Title | Rosacearum Monographia |
Abbreviation | Rosac. Monogr. |
Variant title: | Synodus Botanica omnes familias, genera et species plantarum illustrans |
Authors | L. Trattinnick |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-4, 1823-Feb 1824 |
Place of publication | Vindobonae |
URL | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.FIG:006906382 |
HOLLIS | 006906382 |
TL2 | 14.887 |
Remarks | vol. 1: xxii, 86, ff. 136. 1823; v. 2: xxvi, ff. 234. 1823; v. 3: xvi, ff. 171+. 1823; v. 4: xxiii, ff. 163+. Feb 1824. Printed on one side of the leaf only. Trattinnick (4: preface xix) mentioned subspecies as the infraspecific rank. |