Preceded by: Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 19 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Elytraria spathulifolia Borhidi [Type] 1977, 23: 315Oplonia spinosa subsp. insularis Borhidi [Type] 1977, 23: 313
Scolosanthus howardii Borhidi [Isotype] 1983, 29: 199
Scolosanthus portoricensis Borhidi [Holotype] 1983, 29: 202
Scolosanthus crucifer var. subtomentosus Borhidi [Isotype] 1983, 29: 198
Scolosanthus crucifer var. acutus Borhidi [Isotype] 1983, 29: 198
Scolosanthus crucifer var. microphyllus Borhidi [Isotype] 1983, 29: 198
Scolosanthus multiflorus subsp. hirticalyx Borhidi [Holotype] 1983, 29: 201
Exostema pulveratum Borhidi [Isotype] 1992, 37: 79
Exostema pervestitum Borhidi & M. Fernandez Zequeira [Isotype] 1989, 35: 307
Exostema cordatum Borhidi & M. Fernandez Zequeira [Isotype] 1989, 35: 304
Exostema cordatum Borhidi & M. Fernandez Zequeira [Isotype] 1989, 35: 304
Isidorea gonavensis Aiello & Borhidi [Isotype] 1986, 32: 221
Rondeletia lucida M. Fernández & Borhidi [Isotype] 1985, 31: 158
Machaonia leonardorum Borhidi [Holotype] 1983, 29: 194
Ariadne shaferi subsp. moaensis M. Fernandez Zequeira & Borhidi [Isotype] 1984, 30(3-4): 348
Antirhea ekmanii Borhidi [Isotype] 1983, 29: 193
Rondeletia filisepala Borhidi [Isotype] 1983, 29(1-4): 190
Isidorea veris Ekman ex Aiello & Borhidi [Isotype] 1986, 32: 222