Title | Flora of the Rocky Mountains . . . New York. |
Abbreviation | Fl. Rocky Mts. |
Authors | P. A. Rydberg |
Publication Dates | 31 Dec 1917 |
TL2 | 9.865 |
Remarks | Published by the author. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 18 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Amsinckia rugosa Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 729, 1066Atriplex subconferta Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 248
Carex incurviformis Mackenzie [Isotype] 1917, 120
Carex nelsonii Mackenzie [Isotype] 1917, 137
Astragalus urceolatus Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 502
Arnica jonesii Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 979
Arnica puberula Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 979
Grindelia laciniata Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 848, 1066
Pachylophus crinitus Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 598: 1064
Eriogonum chrysops Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 220
Eriogonum medium Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 220
Claytonia multiscapa Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 263, 1061
Rosa collaris Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 441, 1062
Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydberg [Isotype] 1917, 773
Thalictrum stipitatum Rydberg [Isosyntype] 1917, 290
Thalictrum stipitatum Rydberg [Isosyntype] 1917, 290
Thalictrum stipitatum Rydberg [Isosyntype] 1917, 290
Cirsium engelmannii Rydberg [Lectotype (non C. filipendulum Lange (1861))] 1917, 1013, 1069